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Chapter 2 Coke Jet

Chapter 2 Coke Jet

Seeing the magical fruit in Li Xiao's hand, Luffy opened his mouth and bit it.

No one in this world can bear two Devil Fruits, not even Blackbeard.

Blackbeard only relied on the specificity of his body to superimpose the ability to shake the fruit. Not everyone has a body structure like Blackbeard.

Li Xiao had quick eyes and quick hands and avoided Luffy, but without thinking, he stuffed the cola fruit into Kirby's mouth.

Before Kirby could chew it, the devil fruit slipped down his esophagus and into his stomach.

Li Xiao looked at Kebi in shock. This fruit was originally intended to be left to Franky, but Kebi accidentally ate it. It should be said that Li Xiao made a mistake.

This can't be blamed on Li Xiao, the main reason is that Luffy rushed over directly, and Li Xiao ducked and stuffed the Devil Fruit into Kirby's mouth.

"Ahem~~Ah~ I ate something, it tastes so bad!"

Kirby covered his throat and kept coughing.

"It's a fruit, a delicious fruit." Luffy said idiotically from the side.

"I don't think so!"

The Devil Fruit melts immediately after entering the stomach, and the devil's energy is instantly infiltrated into every cell cytoplasm. Kebi appears to be in great pain.

Seeing this scene, Luffy's mouth widened and he recalled the scene when he ate the Devil Fruit, exactly the same as Kebi now.

"Don't tell me!" Luffy pointed at Kebi and looked at Li Xiao.

"Yes, it's a Devil Fruit." Li Xiao nodded undeniably, and Luffy finally had an idea.

When Kirby heard that he had eaten a devil fruit, he felt both painful and excited.

Devil Fruit is so rare that as long as you eat the fruit, you can basically become an elite talent in this world, which is equivalent to entering Qingbei High School.

Whether you can become a top talent in the future depends on your own efforts and the development of devil fruits.

This is a good thing for Kebi, who has always been unknown and bullied.

After a while, the energy of the Devil Fruit spread throughout Kebi's body, and Kebi no longer felt uncomfortable.

Kirby let out a long burp.

Immediately afterwards, bubbles began to bubble in Kebi's mouth, which scared Kebi and immediately covered his mouth.

The Coca-Cola Devil Fruit worked, and the bubbles in Kirby's mouth were caused by Coca-Cola.

"No, I want to vomit."

Kebi couldn't bear it anymore and ran over and opened the door.

A thick column of Coke gushes out of his mouth.

By chance, the pirate Arrita was standing at the door and was sprayed in the face by Kirby.


A rough voice like an old woman came from Arrita's mouth.

Fat body, pockmarked face, short legs, garlic head, holding a mace.

Arrita, who was already ugly, had her whole body soaked in coke and could directly participate in a ghost movie without makeup.

"Kebby, how dare you spray unknown liquid at the most beautiful woman in the sea!"

Arrita's head was covered with black lines, and her expression looked like she was about to eat Kirby alive.

I don’t know where this woman’s confidence comes from. It’s okay to say that she ate the slippery fruit, but she couldn’t see it if she didn’t eat it.

Li Xiao couldn't stand this kind of ordinary woman, so he picked up Mjolnir and walked towards Arrita.

One-tenth of the power of Thor's hammer is not something a pirate of her level can handle.

This hammer may help this woman understand her situation.

Seeing Li Xiao walking towards her, Arrita glanced at Li Xiao with her little eyes.

"There's another handsome guy!"

Li Xiao, who traveled to the world of pirates, is even more handsome than Cavendish. With the blessing of traveling through time, he is one of the most handsome men in the world.

Such a handsome Li Xiao has the attribute of "female killer" and has a charm value of +30 when facing all women.

For example, if women face ordinary people, they may have a normal conversation, but when facing Li Xiao, they will be very enthusiastic. They hope to have in-depth communication with Li Xiao and get help from more women. This is the attribute of a female killer.

What's great.

Although he knew that he was handsome, hearing it from Arrita's mouth still made Li Xiao's heart skip a beat, and his long strides came to an abrupt halt.

"Kebi~~Who is the most beautiful in this sea?"

Arrita asked again shamelessly, wanting to show off her charm and power in front of Li Xiao.

Kebi's legs were shaking with fear: "Of course it is."

Before Kebi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Luffy.

"Who is this rude aunt?"

Luffy pointed with his finger and said seriously, making Kirby and the surrounding pirates open their mouths.

The crew of the Arrita Pirate Ship knew very well that although Arrita was ugly, they must not say words like aunt, stinky bitch, which would definitely make her furious.

Li Xiao glanced at Arrita and said in a more jealous manner: "Auntie? Captain, she looks over fifty, you should call her grandma!"


The pirates on the deck swallowed their saliva, this was simply heartbreaking.

"Grandma!? She is so old. Her actual age is completely invisible."

Luffy believed everything Li Xiao said, and even bowed to Arrita: "I'm sorry, grandma!"

The tone is very sincere, but the consequences are also very serious.

This harmonious tone is the last line of provocateur Arrita.

"Damn it!"

Arrita swung the iron rod, and Li Xiao also swung Thor's hammer.

The two weapons collided on the deck, making a loud noise.

The huge iron rod was knocked away the moment it touched Thor's hammer, flying to the horizon and disappearing without a trace.

Arrita stood there, her weapon dropped, her hands were numb from the shock, and she lost the fight with Li Xiao.

Li Xiao carried Mjolnir with his strong body and handsome face, which left an indelible impression on Arrita's heart.

"Kebi, say what you want to say." Li Xiao said to Kebi.

This woman must be made aware of her current situation.

Seeing Li Xiao's bravery, Kebi finally summoned up the courage to shout to Arrita: "You are the ugliest old woman on the sea!"

These words made Luffy burst into laughter and made Arrita's veins bulge.

Arrita conveniently grabbed a long knife from her partner and launched an attack. The fat on her body trembled with the attack.

Facing Arrita's attack again, Li Xiao raised Mjolnir with his right hand, looking like the Statue of Liberty.

"You're just going to capture me, boy!"

Arrita was overjoyed when she saw Li Xiao's undefended look.

However, she didn't know that a dark cloud was already hovering above her head in the sky.

"You'd better look up there, auntie!" Li Xiao kindly reminded her.

"Hmm!? Above?"

Alita raised her head and looked up at the sky in confusion.

Immediately afterwards, a bolt of lightning struck from the dark clouds. Arrita had no time to dodge and was hit by the lightning.

(End of chapter)

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