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Chapter 251 Opening of a New Era

Chapter 251 A new era begins

"Shanks!" Luffy was very happy to see Shanks again.

"Luffy!" Shanks touched Luffy's head. He didn't expect that the two of them would meet in such a place many years later.

Seeing the red hair coming, Hawkeye turned and left. Hawkeye promised to fight with Whitebeard. The red hair was no longer within the scope of the agreement and it was time to leave.

The red-haired man stood majestic in flip-flops.

"If we continue to fight like this, it will only increase the losses of both armies without limit. If there are still guys who haven't made enough trouble, let us stay with you until the end!"

The red hair drew the knife, all the cadres stood behind him, invisible pressure rushed towards him.

Looking around, Li Xiao couldn't find Tiqi, the black beard. It seemed that he was timid.

When Whitebeard was at his peak, and despite Li Xiao's warning, Blackbeard did not dare to show up and left on a warship with his younger brothers.

Although Warring States looked calm on the surface, he was actually relieved in his heart. He finally had a step down, otherwise the navy would be defeated.

The Warring States Period changed from the golden Buddha form to the human form, and there was no intention to continue fighting.

Shanks sheathed his sword and looked around the battlefield, his eyes like a tiger's.

"Everyone, I hope you can give me some face this time."

Outside the venue, reporters from the Shampoo Islands began recording the last call.

"What are you doing on your own? Only by killing Ace and Whitebeard can the navy be considered a victory, otherwise it will be a failure!" a navy vice admiral said loudly.

"Ace being rescued means our failure!"

"Don't accept instructions from pirates!"

"It doesn't matter!" Warring States said.

"Lord Sengoku!"

"That's it, red hair!" Warring States said.

"But!" the navy said indignantly.

"I'll take responsibility," Zhan Guo said.

"Thanks!" said the red-haired man.

Warring States then gave instructions: "Treat the wounded quickly, the war is over here!"

The voice of the Warring States Period echoed across the battlefield, announcing the end of the battle on the top.

The navy immediately organized to treat the wounded.

The biggest battle since the beginning of the Great Pirate Age, the War on top of Marinefandor, has come to an end.

All of these will go down in history.

"Xiao!" Hancock ran over and stood beside Li Xiao.

"I'm fine, Hancock." Li Xiao touched Hancock's silky hair, and Hancock just snuggled into Li Xiao's arms, envious of others.

At the same time, news about the war on top was broadcast around the world.

The Navy also immediately issued a notice. During the battle on top of the mouth of Marinefando Bay, they encountered tenacious resistance from the Whitebeard Pirates and took longer than expected. Unfortunately, Ace was rescued.

The fact that Ace was rescued cannot be concealed, which means the navy's failure.

For a time, navies around the world were shocked when they heard the melancholy news.

The navy, as a side of justice, failed unexpectedly. Some navy clenched their fists and worked hard, while others had the idea of ​​becoming pirates.

Reporters from the Chambord Islands began to rush to report, and the headlines were already in mind: Ace was rescued, and the navy was defeated.

A thunderstorm descends from the sky, and Whitebeard returns to his old age.

The legendary pirate Barrett versus the naval hero Garp.

Empress Hancock has found someone she likes.

The second-in-command of the revolutionary army, Saab, appears and the three ASL brothers reunite.

The red-haired pirates of the Four Emperors appeared and stopped the war from continuing.

Of course, the most explosive thing is this one, the fact that was covered up, that Li Xiao killed the Celestial Dragons in the Xiangbo Islands, made a big fuss in the Holy Land Marie Joa, and helped Whitebeard rejuvenate himself through the war.

People did not cheer for joy, and a tense atmosphere permeated the world.

The navy actually lost and Ace was rescued, so what's the use of justice.

Suddenly, vicious incidents began to occur in various places.

"Hahahaha, the navy is a bunch of trash, hand over the treasures in your store!" A pirate began to rob the store.

The boss was also aggrieved but had no choice but to hand over his treasure.

The pirates took the treasure and left in a big way. The navy in the town was so demoralized that they were not even in the mood to answer the police call.

In addition, there are seven ships staying on the sea near Marinefando: Drake, Becky, Urqui, Pony, Apu, Hawkins, Law, and Kid.

They witnessed with their own eyes the formation of a new order in the Age of Great Pirates, the flames of war ignited by Malinfando, and experienced the murderous drama of the era with their own eyes.

"It's finally over."

"The Navy has to make changes," Drake said.

"Whitebeard is about to rule this era!" Becky said.

Ulki laughed: "The key is that the guy named Akatsuki has rejuvenated Whitebeard. There is no doubt that the Straw Hat Pirates will be our biggest opponent in the future!"

Bonnie said: "We must find that guy and head to the new world!"

"What exactly is going on?" Apu asked.

Hawkins took out the tarot cards: "It's really strange. Ace's survival rate is never zero no matter how many times he divines it."

"Hahahaha, the war is not over at all. Because of the new situation created by this war, young Whitebeard will definitely set off a new storm. The new world is the sea area ruled by the Four Emperors. Whitebeard, Red Hair, Kaido, Big Mom

, Whitebeard has suddenly emerged. No one knows what will happen at this juncture. An unprecedented new era is about to begin! Hahahaha!" Kidd looked very excited.

The result of this war was more violence.

Gunshots kept ringing out.

"Let's go to sea and become pirates!"

"I want to be the Pirate King too!"

"I want to join the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"The navy is shit, pirates are king!"

Ace's rescue set off a new wave of pirates, and a large number of new people poured into the Grand Line.

Malinfando, Sengoku sat alone among the ruins of Malinfando.

A soldier came over to report to the Warring States Period the situation in the prison at Impel Down. Magellan was fine, but there was something wrong with his mental condition, and he kept talking about taking responsibility.

The condition of Impel Down City is appalling, especially on the sixth floor, where all important criminals have escaped.

After arriving at the sixth-level prison, Blackbeard made a decision to let them fight, and the last surviving person would join their pirate group.

So there are almost no survivors on the sixth floor.

Warring States was very helpless. He knew what it meant for these people to be taken away. It took a huge amount of manpower and material resources to arrest them back then.

If they make trouble at sea now, the world will be in chaos.

"Immediately issue a wanted order to the whole world!" Zhan Guo said.

The navy who conveyed the information seemed very embarrassed: "However, the World Government ordered us to hide the incident on the sixth floor of the Impel City!"


"If such a serious thing happens again, it will affect the government's credibility!" the navy said.

"Are you kidding!" Zhan Guo trembled angrily.

(End of chapter)

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