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Chapter 268 The Prophet Mrs. Xia Li

Chapter 268 Prophet Mrs. Charlie

The place where Sanji received treatment was the home of the manager of the Mermaid Cafe where Kemi worked. The manager was a beautiful shark named Charlie, with a mature voice and a ladylike look, and she held a pipe in her hand.

Wearing a cloak, he looks like a fortune teller.

"Is the blond boy okay?" the store manager Charlie asked.

"Yeah, but the lady is a beauty, so don't go to that house for the time being." Kemi said.

Kemi knew Sanji well. He spurted blood again when he saw a beautiful woman. This was the doctor's advice that Chopper told Kemi. The prescription was very strange, but it was very effective for Sanji.

"Hey madam, what is this?"

Luffy asked curiously, pointing to a large crystal ball.

"Don't touch that thing, Straw Hat guys." Store manager Charlie said.

Kemi said: "That's a divination crystal ball. Madam has the ability to predict the future and is very famous in this coral hill."

"I've stopped doing divination for a long time. I don't know what's best about the future." Mrs. Charlie blew out a smoke ring and said meaningfully.

"Then, do mermaids also poop?" Luffy asked.

"What does this have to do with divination, Luffy?" Li Xiao said.

"Impolite child!" Mrs. Charlie opened her mouth, and the shark's sharp teeth frightened Usopp next to Luffy.

"I'm sorry!" Usopp apologized to Mrs. Charlie while pressing Luffy's head.

Mrs. Charlie told Cammy that she didn’t have to work in the store today and could go out with her friends.

Mainly because human pirate tourists have stopped coming recently, and business has been a bit bleak.

Kemi also remembered something, she was going to deliver clams to the starfish Papagu.

Speaking of Papagu, the store manager Charlie said that Papagu was playing with the maids in the coffee shop.

So everyone decided to follow Kemi to the coffee shop to find Papagu.

On the way to the coffee shop, I chatted with Cammy about Mrs. Charlie.

Mrs. Charlie's divination skills are very powerful and she can predict many things.

When she was very young, she predicted that many pirates would come to the island, so the next year, the Great Pirate Age began.

Later, the war in Malinfando was also predicted, but what confused Charlie was that the future she predicted changed a year ago.

She predicted that Whitebeard would die in Marineventor a long time ago, but at a certain time a year ago, she suddenly predicted it again on a whim. As a result, she predicted that Whitebeard would not die, but would live a long life, which made Charlie very confused.

After so many years of divination, this is the first time I have seen this kind of thing. According to Xia Li, the world line has changed.

After chatting with Kemi about Mrs. Charlie's affairs, Li Xiao guessed that the reason for the change in prophecy should be his arrival, which caused the timeline to shift and lead to another ending.

After walking through Coral Avenue, everyone arrived at the entrance of the Mermaid Cafe.

People were coming and going on the street, and Luffy felt hungry when he saw the cafe.

"This is a cafe." Usopp said.

"There are also things to eat, including fruits from the sea." Kemi said.

"Where's the meat?" Luffy asked.

"Mermaids don't eat meat or fish, so the recipes are caramelized wakame seaweed, seaweed fruit tart, and kelp soufflé. There is also meat, but it's shellfish meat."

The meat of shellfish is not enough for Luffy to fill his teeth.

While everyone was chatting, Papagu and several maids came out.


"Straw Hat, and everyone, I miss you so much!" Papago said happily.

"Long time no see." Luffy held Papago in his hand.

Seeing those maids, Brooke also asked: "Beautiful mermaid lady, can I see how fat you are?"

"There's no such thing as a mermaid!" Nami knocked a big bump on Brook's head.

Papagu said: "Come on, go to my house, and I will treat you to the meat of sea beasts. How could I be so wild and satisfied with only wakame and shellfish? My staple food is the meat of the most ferocious sea beasts."

"Papagu, I almost forgot, this is today's clam."

Kemi gave the clams to Papagu.

"Wow, Kemi's delicious clams!" Papagu was instantly delighted.

Taking the clams, everyone took the fish transport to Papagu's house.

On the way, I saw Vanderdeken's wanted poster, which was the dilapidated ghost ship that I encountered when I came here.

Vanderdeken is now a pirate that the whole country has been looking for for many years. He sends a love letter to the Mermaid Princess every week. Slowly, the letter turned into a small package, and now it has directly turned into a threatening letter to propose marriage.

The mermaid princess was very frightened by this abnormal behavior of Vanderdyken, and the country could no longer sit idly by.

King Neptune, the father of the Mermaid Princess, was furious. The three princes they had met before were also looking for Vanderdyken everywhere and wanted to arrest him, but they had not found him yet.

King Neptune, the god of the sea, who rules this country, has four children, three princes and one princess.

Vander Deken is a pirate who was cursed hundreds of years ago. In fact, that Vander Deken is already dead, and now this is his descendant, Vander Deken IX.

Looking down from the mermaid spacecraft, there are all kinds of fish below.

Mermaids and fishmen can also reproduce, and the probability of a child born being a mermaid or a fishman is 50%.

You can see the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates hanging on the buildings along the way.

In the original plot, the flag of the Big Mom Pirates hangs here. Because Whitebeard is not dead, he still protects this place. Compared with Big Mom, Whitebeard does not ask for anything in return.

After driving for a while, we arrived at a huge mansion in the prosperous area of ​​Qiubali, which was Papagu's home.

"It's just a starfish, such a big house!" Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Brooke, and Franky complained.

"Look, that's Papago!"

"Is it the super famous one?"

"Awesome, is it me?"

The mermaid ladies around saw Papagu as if they were seeing a star, which shows Papagu's influence here.

"Are you so popular?"

"Shock me, out of this sea, I am just a fashionable starfish, but when I return to this island, I am the president of the Cree Prison Brand Company and part-time super popular designer. This brand has become famous all over the world.

We even have branches in various countries.”

Papagu stood there proudly and said, but no one listened to him, and instead focused on the shop in front.

Seeing the clothing store, Nami immediately became interested and took Robin to go shopping.

Seeing Nami entering the store, Li Xiao knew that this store owner would not make any money today.

Nami picked out a lot of clothes in the store, and then started discussing the price with the boss.

"So, isn't this store too expensive? Although the clothes are cute, just sell them for 10,000 beli." Nami said.

"You are so good at cutting prices, this guest, this is not even half price."

The boss was stunned and slashed the main artery with his knife.

Nami grabbed Papagu's cheek: "I said, this is your store. What's going on with this kind of price? Is it extortion?"

"No, you can say this is the brand price. I am a popular designer."

"Make it cheaper for me."

"No, no, you."

Papagu broke free from Nami's hand, and then stood in front of everyone and said: "Stop saying such unreasonable things. You were kind to me two years ago. Everything is free. You can take whatever you want!"

Papagu’s pattern has opened up.


Hearing that it was free, everyone started to change their minds. Everyone took a big bag of clothes and packed them slowly.

Then at a glance, the store had no clothes and was empty.

"You're really not polite at all." Papagu was sweating.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside.

Li Xiao walked out of the store and found that the sky was shining with golden light, as if the Buddha had descended.

"That lord!"

"Look at the sky, that lord is coming from the palace!"

The murlocs on the street pointed to the sky.

Looking up, a huge whale soared in the sky. On top of the whale stood a fat man, holding a golden trident and wearing a crown, exuding an aura of incomparable majesty.

The whale slowly descended and flew towards Li Xiao.

It was the first time for many people to see King Neptune, and he didn't even bring any guards.

When Neptune got closer, they found that his body was very huge, as big as a whale.

Seeing this big king mermaid, I can't help but sigh, female mermaids are better looking.

"What a big, curly-haired uncle." Luffy said bluntly.

"Hey, Mekaro, it must be them."

Next to King Neptune, floated the little shark Mekaro, who had been rescued from the sea monster before.

Mekaro nodded.

"Hey, humans with straw hats, I'm going to kill you."

Neptune's expression looked very serious, giving the impression that he was not going to say anything good.

"I want to treat you to Dragon Palace City as guests."

Neptune opened his arms, and the sudden change in his painting style caught everyone off guard.

For the residents here, Dragon Palace City is a holy place, a heavenly world that is forbidden to ordinary people and is located at the top of Mermaid Island.

There is the residence of the king, three princes and Princess Shirahoshi.

"Hey uncle, are there a lot of delicious food there?" This is what Luffy is most interested in.

"Of course, the banquet is ready."

"This is so, I'm really looking forward to it."

"I want to go to Ryugu Castle too!" Nami cheered, her eyes had turned into the shape of money, and the purpose of wanting to go was clear at a glance.

Li Xiao was also very interested and wondered if there were any interesting things in it worth collecting.

The little shark Mekaro is responsible for driving everyone to Dragon Palace City. Of course, he also has to call on Kemi and Papagu.

"No, how can people like us go to Dragon Palace City, right?" Papagu said worriedly.

"Stop nagging and let's go!" Li Xiao grabbed Papagu and threw him onto Mekaro's back, then picked up Kemi and jumped on.

"Hey, Xiao, the difference in treatment is too big!" Papagu complained.

On the way to Dragon Palace City, King Neptune got very excited and started to show off his singing voice.

"Uncle, you shout like a fool." Luffy said straightforwardly again.

Neptune was not angry and just laughed: "That shark Mekarro is my daughter's favorite pet. She kept crying when Mekarro was not around. I was at a loss. I didn't expect that she was attacked by Kraken. Thanks

You saved it."

"Actually, I just sent my son to pick you up, but they didn't come back, so I came here myself because I'm also looking forward to the food for the banquet and want to start it quickly."

Drool was already flowing from Neptune's beard.

Luffy's saliva also flowed out, the two of them had the same hobbies.

Speaking of Robin and Franky, they chose to go to Mermaid Island before the king came.

Robin wants to find out the history of Mermaid Island, while Franky wants to find the relatives of his master, Mr. Tom, because this is Tom's hometown.

Nami raised her own question: "The bottom of the sea is so dark, why is it so bright here on Fish-Man Island?"

"It's not that the place where Fish-Man Island is located is bright, but that a long time ago, fish-people lived on the seabed, the only place in the world where sunlight can shine. This is the origin of Fish-Man Island." Neptune replied.

On this Fish-Man Island, there is a huge tree root called Sun Tree Eve that can directly transmit sunlight from the ground to the seabed. In other words, there are glowing tree roots with a length of more than 10,000 meters.

Although scholars have racked their brains to explain it with scientific principles, it is a mysterious uncle that uses sunlight from the ground to illuminate the roots of the tree. This tree also transmits sufficient air to the seabed.

Dozens of minutes later, everyone arrived at the entrance of the palace.

Neptune flipped the switch and the guards lowered the passage.

Ryugu Castle is filled with sea water, so you have to wear bubble clothes to enter.

Moving quickly along the passage, everyone finally arrived at the legendary Dragon Palace City.

At a glance, Dragon Palace City is filled with blooming flowers. Surrounding the huge colorful palace is a lifelike carved dragon, and various schools of brightly colored fish are wandering around it.

There are countless seaweeds and fruits around, and you can see dragon turtles and crabs playing leisurely inside.

"Mr. Papago's mansion looks like a flea compared to this one," Brooke said.

"Stop comparing!"

"What a beautiful castle!" Nami exclaimed.

Following the stairs, we came to the golden and glorious gate of Dragon Palace City.

"Open the door!"

"Welcome home, Your Majesty the King!"

The guards stood neatly in two lines to welcome the king back.

"This is my castle, let's relax and play!" Neptune said proudly.

Immediately afterwards, the king was scolded by the left minister and the right minister. They asked his majesty why he went out alone without saying a word. That was a very dangerous thing.

Neptune said: "I have brought the people who rescued Mekaro from Kraken before. Let's entertain the guests."

As for Princess White Star, Minister Zuo reported that Vanderdeken used an ax to attack White Star from a distance again.

Moreover, the banquet has not been prepared yet.

Then, when no one was paying attention, Luffy had already left following the scent in the distance, and Li Xiao immediately chased after him.

Although I didn't smell much fragrance, I could see Princess Shirahoshi as long as I followed Luffy. Li Xiao also wanted to see the lovely Shirahoshi.

Following Luffy, we came to a huge iron gate.

There were axes, long swords, and long knives stuck on the iron door. It looked like it was Vanderdeken's work.

Due to the long-distance lock, Bai Xing could only hide here and live a boring and frightened life all day long.

Because the guard who passed by just now squatted and delivered the delicious food to the room, so Luffy was curious about what was there to eat.

Pushing the iron door open, Li Xiao and Luffy walked in. It was very dark inside, and there was no sea water in this area, so there was no need to wear bubble clothes.

When he walked in, he asked about the delicious food. Luffy couldn't see anything clearly, so he jumped over, and ended up jumping on Shirahoshi.

Luffy hadn't yet felt that he was standing on Shirahoshi, so he walked back and forth looking for food, and ended up running into the Shirahoshi twin peaks.

"What is this, soft?" Luffy asked doubtfully.

"Hmm~~" Bai Xing said softly.

"Hey? Did someone make a sound just now?" Luffy asked Li Xiao.

Then Luffy became very playful and jumped up and down, as if he were standing on a spring bed.

"Haha, just like pudding." Luffy said innocently.

(End of chapter)

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