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Chapter 270 The Shirahoshi Abduction Incident

Chapter 270 Bai Xing Abduction Incident

Luffy finished eating and then drank drinks, being too busy to chat.

Li Xiao was chatting with Bai Xing, who was very interested in pirates.

After staying here for ten years, she yearned for the life of a pirate and the adventure.

When talking about adventure, Bai Xing looked forward to it: "By the way, you have seen the sun, right? The stars will rise into the sky at night, and there are all kinds of flowers and furry animals. Have you ever been to a place full of green called

A forest place?”

"I have seen the sun, the stars are always in the sky, furry animals can be seen everywhere, and the green forests are endless." Li Xiao answered them all in one breath.

"I also want to go on an adventure." Bai Xing said eagerly.

"Okay, I will take you to the sea to travel and play wherever you want when I have time," Li Xiao said.



"Then we are good friends, Lagou."


"Hook." Bai Xing stretched out his little finger.

"Okay, Lagou." Li Xiao didn't expect that he would become childish.

"I'm full, thanks for the treat!" Luffy finally finished eating.

"Come on Bai Xing, let's go for a walk with us." Li Xiao suggested.

"Yeah, come with us. I just heard that you want to go to many places. Let's go now!" Luffy said, putting on his straw hat.

"Wait, this won't work."

"It's okay, if anything comes flying over, I will blow it away." Luffy promised.

"Are you leaving now? I'm not ready yet."

"Let's go, Bai Xing. We are friends and will protect your safety." Li Xiao said.

"It's so sudden. I haven't, uh, mentally prepared myself yet. Please give me some more time." Bai Xing looked slightly depressed.

"Isn't it just so exaggerated for a walk?" Luffy sighed, not knowing why, because that kind of ax posed no threat to him at all.

Luffy sat on the bed: "Then hurry up, I really hate you."

When Shirahoshi heard Luffy say that he hated himself, he was stunned for a moment, then he rubbed his eyes and started crying like a child.

Li Xiao knocked on Luffy: "Be nice to Shirahoshi."

"I know, I know, I'll just wait here, hurry up." Luffy lay down.

As a result, Bai Xing cried even harder.

After waiting for a while, Bai Xing finally stopped crying.

"Come on, Bai Xing, let's take you out to play." Li Xiao said.

"Sorry, I still can't go out. If I go out without permission, I will cause trouble to everyone in the city." Bai Xing turned his back to the two of them.

"Don't worry, it's good to go out and relax. If Luffy stays here for ten years, there will definitely be something wrong with his brain. As a thank you for inviting us to dinner, we will take you out together. Where do you want to go?" Li Xiao asked


"The... sea... forest of the sea." Bai Xing finally said it.

"But that's just my dream. I can't go out so willfully."

Bai Xing started crying again.

"Why are you crying when you say where you want to go?" Luffy shouted loudly.

"I'm sorry, it took a lot of effort to muster up the courage. Please don't be angry with me. Luffy-sama is so scary. Wow~~" Shirahoshi cried loudly again.

Li Xiao directly kicked Luffy away.

"Don't cry Bai Xing, I'll protect you." Li Xiao said.

At this moment, there was a sudden explosion outside the room.

Li Xiao calculated with his fingers that Hody Jones and Vander Deken should have acted together and launched an attack on Dragon Palace City.

But we’ll talk about that kind of thing later. First, let’s convince Shirahoshi to go out to play and take a walk.

"Can you really protect me?"

"No problem, look at this axe."

Li Xiao picked up the ax just now, covered with armed domineering force. With a little force, the ax was broken into two halves.

This wave of operations directly increased Bai Xing's trust, and Bai Xing finally agreed to go out, wiping tears of joy again.

"Let's go, Shirahoshi!"

In order to ensure the absolute safety of Shirahoshi, Luffy thought of a good way, a method like a sleeping dragon and a phoenix, and Shirahoshi actually agreed.

That is to put Shirahoshi into Mekaro's mouth. This scene is unbearable to look at.

When I opened the door, I found many pirates and a large number of guards at the door.

It turns out that the explosion just now was caused by the pirates being transported as cannonballs.

Li Xiao used chain lightning to electrocute all the pirates at the door.

"Come on, go to the Sea Forest!" Luffy said.

Mekaro Shark took Bai Xing, Li Xiao and Luffy and quickly left the Hard Shell Tower.

"Hey, stop Mekaro, where are you going?" the right minister exclaimed.

Mekaro did not respond. Then the right minister entered the hard-shell tower and found that Princess Shirahoshi was also missing. He was suddenly shocked.

"Your Highness Princess! This matter must be reported to Your Majesty!"

On the other side, Bai Xing finally came outside.

Mekaro had a white star stuffed in his mouth, and it was obvious that he felt very uncomfortable and wanted to spit it out at any time.

"Come out, Somersault Cloud."

Li Xiao shouted a somersault cloud.

"Get bigger!"

Following Li Xiao's instructions, the somersault cloud grew ten times larger, just enough for several people to ride on it.

"Akatsuki, it's amazing, the somersault cloud has gotten bigger!" Luffy's eyes glowed.

"My appraisal level has improved, and I can appraise items a second time. At this time, the additional effect of the second appraisal can become larger or smaller, and the speed also becomes faster." Li Xiao said.

"I want!"

"No way, I won't give it."

"Stingy, stingy!" Luffy pouted.

White Star came out of Mekaro's belly and lay half on the somersault cloud.

"The soft clouds are so comfortable." Bai Xing said.

Mekaro also rolled on somersault clouds. He had never done anything so interesting before.

Looking down, there are colorful houses and all kinds of people. Bai Xing is very happy to see them.

"Where is the Sea Forest?" Luffy asked.

Bai Xing said: "It's a cemetery. I haven't been there since it was built. It's a place I've always wanted to visit for ten years."

Ten years have passed since the assassination in broad daylight that shocked Fishman Island. That is the place of mourning for Princess Otohime.

The two happily chatted with Bai Xing and swam towards the sea forest.

You can see blue marlin, puffer fish, and donut-like clouds all around.

Then thinking of his father in Ryugu Castle, Shirahoshi began to cry again.

Then Luffy made a face, making Shirahoshi laugh again.

On the other side, Dragon Palace City suffered an unprecedented crisis.

Hody Jones invaded with a large number of pirates, and Hody Jones began to wreak havoc in Ryugu Castle, causing water to flow into the palace, and the situation became worse and worse.

Fortunately, Zoro Nami and others were there to help the king's army resist.

Under Li Xiao's somersault cloud, someone suddenly heard shouting.

"Hey, bastard Xiao, is that you?"

Li Xiao looked down and saw that it was Sanji pressing the guy.

"You're still alive, Sanji!" Li Xiao said.

"Are you kidding? I will definitely live longer than you. By the way, is that the figure above your somersault cloud?" Sanji suffered a cardiac arrest.

(End of chapter)

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