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Chapter 290 Snow Mountain Duo.

Chapter 290 Snow Mountain Duo.

While everyone was talking, the children playing suddenly began to cover their heads and complain that they had a headache.

The children were lying on the ground, rolling in pain.

Chopper immediately drew blood for testing. After asking the children a few more questions, Chopper became extremely angry.

That guy named Caesar is not a good person, and he is not treating children.

Chopper detected NHC10 in the sample. Although it was a trace amount, it was undoubtedly a poison.

Children absorb these poisons little by little every day, and now they are chronically poisoned. If they want to get rid of this pain, they need the next drug.

Chopper was so angry that the guy named Caesar actually gave the children this kind of medicine.

The children kept calling for help, which made everyone feel very distressed.

Immediately afterwards, the children began to lose control and became violent.

"Why don't you get me candy!"

No one had the heart to attack the child, so Usopp had no choice but to use his ultimate move: "Must-kill: Exploding Sleeping Star!"

The smoke filled the group of children, and the children fell asleep quickly.

"These children were indeed abducted," Nami said.

"It's so pitiful that such an outrageous thing was done to them. They want to go home, so let's uncle them!" Chopper said.

During this time, that Kin'emon guy sneaked out, and Zoro Sanji and Brook went after Kin'emon.

Luffy decided to go meet Caesar.

Luffy, Usopp, Franky, and Robin set out from the cave to find Caesar.

Li Xiao decided to wait in the cave for a while. A few guys should appear.

A few minutes after Luffy and the others left, as expected, the Snow Mountain Killer duo appeared, named Locke and Scourge.

Born in the Snow Country, he is huge and agile.

One of the killers named Scourge the Snowman came in and pointed the barrel of his gun at Teabeard.

Teabeard was very shocked. He thought he was sent by his master to kill the Straw Hats. Why would he kill himself?

Teabeard admired his master Caesar very much and always thought he was a good man.

"You are also on the kill list." The Yeti Killer Scourge said.

"What are you talking about? Maybe I heard it wrong. Well, I was scared. The master asked you to save me. Okay, please help me unlock the chains and get rid of the Straw Hats."

Before Teabeard finished speaking, Scourge's gun barrel was already pressed against his forehead: "You heard me right, I was entrusted by my master to kill you."

Scourge took out the dictaphone and played Caesar's recording.

What was said in it was full of contempt for Caesar, saying that he was like shit, that he was stupid in the first place, and it was very useful in the past, but now that he was caught, he was in the way and was no longer needed.

When Teabeard heard about the road, he was shocked beyond words. The master he had always respected looked at him like this.

With that said, Scourge was ready to press the trigger.

"Lie, lie!"

"go to hell!"

Scourge pressed the trigger, and Li Xiao reached out and fired a flying finger gun.

The air bullet hit Scourge's index finger that pressed the trigger, breaking it.

"My finger!" Scourge took a few steps back in horror, looking at the man holding a cigar not far away.

Scourge's pupils shrank: "Thunder King!"

Li Xiao snorted: "As a killer, if you talk about yourself for so long, you don't take me seriously."

Scourge looked at his partner Locke not far away: "What should we do Locke? King Thunder and Lightning is here!"

"His name is all blown out. The King of Thunder and Lightning. I think he is just a ship's doctor. Otherwise, Whitebeard would not have become younger. If we go together, we will definitely kill him!" Locke said.

Li Xiao laughed: "You have the intelligence to be a killer. I think you are setting off your peers. Killers are not popular in this world."

Li Xiao caught Rocky's attack with one hand.

"How can it be!"

Luo Qi's huge fist was blocked by Li Xiao with one hand and could not push forward even half an inch.

"The name Thunder King is too frivolous, please call me Thunder God!"

After saying that, Li Xiao's electric current burst out from his palm and covered Rocky's whole body.


Rocky wailed, then suffered to the end, with black smoke rising from his body.

Scourge had already begun to retreat. He knew Rocky's skills and was better than himself. Rocky, who was so powerful, couldn't even get a single result in the hands of King Thunder, so what's the use of him?

"If you have anything valuable on you, hand it over!" Li Xiao reached out and asked for it.

Scourge felt all over his body, and what he took out were all murderous things, and there were no collectibles worthy of identification.

"I was wrong, please forgive me!"

Scourge suddenly knelt down and kowtowed.

Li Xiao was struggling with what to do with the two of them.

At this moment, Scourge's eyes showed a fierce look, and he took out a dagger from his waist and stabbed Li Xiao.

Now Li Xiao didn't have to worry anymore, he took out the sword of the brave and cut off Scourge's wrist with one sword.

Scourge was shaking in pain: "My hand, ah!"

"The next scene is not suitable for children, Chopper, Nami, don't watch it."

Then Li Xiao jumped on Scourge's back and chopped off Scourge's head with a sword.

Nami and Chopper closed their eyes, unable to bear to look directly.

"Xiao..." Chopper's lips trembled slightly.

"I didn't want to kill him, but from the moment he took out the dagger and attacked me, I changed my mind."

Li Xiao then dragged the bodies of Rocky and Scourge out of the cave.

Nami sighed, but didn't say much. The world of pirates is inherently cruel.

After disposing of the two corpses, Li Xiao stepped on somersault clouds and flew towards the research institute.

After flying for about five minutes, we met Luffy, as well as Trafalgar Law.

Li Xiao fell from the sky and came to the middle of the two of them.

Luo doesn't have much friendship with Luffy now, but he has a deep "friendship" with Li Xiao, and was almost killed by Li Xiao.

"Hey, Luo, what do you want from our captain?" Li Xiao asked with a smile. This made Luo very unhappy, but there was nothing he could do, and he couldn't beat him, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Luo sighed: "I thought about it, I came to you to tell you one thing, the head of the Straw Hat and the head of the Akatsuki."

"As I said, I'm not the boss." Li Xiao took a puff of his cigar.

"It doesn't matter. This island holds an important key that can disrupt the new world. There are two ways to survive in the new world. Either be protected by the four emperors, or challenge them. You don't want to be inferior to others, right?"

"Well, I still want to be the captain." Luffy said.

"Then, form an alliance with me." Luo extended an olive branch to Luffy.

Li Xiao knew that Tra Nan, who seemed stable now, would have nightmares in the future.

"If I form an alliance with you, maybe we can do it. I have a strategy to bring down one of the four emperors."

Luo looked at the two of them seriously, his eyes shining with ambition.

(End of chapter)

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