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Chapter 319: The Fur Tribe Fights Back

Chapter 319 The fur tribe counterattacks

Two figures came running from not far away, they were Nami and Chopper.

"Great, you are all fine!" Usopp shouted excitedly.

The fur tribe seems to be very fond of Nami. She snuggles close to Nami, and Nami almost can't run away.

Nami's dress is a bit tasteful, with a high slit that goes all the way to her armpits.

"It's great to see you all." Luffy said happily.

"Haha!" Chopper happily ran over and hugged Usopp.

Suddenly, Nami jumped on Luffy and said something in Luffy's ear.

Luffy, who was still happy at first, suddenly turned serious.

"I'm sorry, Sanji was taken away." Nami shed tears.

After hearing this, everyone was not too nervous, they were just taken away.

At this time, the fur tribe proposed a welcome banquet, and Luffy cheered nervously: "Let's have a banquet!"

"Hey, Luffy, are you listening to me?" A black line appeared on Nami's head.

The welcome banquet started as usual. The fur tribe served delicious fruits, fish and meat, as well as Sauron's favorite drink, and everyone ate happily.

The wine here is called "ape wine" and is brewed from the most abundant fruits in the forest. It is a wine that the fur tribe are proud of.

Li Xiao took a bite and found that the taste was very refreshing, sweet with a hint of spiciness.

However, these fur tribes are really clingy and like to rub against others. This is their way of expressing friendship, but Li Xiao doesn't like it very much.

"Get out of the way!" Li Xiao pushed away the four fur tribesmen who were rubbing against him.

"Let us Karuqiu!" said the fur tribe.

"Let me lick it!" another fur tribe said.

"Are you kidding me?" Li Xiao resolutely refused to let them get close.

"Hey Xiao, don't be angry. It's so rude of you to treat us with such delicious food and drinks." Luffy said while eating the meat. If it weren't for the shape of his mouth, I wouldn't know what he was talking about.


"It affects my eating and drinking!" Li Xiao exclaimed.

Zoro was the same, with a bad temper. The group of fur tribes rubbed against him, and he couldn't drink the wine in his hand for a long time.

"There are some cultural differences, please forgive me." Wanda said.

Li Xiao took a bite of the meat and it was very delicious.

Garrot introduced: "This is crocodile meat. Here is hippopotamus, lizards, and frogs. We don't eat furry animals."

Usopp wondered: "Why do you entertain us so warmly?"

"That's because you are the benefactor's partners." Garrot said.

"Benefactor, what happened before?" Usopp became even more curious.

At this moment, Brooke rushed into the room, his clothes in tatters.

Everyone was also very happy to see Brooke again.

"What's going on? Are you in such a mess?" Luffy asked.

Brooke said: "I'm very sorry about Sanji. I feel ashamed to see you, even though I have no shame."

Brooke called everyone together and said with a smile: "In this country, words like samurai and Wano should be spoken as little as possible, and if possible, don't say them. In fact, this country..."

Before Brooke finished speaking, the door was opened and a group of fur tribesmen came in like wolves and tigers.

These fur people are all dogs, and Brooke is a bone, so when these dogs see Brooke, it's like they've been on stimulants.

"I found you, Baron Bones." This group of canine fur people surrounded Brooke hungrily, and Brooke's face turned blue.

Even Wanda drooled and said with emotion: "Such a charming race exists."

Wanda belongs to the female canine fur family, so bones are also very attractive to her.

This group of canine fur people swarmed up, surrounded Brooke, and each of them took a bite. Brooke's constant struggle was to no avail, because these guys didn't bite hard, they just loved the bones.

"It's very popular." Robin said.

"It's up to you." Zoro shook his head.

Everyone continued to eat and drink as they should.

Luo did not attend the welcome banquet. He went to join their crew in the forest.

"Say, what should we do about Sanji?" Nami asked.

"There will always be a way." Zoro said.

"It shouldn't be a big problem." Li Xiao said.

Luffy thought for a moment: "It doesn't count as being captured."

Nami became furious when she heard this: "It's not as light as you said, it's very serious!"

"I'm sorry, there was nothing we could do at that time," Chopper said, his eyes moistening.

Frankie said: "We are a little confused now about what happened. It is very difficult just to understand what you are saying."

Usopp said: "The last time I contacted you was when you encountered the Big Mom ship and then came to Zou Island. The city was also destroyed. I thought that the fur tribe was the enemy, but they welcomed us so warmly.

Say we are the companions of our benefactor."

Robin said: "Can you start from the beginning, Nami, what happened in the 11 days you left Dressrosa."

Then, Nami began to explain what happened after encountering Big Mom's ship near Dressrosa.

There they met the huge singing ship of the Big Mom Pirates, with combatants Pockmusk, DD Baron, and one of the worst generations, Capone Gangster Becky on board. They decided to destroy the Sonny and take Caesar away.


Their target was Caesar, but Caesar was afraid of being taken away. When encountering such an enemy, it would only be a matter of time before he was killed if he did nothing, so everyone began to fight back. Nami used her powerful magic ability to successfully lead everyone to escape.

This wave made everyone couldn't help but applaud Nami, and Nami blushed a little when she was praised.

Then they came to Zou Island the next day because the elephant owner happened to move nearby, which happened 10 days ago.

This city was destroyed two weeks ago, and this country was basically destroyed 10 days ago. It was precisely because of Nami's landing and Chopper's superb medical skills that the country was saved.

At this time, before he finished speaking, a fur tribe came over to report that Duke Inarashi had woken up.

Hearing this, the fur tribe all seemed very happy. Chopper immediately picked up the medical bag and went to check on Duke Inarashi's current injury. The goat doctor and the squirrel nurse followed Chopper closely and learned medical skills.

Moreover, the guards also conveyed that Duke Inuarashi would like to see you all.

Duke Inuarashi is the Duke of Mokomo Principality and the King of this country. He has been unconscious since the city was destroyed.

There are two kings in this country, Duke Inarashi, the king of the day, and Viper, the king of the night. The Zou Kingdom is guarded by these two kings.

Leave the room and follow Wanda to Duke Inarashi's room. It is already night.

The night view of this road is very charming, the road is covered with luminous fruits, lighting up the night.

As they were walking, Luffy disappeared. He jumped out of the window and saw a huge bunch of grapes. He directly inserted the straw into it and drank.

"Come on, it's so sweet." Luffy drank happily.

"Come back quickly, I'm still drinking, I just finished eating!" Usopp was speechless.

Luffy drank his fill and followed the others again.

On the way forward, Wanda told everyone what happened two weeks ago, 17 days ago to be exact.

That day, the bell of Mokomo Principality rang again. It was an enemy attack bell that should not have sounded. This unusual movement made the elephant owner roar in anger.

Drought Jack, who transformed into a mammoth, invaded here, and they were looking for a Wano man named Raizo.

The fur tribe people rose up to resist, but were frantically attacked by Drought Jack's gang.

No matter how Jack asked, everyone's answer was the same: they didn't know this person existed.

So Jack decided to search the whole country for what was left. The so-called search was no different from destroying it.

For a while, the fur tribe fought with them until they sent out a legion of granters, all of whom were ability users who had eaten artificial animal devil fruits. The fur tribe suffered heavy losses.

At this point, everyone just arrived at Duke Inarashi's door.

The guard at the door is Sicilian, captain of the musketeers.


Seeing the arrival of the Straw Hats, Sicilian jumped directly into the air, and then knelt down in front of everyone with an exaggerated kneeling gesture: "Thank you for lending a helping hand to save this country. This grace will never be forgotten!"

Sicilian's appearance is a bit shocking.

Wanda said: "Lord Sicilian will do his best no matter what he does."

"You're a hot-blooded lion." Luffy said.

Nami lightly punched Luffy.

"The Duke is waiting for you, come in quickly and don't waste time!" Sicilian waved his hand and opened the door.

Everyone walked into the room, where Duke Inuarashi was drinking water, while Chopper, Goat, and Squirrel were checking Duke Inuarashi's injury.

Duke Inuarashi is a very large dog. He has a bandage on his head and small sunglasses, and he looks very majestic.

"Your Excellency, it's great that you're okay." Wanda said excitedly.

"Wanda, I'm worrying you." Inuarashi immediately put down the water glass.

"You are the Straw Hats. I have received a lot of help from you all the time. Thank you very much."

Luffy said: "It is said that my companion helped, but I haven't asked about the specific situation. By the way, uncle, you are very strong!" Luffy said.

Wanda exclaimed: "It's too rude to say this. Inuarashi-sama is the number one warrior in the country!"

Duke Inarashi smiled bitterly: "Hey, stop talking, is that a word to describe a loser?"

"What a loser? Although the enemy was difficult, we had the advantage at that time." Wanda said.

As soon as he said this, he noticed something was wrong with Inuarashi and kept staring at Brooke.

Inuarashi then drooled. As a dog, he wanted to bite Brook.

"What a delicious benefactor you look like." Inuarashi sighed, but he still held back.

Seeing Luffy's straw hat, Inuarashi sighed with emotion: "I used to go to sea with that cat. Shanks, who is now the Yonko, wears the same straw hat as you."

"Uncle, do you know Shanks? How did you meet him?" Luffy was very happy when he heard Shanks.

But then, Duke Inuarashi lay down directly and fell asleep instantly.

"Asleep!" Luffy exclaimed.

Wanda said: "It's already 6 o'clock in the evening."

"It's only 6 o'clock. Is he a child?" Usopp asked.

The Principality of Mokomo has always been governed by two kings. They have a very bad relationship and will fight whenever they meet. They are evenly matched.

In order not to meet each other, the two of them lived separately from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The same goes for the previous battle with Jack.

Duke Inuarashi led his men to fight continuously with Jack's pirate group during the day. At night, the boss Neko Viper appeared and led the knight group to fight against them one after another.

Although the fur tribe attacks in shifts day and night, members of the Jack Pirates are constantly pouring in from the sea, and the enemy is like a steady stream of zombie legions.

However, the two kings were also very powerful. Jack could not defeat them by himself, and gradually became irritable and lost patience.

On the fifth day, Jack took out a vicious weapon, poisonous gas.

The real culprit that destroyed this country was the poisonous gas created by Caesar, which swallowed up the entire city and half of the forest, completely blocking the movement of the fur tribe.

Then Jack led the pirate group to slaughter the fur tribe while destroying the country. It was an unbearable memory for all the fur tribe people, and there were screams everywhere.

The strong men and the king were tied to pillars and tortured, asking about Raizo's whereabouts.

On the sixth day, either because he felt he had done enough damage or because he was tired of the same answers, Jack left behind dozens of his men.

The day Jack left was the day Doflamingo was defeated. Jack left the country to save Doflamingo. In other words, everyone indirectly helped the fur tribe.

"We are alive now only because of you." Wanda said.

"Don't say that." Nami said.

Then Chopper and the others arrived, the day after Jack left.

Then Caesar's ability was used to turn him into a shape similar to a hydrogen balloon and fly quickly into the sky. Although Caesar resisted extremely, there was nothing he could do. Not only was he unable to defeat Sanji, Sanji also held Caesar's heart in his hand.

After arriving here, Nami and others defeated dozens of people left behind by the Jack Pirates. They also saw the devastation in the city and the gas poisonous gas filling the air.

Then Sanji and Chopper forced Caesar to use his ability to neutralize the gas here, and everyone began to race against time to save the fur tribe.

With Chopper's rescue, the fur tribe began to recover, and Brooke also played beautiful music for people, allowing them to gradually ease away from their grief.

Therefore, this kind of kindness will never be forgotten by the fur tribe, which is why they have such a favorable impression of the Straw Hats.

"That guy named Jack is so infuriating. One day we will beat him and Kaido away!" Luffy said, clenching his fists.

Chopper said: "Ah, it's already night. It's time to go to the Cat Viper and Whale Forest outside the night to treat them."

As the king's bird, Wanda follows the king day and night, and is the only person who can travel between the two kings.

Under Wanda's leadership, everyone walked towards Cat Viper's territory.

(End of chapter)

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