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Chapter 322 The Battle of the Elephant Lord

Chapter 322 The Elephant Lord’s Defense Battle

There is no need to snatch away the stone for the historical text of the road sign, just copy the content.

So Usopp proposed to sneak into Big Mom and Kaido's residence, collect rubbings, and then secretly go to Rafdru, so that Luffy would become the Pirate King.

After Luffy heard Usopp's suggestion, his face immediately dropped, expressing his strong disapproval of this approach.

No matter who it is, just beat him away. This is Luffy's consistent style.

Nowadays, people who are interested in that 100-year history have several rubbings in their hands, but no one can decipher them, so Robin's safety makes Boss Cat Viper worried.

Robin smiled slightly: "I have a group of powerful companions around me who can protect me."

Hearing Robin's praise, Luffy's face turned red: "Hey, you're so strong, so embarrassing. No matter who comes, I'll just beat him away."

Chopper said happily: "People say you are so powerful and reliable."

Brooke said: "Robin, no matter what happens, I will protect you."

Frankie said: "For Robin, I will also go super."

Usopp raised his slingshot: "No one is allowed to lay a finger on Robin!"

Nami clenched her fists: "I will keep the money and life of anyone who touches her."

Seeing how energetic his friends were, Cat Viper smiled and said, "He is really a reliable guy."

The reason why Neko Viper and Inuarashi know the historical text so well is because their lord Kozuki Oden is very interested in these stones. In addition, the Kozuki clan of Wano Country has been collecting and processing rough stones for generations, and they have superb skills.

Technical capabilities. These historical texts are actually immortal books produced by the exquisite skills of the Kozuki clan 800 years ago.

Unfortunately, only the method of deciphering that kind of writing has been passed down. Now even the method of deciphering that kind of writing has not had time to be passed down to Momonosuke, and it was lost in Kozuki Oden's generation.

The mention of lost history means that Kozuki Gozen is dead. When it comes to this, Kinemon and others are very sad.

"Oden-sama was executed and killed by the generals of Wano and Kaido. He chose to sacrifice in order to save all our retainers. The Fourth Emperor Kaido is now in Wano," Kinemon said.

Everyone was a little confused as to what their boss had committed and was executed, and the retainers were also being hunted down everywhere.

Kaido, who was chasing them, wanted to get information from them. Before his death, Kozuki Oden and the Pirate King Roger arrived at the final island of Rafdru and learned the secrets of the world.

As Roger's crew, they know all the history, the missing 100 years in world history. After this period, the World Government was born, and it has ruled for 800 years since then, and the World Government is strictly prohibited from unraveling the historical truth of those 100 years.


Once in Robin's hometown of O'Hara, a holy land of archeology, Dr. Cloba wanted to unlock the 100-year secret, but was eventually wiped out along with the people of O'Hara.

Why did the world government cover up the truth for 100 years? Even those who knew the secret never mentioned it.

So these retainers don't know the 100-year secret. Now they just want to carry out Kozuki Oden's last words and open the door to Wano.

The current Wano Country has a closed-country policy, prohibiting the outflow of domestic goods and the inflow of foreign goods. This ban will be abolished after the founding of the country, and exchanges with other countries can be maintained.

The country of Wano is currently in a state of suppression by the Shogun and Kaido. Although a small rebel force has gathered in the country, there is no chance of winning against the enemy's army.

Therefore, the retainers chose to go to sea to recruit more comrades to fight alongside them. The first stop was Zou Island. They needed the reliable force of the fur tribe.

The Kozuki family and the Fur Tribe have always advanced and retreated together no matter what happened since ancient times. What's more, the old cat and the old dog are Koyue's retainers, so the Fur Tribe warriors are always ready to go into battle.

However, after having a fight with Jack's army before, I realized that it was just one of Kaido's troops, and it was a pity to have encountered such a result.

As the saying goes, a war never tires of deceit. Even if they used poisonous gas, they could not be judged as guilty and defeated.

Kinemon suddenly knelt in front of everyone: "Thank you for saving my life, I feel sorry for asking you for help again. I have seen your amazing strength many times, and it is fate to be able to go with you all the way. I am very grateful to the country of Wano.

I hope you can help me with the crusade against Kaido and the general!"

"Please, Luffy-dono." Kanjuro said.

"Please!" Lei Zang said.

Li Xiao glanced at everyone, and they were actually quite willing to help. The main reason was that they had already discussed with Luo to defeat Kaido together, and then it all depends on Luffy's decision.

"I refuse." Luffy said.

This shocked everyone. As expected of Luffy, he never plays by the rules.

"I refuse." Luffy said again.

"Luffy-dono!" Kinemon exclaimed.

"I refuse." Luffy said.

Usopp strongly disagreed with Luffy's ideas and tried to change Luffy's mind, but no matter how hard he shook it, he couldn't understand him.

"You kid, are you serious?" Usopp almost slapped Luffy on the head.

In fact, Luffy just wants Peach to grow up. Luffy likes to inspire the desire to fight in cowards.

Luffy shouted at Taozi: "Are you just showing off to look good, Momo, aren't you the leader of those guys!"

Nami went up and slapped her across the face: "Don't make him cry. How can you compete with an 8-year-old child?"

At this time, Taozi also felt Luffy's call and came over crying: "I, Luffy, I want to defeat Kaido. Kaido is my father-killing enemy. My mother was also killed by him. I also want to defeat Kaido."

Grow up quickly and become stronger so that you can avenge them and protect your retainers. But I haven’t grown up yet and can’t defeat them, so I ask you to fight with me, please!”

Momonosuke knelt there and spoke very sincerely.

Luffy grabbed Taozi's cheek: "I understand, let's join forces and form an alliance, and I will take over Kaido's head."

"I'm so grateful." Momonosuke cried loudly.

However, the way of shaking hands was not to Luffy's liking, so Luffy began to teach Peach how to shake hands properly, and that it should be done with a slap.

Luo was a little unhappy at this time: "Hey, Straw Hat Master, why didn't you act rationally when you formed an alliance with me?"

"Is it important?" Luffy asked.

"Why doesn't it matter!?" Luo had a dark look on his face.

Luffy touched his fists and said: "Okay, everyone, gather together, we are the Ninja Pirates and Fur Tribe Samurai Alliance who want to defeat the Yonkou Kaido!"

In this way, the alliance was officially concluded, and the Kozuki clan was added to the alliance.

Although the alliance was formed, Luffy had a condition. Now that Sanji was gone and was taken away by Big Mom, he had to deal with Sanji's affairs before joining forces to defeat Kaido.

"I'm going to bring him back, but before that I wait. Sanji is very strong, one person is worth a thousand people." Luffy said.

Sauron was not convinced: "I am worth two thousand people."

"That's right." Li Xiao touched the green algae head's hair and almost started having sex with Zoro again.

In fact, Duke Inuarashi and Neko Viper had also been on Roger's pirate ship as Oden's followers, and they were poached by Roger, but they did not go to Lafdru.

Now, Kinemon decided to go to Wano Country and gathered his companions to formulate a battle plan. Neko Viper led his men to find Whitebeard, and the final gathering place was in Wano Country.

Then they were divided into groups, Luffy, Li Xiao, Nami, Chopper, and Brook went to Big Mom's tea party, Zoro, Franky, Robin, Usopp and others went to Wano Country.

"Xiao, if you find the historical text, please give me a copy." Robin smiled slightly.

"No problem." Li Xiao made an OK gesture.

"Okay, let's arrange it this way anyway." Luffy said.

However, at this moment, the earth suddenly began to tremble violently, and the elephant owner also let out a mournful cry.

The violent shaking made everyone unstable and difficult to stand.

"What happened to the Elephant Master!?" Cat Viper exclaimed.

"Someone should have attacked the elephant owner." Li Xiao said.

The one who dares to attack the Elephant Master is that idiot Drought Jack.

However, at this moment, Luffy and Momonosuke covered their ears. They could hear a voice that others could not hear. That voice was a message from the Elephant Master.

It means "Hurry up!"

At this time, Drought Jack was leading his men and firing continuously at the Elephant Master's legs.

The elephant owner continued: "Command me."

"What are you ordering? Who are you?" Luffy shouted.

Even more powerful was Momonosuke, who even saw Drought Jack attacking the elephant owner through his vision.

Momonosuke exclaimed: "This is Jack!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

"Jack is attacking Zou Island. There are five very powerful ships at nine o'clock." Taozi said.

Everyone was confused as to why Momo could see this. Momo didn't know, he just saw it. The picture appeared directly in Momonosuke's mind.

Inuarashi was furious: "He actually attacked the elephant owner!"

Cat Viper said: "It's good to be alive, so that he can't eat and carry around!"

Following the two men's orders, the men began to sail the boat, preparing to fight Jack.

After waiting for a while, Taozi realized that the source of the sound just now was from this giant elephant.

The elephant master said: "I made a mistake a long time ago. I was ordered not to do anything but walk, but I have always obeyed the order. So, order me, just this time, allow me, let me fight!"

The dark golden dragon pattern on Li Xiao's forehead flashed away, and it could hear what the elephant owner said. It was really magical.

The elephant owner was swaying left and right, his body a little unstable, and the people in Zuowu were also in danger of being thrown out.

Then Li Xiao tentatively said: "Elephant Master, attack those five warships and kill Jack!"

Following Li Xiao's words, the dragon pattern on his forehead shone brightly, and the terrifying pressure was conveyed to the elephant master's mind.

Upon hearing these words, the elephant owner's empty eyes immediately shone with light: "I understand."

Then the Elephant Master stood still, moved a small step and came to Jack's five pirate ships.

The huge elephant trunk swung at the five pirate ships like a giant tower reaching the sky, just like a huge golf club swung at golf balls.

The five pirate ships were smashed into powder the moment they touched the elephant's trunk, and almost no bones of the pirates on board were left.

Drought Jack, known for his defensive power, had his face mask shattered by this blow and lost consciousness.

The power of Elephant Master's blow killed Drought Jack. It can only be said that they knew nothing about power. Under such terrifying power, those fancy things seemed so weak.

Then the elephant owner waved his trunk again, hitting Jack out of the air again, and disappeared into the horizon without a trace.

This blow would most likely cause comminuted fractures all over the body. Li Xiao judged that it would probably not be possible to recover within a few decades.

Li Xiao was quite surprised. He just tried to command the Elephant Master, but he succeeded. He touched his forehead and the dark golden dragon pattern disappeared again.

"Alduin, what exactly did you leave for me?" Li Xiao murmured.

The elephant owner continued to move forward calmly, and Zouu Island also returned to calm.

Everyone looked at Li Xiao in surprise.

"Akatsuki, can you hear this elephant?" Luffy asked.

Li Xiao nodded: "Okay, try to order it to attack the Jack Pirate Ship."

Usopp held his head and exclaimed: "You can actually order the Elephant Master, you are so scary!"

At this time, the scout monkey yelled that something was wrong and ran past: "Report, report monkey, the elephant owner used his trunk to scatter Jack and the others with one blow!"

Cat Viper looked serious: "First of all, we must find out why Jack came here, otherwise it won't be safe here."

Luffy looked at Akatsuki with a bright face: "It would be great if this elephant could also become a partner!"

Li Xiao waved his hand: "Absolutely impossible, the elephant owner will not get on the boat, right, elephant owner!"

At this time, the elephant owner also roared symbolically in response to Li Xiao.

Luffy was a little downcast, feeling it was such a pity.

Of course Li Xiao was talking nonsense. Even if the elephant owner could become a partner, Li Xiao did not intend to take the elephant owner on adventures all day long. That would not be called an adventure, but would be called traveling with a leash.

"Okay, let's set off quickly!" Luffy recovered quickly and grabbed Li Xiao to leave.

Before leaving, Li Xiao took Kinemon to a room and whispered something. Kinemon was shocked and incredulous.

"This is impossible!" Kinemon exclaimed.

"Keep your voice down, it's impossible for you to judge for yourself. That's all I'll say, and you will observe slowly afterwards." Li Xiao waved his hand and left the room, heading to join Luffy and others, leaving Kinemon behind. A look of disbelief.

At this time Kanjuro opened the door: "What's wrong Kin'emon, what did he tell you?"

Kinemon suddenly smiled and touched his head: "Haha, it's nothing, it's about Momonosuke's future training methods."

"That's right." Kanjuro nodded.

Before Li Xiao and Luffy left, the Elephant Master became unsteady on his feet again because Jack's attack caused damage to the Elephant Master's legs.

The fur tribes immediately mobilized all their hands and made a huge bandage, as well as a large number of medicinal herbs.

After the preparations were completed, everyone worked together to bandage the elephant owner's wounds. It felt like Spider-Man cleaning the windows. The wind was strong at high altitudes and the operation was really difficult.

However, with the efforts of everyone, the elephant owner's wound was successfully bandaged, and the elephant owner also let out a cry of gratitude.

(End of chapter)

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