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Chapter 33 Of course

Chapter 33 Of course

"You are not allowed to touch my orange fields with your dirty hands!"

Nami knocked down a marine with a wooden stick.

"I won't give you my money!"

"This child's money was used to save the Cocoyasi Village. Do you still have the right to take away the money?" said Ajian, the village guard.

At this time, Nokigao also came over: "You guys in the navy are not reliable at all. Since you don't want to save this village, just disappear from here quickly. If you continue to delay, your ship will also be targeted."


"Is it Aaron? It's hard to say. Haven't you found it yet? That's 100 million Baileys."

Colonel Mouse ignored everyone's words and ordered the navy.

After hearing Colonel Mouse's words, Nami understood.

The reason why Colonel Mouse knows that there are 100 million Baileys hidden here is very simple. Aaron told him.

With the help of the navy, Aaron took away Nami's money, making it impossible for Nami to complete the agreement.

In this way, Nami must continue to stay with the Arlong Pirates and draw navigation charts for them. The name of Cocoa West Village will never be saved.

Nami's eyes had become dull, and her mind was filled with Aaron's unbridled laughter.

Nami clenched her fists: "Did Aaron call you here?"

The corners of Colonel Mouse's mouth rose: "Who knows, we are just as a navy to deal with the thieves as we should."

"You are really a bunch of corrupt people!" Guard Ajian shouted.

Nokigoya shouted: "Your navy is colluding with pirates!"

Nami bit her lip and trembled all over.

"Found it!" said a marine.

In the orange field, the navy dug up the money that Nami had hidden.

Colonel Mouse was very happy to see a lot of money.

"It's amazing that a little girl can get so much. Someone, move the boxes away!"

"Don't touch it, don't touch it, don't touch it!"

Nami was trembling all over and walked towards Colonel Mouse.

"Don't touch it, don't touch it, don't touch it!"

At this moment, Colonel Mouse raised his pistol towards Nami.

When Nuo Qigao and Ajian saw this, they immediately rushed over.

Colonel Mouse pressed the trigger without hesitation.

A figure stood in front of Nami and Nokigao at the right time.

Li Xiao used Thor's hammer to block the bullet.

Neither Nokigao nor Nami was injured.

"Li Xiao." Nami looked at Li Xiao's back and wanted to say something but couldn't. She felt aggrieved.

Li Xiao turned Mjolnir and walked towards Colonel Mouse. Li Xiao was a little angry now.

"Hey, hey, a young man who stands up is so naive. Do you want to go against our navy?"

Colonel Mouse pointed his pistol at Li Xiao and asked loudly.

"I don't care what the hell you are, Navy. All I know is that you made my partner cry."

Li Xiao looked at Colonel Mouse and said with cold eyes.

Colonel Mouse saw that his deterrence was useless, so he ordered the navy: "Everyone, shoot and kill this thug!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a bolt of lightning fell along with the sound of thunder. The sailors were hit by the sudden lightning and fell to the ground one after another.

Colonel Mouse was left alone to face Li Xiao.

Li Xiao put his hand on Colonel Mouse's shoulder and asked coldly: "When did I ask you to move the box away?"

Colonel Mouse was finally scared, and Li Xiao could feel his muscles trembling.

Colonel Mouse wanted to take the opportunity to pull the trigger of the pistol, but Li Xiao's hand exerted a little force, and Colonel Mouse's shoulder was in great pain, and he couldn't use any strength.

"Are you afraid?" Li Xiao asked.

Colonel Mouse swallowed his saliva: "I,, I am a naval captain. Do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Li Xiao smiled, stretched out his hand and grabbed Colonel Mouse's six unique beards and said, "Are you kidding me? I am a pirate and am afraid of being wanted by the navy?"

"Let me go. You should know how powerful Aaron is. Aaron and I work together. Aaron will definitely not let you go if you hurt me."

Seeing that his navy identity was not effective, Colonel Mouse revealed his other identity, Aaron's partner.

Li Xiao laughed loudly: "Have you heard this? This guy is working in cahoots with Aaron. He is a navy man."

Li Xiao pulled off the six beards of Colonel Mouse: "As a navy, you have such an unfirm stance. I am really ashamed of the word justice behind you!"

"What are you going to do? If you dare to touch me, Aaron won't let you go!"

Colonel Mouse covered his mouth and backed away in horror.

Li Xiao took a deep breath, turned his back to Nami, and said calmly: "Nami, it's time to make your choice. Do you choose to let this guy go and then go to Aaron to compromise, or kill this guy and fight with us?"

Let’s destroy the Arlong Pirates together.”

Li Xiao has been waiting for an opportunity and Nami's determination.

Nami's stubbornness was finally broken at this moment.

The pain of losing a loved one, endured for eight years, turned into tears at this moment.

Nami collapsed on the ground, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.

"Li Xiao, help me!"

Hearing this, Li Xiao smiled.

I'm sorry, Luffy, for stealing your limelight, but after hearing this, Li Xiao was very happy, because he really couldn't bear what Colonel Mouse did, and he couldn't bear to see Nami being bullied.

Li Xiao raised his right hand, ready to shout "Of course." to capture Nami.

However, a familiar voice sounded from the side.

Luffy raised his hands and shouted, "Of course!"

Li Xiao looked at Luffy in confusion. When did this guy show up and steal his lines? No, it should be said that it was someone else's lines.

Li Xiao hit Luffy on the head: "Why did you steal my lines?"

Luffy covered his head and said aggrievedly: "What? I've been watching you for a long time. Nami needs help. We must help her."

"I know I want to help, but can you wait a while before showing up?"

"No, I can't help it!" Luffy said.

Li Xiao was speechless, holding back his anger, and happened to see Colonel Mouse running away.

"Die to me!"

Li Xiao threw out a rotating flying hammer, hitting Colonel Mouse's back accurately. He didn't control the force well, and it didn't matter whether he was alive or dead.

At the entrance of Cocoa West Village, Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp were waiting quietly there.

Luffy and Li Xiao walked out of the village silently.

Arriving at the entrance of the village, the five members of the Straw Hat Pirates gathered together.

"Let's go!" Luffy said seriously.


everyone replied.

Everyone followed Luffy's footsteps and headed to Aaron's Paradise.

(End of chapter)

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