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Chapter 55 Winter Island

Chapter 55 Winter Island

After taking back the space ring from Lake Toya, Li Xiao noticed that Valpo, who had fainted just now, woke up.

"My head hurts. Where am I?"

Valpo covered his head and looked around.

"You can go." Li Xiao said.

"I,,who am I?"

Valpo actually lost his memory. Could this be a side effect of the Devil Fruit Remover?

It doesn't matter, Li Xiao picked up Valbo and gave it a hard shake, throwing it back to his pirate ship.

"Just remember, we will definitely come back for revenge!" Jace said loudly.

Immediately, the White Iron Pirates accelerated and drove away from everyone's sight.

Li Xiao took off the gloves and placed them at the campfire for everyone to keep warm.

Then he came to Nami's room. Nami's face was pale and she seemed to be having a nightmare.

Li Xiao took out a recovery pill and put it into Nami's mouth. The pill melted in her mouth, and Nami's face became much rosier.

Sanji stood quietly aside, surprisingly not smoking at this time.

"How is Miss Nami doing?" Sanji asked.

"There is no serious problem at the moment. We need to find a doctor to cure the disease as soon as possible." Li Xiao said.

"I understand, Nami will be taken care of by you these days." After saying this, Sanji left the room and went to the kitchen to cook for everyone.

Finally, after sailing for two days, the ship saw Winter Island, an island covered in ice and snow, the Kingdom of the Drum.

"Nami, that's great. I've discovered an island. Your disease can be cured. It's an island, island island island!" Luffy came to Nami's bedside and said happily.

Sanji said: "Luffy, I told you first, there is no time for you to explore this time. We went to the island to find a doctor. We will leave immediately after Nami sees the doctor! Luffy


Luffy stared at Winter Island in the distance and exclaimed: "The snow is so nice, it's white."

Sanji said helplessly: "No way, he's not listening at all."

Usopp once again suffered from a strange disease that prevented him from landing on the island: "Since there is snow, will there be snow monsters? After all, whether there are people on the island is a big problem. Oh no, the old disease has relapsed."

The Meri sailed near Dongdao, and the magnificent scenery was breathtaking.

The towering snow peaks, the snow-capped woods, and the snow-covered scenery are particularly enchanting.

Li Xiao looked at the thermometer. The current temperature was minus ten degrees, which was not very cold.

"Luffy, aren't you cold when you're dressed like that?"

Li Xiao asked curiously, Luffy wore a red vest.

Luffy suddenly realized the temperature problem: "It's so cold!", and then went to the room and put on a thick coat.

No one has such a neurological reflex.

"Then, who will go to the doctor? No, we should go to the talent first, right?" Zoro asked.

Luffy was the first to raise his hand: "I want to go!"

"I want to go too!" Sanji said.

"Okay, you go ahead!" Usopp said.

The Meri docked on the shore of Dongdao, and when he was about to board the ship, he discovered that many Dongdao guards were ambushed on the shore.

The guards held muskets and pointed them at everyone.

"That's it, pirates!"

A sturdy man came out. This man was Dalton, the guard captain of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom.

"Pirates, listen up and leave this place immediately!" Dalton said.

Luffy said: "We are here to see the doctor."

"There are patients on the ship!" Princess Weiwei said.

"We won't be fooled like this, you despicable pirates!"

"This is our island, we can't let pirates set foot on it."

"Okay, pull up the anchor and roll away, or your ship will be blown up too!"

The members of the escort were filled with indignation and did not buy it.

"We are really disgusted." Li Xiao blew out a smoke ring.

"Obviously this is the first time we've met," Sanji said.

At this time, a member of the escort suddenly drew his gun and fired: "Don't talk back!"

The bullet hit the deck in front of Li Xiao. Fortunately, Li Xiao ducked quickly, otherwise his toe would have been shot through.

"How dare you shoot!"

Just as Li Xiao was about to throw the demon binding rope, he was stopped by Princess Weiwei.

"Wait a minute Li Xiao!"

At this moment, the guard fired again.

The bullet hit Princess Weiwei's arm, knocking Princess Weiwei to the ground.

"Wei Wei!" Li Xiao was really angry this time, and flames shot up into the sky along with his anger level.

"How dare you!"

Li Xiao planned to use fire fist to penetrate them all.

Just when Li Xiao was about to take action again, Princess Weiwei hugged Li Xiao's legs.

Li Xiao immediately extinguished the flame and looked at Princess Weiwei in shock.

"Wait a minute, fighting is not a good way to solve problems. My injury doesn't matter, it's just a bruise on my arm."

After that, Princess Weiwei knelt on the ground and said to the people on the shore guard: "Then we will not go ashore. Can you please call one of you? Our companion is in pain because of a serious illness. Please help.

We, please!”

"Weiwei!" Li Xiao took a deep breath.

"What will happen to Nami if you defeat them?" Weiwei said.

Weiwei's shoulder was still bleeding, whether he was too impulsive, Li Xiao asked himself, maybe so.

"Sorry, it's my problem, please call the doctor." Li Xiao said piously to the escort team.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, Dalton spoke: "I will take you to the village, follow me!"

After Dalton finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the village.

If the disease is not treated, Nami's life will be in danger. Sometimes in life, you need to learn to compromise. Who made me fail to identify a pill to get rid of all diseases?

Princess Weiwei smiled happily at Li Xiao: "Look, they understand our difficulties."

"Yes, you are really powerful. Eat this first, and your injuries should be healed soon." Li Xiao handed Princess Weiwei a pill to restore trauma.

Princess Weiwei ate it well and the wound healed soon.

Except for Sauron and Karu Duck who stayed on the boat, everyone else followed the escort and headed towards the Drum Kingdom.

It's snowing heavily here, making a creaking sound when walking.

Dalton said: "Let me give you a piece of advice in advance. There is only one witch doctor in our country."

"What is that? It's such a baffling country." Sanji held Nami on his back and smoked a cigarette.

"This country doesn't have a name yet," Dalton said.

"Is there such a country without a name?" Princess Weiwei asked.

At this moment, a huge white bear walking upright came towards me. The white bear held a huge stone pickaxe and ignored everyone and passed by.

Dalton said: "That's a hiking bear. It's not dangerous. Don't forget the climbing etiquette and give him a bow."

Everyone collectively bowed to Hiking Bear, and Hiking Bear also bowed to everyone, and just passed by.

After walking for tens of minutes in the snow, everyone saw the towns of Dongdao.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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