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Chapter 91: The Manly Man, Montblanc Kulikai

Chapter 91 The Manly Man Blanc Kulikai

He helped the fainted Kuli Kai to the bed. According to Chopper's diagnosis, he had diving disease.

When coming up from the bottom of the sea, due to air pressure problems, certain elements originally dissolved in the blood cannot remain dissolved. In that case, bubbles will be generated, causing damage to the blood flow and muscles and joints.

"Anyway, it's a strange phenomenon." Luffy classified all the things he didn't understand into strange phenomena.

In other words, Kulikai’s frequent diving led to the occurrence of this disease.

"Why is he working so hard?" Nami asked.

"Mont Blanc Rolando, Mont Blanc Culique, he is a descendant of Rolando. Even he doesn't completely believe it. In order to prove the existence of the Golden Land, he is a man who has spent his life fighting against fate." Li Xiao said.

"How do you know so well?" Nami exclaimed.

"Guess." Li Xiao lit a cigarette and walked out of the room silently.

As soon as Li Xiao blew out a smoke ring, he saw orangutans and orangutans rushing over from a short distance away.

Frightened, Li Xiao immediately threw out the demon binding rope, tripping them both to the ground.

"What are you doing here?" the orangutan asked.

"What good things have you done to the boss?" said the ape.

"We are taking care of the sick Kuli Kai, you guys, get out of the way." Li Xiao said lightly.

Usopp exclaimed: "Idiot, they will only listen to you. Don't forget that they are wild animals, wild animals. Everyone, please escape from the window!"

Something surprising happened, the apes and orangutans actually shed tears.

"Wow, wow, you are such good people!" the apes and orangutans said in unison.

"They actually believed it!" Usopp complained.

Next, everyone mingled with the apes and orangutans.

The two of them introduced their relationship with Kulikai. This home was the base of their Sarushan United Army, but they usually slept on the boat. The room was too small for them, and they couldn't even enter through the door.

After chatting for a while, Kulikai woke up.

"Uncle Diamond, I have something to ask you."

Because Kulikai's head looks like a rhombus, Luffy called him this.

What Li Xiao was curious about was that Luffy actually knew about rhombus.

Kulikai, who had just woken up, had a cigarette in his mouth and was also an old smoker who never left his hand.

"I'm causing you trouble. I thought you were also idiots looking for gold nuggets. What do you want to ask me?"

"Uncle, we really want to go to Sky Island, please tell us how to get there." Luffy said with expectation.

When he heard the word "empty island", Kulikai smiled unconsciously, and his smile turned into a big laugh: "You really believe that there is an empty island!"

Hearing this laughter, Nami couldn't help but want to hit Kurikai, but Usopp stopped her.

The main reason is that Nami asked about Sky Island in the bar today and was laughed at by a group of people. Luffy and Zoro didn't fight back even when they were beaten. Now that Kulikai is still laughing, Nami's temper is getting worse.

"Is there really no empty island, uncle?" Luffy asked.

Kulikai pondered for a moment: "I don't know either, but I know that there is a person who believes in the existence of Sky Island, but that person became a legendary and world-famous liar, and future generations will never be able to hold their heads up."

Speaking of liars, Luffy looked at Usopp, seemingly asking Usopp if that person was you.

Usopp saw Luffy looking at him and immediately explained: "It's not me, idiot!"

"People from Beihai should have heard of this ancient fairy tale, Rolando the Great Liar." Kulikai said.

"Eh!!!" Luffy looked at Usopp again.

"I told you it's not me, and our last names are different!" Usopp explained again.

Kulikai explained to everyone that he was a descendant of Rolando.

"He is my grandfather's grandfather's grandfather. I don't know how far away it is. In short, it is a very long and troublesome relationship. At that time, the Montblanc family was expelled and lived a life of being unable to hold their head high. They are still being reviled by others to this day.

But no one in our family hates him because Rolando is more honest than anyone else."

Usopp said: "I understand, uncle, you are determined to find the gold on the bottom of the sea in order to clear the name of the Montblanc family!"

"Idiot, when did I say that!"

Kurikai fired a shot at the wall next to him, making Usopp's legs tremble in fear.

"He has nothing to do with me. Just because he is related to that idiot, he was scolded by strangers. Can you understand the aggrieved feeling of a child? I grew up in such an environment!"

After the irritation, Kulikai became calm again: "Yes, in the past 400 years, in order to redress the reputation of the Montblanc family, countless people went to sea to find evidence, but in the end they all disappeared. I have always thought that I have such

I was ashamed of my family, so I ran away from home and became a pirate."

"Actually, I don't really want to be a pirate. The reason is simple. I just want to escape Rolando's curse. Unknowingly, I also became the leader of a pirate group and entered the Grand Line. I didn't expect that 10 years ago

, I came to this island by chance, as if it was fate. I am the one who hates Rolando the most among the Montblanc family, but I am the only one who arrived at this island. The island is the same as the picture describes, but there is no golden island.

, I can’t help but feel that this is fate.”

"I can't escape anymore, with or without it. I'm not trying to prove Rolando's innocence. This is a duel with the man who disrupted my life. I want to figure things out before I die."

After hearing Kulikai's story, everyone was very moved, and Usopp burst into tears.

As for why the apes and orangutans became Kulikai's partners, the reason is simple: they are fans of the picture book.

"But what I want to know is not this. What I want to ask is, uncle, I want to go to Sky Island!" Luffy said loudly.

Kulikai took out a book, which was Rolando's voyage diary. It was Rolando's personal diary 400 years ago.

Kulikai turned to a page and asked Nami to read the content above.

"The weather was fine on June 21st, 1120th year of the Hainan calendar, and we sailed towards the prosperous town of Vera. According to the record pointer, after setting off from the port, the ship headed straight to the northeast and east. During the day, we sailed towards the passing sellers.

The boatman bought something strange and strange, a single-person boat called a Weiba, which looks like a ski. It can ride the wind and waves on calm days. It is really a wonderful boat. "

"It's so interesting, I want this too!" Nami was very interested in the powerful character described in the diary.

"However, his source of power seems to be found only on empty islands. I heard that there are many strange and weird things like this in the sky. My explorer friends also showed me the flying fish in the sky. It was really a wonderful fish.

It surprised me. Although Kongkai is a new and unknown territory for us, as a sailor, I really hope that one day I can go to Kongkai to broaden my horizons."

"He also mentioned Kukai!" Nami said excitedly.

While everyone was checking the diary, Kulikai walked out of the room and started talking to the apes and orangutans.

"They seem to want to go to Sky Island no matter what." Kulikai said.

"There is only one way to get there," said the orangutan.

The ape said: "But if they go by themselves, they will definitely die!"

"That's why I asked you if you would like to give them a hand!" Kulikai said.

(End of chapter)

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