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Chapter 99 Departure from the Island of the Gods

Chapter 99 Departing from the Island of Gods

It was obvious that these guards were looking for trouble and looked down on people from Qinghai.

"This guy is deliberately imposing charges on us!" Chopper also pointed at the guard captain and said.

"Chopper, don't add fuel to the fire!" Usopp tried to stop Chopper.

Chopper said: "But we can't do anything like this!"

"Nothing can be done..."

Usopp seemed to have thought of some clever trick.

"By the way, then just don't do anything. Go to sleep."

Usopp shaped the cloud on the ground into the shape of a pillow, lay on it and began to sleep.

"Come on, go to sleep, sleep quickly!"

Luffy and Chopper then lay on the ground and fell asleep.

Although Zoro was a little reluctant, he still lay there on his side.

Who would have thought that the guard captain could still find trouble.

"You actually made such an unpleasant sleeping noise on the sacred and lovely avenue. If you are convicted of environmental damage, it will be a sixth-level crime." The guard captain said.

Damn it, sleeping sounds can also be illegal, Li Xiao has learned a lot.

"Why is breathing illegal?" Usopp was shocked.

Luffy stood up: "Ah~ It's so annoying. I'm going to beat that beret man away!"

"Do you want to fight?" Zoro couldn't bear it anymore.

The guard captain remained calm and composed: "The rude words and deeds against us so far have also constituted the crime of obstructing official business. They have constituted a fifth-level crime and are criminals who must be sentenced to death."

"Catch them!" the guard captain ordered his men to pick up their bows and arrows and aim at them.

Li Xiao couldn't bear it any longer and punched out a fire punch, sending all the beret guards flying.

"Well done Li Xiao!" Sauron put the knife back into its sheath.

Cornish looked shocked.

"Don't worry, just take us to find the boat." Li Xiao said.

Cornis nodded and led everyone to the dock.

At this time, the residents of the street stayed away from everyone, which was completely opposite to the enthusiasm just now.

But Li Xiao doesn't care about this, his goal is also the Island of Gods, to find Anilu.

Under the leadership of Cornis, everyone came to the port, where many ships were docked, all driven by wind shells.

"There are all kinds of ships docked at this pier, including travel ships with habitable interiors, speed ships carrying huge wind shells, and many other different ships." Cornish said.

Cornish's boat is a small boat that can only carry three people, and there is simply not enough space.

Li Xiao originally planned to come here to buy a boat, but because of what happened just now, those people stayed far away and could not buy a boat.

In this case, Li Xiao simply boarded the largest gondola boat.

"Whose ship is this? Does it have an owner? If so, I will sail away~" Li Xiao stood on the bow of the ship and asked the residents in the port.

The residents whispered, but no one dared to answer.

"That's weird. I was originally going to pay, but since there's no one around, let's borrow it for a few days!"

Li Xiao said hello, and everyone in the Straw Hats followed them onto the boat.

"It's such a handsome boat. I'll borrow this one!" Luffy was very satisfied with this big boat with a phoenix tail.

"Hey Xiao, is this really okay..." Usopp whispered.

"No one has claimed this ship. Besides, we will return it to them and just pay some repair money then. Do you want to steal this ship?" Li Xiao looked at it with strange eyes.


"Steal,.,steal, I have no intention of doing that, just say what's in your heart!" Usopp complained.

"Haha, I do have this idea."

Li Xiao started to drive this large gondola. As long as he pressed the button, the huge wind shell would emit super strong wind force.

The gondola sailed quickly towards Apayado, the Island of Gods, leaving behind astonished people at the port.

"Whoa!! Island of Gods, Island of Gods!" Luffy jumped up excitedly on the boat.

"Hey, did you forget Merry's number so quickly?" Usopp said.

In this way, the ship sailed on the Baibai Sea and saw the island of God, Apayado.

On the way, I met Nami who was riding back on a Weiba.

"Nami-san, it's me!" Sanji greeted Nami.

Li Xiao threw out the demon binding rope and pulled Nami and Wei Ba up together.

Nami was confused as to why the number was not Merry, and Usopp explained the reason to Nami.

"Nani! Wanted!"

Nami hammered a big bump on Luffy's head.

Luffy covered his head: "It doesn't matter, we are already used to being chased anyway. Compared to this, why are you back?"

"Huh?" Nami looked at Luffy in confusion.

"We are finally preparing to go on a big adventure to that inaccessible place. No, we are preparing to find you." Luffy touched his head naively. Even a fool could see that he wanted to enter the Island of Gods.

Nami was helpless: "You can really see through it at a glance. What a big adventure. Didn't I just say that the guys on the island are so scary? You can only say such things without seeing it."

Although I don’t know if they are gods or what, their miraculous power is real. In short, I will never go to that kind of ghost place again! That kind of broken island!"

Nami used a set of snake fists, which made Luffy retreat repeatedly.

"Then let's go by ourselves. You can wait here." Luffy said.

"No, the pursuers will come, we have to leave this country as soon as possible!"

"You said you wanted to leave. Stop talking nonsense. Which do you think is more important, risk or life?"

"Of course life, then money!" Nami hit Luffy on the head again.

Seeing Luffy being beaten, Sanji also came over: "Then am I next?"

"I'm so annoyed!" Nami punched Sanji away.

Although Nami didn't want to go, fate always had its plans.

With violent shaking, a huge super express shrimp appeared at the bottom of the boat and lifted up the gondola.

"The ship is going backwards!" Luffy exclaimed.

Everyone looked towards the bottom of the boat and saw the huge red shrimp.

The Super Express Shrimp is a messenger of God, and what it carries is usually a tribute to the God.

In other words, they have been targeted by Enelu, and everyone taken away by the Express Shrimp will undergo the God's Trial.

Nami lay there with a lifeless expression: "Are you going back to that island again?"

It’s no wonder that Nami is so scared, it’s because she just rode the Powerba to the Island of Gods, where she saw Enelu’s terrifying divine punishment.

The thick thunder blasted a fleeing pirate into pieces, and he also encountered members of the guerrillas.

"Ah hahahaha, it's getting more and more fun now!" Luffy said happily standing on the bow of the boat.

In this way, Express Shrimp placed the ship on the altar next to the Island of Gods, and then left.

(End of chapter)

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