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Chapter 123 Rhapsody

【Beautiful girl animation?】

【It’s smaller, the layout is smaller.】

[My suggestion is to lock ** directly! 】

【Thunder Fire Sword, Forever Drop God d(′w`*)】

"Stop joking, what's so good about greasy painting..."

Jon transmitted the message angrily.

Then, he suddenly came to his senses and looked solemn.

"I, Qiao, am an upright person, can I read that kind of unhealthy stuff? I read "Spring and Autumn"!"

[Ah, yes, yes! If you say yes, then it is.] Classmate Little D responded in a very cooperative manner.

The small theater between the body and the substitute is unknown to outsiders.

In the living room, Jotaro and others felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

The cartoon character pulled out by Jon with a thin wire was covered in blood, but had a weird smile on his face.

"Let's travel together..."

respond to it.

It's "Eula", "Wuxian" and other battle cries that have unknown meanings but are full of personality.

The shadow of the fist is like the wind.

That scene.

Quite spectacular.

With ‘Platinum Star’ and ‘Golden Experience. Requiem’ taking action, the battle was over in the blink of an eye.

However, everyone's expressions were still solemn.

Think for a moment.

Giorno said: "I have a wonderful feeling..."

At this moment, Xu Lun raised his hand, "And me."

"Weather Forecast" said nothing.

Jotaro raised his hand to press the brim of his hat.

Apparently, so do they.

Several people looked at each other.

They nodded in unison.

Mista was extremely puzzled, "Giorno, what on earth are you going to do?"

Giorno took a deep breath and patted his companion on the shoulder, "Mista, do you want to see Bucciarati?"

Hearing this, Mista was stunned.

Think about it.


Bucciarati and Apache have been dead for ten years!

"If you want to, don't ask anything, just come with me." Giorno showed a rare serious expression, "This is an order."

Is a close friend.

Also a leader.

Mista entered the state instantly, "Follow your orders, boss!"

The words just fell.

A strange voice came from the corner of the living room.

"Friendship, what a wonderful feeling. Friendship is everything. It is more important than talent, more important than the government, and is almost equal to family. Young people, never forget this."

Who is speaking?!

Everyone went out looking for fame.

But I saw an old man in a suit and leather shoes sitting on a chair minding his own business, holding half a burning cigar in his hand.

Giorno recognized who that person was at a glance.

‘Vito Corleone’

His favorite comic book hero when he was young!

Rong Rong calmly took a few steps back and whispered: "Be careful, it's the enemy's substitute attack."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Jotaro glanced around, his tone very helpless, "It seems like we have been tricked a long time ago."


Giorno quickly turned around.

I don’t know when, there were many familiar and unfamiliar figures in the corners of the living room!

A plumber with a mustache wearing overalls, a big mouse that looks somewhat similar to Xu Lun, and a cute kitten that is as white as cotton candy.

"Hey, hey, are you kidding? Why are Mario, hellokitty and Mickey appearing here?" Anna Sui covered her forehead in disbelief, "This kind of stand-in ability is simply unbelievable!"

There is one thing to say, indeed.

Upgrading the two-dimensional characters to a higher dimension or something.

It’s outrageous to think about.

For example:

What would happen if one day you find beautiful girls such as Rena Ryugu, Yuno Gatama, Katsura Enha, Ayase Aragaki standing beside your bed?

There is only one answer!

Start a harem life that makes people blush just thinking about it (cross out)

Being brutally quartered (correct answer)

Very scary!


It would be a different story if it was a super human like Jon who was not afraid of hatchets...


Back to business.

Facing the ghostly Mario and Mickey, Jotaro and others looked solemn.

Jon couldn't stand it anymore and explained the current situation, "Don't be afraid, this is the ability of 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. As long as the main body is defeated, this phenomenon will stop."

That's easy to say.

If you don't even know where the real body is, how can you defeat it?

Giorno said solemnly: "Mr. Joestar, since you said that, it means you can stop this ability, right?"

Jon scratched his brow, "It's okay, that's okay..."

Before he finished speaking, Giorno interrupted him with a wave of his hand and said seriously: "Then, I'll leave it to you!"

Let me ask, who can resist a handsome 25-year-old golden retriever with a sincere face?

Jon sighed silently.

I swear to Deng, the reason why he agreed to Rong Rong's request was definitely not because the two-dimensional characters manifested in "Bohemian Rhapsody" are relatively distorted and have no sense of beauty.


——For the safety of the world!



Florida, an airport.

Putting down the "Peter Pan" he was holding, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of Anglo's mouth.


The capabilities of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ are simply amazing.

Thinking of this, Father Pucci's face appeared in his mind. If he hadn't accidentally kidnapped Mr. Father, how could he have acquired such heaven-defying abilities.

Looking around, Anglo couldn't help but smile to himself.

Destroy it.

You guys are charging now.

All happy guys will die!

As a drug addict who is frustrated in life, he usually hates seeing others living a better life than him.

Yes, Anglo is such a rotten scumbag.

But as the saying goes, ‘If you are mean, you will be rewarded’.

He was thinking about the task assigned to him by Father Pucci.

Suddenly, the invisible door opened, and a handsome black-haired young man walked out.

If it's not Jon, who is it?

Anglo was startled.

Immediately, he reacted and shouted: "Peter Pan, save me!"

As the body of 'Bohemian Rhapsody', he can control the manifested two-dimensional character to a certain extent.

Along with Anglo's words, a stream of green light flew over.

Jon pouted.

Hundreds of transparent filaments protruded from the back, and "Peter Pan" was right in the middle.

Anglo couldn't help but his eyes widened.

Monster, this is it!

After calming down, he snapped his fingers, and several curious figures appeared around him.

Jon glanced around.

Good guy.

A freak show, right?

The disembowelled big bad wolf, holding scissors in his hand, the expressionless Little Red Riding Hood, and the old woman who has lost her human form.

It's like a low-budget plasma movie.

It's both vulgar and bloody.

Jon smiled.

When it comes to painting style, I, Qiao, have never lost.

Come on, little classmate D, give him the whole job!

【Fuck! Go! Ignore!】

After playing a bad joke that only the main body and the stand-in knew, the full picture of 'Gate. Requiem. Act2' appeared before Anglo's eyes.

The Anglos are numb.

Great fear emerged from the bottom of my heart, and a chill rushed down my spine and into the back of my head!

He screamed loudly, summoned the 'rabbit hole (Alice in Wonderland)', and jumped in without thinking.

Seeing this, Jon patted classmate Little D on the lower back and said, "Okay, you've all learned how to win over others without fighting."

[Alas~] Classmate Little D sighed.

After regaining consciousness, countless transparent filaments poked out, easily shattering the Little Red Riding Hood and Big Bad Wolf summoned by Anglo.

Then, the scene changed.

Jon and his classmate Xiao D traveled thousands of miles and came to an endless grassland.

Anglo, who had just emerged from the rabbit hole, was dumbfounded.

I've already hid here, can you still chase me?

Jon raised his hand and said, "Don't say I didn't give you a chance. If you have any skills, use them quickly."

Anglo swallowed, and with a 'pop' sound, he knelt down directly, "No matter what the cost! Please spare my life!"

How determined can an addict be?

At the critical juncture, Anglo surrendered very spinelessly.

Jon felt bored.

You fell down before I even exerted any force.

So boring~

"Stop your substitute ability first." Jon put his hands in his pockets, "Then, tell me what Enrique Pucci told you."

Hearing this, Anglo had no choice but to put away "Bohemian Rhapsody."

Licking his slightly dry lips, he said: "Father Pucci told me that insects attracted by fate will rush towards the holy fire without knowing their own strength..."

The voice is getting lower and lower.

Obviously, the person in front of me with unfathomable strength is the 'insect' that the priest calls him.


Jon smiled.

Father Pucci, who was fused with the "Green Baby" and was favored by fate, seemed to be inflated.

Not bad.

If Heaven wants it to die, it must first make it mad.

Expand it.

Keep expanding.

Let's see who is the final winner.

Seeing that Jon was a little distracted, Anglo rolled his eyes.

With a slight thought in his mind, a strange insect with a strange shape appeared in the blind spot of the other party's sight...

"I've already said what needs to be said." Ange said with a flattering smile on his face, "Can I go?"

Jon shook his head slightly.

As expected, Anglo thought so, but he pretended to be frightened, "Please let me go, I really don't know anything!"

As soon as the word 'Tao' was spoken, the strange insect suddenly burst out and opened six blade-like jointed limbs to pounce on Jon.

Jon seemed to have expected it.

Raise your hand and hit the "finger gun" to kill the strange insect.

The Anglo secret path is not good.

Even the facehuggers in "Alien" can't help each other?

My heart skipped a beat.

It seems that the only solution is to use a trick!

He gritted his teeth and used up all his mental energy to summon the terrifying 100-meter-long beast.

It’s none other than the world-famous ‘King of Monsters’ Godzilla!


Jon was not surprised but delighted.

This is right.

This is the right way to open 'Bohemian Rhapsody'!

Anyway, there are grasslands within a hundred miles, so you don’t have to worry too much.

With a clap of his hands, the 'blue dragon form' appeared.

Anglo's whole body is in bad shape.

I say you are a monster, but are you really a monster?

When Dio's silly son was stunned, Jon and Godzilla fought together.

In an instant, the earth shook and the sky collapsed!

Anglo had no time to react and was killed by the aftermath of the battle.

The body dies.

The effect of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ also disappeared.

But at this moment, classmate Xiao D launched a wave of amazing assists.

Hundreds of thousands of transparent filaments pierced Godzilla's body, relying on the power of 'time and space' to maintain his illusory figure.

Jon returned to the ground and asked curiously: "Do you want to take this thing for your own use?"


Classmate Little D nodded.

He asked rhetorically.

【Don’t you think this thing is cool?】


To be honest, the word handsome has nothing to do with the copycat version of Godzilla in front of me.

For example, if the normal Godzilla is drawn in Toei style, he is mighty and domineering.

So, Godzilla, who was summoned by Anglo after exhausting his mental energy, is completely Boingo style, weird and curious.

There is no comparability at all, okay!

Sensing Jon's thoughts, classmate Xiao D emphasized.

[Even if he looks a little ugly, Godzilla is still Godzilla. Don’t be so picky about things you pick up for free.]

That’s what I said~

It has an internal smell of "it's the same even if the lights are turned off".

Jon pinched his eyebrows.

never mind.

Just like your substitute.

Stealing the sky above, seizing the earth below, and grabbing the air in the middle.

The geese pluck their hair when they pass, and the beasts leave their skins when they leave.

‘King of Monsters’?

Bring it to you!

Thanks to the unremitting efforts of classmate Xiao D, the ownership of Godzilla finally changed hands.

The two eyes of the 100-meter giant beast are engraved with 'hour hands' and 'Mobius strips' respectively.

[ok, done!] Little D looked very happy.

As a substitute for controlling 'authority', it was born to plunder and steal.

Jon looked at the huge Godzilla, then at the cheerful little D classmate, and asked curiously: "Excuse me, where do you plan to put it?"

Classmate Xiao D hesitated for a moment and said: "Your fourth-dimensional pocket."

Jon spread his hands, "But this thing is a living thing. If you put it in, it will die immediately. Wouldn't your work be in vain?"

Little D’s classmate fell into silence.

After a long time, it spoke.

[Then bury it, and when needed, summon it using the ‘Gateway of Time and Space’! 】

"In other words, you personally left a real monster to this world?" Jon said in a strange tone.

[Since monsters are real, then Ultraman must also be real. I am here for the children of this world to let them dream!] Little D said righteously.

Jon was speechless.

Touching his smooth chin, he gave an order to Godzilla.

"Go ahead and settle down in the trench on the other side of Neon Fukushima. If you're lucky, you might be able to continue evolving."




the other side.

"It seems Mr. Joestar has succeeded."

In the car, Giorno breathed a sigh of relief.

Jotaro, who was in the back seat, stretched out his hand and pressed down on the brim of his hat, "Although he's usually not very cool, at critical moments, that guy is still very reliable."

Giorno was noncommittal.

After a pause, he asked: "Mr. Kujo, have you felt that "gravity" too?"

"Yes." Jotaro's expression remained unchanged, "Although we haven't met officially, I have a wonderful feeling that we will meet some..."

Before he finished speaking, Mista, who was in charge of driving, suddenly slammed on the brakes.


The tires left deep black marks on the ground.

"What's wrong?" Giorno frowned.

Mista pointed forward tremblingly, "Giorno, look over there..."

Look in the direction pointed by your companion.

Giorno was stunned for a moment.

In sight, a huge mammoth was walking slowly not far away.

Not only that.

Giorno even saw a rusty giant ship, as well as cavalry from the last century wearing helmets and holding scimitars!

‘Dong-dong!’ ‘Dong-dong!’ ‘Dong-dong!’

For no apparent reason, my heart was beating wildly.

Giorno pressed his heart.

The mysterious connection made him look in a certain direction.

There, a young man with the same hair color as him was staring coldly.

This chapter has been completed!
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