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Chapter 127 New World


"It's great, I finally saw it, I can see it clearly."

"Your 'destiny' has been fully revealed."

"Heaven cannot be reversed and destiny cannot be violated."

"The new 'world' is about to be born in my hands!"

Father Pucci was trembling all over as he slowly lifted into the air under the influence of anti-gravity.

While mumbling to himself, his injuries miraculously recovered.

He stared, his pupils turning blood-like crimson.

The wind blows.

The scene was deathly silent.

Father Pucci's robe quietly fell off, revealing his dark and muscular upper body.

On the back of the neck, the star-shaped birthmark unique to the Joestar family was twisted and deformed by an unknown force, turning into a crooked 'd'.

Glancing at Jotaro and the others below him, he raised the corners of his mouth, first laughing, then turning into a wanton and wild laugh.

"Uh hahahaha, hahahahaha!"

This laughter.

It reminded Jotaro of a lot of bad memories.

Enrique Pucci......



That figure standing in the sky, no matter where it is the prison priest, is clearly the resurrected evil emperor!

Jotaro's face was sullen, and his already terrifying aura rose again, condensing into a golden aura visible to the naked eye.

Feeling the fighting spirit of the main body, the 'Platinum Star' rose up seven or eight inches out of thin air. Its black hair was flamboyant, its expression was cold, and its fists clenched.

Twenty-four years have passed.

‘Old Enemy Showdown’ starts again!

"How brave." Meeting Jotaro's eyes, Father Pucci opened his arms without warning, "You are obviously aware of my power, but you still choose to challenge me?"

Hearing this, Jotaro pressed down on the brim of his hat.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you have to understand, what we want to do is not to challenge you, but to crush you.

Use our fists to crush your ambitions bit by bit!"

Let’s not talk about whether Jon can make it to “heaven”.

In short, we cannot let the black boy in front of us ascend to "heaven".

Jotaro didn't have so many twists and turns in his heart.

Now, he only wants to do three things:

Euler, Euler, fucking Euler!

"Hey, then I want to see how you, or rather you, defeat me."

Father Pucci said, snapping his fingers.

In an instant, an unparalleled evil aura emerged like a tide.

‘Crescent Moon’ stood tall and straight, with many spider web-like cracks inexplicably appearing on its body surface.

Just like shedding a skin, a brand new substitute emerges from the cocoon!

Taking a deep breath, Father Pucci bowed his head humbly, "Master Dio, use the power you gave me to eliminate the Joestar bloodline that is in the way."

After he finished speaking, his eyes turned sharp.

"I have mastered "gravity" and "time." This battle is your complete defeat.

‘New Moon World’, let them see how powerful you are, the world!”


Everything suddenly came to a standstill.

Except for Jotaro, everyone else had expressions of horror frozen on their faces.

'time stops'

On the verge of death, by perfectly merging with the 'green baby', Father Pucci not only gained a vampire-like extraordinary physique, but also learned to 'stop time'!

Without any time to think, Jotaro controlled the 'Platinum Star' to fly towards the enemy.


The sound is like thunder, and the fist is like flowing light.

Unexpectedly, the power and speed of 'New Moon World' is no less than that of 'Platinum Star'.

Even, in terms of the ability to 'stop time', 'New Moon World' has reached the peak of the 'world', and can stop time for nine seconds!

Not only that.

‘Crescent World’ also controls “gravity”.

Every time a punch is thrown, the pressure on the 'Platinum Star' increases by one point out of thin air...

"Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing!"

Fists collided violently.

For a moment, the invincible 'Platinum Star' was unable to do anything to the opponent.

Jotaro's face was so gloomy that he almost shed tears.

What a terrible enemy.

This guy's level of troublesomeness has surpassed that of Dio back then!

As a last resort, he could only temporarily recall his substitute.

Time starts to flow.

"poor and weak."

Father Pucci shook his head.

The invincible substitute that I was so afraid of in the past.

Now it seems...

But that's it!

Then, he turned to look at Giorno, who was covering his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Son of Lord Dio, why do you want to be my enemy?"

Giorno smiled, "No reason."

As soon as he finished speaking, ‘Golden Experience·Quiet’ flew into the air!

Father Pucci's eyelids twitched sharply, and his heart palpitated for no apparent reason.

Every cell in his body was shouting 'danger'!

It's too late to say it, but it's soon.

‘New Moon World’ looked up to the sky and roared.

‘Time Stop’ is activated again!

During the period of stillness, without bothering to fight with Jotaro, Father Pucci retreated dozens of meters away. He was completely sure that he was out of the range of the 'Golden Experience Requiem', and then he stopped.

Staring at the fleeing Father Pucci, Jotaro was thoughtful.

Nine seconds flew by.

Jotaro shouted: "Giorno, you are responsible for attacking next, we will create opportunities for you!"

When playing in a group, you need to look like you are playing in a group.

Whoever can do it will get better!

Hearing this, Giorno responded: "I understand. Mr. Kujo, Mista, f.f., cover me."

In a moment, the owner changed hands.

Giorno raised his arms.

Behind the battlefield, the "weather forecast" understood and increased the wind.


A strong wind swept through.

Giorno flew straight to Father Pucci.

Seeing this, Father Pucci had no choice but to retreat again.

Can't fight in close combat.

Never engage in close combat with that yellow stand.

Otherwise, something bad will definitely happen!

Suddenly, dozens of bullets flew.

Father Pucci gritted his teeth and refused to dodge.

‘Bang!’ ‘Bang!’ ‘Bang!’

Blood flowers bloom.

Under the impact of the impact, he flew backwards, moving away from Giorno.

"Hmm, hahahaha, this is exactly my plan, Jotaro Kujo!"

Father Pucci, who was shot, smiled instead of getting angry and asked Crescent World to take out the bullet embedded in his body.

Then, ‘Time Stop’ was activated for the third time!


The sky and the earth are pale.

As if Jotaro, who was covered in golden flames, could not be seen, Father Pucci ordered the 'New Moon World' to throw the bullets in his hand with all its strength.


——It was "Weather Forecast" and Xu Lun hundreds of meters away!

"You bastard!"

Jotaro's combat intuition is so sharp that he discovered Enrique Pucci's true purpose almost instantly.

Nine seconds.

It was enough for those bullets to pass through the heads of "Weather Forecast" and Xu Lun, ending their lives!

He had no choice.


With anger and anxiety, the 'Platinum Star' flew onto the trajectory of the ballistic trajectory and used his fist to knock away the vicious bullet that was aimed at his daughter.

Father Pucci smiled.

Strength in numbers?

It's just a burden, right?

Jotaro Kujo, as a fighter, the ‘New Moon World’ may not be able to do anything to you.

But, as a father, your weaknesses are too obvious.

Want to kill me?

I will kill your daughter first!

Having made up his mind, Father Pucci ran away in no hurry.

Turn your palm over.

Gravity quietly reversed.

The 'Time Stop' ended, and everyone had no time to react, and they were all blown away by the wind.

The "weather forecast" is busy adjusting the wind direction.

Father Pucci's eyes flashed.

"New Moon World, theworld!"

It feels good to ‘stop’ for a while, and it feels good to keep ‘stopping’ all the time!

With destiny in hand, Father Pucci is like having an unlimited firepower buff, and his skills can be thrown away at a glance.

‘Platinum Star’ stepped forward to fight with ‘New Moon World’, but ‘New Moon World’ resolutely ignored it.

Xu Lun!

Xu Lun!

Kongtiao Xu Lun!

The yellow and green "Crescent Moon World" is like a bt sweating, rushing towards Xu Lun like crazy.


Jotaro suddenly reacted.

Both he and Giorno subconsciously regarded "New Moon World" as a close substitute.

As a result, it turned out to be a long-distance automatic tracking type?!

"Sink in despair and regret." Father Pucci stroked his hair with one hand, pointed at Jotaro with the other, and said coldly: "This is your 'destiny'!"

"Ohhhhh! Xu Lun!"

Jotaro panicked.

Really panicked.

The 'Platinum Star' cannot move too far away from its main body and cannot catch up with the 'New Moon World'.

The moment when time froze was the moment when Xu Lun struggled to adjust his body shape.

In other words, when the 'Time Stop' ends, the 'New Moon World' will smash Xu Lun's head like a coconut!


Jotaro roared uncontrollably.

‘Platinum Star’ exerted all its strength and pushed the main body as a remedy.


The strong wind is like a knife, making people's eyes hurt.

Jotaro tried his best to straighten his body to reduce resistance.


Still couldn’t catch up with ‘Crescent World’.

"This way, it's over." Father Pucci raised his chin, "Descendants of the Joestar family, just fall into eternal sleep before the Kingdom of Heaven comes."

"Stop!" Jotaro shouted hysterically.

‘Time Stop’ is over.

The "New Moon World" behind Xu Lun evoked a cruel smile.


Sensing the sudden danger, Xu Lun quickly turned his head.

But, it was too late.

With a 'bang', her chest was pierced by the 'New Moon World'.

Jotaro's eyes are about to burst!

at this time.

An unexpected scene happened.

The dying person is not Xu Lun.

It's Anna Sui who is guarding "Weather Forecast"!

"Ahem... I had expected something like this..."

"Pucci, if you want to hurt the woman I like, don't even think about it..."

Following his words, the severely injured 'Stalker' emerged from Xu Lun's body.

Jotaro was stunned for a moment.

Then it dawned on me.

"Anna Sui, you really are..." He lowered the brim of his hat and raised his head sharply, "Just do something that makes me unhappy!"

‘Platinum Star·theworld!’


Time stands still.

This time’s ‘Time Stop’ belongs to the ‘Platinum Star’.

"Pucci, or Dio, whoever you are, you're fucking pissing me off!"

Jotaro pointed to the 'New Moon World' with a cold face.

"The debt you owe me cannot be settled with just one call!"


Crazy beating.

Try your best, risk all the beatings.

Amidst the intermittent war roars, ‘New Moon World’ was like a kite with its string broken.

Father Pucci was stupid.

Even if it is a long-distance automatic tracking avatar, the damage cannot be transmitted to the main body, so your 'Platinum Star' is not quite right.

Five seconds passed by in a hurry, and the flow of time returned to normal.

Giorno didn't care about what was happening behind him, and with a thought, he inspired the original brilliance of the 'Golden Experience Requiem'.

This flame consumes a lot of mental energy, but it allows him to fly for a short period of time.

With his eyes fixed on Father Pucci, Giorno scolded: "That's it, Enrique Pucci!"


Is it.

Father Pucci pinched his eyebrows calmly.

The next second, two high-voltage rays shot out of his eye sockets.

Giorno was unable to dodge and was penetrated by the ray on his left shoulder.

But he didn't cry out in pain, he just pointed forward with a cold face.

"Golden Experience·Quiet!"

‘Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing!’

If you can keep your hands off, you will never hold back your hands.

‘Golden Experience·Quiet’ punches wildly.

Father Pucci wanted to avoid it.

In the dark, a spiritual light flashed through my heart.

Somehow, he gave up the idea of ​​​​dodging.

"It is destined that Lord Dio's bloodline will help me ascend to 'heaven'."

"The pain is only temporary."

"When I pass God's test, I will become a saint on earth."

"You are the 'white dove' that brought me victory!"

Pain of body, peace of mind.

Father Pucci closed his eyes gently.

Giorno was very uneasy.

The enemy's reaction was really weird.


I can't control that much anymore.

The requiem resounded.

He spoke word by word: "Enrique Pucci, you will never be able to achieve the "reality" of going to heaven."


Father Pucci, who was bruised and swollen, smiled.

The injury gradually improved.

Giorno didn't care either.

When the ability of Requiem takes effect, everything about the opponent, including will and spirit, will be lost.

In other words, the Enrique Pucci in front of him is already a useless person.

"How should I put it..." Father Pucci said softly, "It is because of you that I truly gained a second life."

He looked into Giorno's eyes and said, "Thank you, my child."


Giorno's heart tightened.

Under his gaze, 'Enrique Pucci's' face continued to twist, and soon turned into another appearance.

"It's been a long time since we saw this wonderful world."

"You!" Giorno's eyes widened in disbelief, "You are!"

"Just as you thought, I am Dio!" 'Enrique Pucci' grinned, showing two very obvious fangs, "At the same time, I am also Enrique Pucci."

It sounds quite mysterious.

In fact, Father Pucci now is like a patient with schizophrenia and has a second personality ‘dio’.

Unfortunately, through the "Diary of Dio", the "Green Baby", and the revelation of fate, the second personality that was born to him fully possessed Dio's own thoughts and consciousness. The phenomenon of pseudo-one body and two souls has long been established.

As Father Pucci himself said.

If Giorno hadn't destroyed the consciousness and spirit of the main personality of 'Enrique Pucci', the second personality would never have matured.

It is destined that Dio's descendants will help Pucci ascend to "heaven".

An 'Enrique Pucci' with dio spirit and will was born!

The mental power of the main body changes.

The 'New Moon World', which was beaten wildly by the 'Platinum Star', also evolved accordingly.

Gears and masks appeared out of thin air.

‘New Moon World Act2’, see above!

This chapter has been completed!
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