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Chapter 161 Where are you putting this card bug?

Feeling something strange at his feet, Jero lowered his head.

But he saw a familiar pink bear clutching his boots tightly.

Jero was stunned.

Didn't he already leave the little bear on the road?


Just thinking about it.

The pink bear suddenly exploded and turned into a light blue transparent film, wrapping around Jero's legs.

Jero reacted instantly.

Stand attack

——There are enemies nearby!

"Human beings will give up some things and move on."


"What if we want to regain the past or go back?"

"Make your choice, Gerard Zeppelin."

Accompanied by a whisper.

A man wearing a steel helmet slowly walked out of the shadows.

Jero's pupils shrank sharply, he picked up the iron ball and threw it.

Although it is no longer possible to use "Golden Spin", the ordinary spinning iron ball still has good power.


In the blink of an eye, the attack hit.

The man wearing a steel helmet was knocked unconscious.

Seeing this, Jero felt slightly calm.

Unexpectedly, instead of being angry, the man showed a strange smile, "So, is this your choice, Gerald Zebelin?"

"Who are you?" Jero suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and asked sternly: "What is your purpose!"

"I'm really sorry, I forgot to introduce myself." Catching Jero's eyes, the man in the steel helmet said calmly, "My name is Aisal.ro. Let me consider him as Mr. President's subordinate."

‘Fanny Valentine’s men’?!

Hearing this, Jero's face suddenly became a little ugly.

It was so good that he was immortal, but he appeared when he and Johnny were exhausted...


This guy is completely different from those crappy assassins before!

"Jero Zibelin, I saw clearly the wonderful performance of you and Johnny Joestar just now."

"For the sake of fairness, I'm going to tell you something."

"My substitute, 'civil war,' will materialize the "sinful karma" you abandoned, but as long as you wash it with clean water, you can be redeemed."

Asal.ro said, while summoning "Civil War"

——A robot-like stand-in made of steel sheets.

"Stop joking, you bastard, you are trying to seduce me!"

Jero chuckled, showing an expression like 'I've seen through everything'.

Aesar.ro shook his head. "The battle of the substitute...for example, the "fairness" of revealing one's own shortcomings to the enemy can be turned into spiritual power, allowing the substitute to exert its maximum power, because "despicable" cannot

Turn into "power".

Whether you believe it or not, my weakness is water. This is not a trap, let alone a trap. As long as you wash yourself with water, you can obtain salvation from the "sin karma" you abandoned."

Jero was doubtful.

At this moment, many things appeared around him.

Worn toothbrushes, scrapped iron balls, knives full of chips...

These abandoned "sinful karma" flocked to Jero.

Jero thought for a second, then reached out and touched the iron ball at his feet.

The moment my fingers touched the surface of the iron ball, the memories buried in my heart came flooding out!

"What are you thinking about? Let this prisoner end his suffering!"

"Do it!"

"Eliminate fear, your job is to eliminate fear!"

My father's words rang in my ears.

Jero's eyes were filled with images of execution errors.

He retracted his hand as if he was electrocuted.

But, it's too late.

The thrown iron ball suddenly exploded and turned into a transparent film that wrapped around Jero's arm.

Jero was shocked.

Aissaro told his story in an orderly manner, "It was almost 1863. At that time, I was young and promising, and all I could think about was becoming a great musician like Dvorak.

But the sudden war called me to the battlefield and was assigned to the most remote place for sentry duty.

Day after day, I could only stare at the horrific scenes of the battlefield and the silent night...

I couldn't stand it anymore and started drinking.

One time, I accidentally overslept and the enemy attacked quietly.

When I woke up, the enemy troops had already passed through the treetops where I was lurking.

‘Light the lights, give a signal, and notify our military camp located several kilometers away.’ My mission is that simple.

But I did not carry out the order, because once I lit the lamp, the enemy would immediately find me hiding in the treetops.

So, I calmly raised the bottle and drank the rest of the wine.

Not long after, gunfire came from our army's position, and the firelight illuminated the night like day!

The war that resulted in the massacre of the townspeople began to lead to defeat, and the battlefield where that battle took place is now this small town.

I am a very sinful person... I don't know how many things I have given up to survive till now.

Therefore, I very much hope to obtain true redemption."

After talking for a long time, Isarro looked at Gerald, who was 80% covered, "Gerald Zeppelin, are you willing to help me?"

help you?

Help your mom!

Jero felt very outrageous.

Because of your single dereliction of duty, not only did your comrades and innocent townspeople die, but you even changed the course of the entire war.

That's it?

You still fucking want redemption.



too disgusting.

How can there be such shameless people in the world?

In his excitement, Jero forcefully squeezed out a trace of strength from his body.

He didn't dare to pick up the iron balls all over the floor, but he still had a substitute.

Show respect to the "substitute".

Pay homage to the "roundabout"!

The ‘Iron Ball Destroyer’ exists precisely for situations like this!

"Oh la!"

Zero used his injured left arm to throw the substitute with great difficulty.

The ‘Iron Ball Destroyer’ flies out slowly.

Accelerate, spin.

As a mature stand-in, it cannot rely on the original body this time.

Instead, turn it around yourself!

Golden ripples rippled layer upon layer.

The ‘Iron Ball Destroyer’ responded to Jero’s wish and turned into a green meteor that streaked across the sky!

It's not a "golden round", it's better than a "golden round".


In the extremely cute battle cry, the 'Iron Ball Destroyer' directly hit Aisal.ro's head.

With a 'bang' sound, Bai Huahua's brains flowed all over the floor.

Aisal.ro died on the spot.

Jero felt relieved.

In his opinion, since the main body dies, the substitute's ability will naturally be eliminated.


The next second.

The dead Aesar.ro suddenly crawled out from behind Gerald, looking up to the sky and laughing, "Well done, Gerald Zebelin, you did well!

In order to move on, you "abandoned" me! Hahahaha, in this way, the "declaration" is complete!"


Aesar.ro explained: "You finally killed me, that is to say, you "abandoned" me. This is exactly the action I want you to take!

So from now on, all my "sinful karma" will be shouldered by you, Gerald Zeppelin. Everything I gave up in the past has been passed on to you!"

In short, 'If you kill me, you will be responsible for me'

Jero knew that he had been deceived and wanted to rip off Aisal.ro from behind.

But it was too late.

Hundreds of soldiers who died tragically gathered around like zombies, wrapping themselves tightly around Jero.

Jero struggled desperately.

Aissaro laughed wildly.


Suddenly, a spinning armor piece flew towards him and hit Jero right between the eyebrows.

Jero, I can’t get up again!

Johnny, who woke up at some point, gasped for air and put down his hand tremblingly, "This way... this way... it will be fine. I'm sorry Jero, he was shot by a claw

The hit must be painful."

The "karma" has been transferred again.

Including Jero, hundreds of figures appeared inexplicably around Johnny.

Jero, who had fully recovered from his injuries, was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing.

Johnny nodded weakly.

The tacit understanding cultivated over a long period of time allows the two to know each other's plans without communicating.

Aissaro was dumbfounded.

In his dull eyes, Johnny Joestar was quickly wrapped in film.

Gerald Zebelin threw the iron ball with quick eyes and hands, "Sorry, go to hell!"

The spinning iron ball hit Johnny in the throat.

Johnny was killed instantly.

The "karma" has been transferred again.

Johnny, who was intact, appeared behind Jero.

"The plan worked, Jero."

"Ah, it's good to have you, Johnny."


Good guys, are you two stuck here?

This is fucking okay!

He saw what Jero and Johnny were planning.

By transferring "sin karma" back and forth, the purpose of delaying time is achieved.


He glanced at Jero and Johnny.

Since the ability of 'Civil War' can still take effect, it means that those two people do have "guilt" in their hearts.

Even though he feels guilty, he can still kill the opponent without hesitation.

What a powerful heart this is!

Aisal.ro was secretly anxious, but he didn't dare to take action rashly.

Because if Jero and Johnny don't take the initiative to attack him, and he joins their "killing game" without authorization, he will definitely be affected by the substitute's ability.

At that time, all "criminal karma", including those of Johnny and Jero, will be passed on to him!

Therefore, he neither dared to leave the shooting range of the Civil War, nor joined Jero and Johnny in the fight. He had no choice but to stay where he was, silently thinking about a way to escape.

The center of the battle circle.

Jello and Johnny have a passionate exchange.

"I'm sorry, Jero! Go to hell!"

"This must hurt a lot, Johnny! I'm sorry!"

"I'm sorry to have killed you ten times."

"I'm even more embarrassed because I'm about to kill you eleven times."

Because at the moment of death, there will still be pain.

So the two of them really felt apologetic in their hearts.

It was this apology for not saying too much and not saying too much that allowed Jero and Johnny to successfully get stuck in the "Civil War" bug.

Those soldiers who died tragically were running around, sometimes rushing towards Jero, sometimes towards Johnny, like headless flies, never able to 'set down'.

Asal.ro tried to sneak away quietly, but he was always caught by Jero and Johnny.

While the two were fighting each other, they stared directly at Essar.ro, seeming to be calculating the specific range of the 'Civil War'.

Isarro was so frightened that he didn't dare to move and was frozen like a tree.

Time passed little by little.

Johnny killed Jero twenty-seven times.

And Jero also killed Johnny twenty-eight times.

A new round of killing is about to begin.

Jon and others finally arrived.

"Eh? What are you doing!" Poklock, who didn't know why, was shocked.

Lucy and Luna covered their mouths in unison, their eyes filled with disbelief.

Only Jon understood what was going on and couldn't help laughing, "It's amazing that you can actually think of such a way~"

Then, he stopped Poklock and Sister Lucy on horseback and said: "Don't walk into the scope of the enemy's substitute ability."

After hearing this, Lucy and the others really didn't dare to act rashly.

Jon dismounted and walked into the battle circle step by step.

Don't speak either.

He threw out a thin thread and killed Jero cleanly, transferring the "karma" to himself.

The next second, Jero was resurrected.

Jon said: "Thank you for your hard work, just leave it to me."

The two people, who were exhausted physically and mentally, naturally had no objections and trotted back to Poklock and the others.

Jon looked at Aissar with a smile, "Sa, let's count the sins in detail."

Facing the indifferent gaze that was not like that of a human being, Essarro subconsciously took a few steps back.

When he came to his senses, he screamed: "No! Don't come here! Don't come near me!"

Jon didn't hear anything and walked towards Issar.ro with a bunch of 'zombies' hanging on his back.

Aisal.ro wants to run.

As a result, he was easily beheaded by Jon with a thin wire.

Under the special force field of "Civil War", he was successfully resurrected and teleported to Jon's side.

"Don't worry, I'll show you something good." Jon knocked on Aesar.ro's helmet, "I'm sure you'll like it."

After saying that, several transparent filaments pierced into Aisal.ro's body.

Because of greed for life and fear of death, the town was massacred and the war was lost?

what is this.

If you want to compare this with me, then I have to tell you the story of how I restarted the world 9888987512477777 times.

Aesar.ro saw Jon's memory.

Life and death.

White dew withered bones.

The death of every life makes him 'feel the same'.

After only holding on for less than a quarter of a breath, Aisal.ro completely turned into an idiot under the influence of the stress mechanism.

The mental power collapsed, and the "Civil War" disappeared.

All "sinful karma" disappears with the wind.

The battle is over!

Jero breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, his eyes suddenly widened, as if he had discovered something, "Johnny, you!"

Johnny looked puzzled, "What's wrong with me?"

Poklock and others reacted similarly to Jero's reaction, staring at Johnny as if they were seeing a ghost.

Johnny scratched his brow, "Is there something dirty on my face?"

"I think what they mean is that your legs can actually move." Jon walked over to Johnny and patted his cousin on the shoulder.

Can my legs move?

After realizing it, Johnny lowered his head in confusion.

Then, he fell to the ground with a 'clack' sound.

Johnny was anxious.

wtf, why doesn’t it work again!?

"You have to get over the hurdle in your heart." Jon sighed and said earnestly.

Jero and others patiently comforted Johnny.

"You forgot, before you fell unconscious, you kicked Diego away!"

"Being able to move means that the injury has healed. As long as you calm down, you will be able to stand up successfully!"

"come on."

"Man, you should communicate with me more, maybe I can share some of my good luck with you."

There was so much chattering that Johnny couldn't quite hear what was going on.

At this time, joy filled every corner of his heart.


His legs can really move!

Although men are reluctant to shed tears, at the moment when the negative number changed back to zero, Johnny still cried.

Hoarse at the top of my lungs......

And, overjoyed!

This chapter has been completed!
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