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Chapter 2 I'm Really a Little Genius

The sixth underground floor was very large, and Jon ran for a long time but couldn't find the exit.

However, the 'Legendary Degree' value has increased a lot, directly from level 0 to level 1.

When no one was around, he summoned the system.

[Current world: ‘One Piece’]

[Location: Impel City, Sixth Floor Underground]

[Legendary level: Level 1 (15/300), next stage legendary level reward: armed color domineering]

[Legendary event of the world you belong to: ‘Prisoner of Another World’ – You come from another world and accidentally become a prisoner of ‘Propulsion City’;

‘Prison Break’ - There is no place that can lock you, you use the power of a substitute to leave the small cell】

[The directional door has not been established (the legendary level reaches level 3, the directional door can be established and returned to the original world)]

[Reward available: ‘Navy Six Styles’]


Think silently in your heart.

In an instant, the mysterious power integrated into the body.

Jon suddenly had many more fighting skills in his mind.

The six naval styles are 'shaver', 'finger gun', iron block, 'moon step', 'lanjiao' and 'paper painting'.

Each skill has its own specific function and can also be used in combination, making it highly practical!

Combat skills that have been honed over time, coupled with ripple qigong that enhances basic physical fitness, and the ability to stand in for attack, retreat, and defense...

Wuhu, take off!

Jon was in a good mood.

After a pause, he suppressed the smile on his lips and began to think about his next plan.

Magellan, the director of Impel Down City, is not someone to be trifled with. If he goes out in a big way, he will most likely be poisoned to death.

You have to think of a way.

After pondering for a moment, Jon had an idea.

Since the chances of winning alone are too slim, why not find a few helpers?

Where is this?

The six underground floors of ‘Propulsion City’ are infinite hell!

The prisoners locked up here are either vicious or evil. Let them fight with Magellan and the jailers and reap the benefits.

"I'm really a little genius."

Jon thought to himself.

Just do it.

Jon took a deep breath, and suddenly many golden arcs appeared on the surface of his body, which was the manifestation of the ripple qigong operating to its extreme.

He spoke loudly, and his voice instantly spread throughout the 'infinite hell'.

"Brothers, my name is Jon, and I'm here to save you!"

No more pretending, let me show my cards.

I, Jon Joestar, the savior of evil!


At the same time, countless prisoners silently raised their heads.

The atmosphere changes suddenly!

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Jon said again: "Cheer to your heart's content, you are free!"

As he spoke, he controlled the avatar to open all the prison doors within a radius of one hundred meters.


The sound of rusty iron rubbing against each other is so harsh.

In the darkness, dozens of figures slowly emerged.

"Jie Jie Jie! I didn't expect to encounter such a good thing. Brother Qiaoen, no matter who you are, I will remember this favor from you."

"Damn jailer, I want you to pay with blood!"

"Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!"

"It's time to return to the sea. Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

“It’s impossible not to rush now!”

The criminals laughed wildly, like a group of hungry wolves with green eyes.

Jon smiled too.

What a good cannon fodder~

the other side.

"Brother Ace, did you hear that voice?"

Jinbei, who was tightly bound by iron chains, turned to look at the freckled young man not far away.

Ace forced out a weak smile, "Of course, I'm not deaf."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go quickly!"

Jinbei stood up suddenly, the muscles on his body burst out with veins, and the fine steel chains rattled.

He was about to break free from his restraints.

Suddenly, a man with a long knife on his waist ran past the cell door.

Seeing Jinbei's unusual behavior, the man paused and said, "Jinbei, do you want to escape?"

Jinbei's pupils narrowed.


The man outside the door is none other than the infamous warden of Impel Down City, ‘Hiryuu of the Rain’!

"Haha, in the face of freedom, can the world-famous 'Hai Xia' also be unable to sit still?"

After glancing at Jinbei and then at Ace who was silent, Shiliu was no longer in a hurry to suppress the fugitives.

I saw him take out a box of cigars from his uniform pocket, slowly cut off a part with cigar scissors, put it in his mouth, and patiently lit it with a lighter.

After everything was done, Xi Liu narrowed his eyes and said jokingly: "Do you want me to help you?"


Jinbei snorted coldly and expressed his attitude.

"Hiryu of the Rain" has a cruel nature and likes to torture and kill prisoners.


Let's help on the way!

Jinbei stared at Shiliu, the chains on his body making an unbearable sound.

Shiliu grinned.

His calloused right hand naturally slid towards the saber.

The long sword was unsheathed, and there was a faint cold light.

"It's chaos now. No matter who I kill, Magellan won't know about it."

Shiliu stroked the cold blade morbidly and feverishly.

"Any last words?"

"Stop talking nonsense, come and kill me if you dare!" Jinbei was quite tough, "See if I don't break your bones!"


Xi Liu casually cut off the iron bars and stepped into the cell.

The war is about to break out!

At this moment, a young man with black hair suddenly passed by the door.

When he saw the three people in the cell, he was stunned for a moment.

Shiliu reacted, "Unfamiliar? You are the Jon who called just now!"

"I'm not! You got the wrong person!"

While denying it, he punched fiercely.

Adhering to the concept of 'strike first to gain advantage, strike later to suffer disaster', Jon moved very quickly and rushed in front of Shiliu in the blink of an eye.

Have you eaten?

If you don’t eat, punch me!


Shiliu sneered.

The little guy dared to do whatever he wanted to do, and he didn't take him as the chief warden seriously at all.

With a flash of cold light, the 'Famous Sword. Thunderstorm' burst out with dazzling light, like thunder piercing the night sky!

Jon's eyelids twitched sharply, and he had to stop and dodge, avoiding Shiliu's slashing attack with a rather awkward posture.

Seeing this, Shiliu's eyes flashed with disdain.

"That's all."

I thought that the guy who sneaked into the "Infinite Hell" would be so strong, but I didn't expect that he was only this strong.

What a disappointment.

Shaking his head, Shiliu took action again.


The sword suddenly appears!


Jon crossed his arms in front of his chest and relied on ripple qigong and iron block defense to survive the attack.

Beside them, Jinbei and Ace looked worried.

The situation is now almost one-sided.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is only a matter of time before Jon loses.

Jinbe couldn't help shouting: "Little brother, help me untie the chains first, and we will fight side by side!"

After hearing this, Jon no longer wanted to fight and rushed towards Jinbei quickly.

How could Xi Liu make the other party get what he wanted? He raised his sword and struck hard.

"No! Get out of the way!"


Ace and Jinbe both warned him.

But Jon seemed not to hear it and kept charging forward.


The blade fell, and the corners of Shiliu's mouth raised slightly.

The victory has been decided!

Unexpectedly, Jon suddenly disappeared while he was running quickly...

Shiliu's smile suddenly solidified.

The next second, Jon appeared quietly from behind Shiliu.


The fist as big as a sandbag hit the opponent squarely in the back of the head.

Outstanding effect!

This chapter has been completed!
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