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Chapter 289 As long as there is love...

"Looking like this, he must have been..." Shenhai couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

But now is not the time to think about this. He suppressed the messy thoughts in his heart and took the initiative to call out to the people of the motherland, "homo... ahem, homeender, are you okay?"


Why did you accidentally say what was on your mind? Wouldn't the people in the live broadcast room tell the truth afterwards?

Deep Sea suddenly became worried.

But fortunately, the people of the motherland did not wake up, and Shenhai breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he refused to admit it afterwards, or said that he was talking nonsense for a while, there was always a solution...

After scanning the surroundings, he found many bottles and jars in the deep sea, as well as some unnamed medicines. Then he took a closer look at the wounds on the chests of the people of the motherland, and he found that the people of the motherland, who have super resilience,

The injury is getting worse.

"It's so miserable." Shen Hai felt unspeakably uncomfortable in his heart.

The rabbit is dead and the fox is sad?

No no no.

To be more precise, it should be killing the chicken to scare the monkeys.

The man of the motherland is the chicken, and he is the frightened monkey.

‘Heroes are risky, so you need to be cautious when joining the company’.

Maybe, it's time to consider quitting the Seven and go to the countryside to live a stable life.

I'm having random thoughts.

The people of the motherland quietly opened their eyes.

When Shen Hai saw him, he hurriedly greeted him, "Homeender, are you okay?"

"I...look...like I'm okay..."

small book booth

The motherland said weakly, "Stop talking nonsense...come...come and save me..."


Deep Sea nodded reluctantly.

It took him a lot of effort to put down the people of his motherland.

Azu grimaced in pain.

Those damn Far Easterners mixed some messy potions together and sprinkled them on his wounds, making them difficult to heal for a long time.

Hateful! Damnable!

Shen Hai was afraid that the people of the motherland would say something in front of the camera, so he quickly reminded: "homender, I am on live broadcast now."

The people of the motherland were slightly startled.

Then he reacted and his expression suddenly became very exciting.

Shen Hai turned sideways and deliberately kept the camera away from the people of the motherland.

The people of the motherland gritted their teeth.

damn it.

Which genius came up with this idea? Don’t you want to see me make a fool of myself all day long?


To restore the image!

"Give me...find me some clothes..." The motherland man stood up with force.

Upon hearing this, Shenhai hurriedly searched around like a dog. He was quite lucky. After searching for a long time, he found a dirty one-piece overalls.

At this time, the man from the motherland did not care about being disgusted. He put it on in threes and fives. After maintaining proper dignity, he asked: "Are you the only one here?"

Shenhai shook his head, "They are all here. It's just that some are responsible for attracting firepower from the front, and some are ensuring the retreat path."

The people of the motherland took a deep breath.


It's so embarrassing.

He even felt that it would be better for him to die here than to be embarrassed in front of netizens around the world.

Of course, fantasy is just fantasy after all. Things are already like this, and there is no point in escaping.

The motherland man frowned and pretended to be righteous, "The enemy was so powerful that day that he actually used evil tricks to harm me..."

Rolling his eyes, he added: "Tell Queen Maeve and the others quickly and ask them to be careful. There is more than one enemy! The important thing is that there are super criminals in the "Black Robe"."


In other words, the reason why the motherland overturned in the Far East was because they encountered opponents of the same level?

Deep Sea looked stern.

At the same time, there was also an uproar across the United States.

These American netizens are no strangers to "black robes".

After all, it didn’t matter whether a transparent person was killed or the people of the motherland were forced to ‘self-defense’.

From these messages, the shadow of "Black Robe" can be found.

Unknowingly, the power of this criminal gang has spread to the Far East?

Unspeakable fear welled up in my heart.

At this moment, they even forgot about gossip and entertainment. After all, no one wants to have a sickle hanging across their neck all the time.

Seeing the expression on Deep Sea, the people of the motherland couldn't help but secretly admire themselves for being so resourceful and able to throw the pot away so cleanly in such a short period of time.

So, he decided to add fuel to the fire.

"I don't want to say this, but that guy's strength has exceeded my imagination. Not only is he extremely powerful and invulnerable, he even has the power to control the weather and change the magnetic field.

More importantly, he seems to have no human emotions, and his eyes are full of indifference to life."

The description of the people of the motherland was very specific, and a complete villain image was quickly sketched out.

Shenhai listened to the rising number of viewers in his live broadcast room on his headphones, feeling surprised and delighted.

He coughed lightly and said, "Homeender, this is not the place to talk. Come with me quickly, and we will discuss the matter further when we return to the company."

The people of the motherland nodded deeply, "This is the only way."

With the help of the people from the motherland, the evacuation went very smoothly. The emaciated camels were bigger than horses, and the heat rays swept across them. Those Far Eastern bandits were no match for the two of them.

When Xuan Se saw the two coming, she waved to them, but she still cherished her words like gold.

Not long after, Jon and Queen Maeve also came over.

At this point, the rescue operation ended successfully.



Although the people of the motherland were rescued, the matter did not end there.

First of all, it was about the "black robe" and the mysterious criminal mentioned by the motherland. The government seemed to take the words of the motherland seriously. It changed its previous attitude and began to fully support the development of compound No. 5 by Walter Company.

Because they know that the only ones who can deal with super humans are super humans.

As for whether we will take the opportunity to pick fruits at that time, it is hard to say.

The people of the motherland also became a world-class idol as a blessing in disguise, and people in the world gave him the nickname "Zubao".

After that day, countless works about the people of the motherland appeared on various messy websites.

The mood of the people of the motherland gradually changed from collapse and doubt to calmness and enjoyment.

Look, people all over the world love me!

This alternative 'way of showing love' greatly satisfies the empty hearts of the people of the motherland.

Of course, what he didn't know was that some illegal small workshops had even shot a series of movies based on people from the motherland.

By the way, those movies sold very well, exported to dozens of countries overseas, and were especially popular in the UK...

All in all, the people of the motherland are popular.

As rescuers, Jon and the others did not pay as much attention as the people from the motherland.


This does not include the deep sea.

Like the people of the motherland, the deep sea is also popular.

Although it was not a big hit, his performance in the rescue operation also triggered a heated discussion on the Internet, that is - in such a severe environment, are certain people suitable to become heroes?

"Deep Sea? He's just a bastard."

"Let alone Jon, even Starlight is much better than him."

"Black worked hard and never complained, but in the end he ended up in the same status as that kind of person. It's not fair."

"We need stronger heroes, get out of the Deep Sea Seven!"

Scanning the comments on his phone, Shenhai took a long breath. Although he had expected that such a situation might happen before, but the fact was really before his eyes, he felt unable to accept it.

What happened to the waste? What happened to the salted fish?

I can breathe in the water and talk to fish. Can you do that? A bunch of loors!

He thought fiercely.

He casually opened a bag of potato chips and randomly grabbed a few handfuls and stuffed them into his mouth. The salty taste of the potato chips still couldn't suppress the anger in Deep Sea's heart.

He felt it was time to say something.

It clicked and clicked randomly.

'I, Deep Sea, am not a bastard!'

He had already typed the text on his phone, but he just didn't dare to send it.

At this moment, Shenhai suddenly thought that if someone else spoke for him, the effect might be better than his own.

But who to look for?

People from the motherland?

No, no, no, that guy is busy responding to kidnapping issues all day long, and he will definitely not take the time to talk to me.

As for the black color, don’t even think about it.

The locomotive has withdrawn, and no one can be found now.

Queen Maeve and Starlight never looked at her seriously.

After thinking about it, it seems that Jon is the only one.

He swallowed and tentatively sent a private message to Jon.

Unexpectedly, Jon responded to him quickly.

The reply was only one word, 'OK'.

Suddenly, a warm current emerged from the heart of the deep sea.

The road is far away and you can see the power of horses, and the passage of time can tell the people's hearts.

Jon was able to find the locomotive and organize the rescue of the people of his motherland. Now, he is also willing to speak out for himself who has hit the bottom.

What kind of spirit is this?

This is a spirit that is free from vulgar taste!

Shenhai was very grateful and said to Jon, "Thank you, brother, I'll invite you to the aquarium."

However, Jon did not agree to the invitation and just said, "Definitely next time."

The deep sea is a pity.

But now that he was talking, he was thinking about his friends in the aquarium.

I've been in a bad mood lately, so I might as well go out and relax.

After sending a message to Jon, "If you want to go to the aquarium, I'll wait for you there."

Deep Sea stood up from the sofa.

Just leave!

He took off his uniform, put on casual clothes, put on his hat and sunglasses, and went out with his satchel on his back.

Driving all the way to the aquarium, Shenhai took out his luxury annual pass and walked into his "Yin Garden" under the eyes of the aquarium staff with great reverence.

"Hello, Stacey, long time no see."

"Have you gained weight again recently? Mark."

"No matter how many times I see it, your butt is still so charming, Miss Rose."

There has never been a place where the deep sea can be so relaxing. If he could, he really wanted to stay here all his life and be with his animal friends...

While he was busy saying hello, Shenhai suddenly bumped into a staff member wearing a hat.

He couldn't help but frown, looked at the bearded guy opposite, and said in a deep voice: "I've never seen you before. Are you new here?"

The bearded man nodded, "I am the new keeper of the dolphinarium."

Hearing the dolphins, Shenhai became interested, "Are you the new keeper? Well, although it doesn't look like it, but..."

He chuckled, "How is Coco? Are they okay?"

what is that?

Butcher opened his mouth.

He got the news from Jon, so he came one step ahead to block the deep sea.

As for who is Miko and who is Coco.

Where does he know where to go?

But not to make Shen Hai suspicious, Butcher could only bite the bullet and said: "They are very good...well, yes...they are very good."

Deep Sea, who was in a state of excitement, did not find Butcher's flaw. Instead, he smiled and patted Butcher on the shoulder, "They are all charming girls. You must take good care of them."

So, are Miko and Coco the names of dolphins?

Butcher licked his lips and suddenly rolled his eyes, "Wait! Are you the superhero Deep Sea? I am a fan! This opportunity is rare, so why not take care of those girls yourself?"

"Is it okay?" Shen Hai was overjoyed.

Although he is a superhero, sometimes he has to keep a certain distance from his friends in order to take care of his own image.

And now, he actually got the breeder's approval?

Thank God, I finally heard good news these days!

Shenhai rubbed his hands, "Then I'm not welcome."

Butcher was worried that it would be difficult to do it in a crowded place, so he said directly: "Of course, come with me."

People in the aquarium say there are too many, but they say there are too few.

An old man like Butcher was more than capable of playing the role of a keeper, so naturally no one could stop him. With their fake work IDs, the two of them arrived at the back of the dolphinarium very smoothly.

As soon as I entered the door, the deep sea felt like I was in paradise. I ran to the water's edge in three steps and two steps at a time, and the dolphins started to play.

Butcher sneered.

His philosophy is to eliminate all superhuman beings. Although Deep Sea has no grudges against him in the past and recent times, this guy is still on his hunting list.

However, it is not safe to be alone after all, so I still have to call my companions who are waiting outside.

Scanning the excited expression on Deep Sea, he thought, this guy will definitely not leave for a while anyway.

So, he said: "I still have some things to do, I guess I won't be back for a while."

Hearing this, Shen Hai's eyes almost glowed with excitement.

Alone with a dolphin?

God, this is the scene he has dreamed of!

Pushing up his sunglasses, he said: "Don't worry, don't worry about me, I'm a son of the ocean."

Who cares about you...

Butcher silently complained and quietly left the back yard of the breeding house.

After Butcher left, Shenhai didn't hesitate much. Seeing no one around him, he took off his clothes and plunged into the water.

Touching the delicate skin of the dolphin, Xiao Shenhai stood up stubbornly without knowing it.

"Oh, this can't be done-"

Deep Sea warned herself secretly.

But when people are alone in an environment, they often breed evil thoughts.

There has been a long war between heaven and man in my heart.

Deep Sea suddenly smiled ghostly, "It seems...there's nothing wrong with it.

That guy said he would leave for a while.

It’s not that I want to do anything, I just want to get closer to nature. Yes, I am a child of the ocean after all. It’s understandable to get closer to marine life. Yes, yes, that’s the truth.”

As the saying goes: Don't miss the opportunity, it will never come back!

Turning his head, he looked at the two most beautiful dolphins, "Friends, let's play games."


A legendary beast hunter once said that as long as there is love, everything will be fine.


The deep sea crosses that line.

Into the abyss.

This chapter has been completed!
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