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Chapter 372 How dare you chat here!

As we all know, shakes are usually made of glass swords.

Although sharp, it is very fragile.

Jon leaned back on the chair carelessly and said, "Your Highness, we are all adults now. There is no need to be secretive. Come on, come face to face with me."


At that moment, the brain of the so-wise and almost demonic ‘Golden Princess’ really went into a shutdown.

But soon, she came to her senses and turned around pretending to be shy, "Mr. Jojo... you are like this... I haven't... In short, Dara."

Da baa yo, da baa baa~

What caught my eye was a textbook shy girl.

If Jon hadn't known the other party's true nature, he might have been deceived by Lana's perfect acting skills.

He spread his hands and said, "I want the horse to run, but I don't give it grass...ahem, eat grass. It's hard for me to do this."

Although I didn't quite understand what this meant, it seemed like I was being taken advantage of.

The situation developed completely beyond expectations, and Lana no longer had the intention to continue acting. She just said a few words and left in a hurry.

Jon didn't know what kind of harmful move he thought of, and smiled slightly, "The opportunity has been given to you. It's your fault that you didn't use it. Don't blame me when the time comes."

After saying that, he put on his clothes in a leisurely manner, as if nothing had happened.

The Royal Council is a meeting held when the kingdom decides on important matters.

With the active promotion of many forces, the treatment of the adventurer JoJo has become a major event that affects the hearts of the whole country.

Before the meeting began, many nobles gathered together and talked quietly.

"Vulgar monkeys are just vulgar monkeys. No matter how much you try to cover them up, you can't hide their barbaric nature."

"Qing Feng Delun, don't say that. After all, I am acting on the orders of the princess."

"Princess? Haha, she is just a beauty but no wisdom. Don't forget, the legitimate heir of the kingdom is His Highness the eldest prince!"

"Indeed, His Royal Highness the Prince is brave and resourceful, and is indeed the best candidate for the crown prince."

"Shh, keep your voice down. His Majesty the King has not abdicated. It is too early to discuss these matters now."

"His Majesty the King is too old and can no longer shoulder the important responsibilities of the country."

"Speaking of this, I heard that Marquis Lei Wen has always been interested in..."

"You can't say this nonsense. Who doesn't know that Marquis Lei Wen has disappeared from the political arena in recent years."

"Hehe, who knows if he really doesn't want to bother anymore, maybe there is a shadow of that 'bat' behind every big event..."

Everyone from 'Blue Rose' stood in the corner of the palace, silently listening to the views of many nobles on current affairs and adventurers.

Gegelan did not hide his disdain and spat lightly, "These fat pigs are just from a better background. What right do they have to look down on adventurers?"

"Okay, Gegelan, you also know that their hostility is not against you and me." Lakyus, the leader of the Blue Rose, consoled her in a broad voice.

If you look closely, you will find that there is also a lot of dissatisfaction with the nobles in her dark blue eyes.

Adventurers generally default to being stateless.

She has almost no feelings for the kingdom. In such troubled times, it is better to remain silent than to say a hundred words.

Having said that, no matter how much these nobles look down on adventurers, when facing a strong man who can single-handedly destroy an underground dark nest, why don't they hire them as bodyguards?

I have to say, this is a huge irony.

At this time, the ninja sisters Tia and Tina whispered: "Lakyus, how have you considered the request from that person a few days ago?"

"In today's imperial meeting, Jojo's disposition will probably be decided. Do we need to take action then?"

Lakyus thought for a while, then gently held the magic sword in her hand, "It's too early to say that, for now... let's just wait and see what happens."

Time passed little by little.

Soon it was time for the meeting to begin.

The old king, supported by two princes and a princess, slowly walked up to the high platform and sat down safely on the throne made of pure gold and platinum.

The nobles and ministers below, regardless of their true feelings or not, all bowed respectfully to the old king and showed their highest respect.

For a time, the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

The old king drooped his eyelids and spoke slowly: "The imperial meeting was held today, for no other reason than to make a decision on how to deal with the kingdom's hero and sinner - the gold-level adventurer Jojo."

He glanced at the people in the audience and paused for a moment on the three children beside him. Then he relaxed his strength, supported his head with one hand, and said casually: "Okay, let's talk about your thoughts."

The moment he finished speaking, the eldest prince on the right side of the old king couldn't wait to speak, "Don't you even think about it? Serving the kingdom is such a shameless honor! And he dared to hurt the nobles? His crime is unforgivable and he should be punished.


These words won the support of most nobles, and many ministers of the kingdom also nodded secretly.

What a fool.

No, prince.

With his leadership, the future will be bright!

What, whose future you ask?

Of course it is their future!

As for the kingdom…

Anything like that is fine.

The chubby second prince glanced at his eldest brother, and said with a smile: "Anyway, that person's intention is good, and I admire his determination to eliminate evil. But I didn't expect..."

He didn't finish his words, but his meaning was clear.

What didn't occur to you?

It's not like I didn't expect that a noble noble would be trapped in such an unclean place.

Such a speech won the support of a small number of people, and the second prince also knew his own strengths and weaknesses, and just like a normal person, he retreated to the left hand side of the old king after speaking.

The eldest prince and the second prince expressed their opinions one after another. According to the order, it should be Lana's turn next.

But Lana was deep in thought and naturally refused to reveal her flaws in such a public place. She just leaned slightly and said to the old king: "Father, I am just a daughter's family. This kind of decision related to the country's face and interests, you can make it."


My little cotton-padded jacket is still simple-minded, unlike his two brothers, who are like matryoshka dolls, with their own minds inside their own minds.

The old king nodded approvingly to Lana.

Immediately afterwards, the nobles looked at each other and rushed to express their opinions.

"Execution must be executed! Otherwise it will not be enough to show the dignity of the nobility."

"My suggestion is exile. Anyway, that person also destroyed the human trafficking den."

"Are you confused? Anyone can do this kind of thing, including my private soldiers, destroying dens!"

"Mr. Black, if that's the case, why didn't you take action earlier? How many families could have been saved from suffering this way."

"Is it even necessary to think about it? Of course Mr. Black has gained enough benefits from the human transaction, or in other words, he is one of the shareholders behind it."

"I warn you not to slander anyone, this is in front of His Majesty the King!"

The obvious side is about how to deal with adventurers who make mistakes.

In fact, the major factions in the kingdom are attacking each other.

Conservatives, radicals, aristocratic parties, royalists, those who support the eldest prince, those who support the second prince...

Despite the small size of the kingdom, the water inside is so muddy that fish can be raised.

The old king was so noisy by these people that he had a headache.

At this time, the warrior captain who had always stood at the foot of the steps, as silent as a statue, suddenly said: "Quiet!"

As soon as these words came out, the palace became quiet.

After all, the title of "The Strongest Warrior" is still very useful, and no one would touch Gazef Stonorov's bad luck at this time.

The old king was very satisfied.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "Bring the prisoner here, I have something to ask him."

Hearing this, Lana's heart moved.

She understands her father's character, and it can be seen from the title that her incompetent father wants to sacrifice Jojo's life to quell the internal struggle in the kingdom.

"It's just my father, you definitely wouldn't have thought that Jojo was a stronger being than the warrior leader, would you?" A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth unconsciously, and Lana quietly took a step back, trying to minimize her sense of presence.

The king has an order.

Soon, Jon was brought to the temple.

He was not nervous at all in the face of everyone's scrutinizing eyes, as relaxed and carefree as if he were taking a walk in his back garden.

When he sees a few people he likes, he will greet them cordially and warmly.

Little did he know that this behavior would fall in the eyes of those nobles and make them even more furious.

Why would a mere adventurer dare to be so presumptuous?

The old king was also very unhappy with Jon's performance, but he did not show his thoughts on his face and just glanced at his eldest son.

Although the eldest prince's head was full of water, he was really reckless. He scolded him without saying a word: "Why don't you kneel down when you see the king?"

Jon sneered, "That is your king, not mine. I am an adventurer and a mercenary. I have no nationality and no status in the kingdom. Why should I kneel?"

That being said, can a stateless adventurer be so casual when facing the monarch of a country?

At that moment, many discordant voices suddenly sounded.



"Your Majesty the King, I request that this bold man be executed immediately."

For a time, Jon became the target of many people, as if he had done something treacherous.

The group of people from 'Cang Qiangwei' stared at the figure in the field with different eyes.

Ge Gelan, a powerful female warrior, was even drooling at the sight, "You're so fucking talented, I like men like this."

Lakyus gently pinched her eyebrows and whispered, "Although it's a relief, that guy is in big trouble."

The fact is just as Lakyus expected, the reason why nobles are nobles is because they have privileges.

Such an unruly adventurer, and an adventurer who had killed many nobles before, was enough to make them feel instinctive disgust and even hatred!

The old king was very angry at Jon's behavior.

Originally, he had intended to sacrifice one person to calm the turmoil in the kingdom, but now he didn't even have to make excuses.

He waved his hand directly, "The adventurer Jojo has no king's sight and causes unprovoked killings. Although he has served the country well, it cannot offset his fault. As a king, I will sentence him to death!"

One word, one life.

This is the power of a king!

This result won the cheers and applause of all the nobles.

But the expressions of the 'Cang Qiangwei' group were a little ugly.

Lips are dead and teeth are cold.

As adventurers, this is not the result they want to see.

At the bottom of the steps, Soldier Captain Gazef could not bear it.

He turned slightly sideways, as if he wanted to say something to the king, but after seeing the unchangeable determination on the old man's face, he sighed silently and swallowed the words back.

At this moment, Lana suddenly knelt down on one knee and said, "Father, please take back your life."

Some people play the good role, and some people have to play the bad role.

What can win people's hearts better than giving someone help when they need it?

And Lana also knows that with Jon’s strength, no one in the kingdom can execute him, so she has to show her kindness quickly, otherwise it will be too late!

"Lana, I know you can't bear it, and I understand your feelings, but the world of adults is very complicated, so please step aside for now!" The old king said coldly, not giving face to his only daughter.

As a result, the death penalty seems to be a foregone conclusion.

But Jon laughed, "Kill me? No, no, no, you can't kill me."

"Can't I kill you?" A look of interest flashed in the old king's eyes, like a cat playing with a mouse, and he asked: "Why can't I kill you?"

The time has come!

Jon took a deep breath, "Because I have made a lifelong commitment to Her Highness the Princess, and she has my child in her belly!"

As soon as the words fell, the whole place was silent.

Everyone's eyes widened and they focused on the smiling black-haired young man in the room.

Lana was completely stunned.

She never expected that Jon would do this in public.

This...isn't this intentional to ruin her reputation?

Suddenly, an angry voice broke the weird atmosphere, "What are you talking about? Lord Lana... Lord Lana, she doesn't have one!"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The person who angrily went to the temple with a sword was none other than Lana's guard Climb.

As a professional dog licker, it is impossible for him to remain indifferent when his goddess is being slandered by others.

Jon easily opened the handcuffs, spread his hands and said, "Believe it or not, it's up to you."

After a pause, he added: "Also, licking a dog will not lead to a happy death."

Climb has always been clumsy, and coupled with his anger, he was completely speechless.

The old king stood up tremblingly and pointed at Jon, "You...you..."

"What are you?" Jon sneered, "You old thief with a gray beard, how dare you talk here! A dead skeleton in a grave, just a puppet manipulated by others. Are you qualified to judge me?"

As he spoke, he twisted his neck.

"I have endured it for so many days because I gave face to the princess. If I don't resist, you will just keep doing it over and over again, right?"

"Bold!" No matter how much he approved of what Jon did in the underground secret lair, as the king's absolutely loyal dog, Warrior Captain Gazef couldn't pretend that he didn't hear anything.

Seeing this, Jon pointed his finger to the sky, "God loves the world...God also has anger."

In an instant, countless holy lights fell down, directly trapping the warrior captain who was charging with his sword.

Gazef's heart was shocked.

He was about to raise his sword to fight.

Unfortunately, when faced with experienced spellcasters, warriors are often just like targets.

Swish, swish, swish...

Countless lightsabers were generated out of thin air, pinning Gazef to the ground.

The strongest warrior in the kingdom was defeated in one move?

In an instant, unspeakable fear amplified infinitely in the hearts of those nobles.

They suddenly realized that in today's trial, the protagonist and the supporting role had switched roles.

It's not that they judge jojo.

But jojo judges them...

End of this chapter

This chapter has been completed!
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