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Chapter 376 Commissioned by The Theocracy, Exploring Nazarik




Although these rising emotions will be quickly cleared by the passive effect of 'forced calmness', if you think about it carefully, you can't help but fall into the vortex of negative emotions, and it will be difficult to extricate yourself for a long time...

Speaking of which, what is Jojo's weakness?

Ainz walked in silence, and the figure of Demiurge could not help but appear in his mind.

"Lord Ainz, the behavior pattern of that human being is really difficult to understand. If we don't specifically deal with the flaws in his character or the weaknesses in his personality, I must say frankly that in this 'invisible war', it will be difficult for us to defeat him."

Gained the advantage."

Ainz sighed silently.

My stomach hurts...

Ah, it must be phantom pain.

This feeling is like being pinned down at your work station by an unscrupulous boss, squeezing every bit of your remaining value, and you still can't resist.

All in all, I felt unspeakably irritated.

"Feifei, what's wrong with you? Why do you feel so listless after coming to the Imperial Capital?" Jon paused and asked suddenly.

"Ah...it's nothing...I just...um...thought of something insignificant." Ainz waved his hands repeatedly.

"That's it -" Jon blinked, lowered his voice involuntarily, and said with a bad smile: "I think you've been under too much pressure recently, how about we get rid of those two troublesome guys and quietly go have some fun

How about it?"


Ainz didn't understand what this meant at first.

But when he met Jon's eyes full of meaning, he understood immediately.


There is nothing that can be done about it. Adventurers have always been a profession that licks their wounds and their spirits are much more tense than that of ordinary people. Therefore, when relaxing, most adventurers will choose to indulge themselves to relieve stress.

The key is……

Three black lines appeared on Ainz's forehead.

He deliberately shied away: "Isn't this... bad?"

Unexpectedly, Jon's attitude was very firm, "What's wrong? This is the imperial capital. It can be said to be one of the most prosperous cities in the world. This kind of place must have happiness that we can't imagine, waiting for us.

The two brothers went to explore~

Besides, we made a lot of money by destroying the monsters outside the plains of E-Rantel.

Money, paper, flowers!"

Meeting the other person's eyes, Ainz didn't know what to say.

After all, he couldn't really explain to JoJo what "chicken-free talk" meant.

However, when he was working in the workplace, he had heard someone say that if he wanted to bring men closer to each other, as long as they drank wine together, took a bath together, and went to a custom shop together, everything would be fine...

Thinking of this, Ainz nodded, "Then let's do this. We haven't had a good rest for a long time."

"That's right." After receiving the affirmative reply, Jon's lips curved into a smirk.

Then, he deliberately walked up to Narberal and Solution, who were walking together behind him, and explained a few words in this way.

Under the extremely contemptuous and complicated eyes of the two women, he pulled Ainz out of the group and soon arrived at a bar.

Ainz couldn't help but look up at the bar's sign.

emmm, it’s colorful and colorful, but it doesn’t look like a serious place at first glance.

Jon snapped his fingers and said, "I have inquired about the Adventurer's Guild before. This is the most high-end entertainment venue in the imperial capital. It's almost nightfall, so we two brothers will watch something exciting today!"

An exciting program...

It sounds quite tempting, but the point is, I am an immortal, and I don't have that kind of worldly desire.

Ainz, who was in a delicate mood, was dragged into the bar by Jon.

As soon as he entered the door, Jon yelled in a very arrogant voice, "Please take care of me when we first meet. The first round of drinks will be charged to my account. You can drink as you like!"

The store was silent for a few seconds, and then burst into cheers.

Brothers have an enemy, kill them quickly!

Jon didn't care, he wasn't short of money anyway, just to heat up the atmosphere.

He elbowed Ainz beside him and said with a smile, "How about it? I behaved well, didn't I?"

"Not bad..." Ainz's smile was a little stiff.

As the supreme leader of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, he not only has to protect his companions in Nazarick, but he also has to worry about the finances of the Great Tomb.

It's pitiful to say the least. All the commissions he, Narberal, and Solution earned from being adventurers were handed over to Albedo, the high steward of Nazarick.

What happened to the undead?

Wuwuwuwu, even the undead have to make money!

Thinking of this, Ainz couldn't help but envy Jojo.

Let's drink today and get drunk today. Putting aside the "Devil King" in the opponent's body that may threaten the safety of the world, just with this character and free and easy energy, no matter from every aspect, Jojo perfectly fits the image of an adventurer in his mind.


After coming back to his senses, Ainz let go of his worries and began to accept the current situation.

As the saying goes, ‘Money can make the world go round’.

A lot of gold coins were thrown around, and Jon and Ainz soon became the focus of the bar.

Some women dressed boldly also rubbed their bodies against the two of them intentionally or unintentionally.

Jon didn't care, he was just acting for the occasion, he did it when he had to, and he did what he had to do.

This time, Ainz, who was accompanying him, suffered a lot.

Because of his burly figure and unmatched courage, he was favored by many women. Those wanderers gathered around Ainz and couldn't help stroking Ainz's cold steel armor with their hands.

Ainz was extremely upset, but he had no choice but to give up.

As everyone knows...

After entering the Imperial Capital, four hours of surveillance had been started inside the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

Of course, including now.

"Demiurge, I will leave the work at hand to you for now." Albedo smiled softly.

But if you observe carefully, it is not difficult to find that the whole body of the 'Succubus' Shame' is trembling, and his fair face is bursting with purple blood vessels.

"Those despicable humans dare to touch Lord Ainz with their dirty hands! Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable Arins!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Shalltear, who had her ashes raised by Jon and was resurrected by Ainz with a large amount of gold coins, was also gritting her teeth and wanted to rush to the imperial capital with the 'dropper spear' and have a bloodbath.

It can eliminate the hatred in your heart.

Although the other guardians did not speak, judging from the auras they inadvertently exuded, their mood was definitely not unpeaceful.

Demiurge pinched his eyebrows with a headache, "Do you want Ainz-sama's 'sacrifice' to be ruined?"

After hearing this, Albedo and Shalltear calmed down.

It’s just that I’m still unhappy.

Demiurge then said: "Oh, don't you understand Lord Ainz's intentions? The reason why that Lord condescended to set foot in such a filthy place is because of our entire Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick!"

What does this mean?

Could it be that... including going to such a place to have fun is also part of Ainz-sama's plan?

For a moment, all the guardians turned their attention to Demiurge.

Demiurge pushed up his glasses, "Although I am not as smart as Lord Ainz, but with that Lord's foresight, wouldn't he be able to imagine that Jojo would definitely enter that kind of place to have fun after entering the Imperial Capital?

No, this is impossible! Lord Ainz had long expected a scene like this, so he took advantage of the situation, deliberately leaked his whereabouts, and acted in a high-profile manner.

The purpose is to draw out ‘those guys’!”

"Those guys..." All the guardians thought thoughtfully.

As expected, several hooded men approached Ainz and Jon in the scene.

Because Ainz's mind was not on having fun, he quickly spotted the hooded men.

After taking a closer look, he discovered that although these people were only over level 20, they were already much stronger than ordinary humans. And judging from their temperament, they didn't seem to be adventurers.

Jon pretended to be drunk and confused, and turned his head, "What, are you here to clink glasses with me and drink again? There is really no way."

He stood up unsteadily.

The leading hooded man looked at Jon up and down. The monocle in his eyes flashed with white light, and his expression changed instantly, "How... is this possible? Could it be a "god man"!"

Suppressing the turmoil in his heart, he said to Jon very kindly: "Sir Jojo, are you the Lord Jojo who destroyed the undead monsters in the plains of E-Rantel?"

"Who are you?" Jon asked.

The hooded man used his eyes to signal his men to drive away the wandering warblers.

After all the people left, he introduced himself: "You can call me Maxim. I come from the Theocracy."

The Theocracy, the full name of which is the 'Slian Theocracy', is located in the south of the Kingdom. It is the oldest human country and was established by the "Six Gods" six hundred years ago.

By the way, the highest decision-making body of the Theocracy is the Council of Priests, which is composed of twelve people. With a total population of more than 15 million people, it is a country that strives to grow and prosper as humans to defeat other powerful races.

Ainz's heart moved when he heard the identity of the visitor.

Speaking of which, the people who could summon angels that he met when he just traveled through time were also from the Slian Theocracy.

Jon smiled and said, "It turns out that I am from the church, so disrespectful... So, do you adults have anything to do with me?"

Maxim pondered for a moment, "For someone as strong as your Excellency, it would be too unreasonable to only be an adventurer.

To be honest, I heard about Your Excellency's feats in the Theocracy, and deliberately came to the Imperial Capital with the help of magic just to get acquainted with you."

"It's not just as simple as getting to know each other, right?" Jon smiled brightly, "From your eyes, I can see that you seem to be very interested in me..."

Maxim was slightly taken aback, but he admitted openly, "I would like to invite you to join the Theocracy in order to expand the top combat power of mankind."

The monocle he wears on his eye socket is actually a rare magic item that can roughly determine the target's level.

After annihilating Shalltear, the ancestor of the full-level vampire, Jon was suddenly promoted from his original level to over sixty.

With such strength, it is impossible not to make the Slian Theocracy covetous!

Jon smiled and said: "I'm sorry, I'm used to being idle, and I have no plans to join any country. However, I am willing to express some goodwill to the Theocracy. If there is anything I can do to help, I will definitely help."


It doesn't matter.

The strong have always been like this.

Maxim felt a little regretful, but did not show this feeling on his face.

The other party has expressed that he is not disgusted with the Theocracy, and this alone is enough.

As for the future.

Hey, who can tell what will happen in the future?

Maxim and the envoys from the Theocracy came to caress their chests and salute.

One party has intention and the other party has heart.

Several people quickly became familiar with Jon.

Ainz's mood was extremely complicated.

Because in Demiurge's preparatory plan, the Silian Theocracy is the one they must win over.

But looking at the several people who represented the Theocratic Country and how they were brothers with JoJo, he couldn't help but wonder, if one day the Demon King was born to destroy all living beings, would these guys regret their decision at this time...

The atmosphere became more and more lively.

After drinking for three rounds, Maxim blinked and took the opportunity to speak to Jon: "Sir Jojo, speaking of which, something abnormal suddenly appeared not far from E-Rantel where you were before.

To be honest, even people within our Theocracy have disappeared there inexplicably."

Ainz, who had always pretended to be a fool, felt slightly moved.

Does this mean those guys who summoned angels back then?

Just thinking about it.

Maxim added: "Sir Jojo, your strength is amazing. There must be very few things in this world that you can't do, right?"

These words were accompanied by flattery, which directly coaxed Jon into confusion.

He deliberately showed a proud and smug look and patted his chest, "You are right. No matter what kind of commission it is, our Phantom Troupe can handle it for you!"

"That's great. The name of the Phantom Troupe has been very popular recently." Maxim turned his head and also gave Ainz a kind smile.

Ainz felt a little uneasy and nodded silently.

Maxim continued: "I have a commission here."

As he said this, he took out a sheepskin map from his pocket and said, "Please find out what's going on in this area."

As soon as Ainz lowered his head, the premonition in his heart instantly became a reality.

The direction marked on Maxim's map is exactly the area where the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick is located.

Although it is general, it is very different.

"Something went wrong after all." Ainz sighed inwardly.

Jon rolled his eyes, "I can't miss such an interesting mission."

He also deliberately asked Ainz, "Feifei, do you think so?"

"Ah...yes..." Ainz didn't know how to answer, so he could only respond perfunctorily.

At the same time, the 10th floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

Demiurge smiled and said to the guardians: "Look, this is Lord Ainz's true purpose. Ha, not only Jojo, but the entire world is just a pawn in the hands of the Supreme Being."

"Oh!" Almost all the guardians expressed their high respect for the supreme wisdom.

Although some of them are unclear.

But one thing is certain.

That is, the silent war with the 'Messenger of God' will finally move the battlefield to their home field.

Nazarik is ready to face the enemy!

This chapter has been completed!
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