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Chapter 438 Stand-in Messenger Klein

"If you can, you should at least try!" Klein said to himself in his heart.

But in the end, he suppressed the curiosity and some messy thoughts in his heart.

Because he was keenly aware of his own strangeness - the real 'Cline Moriarty' would never have evil thoughts towards the witch. In other words, the personality of 'Sherlock Moriarty' was trying to dominate again.


"No need." Klein was secretly upset, but his face remained calm as usual, "Miss Mathilda, do your part."

"What a pity-" The disappointment on Maltilda's face almost solidified.

Speaking of which, she has had sex with various males, but she has never experienced the feeling of Aurora criticizing beautiful men...

As an obsessive-compulsive person with a hobby of collecting, she made up her mind to capture the opponent if she had the chance!

Of course, Klein didn't know that he had been privately included in the "collection" by the witch, and some specific details of the action were discussed. He didn't show any nostalgia at all, and ignored Maldida's various hints, and stood up to leave indifferently.

After leaving the temporary residence of the Witch Sect, Klein returned to the detective agency without stopping, got into the bathroom, and walked four steps backward to reach above the gray mist.

"It seems that desire and emotion will shake my primary and secondary personality...Hey, I don't know why, but I'm somewhat used to this feeling." Klein pinched his eyebrows and raised a wry smile at the corner of his mouth.

He originally planned to find a way to solve this problem before being promoted to 'Faceless Man'. But now it seems that the priority of this matter may have to be raised.

——He didn’t want to crawl into the witch’s bed for no apparent reason while moving around with his vest on, and follow the old path of Lao Huang.

I can’t afford to lose this person!

"For this kind of problem, I'm afraid Miss Justice, who is still only Sequence 8, can't help much, so I still have to ask Jon Joestar. But..." I didn't know what he thought of, and Klein felt a little sad.

There is a saying that he really doesn't want to be in debt anymore unless it is absolutely necessary.

"What? Second personality!" After listening to Klein's story, a trace of surprise flashed across Jon's face.

The power of butterfly wings is so great that even before reaching sequence 6, the second personality has come out.

Hey, interesting.

He sat up a little straighter and asked pretending to be serious: "How do you feel now?"

Klein answered truthfully, "Normally, the second personality will not come out to cause trouble, but if I encounter a choice or face temptation, my judgment will naturally be affected."

Jon thought for a while and said: "I am not an extraordinary person in the audience path, so I don't know much about the mental world and spiritual personality."

The topic changed, "But I have a question. Since you released the soul of the 'Faceless Man', how did you disguise yourself as 'Sherlock Moriarty' before you reached Sequence 6?"


Hearing this, Klein touched his nose and said, "I discovered a long time ago that when I use the 'Black Iron Cross', I can transform into Sherlock Moriarty even if I don't use the 'Faceless Man's' disguise ability.


Therefore, it doesn’t matter whether he has the ability of ‘Faceless Man’ or not.

Besides, the curtain is about to open, and I need a certain ability to protect myself. The '**Apostle' is more suitable than the 'Faceless Man'."

Ah this...

Jon's heart moved and he asked: "Have you ever thought about it, when you simply use the 'Black Iron Cross' to change your identity, will you become 'Sherlock Moriarty' or 'Sherlock Moriarty'?"

Riati'became you?"

No wonder he developed a ‘second personality’ before he even reached the ‘faceless man’ stage.

After a long time of commotion, Klein was being quietly snatched away by his own vest without even realizing it.

There is no doubt that the ‘Black Iron Cross’ is the goodwill of the “True Creator”.

But the problem is that the spirit, will and aura of the previous 'Dark Angel' Sasril remains on it. This is also the fundamental reason for the high status and strong ability of the 'Black Iron Cross'.

These spirits, wills and breaths are like a blank canvas, the potions of the 'Secret Prayer' path are like colorful paints, and Klein, the cross holder, is the pen holder.

He could have re-trained a soulless "Dark Angel" step by step and used it as his marionette or clone.

But just to save trouble, I gave up the ability of the ‘faceless man’ and allowed the ‘iron cross’ to deepen my understanding of the identity of ‘Sherlock Moriarty’.

Well now, 'Sherlock Moriarty' has become the Dark Angel.

The persona Klein created for this vest also became his initial character.

As Jon said, when Klein gave up his 'Faceless Man' ability to become 'Sherlock Moriarty', 'Sherlock Moriarty' was officially born.

This is not a question of ‘second personality’…

When Klein heard this, he was immediately dumbfounded.

He nervously said: "Then... what should I do?"

Jon pondered for a moment and comforted him: "The matter has come to this, and there is no use in thinking about it anymore.

Having said that, you should be grateful to that '**Apostle'. If it hadn't been for him, if you really became a high-sequence powerhouse, you would have been directly herded by 'Sherlock Moriarty'.

But now, there is still a chance to save.

First of all, when you use the identity of 'Sherlock Moriarty' again, you cannot rely on the 'Black Iron Cross'.

Secondly, I regret to tell you that the secret puppet training plan has failed. Whether you want it or not, the personality of the secret puppet has been finalized and will be difficult to change in the future.

Third, hurry up and digest the potion promotion sequence 6. Once you understand the true meaning of the ‘Faceless Man’ and strengthen your self-awareness, the current problems will naturally be solved.”

After a pause, Jon smiled and said: "At this stage, in fact, as long as you don't let 'Sherlock Moriarty' get involved, things that will affect your judgment will not happen. From this point of view, you have absolute initiative."


This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Klein pondered these words and couldn't help but sigh.

His understanding of the extraordinary world is still too shallow and he shouldn't take it for granted.

It's strange to say that with his cautious character, he didn't discover the wrong way to use the 'Black Iron Cross' before, as if his mind was blinded...

I also thought that it should be the influence of the 'Dark Angel' who wanted to seize the body and resurrect him.

"It's caused me to have a psychological shadow." Klein smiled bitterly in his heart.

The Hanged Man not only means "sacrifice", but also has the authority of "mutation" and "degeneration". You should always maintain a sense of awe.

"I understand." Klein nodded seriously.

Then, the problem comes again.

In order to clear the soul tank of 'Creeping Hunger', he has released the soul of the 'faceless man' and replaced it with the soul of the '** Apostle'.

Nowadays, he still needs to wear the handsome face of 'Sherlock Moriarty' and interact with the witch Maltilda and Prince Edsac of the Loen royal family. Where can he find another extraordinary item that can change his height and appearance?


"Don't look at me." Jon met Klein's pleading eyes, "I have shattered the 'Mask of the Nameless' and taken out all the extraordinary characteristics. I am just waiting to prepare the medicine for you when you are promoted."

Hearing this, Klein directly sat down on the sofa, "Then I have no choice. I won't be able to find extraordinary items with the characteristics of the 'Faceless Man' in a short time."


Oh, it's just a show.

He really wants to help.

But he is not stupid.

How can I wade through this muddy water without a vest?

Jon rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "If you can't find him, I can find him."

He counted his fingers and began to calculate, "The price of Sequence 6-level extraordinary items ranges from 400 pounds to 7,000 pounds..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Klein, "Can I not buy it?"

He said in a negotiating tone: "Is it okay to rent?"


It's not impossible.

Jon raised two fingers and said, "00 pounds a day is a very reasonable price."


00 pounds!

Hiring a sequence as a bodyguard only costs 00 pounds.

Tsk, damn black businessman!

"0 pounds a day, this is the most sincerity I can afford." Klein gritted his teeth.

Jon said calmly, "70 pounds, the friendly price, can't be lower."


70 is 70, it is always less than 00.

Somehow, the moment Klein agreed to the price, he felt like he had made a profit.

He thought that he could rent it for ten days at most, which would be 700 pounds, but the benefits he would gain would definitely be more than 700 pounds.

This deal is available!

"Okay, I'll go out, you wait for me here." After making the deal, Jon stood up and took his suit and coat.

Klein nodded obediently.

After waiting for almost half an hour, Jon came back with a crystal-clear disk in his hand.

"Disc?" Klein secretly wondered.

Jon didn't say anything more and handed the disk directly to Klein, "This is the 'Krum Disk', which allows the user to change the height, weight and odor. The method of use is also very simple, just insert it directly into the body."


Insert into body…

Klein swallowed.

How on earth is such a big thing inserted into the body?

Seeing that the opponent was not moving, Jon grabbed the dic containing the substitute of 'Krum God' and pushed Klein's body with lightning speed.

Klein wanted to stop it, but Jon's speed was beyond his ability to resist. He could only watch as the disc strangely merged with himself.

"Just imagine what you want to become." Jon reminded with a smile.

Klein took a deep breath, and the muscles on his face began to twist uncontrollably.

After a while, Dunn Smith from the Nighthawks Team in Tingen City appeared in front of Jon.

Jon curled his lips in disappointment.

Given the opportunity for you to show off, the first thing you think of is this guy with a high hairline and frequent forgetfulness.

Little brother, it's still not open enough.

Thinking of this, he said sternly: "Don't be restricted by gender. When you are promoted to the 'Faceless Man', you will have to adapt to every face, male, female, old and young. Come on, change again!"

Klein thought for a moment and decided to follow his advice.

Indeed, ‘Faceless Man’ should not be restricted by gender.

The next second, the witch Maltilda appeared.

Jon whistled, took a step forward, lifted the other person's chin, and pretended to be frivolous: "Baby, I think I've fallen in love with you."


Are you sick?

Quickly releasing the transformation state, he said with a dark face, "I'm very suspicious now that teasing me is your real purpose."

"Hey, guess." Jon put down his hand, his smile unchanged.

If I can't beat you, I will definitely beat you to death!

Klein's face looked so dark.

However, this is just a joke.

Jon Joestar, this very reliable but always very unreliable guy, has become his friend and the leader of the extraordinary world.

In Klein's heart, the status of the Evil God's Favored One is even higher than that of Mr. Anzik, with whom he often exchanges letters.

"Let's go." After saying hello, Klein left the 'Jostar Manor' with a dark face.

Jon turned to the side and said, "Did you record it?"

The next second, Bernadette, who was holding a camera, appeared with black lines on her head, "She said she had something important to ask me to help with, and asked me to bring my father's private invention. Is this the reason?"

She returned to the mansion with Jon, and witnessed with her own eyes how the young favored by "The Fool" fell into the trap of this evil guy step by step.

"For teasing him like this, won't that adult have any objections to you?" Bernadette was really worried that the "Fool" would send down divine punishment and erase her.


You mean Jon Joestar?

He is an archangel under the serious seat of "The Fool".

How could something happen?

The only one who got into trouble was Bernadette who was deceived.

"He is kind and easy-going." Jon smiled, "Besides, He will thank you for everything you have done today."

This kind of dark history is good material for stabilizing human nature.


I didn't understand it, but I was shocked.

the next day.

To be honest, Klein felt that renting this 'Krum Disc' for 70 pounds a day was definitely a profit.

This is also his dilemma.

I have to say that Jon Joestar cheated him out of money, that's true.

But every time it comes to the actual benefits, it is quite intuitive.

Sighing, Klein simply stopped thinking about it. Using the ability of 'Krum's Disk', he wore the handsome face of 'Sherlock Moriarty' and came to the suburban villa where Mathilda was staying.

From today on, that witch officially becomes the fiancée of Sherlock Moriarty.

"Dear——" Mathilda immediately became fed up when she saw Klein.

Klein's expression did not change, but he gently hugged the witch's shoulders, "The wind is a bit strong, you should pay more attention to your health."

As he spoke, he took off his coat and put it on Mathilda.

Mathilda was stunned for a moment, and then a strange color flashed in her beautiful eyes.

The Aurora Club’s crazy criticism of beautiful men is quite interesting.

"My dear, the carriage is ready, let's go." Matilda took Klein's arm and walked towards the carriage that had been prepared.

Klein's expression did not change.

The whole journey was silent.

The two of them took a carriage and arrived at the mansion where Prince Edsac held a banquet.

As soon as he got out of the car, Klein met an acquaintance.

——Miss Justice, Audrey Hall.

End of this chapter

This chapter has been completed!
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