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Chapter 450 Aftereffects, the truth of the sequence

Under the moonlight, a beautiful man in a gauze skirt stood quietly for a long time.

The night wind blew by, and he suddenly came back to his senses, and the cunning and wise look returned to his black eyes.

"What am I?" Amon pinched his eyes subconsciously, but he didn't feel the roundness and coldness they usually had.

Not sure, he searched again.

After a few seconds, his expression suddenly became very exciting.

At this moment, a bearded priest with light blond hair approached quietly.

Hearing the noise, Amon turned around and said angrily: "Did you do it?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he was denied by himself, "No, you don't have such ability."

Opposite him, Adam still had the same neutral expression.

He stared at his troubled child and said calmly: "Although I paid a price, I still help you get the things back."

As he spoke, he handed over a crystal monocle.

Amon quickly took it and put it on his eye socket.

I feel more at ease now~

But, new problems followed.

How could the uniqueness of the 'wrong' path appear in the hands of this paranoid?

Also, didn't I want to sneak into Backlund? Why did I lose consciousness in this wilderness?

"I won't advise you to restrain yourself, because it is your nature to act recklessly. But you have to understand that even gods will fall. Don't provoke beings you can't afford to provoke." Adam said calmly.

After finishing his words, he turned around and gradually disappeared directly under Amon's eyes.

"Hey, wait!" Amon tried to stop Adam, "I thought you would never care about me, just make it clear before leaving."

Adam didn't want to explain anything. He only left one sentence before leaving completely, "Everyone has a choice. He chose him, and I chose you..."

Hearing this, Amon's face changed slightly.

Godhood ceremony, amnesia, uniqueness lost and regained.

After tying all the key information together, he pinched his monocle and murmured to himself: "Let's see who can have the last laugh."

Immediately afterwards, Amon suddenly realized something and his eyes widened unconsciously, "Eh? Where are my clothes!"



The encirclement and suppression operation ended successfully, and the "Rose School" was almost completely wiped out.

Si'a was devoured by the evil god;

Barranca was beaten to death;

Of the three 'Silent Disciples', one died and the remaining two became supplements.

There were only two or three big cats and kittens left, and they were completely unable to cause any trouble.

Nowadays, the two mid-level players, Maric and Sharon, have become the highest combat power of the "Rose School".

Of course, the two of them alone couldn't hold on.

So after the operation, Jon specifically taught Sharon how to summon specific spiritual creatures.

Reinette Tinichole, Sharon's teacher, the sequence of the 'Bound One' path, 'Ancient Evil'.

He was once the beloved of the "Bound One" and one of the leaders of the Rose School.

He advocated temperance and fought against madness with a life of simplicity and low desire. Later, due to the birth of Si'a, a civil war broke out in the 'Rose School'. In order to protect Sharon and other members of the Temperance Sect, they fell under the siege of Si'a and other high-level officials.

But she made certain preparations in advance and was resurrected in a special state in the spiritual world.

Now the 'Rose School' is in urgent need of reconstruction, and it is time for Reinette Tinichole to return to the real world and take charge of the overall situation.

"Mr. Jon, I will definitely get my teacher back." Sharon's cold face showed a rare hint of excitement, "Please don't worry!"

Jon smiled as he met the light blue pair, "I believe you."

As he said that, he changed the subject and said, "Although I have given you 'time', it will still take a few more days for you to fully return to normal."

Sharon nodded, "Understood."

Jon added: "I will keep the Worm of Time on Amon for myself. As compensation, the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 4 and Sequence 3 will be delivered to you soon. It is estimated that they will be available before the next party.


Sharon still had the same calm expression, "Okay."

Jon pondered for a moment, then magically took out a monocle and put it on his eye socket.

At this moment, Sharon finally couldn't hold herself any longer and took a few steps back unconsciously, with a look of horror on her face.

"Haha!" Jon laughed triumphantly, his smile so bright.

Although a bit wicked, Sharon's behavior is undoubtedly consistent with the symptoms of Amon's ptd patients.

Sharon, who knew she had been fooled, had complicated eyes, "Mr. Jon, please don't make such a joke!"

Hearing this, Jon twitched his lips and pinched his ordinary monocle again, "Who told you I was joking?"


He evolved from a gentleman of generations to a scumbag in the world, and then from a scumbag in the world to a god among scumbags.

No one knows about Jon's upbringing.

Across the way, Sharon looked at Jon in surprise, and for a moment she couldn't tell the difference between Amon and Jon Joestar.

If you get scared again, you will get scared. Jon took off his monocle and waved his hand, "Let's go, have a good rest during this time and concentrate on communicating with your teacher. We will see you at the next party."

Sharon was silent.

However, what Jon didn't know was that in the next two days, Sharon remained in a state of high tension. Even Maric, a trusted companion, was not allowed to come within five meters of Sharon...

Of course, these are all things for later.

the other side.

When Jon returned to his manor, Klein and Azik immediately greeted him.

In this operation, the two men contributed a lot.

Not only did he solve the three Silent Disciples, but he also assisted Arianna in the encirclement and killing of Barranca in the subsequent battle. Not to mention, Azik also used his angelic body to delay Amon, the 'wrong'

'The path to the King of Angels has been quite a long one.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Azik." Jon said, pretending to be pious, "Mr. Fool will not forget your contribution."

Azik smiled gently and said, "Praise the fool."



At this time, just smile.

After exchanging a few pleasantries and sending Azik off, Jon and Klein sat down facing each other.

Looking at the creamy-skinned witch lady, Jon smiled and said, "The witch tastes good, isn't it?"

Klein broke the news on the spot, "Fuck you!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Then, she quickly reacted, "You... have you understood Russell's diaries?"

"I am the one favored by 'destiny'. I pray to Him and a gift will come down to me." Jon explained casually.

Klein twitched the corner of his mouth.


There is an evil god hanging over your head, you are awesome.


Think of a possibility.

She lowered her head to hide the strange look in her eyes.

Jon noticed that Klein's behavior was a bit abnormal, but he didn't think much about it. He just thought that the other person was remembering 'little Klein' who had temporarily run away from home.

After counting the gains of this operation one by one, he stood up and took out a stack of banknotes from the drawer, "Although you should serve that gentleman, there is still hard work without credit. You almost bumped into Amon just now."

, take the money back to buy some jewelry for Melissa, and add some more solid wood furniture when you move."

When he saw the money, Klein's eyes lit up and he took it unceremoniously.

Gold pounds are a good thing.

Moreover, the big dog’s money will not be taken in vain if it is not taken.

Just thinking about Amon who might appear next to him at any time, Klein said worriedly: "He told me that Amon is our biggest enemy."

"It's you, not me." Jon corrected, "That guy can't beat me."

"Okay, okay, great Jon Joestar." Klein raised his hands in a gesture of obeisance, "Your Majesty, please kindly tell me how to avoid meeting Amon."

"As long as you stay in Backlund, Amon won't dare to act rashly." Jon answered truthfully, "The relationship between those gods and Amon is very bad."

However, Klein still did not dare to take it lightly and asked: "What if, I mean what if, Amon really replaces George III and becomes a god..."

"If that's the case." Jon clapped his hands, "then he is completely useless."


I didn't understand it, but I was shocked.

Jon rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "I'm in a good mood today, so I'll reveal some more secrets to you."

After hearing this, Klein quickly sat down, acting like a good boy.

Jon said solemnly: "Leave aside the ritual of becoming a god, if you want to become a god, you must have three copies of the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 1, as well as the uniqueness of this path.

The current Amon still lacks the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 1.

Taking a step back, even if he really acquires the last Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristic and succeeds in replacing George III, he still cannot become a dual-path true god. The 'error' and the 'black emperor' are not adjacent.

When the time comes, the three extraordinary characteristics and uniqueness of the ‘Black Emperor’ will definitely be separated.”

Klein was stunned, "Does this have anything to do with being crippled? He has become a god!"

"Becoming a god does not mean being invincible..." Jon pointed to the sky, "Many gods are watching, and they all said that they have a bad relationship with Amon."

This is true.

With Amon's bad temper, if the Lord of Storms doesn't give him a moment at the critical moment, he won't deserve the title of grumpy old pigeon.

Also, the ‘dual-path true god’?

call out--

A flash of inspiration flashed through my mind.

After being reminded, Klein suddenly understood a lot of things.

The adjacent sequence mentioned in "Roselle's Diary", the extraordinary law of aggregation, the metaphor of the original Creator being eaten, why Amon is the destined enemy of "The Fool", the reason why the Goddess of Night wants to attack the God of War...

From this point of view.

‘Soothsayer’ ‘Apprentice’ ‘Stealer’

The true gods of these three pathways can accommodate the authority of the other two sequences, achieving dual pathways or even three pathways of true gods!

"At that point, maybe it will become the 'old days' and 'pillars' that Jon Joestar once accidentally said." Klein thought to himself.

"Okay, today's small class on extraordinary knowledge is over." Jon clapped his hands, "Next, I have to concentrate on dealing with the Loen royal family. I'm scribbling, and maybe a lot of people will die."

The conversation changed, "As for you, Ms. Kleine Cape, use this time to collect more relevant information about the 'Iron Cross'. That is the next secret organization we want to control after the 'Rose School'


Hearing this, Klein looked serious and nodded solemnly, "Okay, I understand."

Jon pondered for a moment and then asked for an unknown number of times: "Are you really not considering choosing another path? Witch seems to be a good fit for you."

Klein stood up, covered his mouth with a smile, "Interesting idea, but please forgive me for declining."

The various styles in the room make the whole room brighter.

Seeing this, Jon nodded approvingly, "Congratulations on mastering the essence of 'Faceless Man'. I was wrong. 'Soothsayer' is the most suitable for you."

It's the beginning of a new week again.

Alger walked into the captain's cabin under the awed eyes of the crew.

Ever since he established absolute prestige on the Blue Avenger, his life has become better and better.

"Praise the Fool." The rebellious pirate leader muttered silently in his heart, and then his consciousness traveled through the spiritual world and came to the magnificent palace where the gods seemed to live.

Mr. Fool is still sitting safely at the top, which is reassuring.

The lively and lively Miss Audrey Hall diagonally opposite, or in other words, Miss Justice of the Tarot Society, took the initiative to greet all members, "Good afternoon Mr. Fool, good afternoon Mr. Destiny, good afternoon Mr. Sun..."


First the male, then the female, no one is left behind.

Like everyone else, Alger responded politely.

"Everyone." After the simple greetings, the "Fool" at the top smiled and said, "I can see what happened in the past few days. Thank you for your hard work."

After hearing this, everyone didn't even dare to say anything.

Forsi was even more frightened.

To be honest, she didn't go out last week and stayed at home every day. How could she deserve the word "hard work" from Mr. "Fool"?

Jon showed his actor-like acting skills as always, "With the efforts of all members, Backlund's sacrifice ceremony failed, the Witch Sect suffered heavy losses, and the "Original Witch" even suffered a decline in status and fell from the throne;

The Rose School was almost completely wiped out and merged into the Tarot Society.

It is worth mentioning that under the guidance of Mr. Fool, we have two new angels..."

Listening to the exaggerated deeds mentioned by Mr. Destiny, the uninformed members were stunned.

In one week, two secret organizations were destroyed and a true god was brought down?

Mr. "Fool" and his angels are too fierce!


Not to mention these middle and low-ranking members, "The Fool" himself thinks so too.

He stared at Jon who was talking eloquently and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

I don’t want to admit it but I have to admit that this guy is indeed a shining golden thigh!

"The situation is quite optimistic, but we still can't be careless. Before the dust settles, everything is subject to change." Jon lowered his tone, "For example, during the previous operation to annihilate the Rose School, Miss Temperance and I unexpectedly encountered Ah



After a long period of brainwashing, all members of the Tarot Society understand what these two words represent.

For a moment, all eyes turned to Miss Temperance, who was as motionless as a wooden clay doll in the women's seat.

Sharon opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something.

In the end, he said nothing, as if he didn't want to recall that terrible experience.

But Klein, who was eager to learn about Amon, had no intention of letting Sharon go.

"Miss Temperance." Klein put on his vest and said calmly: "Although it was an unpleasant experience, it still has a certain value. Let's talk about your feelings and serve as a wake-up call for other members."


Why do you have to torture me?

Woo woo woo.

Sasha, it’s so difficult for me.

This chapter has been completed!
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