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Chapter 454 The coffin board can no longer hold it down

How many gold pounds are one hundred gold coins worth?

Klein couldn't figure it out.

But, he knew there must be a lot.

There was no thigh here, it was clearly a gold-swallowing beast thrown to her!

Moreover, it is the kind with four mouths.

"This...ma'am." Klein considered his words, "To be honest, I don't have that much money."

Unexpectedly, Reinette Tilcot seemed to have guessed what Klein would say, and said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter... you... can... owe it first..."


do not know why.

I always feel like I have heard this phrase more than once.

After thinking for a moment, she nodded, "I understand, then I will trouble you during this period."

Money is good, but life is more valuable.

Although Jon also said that Amon did not dare to cause any trouble in Backlund.

But in everything, be afraid of ‘whatever’.

What if I am unlucky enough to meet Amon, but Jon, Mr. Azik and the others are not around?

One more helper, one more help.

Thinking of this, she looked at Reinette Tilcot and asked patiently: "So, do you want to stay with me all the time?"

Hearing this, Reinette Tilcot's four heads swayed from side to side at the same time, "We... signed... a contract... ah..."

The fourth head didn't get a chance to speak again this time, so he could only say a meaningless "ah".

Klein controlled his facial expression and readily agreed, "Okay."

The contract was made in duplicate and was quite fair and equitable.

The pen was put down, the contract was reached, and the creditor of 'Mr. Fool' was happy.

After the negotiation, Reinette Tilkot cleared the space and returned to the spirit world, leaving Klein alone in the room again.

She sighed and pinched her eyebrows gently.

Turning around, he looked at the exquisite calendar hanging on the wall.

It's the end of the month now, and the arrival of 'that day' is getting closer and closer.

the other side.

Emlyn finally returned to his house.

As soon as he entered the door, he rushed into the collection room impatiently.

"Alice! Donna! Bell! I'm back!"

Without outsiders present, Emlyn completely returned to his true nature, and his cheerful look really looked like a husky having fun.

The dolls were still sitting quietly in the showcase.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, those delicate little faces even had a hint of enchanting beauty.

Emlyn was so excited that tears filled his eyes.

God knows how he got through these days.

Taking a deep breath, Emlyn seemed to be feeling the breath of the doll.

Then, he took out the mini figure that almost killed him from his pocket and solemnly introduced it to the other figures, "Ladies, this is our new partner. I decided to name her, Miss Fufu.


Of course, there will be no response from here.

But Emlyn didn't care and was still immersed in his own world.

After being intoxicated for a while, he put 'Miss Fufu' in a special display case and reluctantly left the door.

Although he was reluctant, he still had some other things to do.

After walking through several streets, Emlyn came to a private clinic.

This 'White Clinic' is famous in the neighborhood for its various high-quality medicines and unique bloodletting treatments. Residents living nearby who have headaches and fevers will choose to come here to relieve the disease.


Bloodletting therapy.

There is no doubt that this is the industry of the vampires.

In fact, there are many vampires hidden in human society who actively apply to be doctors or open private clinics.

It doesn't matter whether you make money or not, the main thing is that you can use reasonable means to collect blood and supply it for sucking.

There were very few people in the clinic at night, and Emlyn found his father easily.

Seeing his son, Mr. White was extremely excited and said with great surprise: "My ancestors, your mother and I are still discussing whether to find a private detective to find you. Emlyn, where have you been these days!"

Hearing this, Emlyn blushed a little and said with a smile: "A friend from other provinces invited me..."


Imprisoned in Harvest Church?


Don't talk nonsense.

There is no such thing!

Mr. White saw some clues, but did not expose Emlyn. He just patted his son on the shoulder and said, "Anyway, just come back."

The conversation changed, "Come on, come home with me, your mother hasn't slept well recently."

Vampires do not need to rely on sleep to restore energy, but in order to keep pace with human work and rest, at night, if there are no other activities, a large number of Vampires will choose to close their eyes and rest until the sun rises.

Emlyn also misses his mother very much.

However, he rejected the proposal and said in a deep voice: "There is no hurry...Father, I want to see the Marquis."

Mr. White was startled when he heard this.

The Blood Clan is now run by three dukes, and the leader of the Backlund Blood Clan is Marquis Nibais Audra.

He was a powerful vampire who was active in the fourth era. His long life has continued to this day, so that he has to lie in a coffin and sleep on weekdays. No outsiders are allowed to see him without summons.

Now that his stupid son wants to see the Marquis as soon as he opens his mouth, how can Mr. White be calm?

"A lot of things happened that I can't figure out." Emlyn smiled bitterly, "Anyway, I was entrusted by an angel to deliver a letter."

"Angel?!" Mr. White's tone suddenly rose.

Those who can be called 'angels' are of the lowest order.

As for the sequence, he can already be crowned a Duke in the Vampire Clan.

Afraid that his silly son would cause something wrong, Mr. White quickly asked: "Emlyn, are you serious? You're not joking?"

"Father, how dare I joke about this kind of thing." Emlyn understood his father's mood very well.

If he were in this situation, he would have to be cautious.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Mr. White couldn't sit still.

He walked back and forth in the office and glanced at his silly son. The worry on his face was palpable.

Not only that, but there are also words in his mouth.

"Woe, woe."

"He shouldn't be allowed to develop those hobbies."

"It's fine now, it's all those dolls' fault!"

The current mentality of this 'potions professor' is very similar to those parents who blame TV, games, and short videos for their children's poor learning.

When Mr. White thought about it, if his son, like other vampires, often went out to socialize, how could he encounter such a terrible thing, where his body would be broken into pieces and his body and soul would be destroyed.

"Father, stop turning around, I'm dizzy." Emlyn, who was proud and arrogant, obviously didn't think how difficult it was to deliver the letter.

In fact, he had long wanted to meet the Marquis of Nibais.

This time is just an opportunity.

A haughty smile appeared on his lips.

I couldn't help but imagine the scene when the Marquis saw him.

As long as you get the appreciation of that adult, promotion in the rank will no longer be a problem, and you don’t even have to save money to buy dolls...

There is no doubt that Emlyn has entered the 'fantasy time'.

After much deliberation, there was no good solution. Mr. White finally sighed and decided to report the matter truthfully.

The Vampire Clan is relatively united, and it is almost impossible to hide such a big event.

In this case, it is better to let the senior management make the decision.


Look at your silly son.

Mr. White's mood was extremely complicated.

"Isn't it a little late to have another child?"

"No, no, Emlyn is a good boy, how can you give up on him!"

"Hey, let's take a step and see."

Emlyn doesn't know about his biological father's psychological activities.

However, after the news spread, he soon met the envoy sent by Marquis Nibais.

The messenger spoke concisely and to the point, saying that the Marquis learned the news and decided to personally talk to Emlyn about the details of the matter.

Emlyn arranged his clothes and walked out of the clinic with his father's extremely worried eyes. He followed the messenger through several specific secret doors and arrived at the secret building where Marquis Nibais lived.

When things came to an end, Emlyn was actually a little worried.

Following the stairs to the underground area, he entered a gray hall that he had never been to before.

In the center of the hall is an iron-black coffin, with many magical symbols symbolizing mystery painted and engraved on the coffin board.

Emlyn felt his heart beating violently.

You know, he almost grew up listening to the various deeds of this Lord Marquis.

This feeling of meeting an idol is really exciting!

"Sir, Emlyn White has been brought." The messenger walked to the coffin and said softly.

After saying that, he left the hall on his own, leaving the space to Marquis Nibais and Emlyn.

Not long after, a deep and old voice slowly came from the coffin, "Emlyn White."

Hearing this, Emlyn quickly stood up and bowed his head humbly, "My Lord Marquis, I am here."

"I heard that you have a letter you want to give to me?"

Emlyn did not dare to neglect and quickly took out the warm letter from his arms.

However, Marquis Nibais did not come out of the coffin, but said solemnly: "I want to hear your experience."

He also deliberately emphasized, "Remember, it is a complete and real experience."

Hearing this, Emlyn's expression became a little unnatural.

After pondering for a moment, he decided to tell the whole story, "That's it, Lord Nibais, I stole blood at the Southern District Hospital...ahem, I accidentally caught a thief while dining.

He is just an ordinary person, but he only has a magical key with extraordinary properties.

I let him go and kept the key. Unexpectedly, the key's side effects caused me to get lost and ran into the Harvest Church in the south area of ​​​​Daqiao.

The priest there did something wrong and imprisoned me unreasonably and arbitrarily. I suffered a lot there and was forced to wipe the candlesticks and chairs every day..."

When talking about his tragic experience, Emlyn became a bit talkative.

But Marquis Nibais obviously didn't want to hear this, so he couldn't help but interrupt: "Let me tell you the important point, let me remind you, the important point is - angel."

"I'm sorry, Lord Nibais." Emlyn came back to his senses and continued: "Anyway, I was taken out of the Harvest Church by a man who called himself Jon Joestar today. He said something very strange.


"Oh, what are those strange words?" Marquis Nibais asked.

Emlyn recalled the scene at that time and recounted it truthfully, "He said that Lily asked Manman to tell him that there was a silly Juan who happened to be his cat's helper."

Marquis Nibais:???

Is there something wrong with my understanding, or is Emlyn not telling the truth?

Just as he was thinking about it, Emlyn said again: "At first, I thought that guy was just a psychopath with mental problems. Unexpectedly, he actually gave off a very terrifying aura."

Having said this, Emlyn lowered his head and said, "Forgive me for overstepping, Lord Marquis, that aura is even stronger and deeper than yours, and is awe-inspiring."

Marquis Nibais remained silent.

He was wondering, had this silly boy Emlyn been deceived by others?

After all, aura can be simulated through some special means. Strong aura does not mean that the opponent is of high status. It may also be some kind of extraordinary item.

"Alas, the vampires are really inferior to each other." In the coffin, Marquis Nibais sighed in his heart: "Since Lady Lilith fell..."

Suddenly, a spiritual omen made him suddenly realize something.

Lady Lilith...


Volume genus?

Could it be that!

In his excitement, the entire coffin board of Marquis Nibais trembled violently.

Emlyn was startled, thinking that he had offended the Marquis with his words, so he quickly knelt down on one knee.

After a while, Marquis Nibais regained his composure and whispered softly: "Emlyn, didn't you say there is another letter?"

After being reminded, Emlyn quickly delivered the letter.

But when he saw the coffin that fit tightly together, he felt a little confused.


The coffin board moved slightly, revealing a gap.

Seeing this, Emlyn quickly stuffed the letter in, then respectfully stepped back to where he was, lowering his head and waiting.

Time passed by second by second, and there was still no movement from the coffin.

Just when Emlyn was feeling extremely uneasy and wondering if he had been tricked, suddenly, the entire coffin board of Marquis Nibais flew away.

The next second, an old man with sparse hair, face as pale as paper, luxurious clothes, and blood-red eyes jumped out.

It is none other than the Marquis of Nibais!

In almost the blink of an eye, he jumped in front of Emlyn, and the aura of the decayed superior came towards him. Emlyn's knees weakened and he collapsed directly on the ground.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die!" the good-for-nothing vampire wailed in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Marquis Nibais was very excited and grabbed Emlyn's shoulders with both hands and lifted him up forcefully.

Looking at this handsome young vampire, Marquis Nibais nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, okay!"

"Uh, Lord Marquis?" Emlyn swallowed and asked tentatively.

Marquis Nibais did not explain anything, but said earnestly: "The future of the Vampire Clan is in your hands."


Although I don’t know what happened, it seems that I have gained the attention of the senior leaders of the vampire clan.

Unknowingly, the arrogance suppressed in his heart was once again aroused. Emlyn's waist no longer hurt, his legs were no longer weak, and he raised his head proudly.

But Nibais turned a blind eye to this and said loudly: "Calling all the vampires of Backlund, I have something important to announce!"

The loud voice was completely different from the deep and old voice before, as if he had become dozens of years younger in an instant... No, according to the standards of the vampires, he should be hundreds of years younger.

There are often messengers waiting outside the hall. After hearing the instructions of Marquis Nibais, they did not dare to neglect, they turned into bats and flew out at extremely fast speeds.

Marquis Nibais looked at Emlyn with gentle eyes, as if he was looking at some rare treasure.

This chapter has been completed!
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