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Chapter 460 'Black Emperor'

The Angel King of the 'Black Emperor' path is usually the worst in the entire path.

If there is Sequence 0 in other paths, there will be no Sequence 1. The King of Angels is the biological father of others in this path, and can influence all the Extraordinaries of this path except himself with his high status.

The 'Black Emperor' approach is different.

Even if three Sequence 1s appeared at the same time, they couldn't figure out whether there was a half-dead "Black Emperor" above them.

Because as long as there is no new "Black Emperor" promoted, or the established order is not completely destroyed, the older generation of "Black Emperors" may return from the star realm at any time.

At that time, three copies of the Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristics will be automatically absorbed by the returning "Black Emperor".

The original sequence of 1 has all dropped to the sequence or even lower.

This is also the reason why Alistair Tudor was willing to go half crazy to dance the Red Priest.

It can only be said that except for Sequence 0, the 'Black Emperor' path is all people's subordinates.

Even if he succeeds in defeating the enemy, the boss will be able to return with full health in minutes.

Russell's jumping ceremony was quite secretive back then.

However, secret does not mean unknowable.

Looking back afterward, there will always be some beings who realize the meaning behind his various actions.

However, they didn't know that after landing on the moon, Roselle himself had been contaminated by the evil god of the starry sky. They wanted to use the ritual to become a god to get rid of it, but they didn't expect that the evil god was even higher than the true god.

This resulted in Russell not daring to return easily after the 'White Maple Palace Incident'.

If he doesn't come back, outsiders will naturally assume that he has truly fallen.

Under this general understanding, George III had enough confidence to collect three copies of the extraordinary characteristics of the 'Prince Murderer' and the uniqueness of the Black Emperor's path, so as to establish his own status and ascend to the throne of God.

After becoming a god, it’s okay to forget that Roselle, who sealed himself, didn’t know about it.

But the current situation is that the caring little cotton-padded jacket Bernadette has been using the modified blasphemy card to contact her father.

So the moment the ceremony started, Russell was fully prepared.

He no longer seals himself, but lets go of the suppression deliberately placed on himself, allowing the power of rules to guide him back to the real world.

This led to the fact that as soon as George III drank the magic potion, the extraordinary properties and uniqueness contained in it were summoned by the real "Black Emperor", and he wanted to break out of his body.

If it weren't for the fact that there was a Sequence 1 'Hand of Order' beside him, he would have exploded and died immediately, completely perishing.

"Hold on!" In the distance, William Augustus I said in a deep voice.

In his hand he held a black and white mottled pocket watch.

The hands of the watch began to move, as if the whole world had become quiet.

Speaking of the origin of this pocket watch, the level is indeed not too high, only Sequence 3. But what is rare is that this 'concerto of light and shadow' perfectly combines the extraordinary characteristics of the Black Emperor's Path Saint and the Judge's Path Saint


It can be simply understood as the youthful version of the old level god, the "Disordered One".

In addition, William Augustus himself also has Sequence 1 strength.

The two added together perfectly suppressed the momentum of the return of extraordinary characteristics and uniqueness.

The situation gradually improved. The inhuman George III wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth with his big black hairy hands, and there was madness and fierceness in his eyes.

No matter who wants to stop him, this ritual must succeed today!

But at this moment, the slightly stable environment was shaken again.

Outside the mausoleum, a giant feathered serpent hundreds of meters long spread its wings across the sky.

The Feathered Serpent's entire body was covered with huge dark green scales. There were three to five white feathers in each gap of the scales. On the feathers and scales, there were strange symbols of different shapes, and her eye sockets were burning strangely.

With pale flames.

The gray aura spread out, and everything, including the mausoleum itself, was quickly disappearing.

The Quetzalcoatl is none other than Azik Eggers, the mythical form of the son of Death!

In order to maintain the stability of the internal environment of the mausoleum, William Augustus I could only use secret methods to summon other angels of the Augustus family.

Drink Augustus, who was guarding Mausoleum No. 1, received a request for help. His face was stern, and he immediately arrived outside Mausoleum No. 1 through the prepared teleportation method.

He is the 'balancer' of the sequence, the angel of the judge's path, and is equal in personality to Azik.

The moment he saw the feathered serpent, the beardless old man with a slightly arrogant expression frowned and asked: "Azik Eggers, the Spiritual Religion wants to declare war on the Augustus family.


Don't blame him for thinking wrongly.

The Spiritual Cult believes in the God of Death, which was transformed from the Bailang royal family and the Death Church of that year. Naturally, the son of the God of Death is inseparable from the Spiritual Cult.

Azik didn't answer, he just opened his mouth and spit out a stream of gray flames.

Drink Augustus snorted coldly and stretched out his hand, "Life and death complement each other."

The symbol of the judge is an absolutely balanced scale and a golden sword.

Yin and Yang are life and death, and order remains forever.

Under the power of 'balance', the decayed plants and trees emerged from the ground again, and the crumbling mausoleum returned to normal.

Drink Augustus was convinced.

But suddenly, he suddenly turned his head, with an extremely angry expression on his face, "Tune the tiger away from the mountain?"

That was the direction of the Mausoleum, where he was previously responsible for garrisoning.

The serious and old-fashioned old man secretly hated him.

At the same time, in the No. 1 mausoleum, Bernadette, who did not know when she appeared here, was unleashing her magic to her fullest.

But I saw the giant’s feet treading the earth;

White Pegasus flies in the sky;

Thick pea vines sprouted from the ground and wrapped around the outside of the mausoleum;

Countless dead creatures roared lowly, corroding every place they touched at the cost of their bodies - 'Feast of the Dead' was a new magic she learned based on 'Azik's blood', which can be regarded as the most powerful of many magics.

To be honest, Bernadette's appearance here was not an act of scheming, it was just a coincidence.

Each of the other eight mausoleums investigated previously has a person in charge.

For example, Bernadette is in charge of the number.

Miss Kleine is in charge of No. 3.

The three evil spirits controlling the puppet's body are 4, 6.

Will Asceptin is in charge of number 7.

Reinette Tinichole is in charge of number 8.

They don’t seek effective killing, they just seek to harass George III’s promotion.

Of course, Bernadette had better luck, because the strongest guardian here had left, so she completed the task brilliantly, even exceeding the original plan.

The process of fusing the magic potion itself was extremely unsatisfactory. After finally stabilizing the situation, the mausoleum as a pillar was destroyed again.

In Mausoleum No. 1, George III's eyes were split, and his remaining sanity disappeared crazily.

Seeing signs of losing control, William Augustus I's face was so gloomy that it seemed like water could drip from his face.

They thought they were secretive enough and made a lot of preparations and back-ups, but they didn't expect there would be so many obstacles at the critical moment.

However, just when George III was about to fail and couldn't control himself, a force came down.

Eight tombs appeared out of thin air in inaccessible places around the world.

To create something from nothing in an instant is the power of fantasy.

Adam takes action!

Because of a certain evil starry sky evil god, Adam had previously chosen to stand by and silently watch the developments from the perspective of an audience.

As the first person under the true God, an existence infinitely close to the gods, except for his personality, Adam's authority is almost the same as that of a "visionary".

He knew that the Seven Gods had initially tacitly approved of George III becoming a god, and he also knew that this tacit approval gradually changed.

At least the three gods, the Night Goddess, the Earth Mother Goddess, and the Storm Lord, have quietly stood in the camp of the Starry Sky Evil God.

And Adam also had his own considerations.

He supported George III, as he had done before.

However, its fundamental purpose is not to make George III a god, but to let his cub, that unlucky, disobedient child, replace George III!

Almost at the moment when the fantasy mausoleum appeared, Amon, who was thundering and thundering, appeared strangely where George III and William Augustus I were.

He was wearing a black palace dress, with disheveled hair, a monocle, and a mischievous smile on his lips.

"Amon!" William Augustus I shouted angrily.

Suddenly, it seemed as if the scapegoats had the right target.

Thousands of mistakes, no matter how you think about it, it’s all Amon’s fault!

Amon held up the hem of his skirt and performed a very standard ladylike salute.

However, this saluting Amon is just an illusion. The real Amon has no fancy tricks at all. Instead, he directly got into the body of George III and used his own abilities to resist the passivity of the "Black Emperor".

One is a mistake and the other is a distortion.

The two abilities are very similar.

All I can say is that Amon is worthy of being Amon.

At least he was much sharper than George III.

The mysterious attraction was broken directly, and he effortlessly suppressed the remaining sanity of George III.

As for the loss of control, it was conveniently left to William Augustus I.

"You're welcome, his madness is my madness, and my madness is your madness." Amon, who had a black fur face, smiled at the corner of his mouth.

How could William Augustus I give up so easily, simply no longer maintaining the ability to maintain extraordinary items, and said fairly and seriously: "Possession is prohibited here!"

The words of the ‘Hand of Order’ are law and reason!

There is no "Concerto of Light and Shadow", plus William Augustus I's oral constitution.

Amon was pulled out immediately.

But there was no joy on William Augustus I's face, because in less than 10 seconds, Amon stole everything from George Augustus. Even if he was pulled away, Amon had already

Successfully replaced George Augustus III.

"Don't even think about it!" William Augustus I roared.

As an old monster who survived the Solomon Dynasty, his mind was as tough as iron, and he did not give up easily even when he reached an extremely severe situation.

In an instant, the sealing sword condensed by the light of order descended out of the air, tightly surrounding Amon, like a prison.

And William Augustus I was a just judge.

"Judgment." He spoke loudly.

Amon, who was about to continue the ceremony, suddenly felt that he couldn't move.

At this time, the final judgment came to his ears.

"Thieves, hang!"

Amon's eyes narrowed.

But the next second, he showed a strange smile, and the monocle on his eye socket suddenly disappeared.

Pointing to his empty eye sockets, Amon smiled brightly and said, "A fair verdict, the thief should be hanged."


William Augustus I seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly looked at George III who had transformed into a curly-haired baboon.

But at some point, a crystal-polished monocle was hung on that big black-haired face.

"No!" William Augustus I roared, hastily stopping the trial.

Unsurprisingly, because he violated the rules, the judgment was applied to him.

It cannot be said that William Augustus I was careless, but that brothers Adam Amon had endless tricks.

A stolen graft, a fantasy confusion.

Against 1, the 'Hand of Order' is really weak.

Taking a deep breath, the damaged William Augustus I simply revealed his mythical form.

The Black Emperor and the Judge are adjacent paths, and their mythological forms are also very similar. One is a curly baboon covered with black hard hair, and the other is a ferocious giant ape with smooth hair and golden light.

The power of order filled the whole place, and Adam had to withdraw from the audience status and fight with Amon against the completely ruthless William Augustus I.

"Our time is limited, and the authority we imagine is false after all. The ritual must be completed before the secret state disappears." Adam spoke in a normal tone.

In fact, deep down in his heart, he also knew that such deceptive behavior was meaningless to the evil god of the starry sky.

But knowing is knowing, and action is action.

This godhood ceremony is a unique opportunity for Amon. If he doesn’t give it a try, he won’t be willing to accept it.

What the brothers didn't know was that on an unknown island hundreds of thousands of miles away, Jon was sitting next to Russell, who had transformed into a black-haired giant, and couldn't help but encourage him: "Come on! You can do it!"


"Follow my rhythm, breathe in, breathe in, breathe out!"

To be honest, the sound is so annoying.

But Russell didn't dare to be dissatisfied at all.

Because he is afraid.

The fear he had for Jon even exceeded the source of the pollution on his body.

"I'll be back soon...I can feel...it's very close..." Russell said in a buzzing voice.

Along with the words, his entire body is gradually decomposing.

The process is very slow.

But, regression is indeed happening.

Jon nodded.

It's not that he doesn't want to get involved in the battles outside Backlund, but that compared to those things, Lao Huang obviously needs him more.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Jon took action himself, using transparent filaments to tear off the pollution from the "Fallen Mother Goddess" just like he had peeled off the pollution from Mr. Door's body, put it into his mouth, chewed it twice, and swallowed it whole.


Well, this is the biggest reason why he fears this Lord even more than the "Fallen Mother Goddess".

Back to business.

The "Black Emperor" is the shadow of rules and order, which can confuse and distort any concept from the source.

George III built a mausoleum for (to become) the Black Emperor.

I am the Black Emperor.

So that is my tomb.

Since it is my mausoleum, it is very reasonable for me to return from the mausoleum.

So, while Amon Adam was fighting William Augustus, the unconscious curly-haired baboon suddenly grew taller.

At the same time, the dazed eyes also regained their vitality.

When they reached a certain critical point, Adam Amon and William Augustus turned their heads at the same time, looking at the figure on the throne with different expressions.

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Russell raised his head majestically, "In front of the emperor, you will not be allowed to be arrogant!"

The moment the words fell, the atmosphere suddenly dropped.

The three Sequence 1 Extraordinary Characteristics and the Black Emperor's uniqueness that were stolen by Amon also automatically broke out of the body and flew towards the owner Russell.

Russell took it into his body very naturally, just like breathing.

At this point, the "Black Emperor" has completely completed its return ceremony.

The true God has come!

This chapter has been completed!
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