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Chapter 485: Big MeleeSanta Claus

Set the time back fifteen minutes.

After confirming that they were looking for Hayakawa Akira and Pava, Denji and Lesse decided to set off immediately.

However, the two of them didn't get far.

A group of young men and women with dull expressions were like sharks that had smelled blood, and they gathered around like crazy.

Denji has no mercy for demons, but he is still willing to communicate well with ordinary humans.

I saw him dodging while asking loudly, "Wait a minute, wait a minute, are you looking for the wrong person?"

Lesse was experienced and could tell almost at a glance that the "human beings" who attacked them were not in a normal state.

Also, how can a normal human being have such dull eyes, and the mouth is more like a doll, hanging strangely on the lower jaw.

"Denji, it's the enemy, take action!" As he spoke, Lesse had already started exploding.

Dust, smoke and fire, roar and roar.

The scene was chaotic.

Not far away, an old man with gray hair and crooked eyes stared at all this coldly.

His eyes were locked on Denci and he murmured to himself: "Don't blame me, boy, this is for the happiness of all mankind."

Denci's perception is so sharp.

Almost as soon as the other party revealed his malicious intent, he locked onto the old man's position and yelled, "It's you who is doing the trick!"

Hearing this, the old man grinned.

But the next second, his smile froze on his face.

Because after Lesai confirmed who was behind the scenes, she decisively transformed into a bomb demon. Relying on the backlash of the explosion, she cut her way through the puppet army and headed straight for the old man.

Unexpectedly, although the old man looked frail, his skills were really frightening. What's even more strange was that he seemed to have no pain. No matter whether his limbs were blown off or his heart was blown apart, he was not affected at all.

Lesser was secretly suspicious.

This old man is definitely not human, but he doesn't look like a demon either...

After a little distraction, the old man found an opening to escape.

He was like a vigorous ape, using his hands and feet to crawl and roll towards Denci.

"caught you!"

Dianci upheld the spirit of respecting and caring for the elderly, and aimed at the old man's anus with ease and skill.

However, the all-conquering moves didn't work this time.

The old man smiled evilly and locked Denji's ankle with his dry claws.

In desperation, Denci stopped caring and pulled the saw rope on his chest.

Buzz - buzz

The engine roars and the chainsaw demon appears.

Not far away, Lesse felt helpless.

However, she knew that now was not the time to think so much, so she turned around and joined the frontal battlefield.

A few hundred meters away from where Denji and the others were, the woman with three moles was observing the target's every move with a telescope on the roof of the building with her apprentice.

"Toriga, a good hunter must be sensitive enough to danger and have enough patience."

After hearing this, Toriga said respectfully: "I understand, master."

The woman smiled, "Once this is done, I won't have anything to teach you. By then, you will be the "most perfect" witcher!"

Toriga's heart moved slightly.

For him, the master is an elder, a friend, and the sustenance of life and hope for the future.

Although he has never expressed his feelings, Toriga has long been determined to complete the task of hunting the chainsaw demon so that his master and himself can live a life without worries.

However, what the young demon hunter didn't realize was that when he locked his eyes on Denji, his most beloved master was also quietly sizing him up.

As if looking at a perfect work...

At this moment, an uninvited guest broke into the battlefield between Denji, Lesse and the old man.

It's Guangxi wearing a bandage.


The "original demon hunter" touched it from nowhere, and his moves were as powerful as thunder!

With just one blow, she forcibly knocked down Denci under the protection of Lesai. Without saying a word, she raised the Bagua Zhan knife and stabbed Denci in the heart.

"Stop!" Lacey hissed.

However, Guangxi seemed not to hear and stabbed Denji's chest with the Bagua Zhan Dao.

But the next second, she frowned.


The evil wind hits my face.

Denji swung the saw blade in his hand, forcing Guangxi to do some somersaults backwards to avoid the attack.

"Asshole, it hurts." Denji, who was in the form of a chainsaw demon, cursed secretly.

Guangxi said doubtfully: "That shouldn't be your ability..."

Denji said "hum", "You care about me?"

Guangxi pondered for a moment, then suddenly relaxed, "It turns out that this is what happened after a long time. It's boring."

The old man tilted his head, wondering what riddle the two were playing.

Lesai, on the other hand, stood next to Denji with concern and lowered her voice: "Are you okay?"

"I won't die even if she dies!" Denci replied angrily.

Guangxi looked at Denci, then looked at Lesai next to Denci, and laughed, "It's interesting. I didn't expect you two to get together. The power of love is really amazing."

The old man seemed unwilling to listen to Guangxi's nonsense anymore. His expression became solemn and he decided to kill this troublesome guy first.

After several rounds of fighting, Guangxi didn't want to fight with his opponent. The Bagua Zhan Dao was sharp and airtight.

After repelling the old man, she decisively turned around and retreated, and ran away without even looking back.

The old man thought for a moment and did not pursue it.

However, while the two of them were fighting each other, Denci and Lesse were not idle either and ran away in a hurry.

How can the duck you got fly?

The old man couldn't care less and hurriedly chased after him.

However, although Lesse's speed is not as good as Guangxi's, it is better in terms of its longer displacement distance, and each explosion can propel the two of them forward dozens of meters.

Although the old man's body structure and abilities are different from ordinary people, after all, he is not out of the realm of human beings.

After running through three or four streets, he could no longer find any trace of Denji and Lesse. He was so anxious that he jumped up and down, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, a car suddenly rushed towards him.

His thoughts were all on Denji and Lesse, but the old man couldn't dodge for a moment and was knocked out. He rolled on the ground for seven or eight meters before he stopped.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Of course, such a minor injury could not kill him.

After taking a deep breath, the old man slowly stood up, his eyes narrowed, and he looked at the perpetrator.

But he saw a blond girl with horns on her head, making noises, gesticulating and saying something to the co-pilot.

The old man listened for a while and heard things like, "I told you a long time ago not to drive so fast."


What and what?

The old man stared at the blonde girl with horns with evil eyes.

After a while, I was surprised to find that the perpetrator was one of the people on the target list!

It's true that you can't find anything without wearing iron shoes, and it doesn't take any effort to get it.

The old man spat out a few rotten teeth and said viciously: "Reinforcements from the Chainsaw Demon... I didn't expect that you found me first before I found you.

In this case, just be my doll."

Pava and Xiaohong:???

Uncle, are you mentally normal?

"I don't understand what's going on, but you... must be an enemy, right?" Even if Pava has no brains, he can tell whether there is hostility in the other party.

The old man didn't say anything and quickly approached Pava.

Pava's reaction was not slow, and he condensed the blood energy sledgehammer and blood energy sword in his left and right hands respectively.

Hold the two weapons in front of your chest and block them accurately.

Withstood the old man's attack.

On the side, Xiao Hong also came to his senses, took out a dagger from somewhere, and threw it towards the old man's blind spot!

The old man turned his head slightly to avoid Xiaohong's sneak attack.

After a brief exchange, he discovered that the two people opposite him were not simple.

It was right 1 just now, and it is right 1 now.

The situation is not good.

"Who are you? Tell me honestly." With Xiao Hong on his side, Pava became more and more unscrupulous.

Coincidentally, at the same time, Denci also asked the same question.

"One after another, it's really endless, who are you?" Staring at the young woman who appeared strangely in front of him, Denci felt disgusted in his heart.

First it was the madman with the eyepatch, then the old man, and now there was a woman in a long skirt. He asked himself why everyone wanted to kill him when he had never done anything wrong.

Is the heart of the Chainsaw Demon so tempting? How come everyone wants it?

"Don't move. The bigger you move, the faster you will die." "Master" smiled and showed the rusty iron nails between his fingers. "Maybe you didn't pay attention. Warm reminder, you have been stabbed by me along the way.

If you get hit three times, if it happens again, your life will no longer belong to you."

Hearing this, Lesai seemed to have thought of something and tried her best to recall her experiences along the way.

However, she did not recall anything related to the other party's words.

"Is it a fraud?" Lesser thought to herself.

Denji scratched his eyebrows and tilted his head, "Is this happening? Why don't I remember it?"

"Master" still smiled, "If I were discovered by you, would you still be tricked?"

This is indeed true.

Forget it, don't think about things you don't understand.

Denji clenched his fists and rushed directly towards "Master".

To strike first is to be stronger.

If you kill the opponent, nothing will happen.

"Master" stood still and didn't even make a single unnecessary movement.

But Lesse felt something was wrong and quickly stopped Denji, "Wait!"

But at this moment, a cold light flashed through.


The iron nails came out of the bones and were nailed to the ground.

Dianci stumbled and knelt down on one knee.

"It's unimaginable that the chainsaw demon has such a simple mind." "Master" casually threw away the broken nails he picked up from nowhere.

After a pause, he turned to say: "By the way, there is one thing I did not lie to you, that is - when you ran away, I did touch you three times with that nail in various ways, counting

Just now, it was four times in total."

What a good trick: "Build the plank road openly, and use the old warehouse secretly."

If killing people isn’t enough, why should we kill people’s hearts?

It’s too much!

Lesai stared at the master, like a female leopard who only chooses people to devour.

Toriga, who was holding the special rifle, showed a hint of joy.

Got it!


The space is shattered like a mirror.

In an instant, a pair of big pale hands came to the real world through countless time and space, and grabbed Denji without any explanation.

"How dare you!" White smoke evaporated from Lesai's body, like a bomb about to be detonated.

Hearing Lesse's threatening words, the cursed demon visibly shrank, but his greed still suppressed the fear in his heart.

It pinched Denji, twisted it hard, and took away this little life without saying a word.

However, when a wisp of dark red energy emerged from the bead of the Denji rope sling, the cursed demon was like a cat whose tail was stepped on. It screamed hoarsely and retreated without any care.

"I was wrong! Let me go!"

As soon as the words fell, everything returned to normal, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

"Master" and Toriga were stunned.

what's the situation?

However, Lesse's reaction was faster than the two of them.

I saw her rushing to Denji's side, lifting him up, and then there was a sudden explosion under her feet. The recoil took the two of them flying high into the sky, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Master" secretly thought it was a pity.

She didn't expect that the cursed demon would shrink so decisively at the critical moment, nor did she expect that the chainsaw demon would actually have traces of "the abyss" on his body.

——That was the power she longed for but couldn't get.

"The plan has changed." "Master" thought secretly in his mind, "Compared to the one in hell, if I can get the approval of "Abyss", my mission will be more secure."

Toriga didn't want to just let Denci and Lesse leave so easily.

He left his "master" behind, shouldered the rifle alone, jumped off the roof of the building with agility, and used a special device to shoot a rope.

At first glance, it looks like a three-dimensional mobile device, and Spider-Man Tokyo is a real hit.

"Master" looked at Toriga's retreating back, and a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, but soon, her smile froze on her face.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Because she felt that a certain doll had completely lost contact...

"Ah, what a pity, that is my favorite work." "Master" pinched his eyebrows and sighed secretly.


Today's Toriga is even more "perfect" than her last work.

Thinking of this, the little regret was quickly forgotten by "Master".

Putting his hands in his pockets, he followed him leisurely.

Denci has never been so frustrated.

According to his temperament, no matter who comes, he will kill them all and kill them cleanly, so there will be no trouble.

But Lesse had other considerations.

She carried the phone with her and walked through various neighborhoods in a planned manner. Her movements were erratic and she looked like a ghost.

Not to mention, this method is really effective.

Even though Toriga had received professional training, it was very difficult to follow in such a chaotic action pattern.

Denji, who was held under his arm by Lesai, looked up at his girlfriend's serious face and couldn't help but feel infatuated. But remembering that he was still running for his life, he changed his words and asked: "Dear, what are we going to run away from?"

Until when?"

Lesai's eyes were always forward, and she took the time to reply, "When we meet Hayakawa Qiu and the others, we won't have to run away."

Hearing this, Denci immediately complained, "Damn braided man, he never answers the phone, otherwise we wouldn't have to work so hard!"

People can't stand thinking about it.

Almost as soon as Denci finished speaking, a flash of light flashed in Lei Sai's eyes, as if he had captured something.

Upon hearing the commotion, Hayakawa Akira and Himeno turned around at the same time in perfect agreement, and happened to see Lesse and Denji being held under their arm like a chick.

The threads of fate intersect again!

This chapter has been completed!
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