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Chapter 499 Special Training

How miserable!

This was Kugizaki's first impression when she saw Megumi Fushiguro and Hisuhito Kizuna.

Fushiguro Megumi didn't want to talk about it anymore. He was covered in wounds and his head was bleeding.

Knotweed Hisahito, a kid who makes noises all day long, went in for a walk, and when he came out, he didn’t even have his left hand!

"Kugizaki-kun, please call the rescue team." Coming outside, Jon gently put down the two wounded people on his shoulders.

Kugizaki Wild Rose was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "I got it!"

After saying that, he hurried away.

The social animal uncle came up, took a look at the extremely miserable Fushiguro Megumi and Kizuna Hisahito, and asked uneasily: "Inside..."

"The problems inside have been solved, but unfortunately, those ordinary humans died before we entered. I'm sorry." Jon said casually.

The social animal uncle expressed his understanding.

The harm caused by the special curse fetus is indescribable, and many people may die.

It is a great blessing to be able to be completely removed.

"Thank you, Mr. Qiaoqiao." The social animal uncle bowed his thanks very solemnly.

Jon waved his hand.

After pondering for a moment, he smiled and said, "Speaking of which, I don't know your name yet."

Hearing this, the social animal uncle felt a little surprised, but he still answered truthfully, "My dear, Yin Di Zhijie Gao is responsible for the guidance and supervision of the Conjuring College."

As he said this, he scratched his head in embarrassment, "Because I have no fighting ability, I can only provide certain assistance and support to the students and teachers on site."

"The functions are just different. The auxiliary work is also very important. You did a good job... no, I should say it is amazing." Jon patted Uncle Yin Dizhi on the shoulder, "Then, I will trouble you for the rest."

Uncle Yin Dizhi felt very encouraged to be recognized by such a powerful magician, "No problem, leave it to me next!"

After exchanging a few words, Jon left the scene.

Uncle Yin Jizhi looked at the retreating figure and murmured to himself: "Like Mr. Gojo, he is really reliable..."

Then he picked up the walkie-talkie and devoted himself to the aftermath.

Today is another day of hard work, fulfilling and exhausting.

Megumi Fushiguro and Hisahito Kozada were taken away directly by ambulance.

So the only ones who returned to the Conjuration College were Jon and Rose Kugizaki.

Walking on the road, Kugizaki Wild Rose seemed to be hesitant to speak.

Jon glanced at her with his peripheral vision and said calmly: "If you have anything to say, just say it while I'm still in a good mood."

"Teacher Qiaoqiao." Hearing this, Kugizaki Wild Rose hesitated and spoke.

"Call me a consultant...forget it, just be a teacher." Jon scratched his eyebrows helplessly, "Let me guess, you want to ask what happened inside? Or why I failed to protect them?


Kugizaki Wild Rose nodded stiffly.

Jon shrugged, "I have said before that everyone has their own choice. No matter what you choose, I will not interfere."

"Of course, you will also bear the consequences of your choice."

"Xiao Hui and Youren chose to take risks, so even if they die inside, they have nothing to say."

"As for a well-behaved child like you, I appreciate him more. He knows how to protect himself and will not do things beyond his ability in a moment..."

"Not bad, keep it up."

Is this... praising me or hurting me?

Kugizaki Wild Rose was a little confused.

Changing the subject, she added: "The knotweed guy has broken a hand. Is his career as a conjurer about to end?"

"It's just a broken hand, but it doesn't kill him. There will always be a way." Jon blinked, "I plan to go back and talk to the principal and ask him to prepare a suitable prosthesis for Hisuhito.


Prosthetic limb?

Can I still cast spells while wearing that thing?

Kugizaki Wild Rose could never imagine such a scene.

At this time, Jon said again: "There is another way, which is more useful than prosthetics, but it is a little bit risky. I don't know if he will accept it..."

Kugizaki Wild Rose is very curious about what the second method is.

But seeing that Jon had no intention of elaborating, she sensibly didn't ask any more questions.

The reporting mission was Jon's business. Rose Kugizaki said hello and dragged his tired body back to the dormitory alone.

Facing Noctua again, Jon told everything that happened in the juvenile reformatory.

Hearing that Hirohito had broken one of his hands and Megumi Fushiguro had been seriously injured, this strong man in sunglasses who was passionate about education could not help but sigh.

"Although spellcasters of the same level are stronger than spell spirits of the same level, human desires are endless, and the curses born are also endless. As for a spellcaster, if he dies, he is dead, and there will be no chance to come back again.


Then he added: "Both Hiroyuki-san and Fushiguro-san are extremely excellent magician seedlings. After this battle, I hope their future development will not be greatly affected."

After pondering for a moment, Noctua Masadao talked about the problem of Hisato's broken hand, "I can indeed make cursed bones, but no matter how sophisticated they are, they are just foreign objects after all. If you think about it from this perspective, the cursed bones containing the power of the curse are not

It’s not as good as an ordinary prosthetic limb.”

"I have an idea about this."

Jon raised a finger, "Gojo Satoru should have told you that Hisahito's physique is quite special, like a pure white canvas that can accommodate any level of power."

"If he is allowed to swallow the curse produced by the special curse spirit, he will have the same physique as the curse spirit. By then, rebirth of severed limbs will not be a problem at all."

Hearing this, Noctua Zhengdao was speechless for a moment.

In theory this is indeed the case.

But would it be possible to let a newly admitted student swallow a special-level magic spirit...



He stared at Jon, pondered for a moment, and finally said: "After you left, I inquired about the outside world and found that someone was indeed collecting information about you."

I don't know what he remembered, and Ye Mozhengdao felt a little helpless, "It's all because of that guy Gojo who talks nonsense and talks to everyone. He met a magician who is stronger than him. Consultant Qiaoqiao, you are now being held on fire.


"Really? I don't feel it."

Jon looked indifferent, "As you know, I originally didn't want to enter the profession of magician, but because of your sincerity and your willingness to beg me, Mr. Principal, I temporarily softened my heart and agreed to come over and play.


If it's really troublesome, no matter what, just go back to my hometown in Sendai and continue preparing for the exam."

Carelessly rubbing the doll made by Noctua Zhengdao, Jon's expression remained unchanged, "It's just that - my patience is quite limited, and I have a bad temper. If someone really messes with me, I can't guarantee that I will take care of the so-called '

Industry rules'.

In other words, my spell can not only remove the cursed spirit, but also kill people."

This is the truth, but is it really okay for you to say it so bluntly?

Noctua Zhengdao had a huge headache.

He finally understood that the person in front of him was more difficult to deal with than the casual Gojo Satoru.

Moreover, it is even more lawless!

"I will try my best not to let these troubles come to you...after all, you are an outstanding talent invited by me." Noctua smiled bitterly.

After a while, he talked about other things, "Kuzhi-san and Fushiguro-san need to rest for a while. Before they come back, I hope you can conduct special training for the remaining Kugisaki-san... This is what we agreed before.


"No problem." Jon agreed readily.

Unexpectedly, Noctua Zhengdao was not satisfied with this, and entrusted other students to Jon, "I will train one of them, I will train a group of them, and the little guys in the second grade will also be left to you."

Three big question marks appeared above Jon's head.

What a bundle!

Noctua Zhengdao was well prepared. He took out a simple ring that exuded strong magical power, and said with a smile: "Counsellor Qiaoqiao, please accept the reward for this mission."

Jon's eyes lit up and he accepted it unceremoniously, "Mr. Principal is indeed an open-minded person...Okay, I'll just sacrifice a little and give some guidance to those second-year students."

Saying that, he put the ring on his hand.

Regardless of whether it is cursed or not, the ring itself is a valuable antique.


I feel like I've earned it.

Noctua Zhengdao was very satisfied.

The storage of first-level curses also requires a lot of financial and material resources. Now that there is a free "safety cabinet", the school does not know how much money it can save.


Do you think Consultant Qiaoqiao will use level one spells to do something dangerous?

Do not make jokes.

You really have to have evil intentions.

The guy opposite is a moving natural disaster, so a cursed ring means nothing.

all in all.

Not only did it save money, it also got things done.


I feel like I've earned it.

If you promise others, you must do it.

Early the next morning, Jon forcibly dragged the sleeping girl out of Kugizaki's room.

Kugizaki Wild Rose was completely confused.

She looked confusedly at Teacher Qiaoqiao, who was grabbing her ankle and dragging her away, and her whole mind was in a state of shutdown.

who I am?

Where am I?

What am I going to do?

When Rose Kugizaki realized what she was doing, she had arrived at the spacious courtyard of the Magic College.

There, there were two people and a bear waiting for a long time.

Kugizaki Wild Rose, who was wearing floral pajamas, blinked her eyes and said slightly hoarsely: "Teacher Qiaoqiao, what are you doing?"

"Of course it's special training, special training!" Jon smiled brightly, "You also knew about Xiaohui and Youren yesterday. Weak people cannot control their own destiny, so you have to work hard to become stronger, girl."

The smile is extremely bright, almost the same as Metek's.

"A——Welcome to the first ray of sunshine in the morning, let's warm up first." As he said that, he turned around and looked at the three second grade students.

There's a sporty bespectacled beauty, Zenin Maki, a nonsense-talking pretty boy, Inumarisaki, and a... black and white panda.

Jon glanced at everyone and said: "The greeting part is skipped. As your substitute teacher, my first task is to run back and forth 6,000 times. Let's start now."

Run back and forth 6,000 times!

Kugizaki Wild Rose looked to the left and then to the right blankly.

Silently assessing the distance, she couldn't help but wailed.


Now, she was a little envious of Heruhito Kizune and Megumi Fushiguro who were lying in the hospital.

The scene was peaceful.

Of course, this 'peace' is just a scene in Jon's eyes.

The four students had already begun to curse in their hearts.

After running back and forth for the 601st time, Rose Kugizaki was the first to fall.

Then there's the dog-curled spine.

The third one is the panda.

Zenyuan Maki, who seemed to be thin but actually possessed strange powers, persisted until the end.

However, by the seventh time, she was so exhausted that she couldn't even move her fingers.

Seeing this, Jon shook his head and said, "I have trained many people, and I have to say that you are the worst class I have ever trained."

This is not a lie. He has played the role of instructor many times.

As for the worst class, it was the class teacher’s classic words that everyone understood.

He crossed his arms and looked at everyone condescendingly, "How can an insect like you be a good magician?"

Resentment floated out visibly to the naked eye.

Even the more mature Chanyuan Maki and Inu Makiji were a little angry.

They can receive special training, but they will not accept insults.

This is what Jon wants.

What is the source of mantra?


A curse is a collection of negative emotions.

After seeing initial results, Jon added fuel to the fire: "If you are not convinced, you can apply to me. To be honest, I don't care about you guys who have no talent or perseverance."

The resentment around him became even stronger, mixed with anger.

By the way, Rose Sadaino, who ran back and forth in floral pajamas, contributed the most...

Jon wanted to continue to stimulate.

At this moment, the handsome white-haired man wearing an eye patch suddenly came over and said with a relaxed smile: "Don't be offended, everyone, Teacher Qiaoqiao has a bad personality, unlike me..."

Before he finished speaking, he was ruthlessly interrupted by Jon, "Compared to your bad personality, you are no less generous."

The visitor was none other than Gojo Satoru, who had returned from a business trip.

Gojo Satoru is considered a well-known figure in the Conjuring College and even in the entire circle of conjurers. Rose Kugizaki and the three second-year students looked at him one after another, as if he wanted Gojo Satoru to make the decision for them.

Gojo Satoru turned a blind eye to those looks, and said with an expectant look on his face: "As promised before, when I come back, we will have a fight."

As if something suddenly occurred to him, he slapped his palm and said, "It happens that these children are here, so it doesn't matter if we let them watch from the side, right?"

"Are you sure? If you lose miserably, where will you put your reputation as the strongest magician?" Jon asked the troublemaker somewhat unhappily.

Gojo Satoru chuckled, "You said it yourself, no one with such titles as 'strongest' or 'invincible' will end up well, so I decided to give this title to you."

Good guy, you are diverting trouble to the east, right?

Jon twitched his lips.

And those students were extremely excited.

Teacher Gojo v Consultant Qiaoqiao

Such a big scene is rare!

What they didn't know was that in the principal's office, which was located on a higher ground, Noctua Zhengdao was also quietly observing the situation in the courtyard through the window.

Although Gojo Satoru repeatedly emphasized that Qiao Qiao was better than him, no one could easily draw conclusions without seeing it with his own eyes.

Jon originally didn't want to fight Gojo Satoru.

But the atmosphere has already been set up here, and it’s not good to put on airs again.

"Then for the purpose of teaching, just watch the showdown between me and Mr. Gojo."

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers.

"The field unfolds."

This chapter has been completed!
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