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Chapter 607 Final chapter (seven)

There was a man who was stabbed twice by insect arrows and became a street kid with countless incarnations.

There was a man who underwent two immortal surgeries and became an omnipotent..."god".

Im feeling good.

In fact, he has never felt so happy since his birth.

Stretching out his hand, the palm prints are still familiar.

Im laughed.

Because he knew that what he was holding was not air.

But - the whole world!

"This farce should come to an end." Im whispered to himself.

The next second, he teleported to the battlefield between Shanks and the three Five Old Stars.

The unexpected intruder interrupted the battle for a few seconds.

Shanks raised his head and met Im's emotionless eyes.

"You!" Shanks seemed to have thought of something, and for the first time a trace of astonishment flashed across his face that never seemed to show a panic expression.

Im said with a cold look, "Traitor."

Following his words, the space was directly divided into two halves.

Even though Shanks was alert enough, the 'Griffin' in his hand was shattered by this blow.

The famous sword that had killed countless powerful enemies and made countless strong men on the ocean change their minds after hearing this was actually broken as easily as a reed stick.

Shanks took a step back, his remaining hand was numb and he could barely hold the hilt of the broken sword.

"The true background of the World Government...?" Shanks grinned.

After saying that, he pointed the broken sword at Im, "Come, let's have a good fight."

"I think you must have misunderstood something. We are different. Don't think of me as a vulgar pirate like you." Im stood high and pointed in the direction of Shanks.


Shanks' expression suddenly froze.

Such a simple action allowed a rare strong man in the world to penetrate it on the spot!

Overlord color and domineering?

That kind of thing cannot stop the power above the rules.

"Ahem..." Shanks continued to vomit blood.

Beside, the three old guys were so happy.

Lord Yimu will live forever, Lord Yimu will rule the world!

What is another village with hidden flowers and bright flowers?

The Tianlong people are on the rise again!

Im looked at the fallen Shanks and couldn't help but sneer: "The vulnerable waste."


The true master of the world government is completely lost.


So what if Jon Joestar is here, he's still a 'vulnerable piece of trash'.

At the moment Shanks was defeated, on the other side of the mountain, Ace and others, who were engaged in a passionate team battle, felt something.

"No, the red hair's aura disappeared..."

"How can this be!"

"Don't get confused and deal with the matter in front of you!"


But be steady.

Because this is the most cruel battlefield in the world, and if you don't pay attention, you may die forever.

But it's a pity.

After dealing with the red hair, Im arrived at Katakuri's side in less than a breath.

Glancing over the conspirators present, an undisguised look of disgust flashed through his ring-shaped pupils, "You untouchables deserve to die!"

After hearing this, Ace frowned, "No, who are you?"

Im locked his gaze on Ace, a look of memory flashed in his eyes, "Ah, Portcas D. Ace, I remember you, Roger's son."

Speaking of the name of the Pirate King, his tone became a little complicated, "Roger almost succeeded back then, but unfortunately, fate was not on his side."

Listen to this, the Gol D. Roger back then had some connection with the person in front of me?

Ace was about to ask a question.

Im said again: "Joy Boy... Haha, stupid Joey Boy, you would rather believe in an illusory prophecy, believe in an unfathomable fate, and place your hope on an empty name.

I don’t want to try it myself.”

He smiled.

Just like all genius criminals, they must reveal their great plans when facing police detectives. Im told Ace and others the truth about the final land of Ravdru.

"The last historical text tablet was placed there by me."

"The final historical text"?

What on earth is this guy talking about?

Ace and the others were puzzled.

Im didn't care, "There has never been a Joey Boy, or everyone is a Joey Boy. Joey Boy is a spirit, but you have limited it to a certain person."

He spread his hands and said, "That's why Jon Joestar failed, because I can see from his eyes that he doesn't believe that he is Joey Boy. And he is not Joestar.

How can you defeat me?"


So, you are engaging in a love affair between gods and demons?

Im shook his head, too lazy to pay attention to these ordinary people. Facing these guys who were worse than ants, he didn't even have the interest to do anything.

Gently raising a hand, indescribable pressure descended like a mountain.

With just one palm, Ace and the others, who had been fighting with the two five old stars until now, happily received their lunch boxes (intermission).

Im didn't bother to pay attention to these people at all, nor did he care about the Five Old Stars. His body swayed and he teleported to who knows where.

From appearing on stage to suppressing everyone, it only took less than 5 minutes.

Shepard Ten Peter and Jaygo Lucia Satan looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

"Kill them." Saint Jaygolucia Satan waved his hand and ordered.

Facing a group of enemies who are unable to move at all, there is no need for them to take action personally. The mechanical soldiers and modified weapons can do it for them.

The figures of the two old men gradually disappeared.

Ace and the others struggled hard.

After a while, he could not regain his mobility.

Seeing those terrifying weapons with red eyes approaching slowly, an atmosphere called "The situation is gone" lingered among everyone.

At this moment, Bartholomew Bear, transformed by Egghead's advanced technology, was the first to recover.

I saw him struggling to hold himself up, opening his mouth, and countless light spots accumulated from his throat.

call out!

With one shot, all the enemies at the front will be submerged.

Xiong calmly analyzed and said calmly: "If I start the self-destruction program now, I can buy you at least two minutes and five seconds... How to leave after you come down, I have to leave it to you to find a way."

"Mr. Xiong, no!" Sabo was the first to speak.

At this moment, his brain was spinning wildly, trying to find an opportunity to escape from this desperate situation.

Ace also followed his good brother's words and said, "Let's go together!"

Katakuri and the others were also respectable people, so how could they bear to watch Bartholomew Bear blow himself up to fight for their lives?

Not only is it difficult to live with, it is even more embarrassing to tell anyone!

While we were talking, the modified weapons were already in front of us.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning struck down, blocking the way between the automatons and Ace.

Everyone was stunned.

Only Jhin's eyes filled with excitement. He was a little unbelievable at first, and then shouted with all his strength: "Boss Kaido!"

Green dragon soaring into the sky!

Although his body was covered with bruises, he still did not fall into the power of the dragon.

Kaido rode on the wind and clouds, transformed into his true form in a flash, and jumped down from the air holding half of the mace.


If the complete Kaido was smashed with a stick, it would be Lei Ming Bagua.

That half stick can still be regarded as the four hexagrams of Thunder.

Although there are four different hexagrams, the power is still astonishing.

The reformed peace defenders in the front row were turned into scrap metal, with wires exposed and sparks emitting.

"Boss Kaido!" Excited, Jhin surged out of strength from nowhere and crawled up to Kaido.

He looked at Kaido, who was covered in injuries with almost no good place, and tears suddenly fell down, "You have suffered."

"Stop saying such useless things, I'm living a good life, why should I suffer."

When Kaido saw Jhin, he felt sad in his heart.

The last time the Beast Pirates attacked Mariejoia as a whole, he and his beast cubs fought side by side, so he naturally knew the casualties clearly.

Quinn, Jack, Foz Fu, Black Maria, Peggy Wan, Runti...

Some of these people are old brothers who started a business with him, and some are kids he has watched grow up and has high hopes for.

It's all gone now.

Seeing familiar people fall in front of him one by one, Kaido suddenly felt ambitious or something, that's all.

If he could trade his status and territory for the lives of those people, he would definitely do it ten thousand times.

"Jhin, we must keep this grudge in our hearts... But now, let's leave this place first." Kaido said in a deep voice.

Jhin nodded heavily.

While the two were talking, another small mountain-like figure floated in from the distance.

That's bigmom, the founder of the Charlotte family.

"Mom, it's mom!"

"What a mother!"

Cracker and Smoothie were overjoyed.

Although Katakuri was also extremely happy, there was always a hint of unnaturalness in his expression.

After all, the situation that my mother fell into was inseparable from his second son.

Kaido and Big Mom were both released.

This means that Trafalgar Law and Lucci completed their mission perfectly, right?

Thinking of this, Ace and others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although it is slightly different from the actual situation, it is still the same. The reason Kaido and Big Mom can appear here is indeed because of Trafalgar Law.

After being ambushed by Donquixote Doflamingo and the Donquixote family, Law became a toy sword, which was later broken by Im, losing the power of the surgical fruit.

But because there was a mark left by Jon on his body, although his body was damaged and the artifacts he relied on no longer existed, he did not die, but floated in this world in a spiritual state.

In addition, Im had just completed a second immortality operation, and his strength and confidence had expanded to an unparalleled level. It was as if Trafalgar Law was invisible and he was still floating among the flowers.

Luo Ziran refused to give up this good opportunity.

Under normal circumstances, a spirit like him can do almost nothing except scare people.

But the problem is, among the two imprisoned pirate emperors, there is a soul fruit user like Big Mom!

So when Im Kai Wushuang was clearing the area, Trafalgar Law was not idle and followed the route just now to the entrance of the claustrophobic prison.

The spirit state is less convenient, but in some cases more useful than the physical body.

With little effort, he sneaked into the prison where the Celestial Dragons kept felons.

It's a coincidence.

The person guarding here was actually the strongest controler, Sugar, who had tricked him and Lu Qi.

At this time, Sugar has a small grape in one hand and a small leopard (doll) in the other, and they are playing happily.

Luo Yi took a look.

Good guy, the chance for revenge has finally arrived.

He was like a ghost, with a pale face, and he got out of the sugar bowl.

Different people, same emoticon.

Sugar may be timid by nature, so he was caught off guard and Luo was so frightened that he lost consciousness.

The ability of the Childlike Fruit failed, and Lucci transformed from a leopard doll back to a human.

What happened after that was very simple. Luo and Lu Qi reunited again, and after many twists and turns, they finally found the cell where Kaido and Big Mom were imprisoned.

This was the scene where Kaido flew to the rescue just now.

"Anyway, our goal this time has been achieved..." Trafalgar Law floated over weakly.

He watched Kaido and Big Mom violently torture the automatic soldiers, but there was no relaxed look on their faces, "But, there is a bigger trouble waiting for us."

Bigger trouble...

Everyone couldn't help but think of those ring-shaped amber eyes.

That kind of overwhelming power was something they had never seen in their lives.

The true foundation of world government.

If that person is not eliminated, the consequences will be disastrous!

the other side.

Desert country, Alabasta.

After experiencing the chaos of the 'Baroque Works', with the help of Luffy and his group, all aspects of Alabasta are finally on the right track. With the help of King Cobra and Princess Vivi, who everyone loves from the bottom of their hearts, everything in Alabasta is finally back on track.

Under his leadership, this desert country has regained its amazing vitality.

But no one knew that on today, a completely unremarkable day, Alabasta welcomed a rare 'guest'.

"Eight hundred years."

Im walking on the streets of the royal capital Aruba, scanning everything around him, with a look of memories on his face.

The Neferutari family...

He was once one of the colonists who came to Qinghai with him.

It's a pity that the ideas of that group of people are different from theirs.

At the end of the plundering war, instead of asking for more power, the 'Neferutari' proposed peacefully sharing the entire world with the defeated ones. How stupid is that!

Later, when a world government was established, 'Neferutali' left the meeting directly and came to this remote desert place to establish a country.

Even after leaving the political circle, Im's eyes never left the family.

Because these stubborn and inflexible guys know too many secrets, and once those secrets are publicized, they will most likely threaten the rule of the world government.

But it's fine now.

The biggest shortcomings have been filled.

No one or any situation can threaten him in the future.

Im: I am already "invincible"!

"Lily, you never dreamed that one day I would become such a supreme being. It's such a pity that you spread historical texts back then and couldn't help much in the end."

Im murmured to himself, turned around and walked out of the city.

The 'Neferutari' royal family has plenty of time to slowly liquidate.

His purpose in coming to Alabasta this time was not the descendants of those boring rebels, but the ultimate weapon hidden deep in the desert.

The most powerful battleship - Pluto!

This chapter has been completed!
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