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Chapter 685: Brothers settle accounts clearly

Eastern Continent.

Amon, who was talking to Adam, suddenly narrowed his eyes and subconsciously raised his hand to pinch his eye sockets. However, when he raised his hand halfway, he put it down in frustration and scratched his face instead.

Adam only glanced at it and guessed something in his heart, showing a faint smile: "Why, do you feel someone is talking about you behind your back?"

"I can't help it. Popular people always say, 'Everyone loves Amon.' I'm used to it."

Amon spread his hands, looked at the transformed sand table in front of him, and said confidently: "Let's get back to the business - if the process goes well, in two years, the mutated creatures born in this land because of you will be destroyed by me and my army.

Slaughter them all."

Pointing to the shore, "The advance fleet of the Church of Fools has arrived, and judging from the reactions of various countries, the follow-up fleet is coming soon."

Amon seemed to have thought of something, and said "tsk": "Roselle's little son does have some skills. He actually thought of using the monster itself as bait. I learned it, I learned it~

To be honest, if Stiano hadn't been so shrunk, I would have chosen Russell's youngest son to be the "God of Steam and Machinery."

"Science is the opposite of God, and it is also the most powerful weapon for mankind to fight against God..."

Adam's tone was filled with emotion, and he didn't act like a dual-path true god at all.

He slowly put away his smile and focused his gaze on the ceiling above his head, or rather, the starry sky above, "I have always believed that the progress of the times should not be determined by gods."

After hearing this, Amon twitched the corner of his mouth and said helplessly: "Here we go, the time to be stunned~"

After pondering for a moment, he made a very serious suggestion to Adam, "According to your point of view, it is better to commit suicide directly and sacrifice your life for charity."

The conversation changed, "As for me, haha, I haven't become a god yet. Let's wait until the war is over to talk about anything. Don't worry, my good brother, I will not abandon you. I will come here every first and fifteenth day of the new year to help you."

You put up the incense stick and thank you for your contribution to mankind and the advancement of the times."

Adam was not annoyed after hearing these deliberately ridiculing words. He just said softly: "I am your father."

Amon broke through the defense instantly.

Adam smiled again and said: "What a big boy, don't be so excited, you may injure the fetal air."

Amon retreated.

Speaking of which, Klein hasn't seen Amon for a long time.

All right--

Actually it wasn't that long.

It's just that after returning from the Honakis Mountains, he has experienced too much. He has been busy confronting the Witch Sect, and later got involved in the "Artificial Death Sect" of the Spiritual Sect, plus he gets nauseated from time to time.

His sudden introduction to the Lord of Mysteries gave Klein the illusion that not seeing him for one day was like three autumns.

Summon Amon through his name.

Staring at the person in front of him, Klein's eyes were filled with tears, and he opened his arms very enthusiastically: "Brother Meng!"

"Acker!" Amon can also act, and his acting skills are just as good as Klein's.

Of course, opening your arms is just an attitude, the two of them don't really want to embrace.


Perhaps Amon meant this, but Klein was very upright. He changed his actions calmly, changed the subject lightly, paused and said, "Brother Meng, how are the preparations for the war in the Eastern Continent?"

"Why are you still thinking about me? Don't worry, everything has been arranged." Amon smiled.

Meeting Klein's eyes, he deliberately said something that he didn't know, and thought to himself: "You are still not active in asking for help? Wait for me to take the initiative to ask... Then we will see who has more patience."

Klein knew that ordinary methods could not fool Amon, so after a few more rounds of confrontation, he simply stopped pretending, "Brother Meng, brother, I need your help with something."

Amon did not agree or refuse, but said very calmly, "Tell me what it is first, and then I will consider whether to agree."

"Aren't we two brothers just heretics after what we said?" Klein chuckled: "Do you still remember Little Zaratul in the Hornakis Mountains?"

"Little Zaratul... I thought he had been killed by you." Amon indeed thought so.

In fact, after learning that Klein had returned to the real world, he instinctively thought that both Antigonus and Little Zaratul had become eliminated in the finals.

What's going on now?

If the weeds are cut but not rooted out, they will grow again when the spring breeze blows?

Amon couldn't help but gloat: "My little brother is not very nimble with his hands and feet."

Klein heard the other party's strange aura.

However, the situation is stronger than others, so I have to bow my head.

He also needs his good big brother to guard against the vegetable people who may be overrun in the future...

"For some reasons that I can't say, and that even I don't know myself, little Zaratul now has a weapon that can form a large scale in a short period of time and is extremely lethal.

And the best way to restrain this kind of weapon is to use the flames of the Extraordinary through the ‘Red Priest’.”

Klein explained the situation in detail.

Of course, he was hiding something.

There is no mention of the resurrection of the Lord of Mysteries.

Amon listened and smiled slightly: "No wonder you thought of me. Okay, let's make a price."

Klein knowingly asked: "What's the price? What's the price?"

"Of course we will discuss it. What benefits will I get from doing this?"

Amon stared at Klein with a half-smile, "Although we are brothers, brothers must also settle accounts clearly. If you just say something without proof, it would seem disrespectful to you as a person if you don't ask for something."

Klein knew that he could no longer pretend, so he could only smile bitterly: "Yes, yes, you are right."

Blinking, he suggested: "What about the remaining extraordinary characteristics of the original witch?"


Saying this makes me feel less sleepy.

Amon immediately cheered up and rubbed his hands expectantly: "Can you get it?"

Klein was not in a hurry now. The old god said: "Whether I can get it or not depends on whether you can help me or not."

Under the guidance of an unscrupulous evil god, Ke was no longer the young boy he was before. He was very good at the trick of using chickens to lay eggs.

Covetous of the original witch?

Come and help me.

Help me with anything!

But Amon obviously didn't want to be fooled by this, and said disdainfully: "Forget it, without you, I can still be with the original witch..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Klein: "Are you sure?"

He stared at Amon and calmed down the expression on his face: "Think about it carefully, I don't believe you haven't received any information."

Amon couldn't help but remain silent.

The Church of Fools and the Witch Sect are at war. There are many factors behind this matter, and he certainly knows that.

Even the fundamental reason for this game is that the Church of Fools took the initiative to stand up for the "True Creator" and forced back its former allies "The Lord of Storms" and "The God of Wisdom and Knowledge".

Strictly speaking, he and Adam could not stay out of this war.


Reason is reason.

Why do you feel so unhappy about being plotted by this kid?

No, you have to make up for it!

Amon pretended not to care and spread his hands: "Come on, I won't be able to use the extraordinary characteristics of the Witch Path for a while. After all, I haven't even completed the Red Priest's God-Being Ceremony."

Klein grinned: "If you really want to say that, it would be boring. Brother and you have a heart-to-heart relationship, so you and your brother are playing tricks on each other, right?

Yes, although Medici and the others have been promised the power of other extraordinary ways.

But if you can turn into a witch, especially Sauron and Einhorn, they are both women to begin with, so there will be no psychological pressure if they become women again."

After saying that, he walked out without looking back.

When Amon saw it, he thought, how can this be done?

Quickly grabbing Klein, the good brother shouted loudly: "Brother, don't worry, I didn't say I won't help you, I just need to think about it."

"What else are you thinking about? You help me guard against little Zaratul. After the war is over, the extraordinary characteristics of the original witch will be yours. Isn't this deal a good deal?" Klein crossed his arms and said, "Brother Meng, it's not me who said that,

You really shouldn't care too much about life. As time goes by, feelings will fade away, what do you think?"

What to say, I said.

Amon just wanted to 'haha'.

It's just the original witch's extraordinary characteristics that he is really greedy for.

Not to mention the extraordinary characteristics, even the ‘Chick’s Ring’ that Klein had previously traded to him. After realizing its true meaning, the two adjacent paths authenticated each other, which greatly increased his strength.

Amon is an angel, and many iron laws that apply to mortals do not apply to him. Even if he has not completed the 'Red Priest' ritual of becoming a god, if he obtains the extraordinary characteristics of the original witch, he can even shorten the process of becoming the old one to some extent.

"Okay, now that this is the case, what else can I say? Deal." With that said, Amon stretched out his hand.

Without any hesitation, Klein also handed over his hand.

Hold the two hands together.

Eyes facing each other.

"Good brothers are connected by heart, broken bones are connected by tendons."

"We became closer when we talked about business, so I was so scared that I called her mother."

It can only be said that Amon is worthy of being able to keep up with Klein's brain circuit based on the memory of past thefts.

Let's get down to business.

Klein has nothing to worry about and is fully prepared to start the war in a few days.

When a person devotes himself wholeheartedly to something, time always flies by.

In the blink of an eye, a week passed.

On this day, light snow fell in the sky.

For the residents of the Southern Continent, wind is not uncommon, rain is not uncommon, but snow is a novelty.

On the high platform, Queen Shia looked at the gray sky with an expressionless face. Unseen by others, she was turning the ring on her hand.

"I have a...bad feeling."

Hearing this, Azik next to her smiled, "It's just the spells of the witches, no big deal. Don't forget, this war will not only determine the ownership of the Death God Faith, but behind it..."

When talking about this, he was silent for a moment and then turned to other topics: "By the way, the camps and outposts of the "Artificial Death Sect" in East Balang have been uprooted. What's their counterattack these days?"

"There is no special change. I think the Witch Sect must have shrunk its power." Queen Shia said: "According to the intelligence investigation, they have set up a heavy defense line at the border between the two countries, and they even have vicious evil spirits like voodoo.


As he spoke, he sighed softly: "Mr. Azik, to be honest, such a high-profile war is not suitable for us."

"I know too." Azik nodded: "But we have reasons why we have to fight against horses against horses. Only in this way can we make some neutrals... well, let me put it more directly, let some wallowers

It is important to understand the current situation clearly so as not to harbor evil intentions."

Extraordinary war.

Secret and grand.

Similar to the previous Church of Night vs. Church of God of War.

The night watchers and the rangers clashed many times, and every time they fought until the sky was dark and the ground was dark, and blood flowed like rivers.

But even so, there is no such thing as the Spiritual Cult and the Witch Cult, which build trenches and build forts against each other.

It can only be said that the Southern Continent has its own folk sentiments here.

The people of Luopu are used to seeing gods and ghosts, so they won't react that much when they see something outrageous.

What's more, the Loen colonial army (with the help of nobles such as the Hall family) also helped relocate the civilians early. It can be said that it completely gave up the space for catching and fighting.

Many forces are paying attention.

The ‘Royal Faction’ supported by the Church of Fools, and the ‘Artificial Death Faction’ supported by the Witch Church.

Who will be the final winner?

Will the original witch who descended into the world and the god of death who took advantage of a bug to be resurrected be able to have the last laugh?

Everyone is waiting for a result.

West Balam, the original temple.

"The day has finally arrived." The original witch still captivated the country.

After a period of nourishment, He became even more beautiful and charming than when He first came.

Anyone can find their own "amazing" in Him and quickly become silent about it.

Of course, this does not include the new god of death, Salinger.

The little baby in the cradle has a green face and fangs, and looks extremely scary. When he speaks, he is very old-fashioned: "You look very impatient, but I have to tell you, "that adult" has not contacted us for many days."

"Why panic? "That Lord" will take action sooner or later." The original witch said with great certainty: "He will not sit idly by and watch us fail."

Not knowing what he thought of, Salinger sneered: "Maybe."

The original witch ignored him and scratched her own face with her nails, destroying her perfect appearance.

Stained with strange purple blood, he took out a small mirror from his dress and wiped it on the mirror.


The mirror began to corrode and melt, emitting a faint aroma.

Salinger couldn't help but gag: "Disgusting."

"Haha, you didn't have this attitude towards me in the past." The original witch said with a look of reminiscence in her eyes, "At that time, you were very obsessed with me."

"Pretending." Salinger said coldly.

After saying that, he closed his mouth.

The original witch didn't care either.

He has done the magic.

Of course, the God of Death cannot be idle either.

But I saw countless roaring souls rushing out of the original temple, diving into the clouds, and disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"Let me see if the so-called original god has any means to break our spell." The original witch said with a smile: "If the performance is too poor, it will be too disappointing."

Salinger didn't speak, and held his two little arms together.

At this time, the original witch seemed to have discovered something, and curiously picked up the card on Salinger's pillow: "The Death card? Where did you find it?"

Salinger's eyes flashed, and a resentful spirit suddenly flashed out from behind. He reached out with his ghostly hand and grabbed the Death Card.

"Do you want to die if you touch my things?"

The original witch covered her mouth and smiled: "I'm really sorry, Your Majesty the Emperor of Hades, if you don't dislike me, please let me atone for my sins."

This chapter has been completed!
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