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Chapter 701 Good Brothers

After having an unknown friendly exchange with the ‘Djinn God’, Klein carefully returned to the real world with his black wooden cane in hand.

When he walked out of the portal, he immediately tensed up and arched his back, on alert like a cat, fearing that he would jump from one pit into another...

It's more or less PTSD.

Fortunately, the 'Lord of Mysteries' is not that mean.

In other words, He may have the idea of ​​​​such despicable acts, but he does not have the power to do so for the time being. He has more than enough intention but not enough strength to perform "one set after another" for Klein.

After repeatedly confirming that the surrounding area was safe, Klein breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, I haven’t lost my fundamentals, it’s just my advantage!


It seems that a flag was set inadvertently...

Shaking his head and suppressing the complicated thoughts in his mind, Klein returned directly to the main army, intending to talk to Jon about what happened just now.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Qiao was not here.

Klein suddenly had a look on his face.

Damn it, others can’t be relied upon at critical moments!

He was a little anxious.

If you can't completely confirm that there is nothing wrong with you, you won't even dare to go back to Origin Castle, and you won't be able to take out some things. The party is about to start again, and you can't put on the vest of "The Fool", how can you still be the host of Super Talk?

In desperation, Klein had no choice but to ask Queen Shia if she knew where Jon had gone.

Queen Shia was dealing with trivial matters after the war. She was too busy to pay attention to Qiao's movements and shook her head repeatedly.

I asked Mr. Azik, but I still had no idea.

Klein couldn't help but frown.

Is it so mysterious?

He couldn't catch any of the two Jons?

Looking up to the sky speechlessly.

Several strange large birds flew in the sky.

Klein wondered to himself, couldn't he do anything but wait here for Jon to come back?

There's not enough time...

He had no choice but to try to make a phone call in an attempt to contact Jon privately.

The reason why I have been reluctant to use mobile phones is that the phone charges are too expensive.

Klein also knew that he owed a lot of money, ranging from 100,000 to 200,000 yuan, which was a drop in the bucket of the total bill.

But he was used to living a hard life, and he still didn't want to waste gold pounds on this kind of thing.


When a message came from the receiver, 'The user you dialed is busy now, please try again later', and a warm reminder that the phone balance was insufficient and asked him to recharge as soon as possible, Klein's iron-clad mentality still slightly collapsed.

"This is a scam!"

The poor god roars.jpg

Until now, Klein didn't know that only his phone plan had been secretly compromised, and that private contact with Jon by other party members was free...

Back to business.

After trying every possible method, even calling out the honorable name and getting no response, Klein had no choice but to give up, force himself to stabilize his state of mind, and wait patiently.

At this time, an unexpected guest appeared.

Sisters Bernadette and Bonois arrived hand in hand.

Klein gathered his thoughts and quickly said hello.

Although he has never paid attention to the situation on the frontal battlefield, Klein knows from the descriptions from various angles that Bernadette has put in a lot of effort. Putting aside the factors of high-end combat power, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is the number one contributor.


Bonova's contribution was also great.

He developed various extraordinary items and useful equipment, which greatly reduced the casualties of his own army.

Speaking of Bonova, we have to mention another biologist who has achieved great success...

But that guy was so perverted that Klein didn't want to think deeply about some of the bizarre scenes that appeared on the battlefield.

"Hello, hello, I haven't seen you for a while, but you're still so energetic." Bonois has always had that careless temperament, and has no sense of being an angel at all.

Of course, from another perspective, this is also a manifestation of his stable anchor point and abundant humanity.

Klein returned the smile and said, "Are you two here to see Mr. Jon? Unfortunately, he is not here at this time."

"Eh?" Bonova prolonged his tone exaggeratedly.

What greeted her was Bernadette's stern look.

The eldest sister is like a mother.

Bonois was so frightened that he shrank his neck and did not dare to say anything again.


Her Majesty Bernadette is really strict.

Seeing that Bonova had returned to normal, Bernadette nodded slightly.

After pondering for a moment, she seemed to remember something, and said to Klein: "At the end of the war, I got my father... ahem, I got the divine revelation from the "Black Emperor", and told you to call him when you have time.

He wants to talk to you."


Hearing this, Klein was shocked.

Lao Huang finally remembered me!

He was a little excited.

After all, after he set foot in this world, the help "Roselle's Diary" brought him was beyond words.

In a sense, Lao Huang is his leader.

Considering the time traveler...

This word is not quite appropriate.

In short, as a pioneer who was thrown into the real world from the light cocoon, Klein had a lot to say to Russell.

It's a pity that Lao Huang's condition is not stable. If it hadn't been reversed during the ascension ceremony of George III, this old man would still be hiding in a mausoleum on which island.

I can't find Jon for a while, so I might as well talk to Lao Huang.

"I understand, Your Majesty Bernadette." Klein behaved very appropriately.

Bernadette didn't say anything more, she just handed him a black classic.

"This is the sacred object of the "Black Emperor". Through it, the summoning ceremony can be omitted. Of course, the most basic spiritual wall is still necessary."

Bonova opened his mouth, as if he had something to say.

But in the end, I still chose silence.

He only blinked at Klein.


What does your look mean?

Suppressing his curiosity, he did not open the pages of the book and put it away respectfully.

Not finding Jon, Bernadette and Bonois didn't want to stay any longer.

He said hello and turned to leave.

After the siblings walked away, Klein turned his attention to this black tome.

Based on spiritual perception, this thing is at most a Sequence 8 item, nothing special.

But since it can become the holy object of the "Black Emperor", it must have its own uniqueness!

Open carefully.

Klein discovered that there were actually Chinese characters inside.

Feeling more cordial——

"Writing is the carrier of civilization. As time goes by, many things have disappeared in the long river of history. Only writing..." Klein was suffering from literary youth, and he was just sighing.

After a while, his expression changed a bit, and he closed the book with a snap.

His face turned green and red for a while.

He shook his head repeatedly and murmured: "Old Huang, Old Huang, what do you want me to say about you? No normal person would regard the little emperor's uncle as a sacred object."

That's right.

This mysterious book that doesn't even have a name is a book written in Chinese by Little Emperor Uncle.

Coincidentally, Klein had seen it before.

I won’t describe the name, everyone who knows it will understand.

Chapter 1, Section 1, So-and-so’s high school grades were very unsatisfactory...

"Brother, aren't you afraid that Bonova will understand?" Klein couldn't help but wonder, then suddenly realized: "That's right, since Bonova is Russell in his youth, he naturally doesn't care about this, no wonder that look in his eyes is so weird


Taking a deep breath, Klein had no intention of continuing to browse and simply regarded this thing as a ritual item.

Explain the situation to Lynn half-truthfully.

After asking Queen Shia for a quiet room, he immediately started to summon the "Black Emperor".

In view of Klein's understanding of Russell, in addition to the spiritual wall carved out with a knife, the three items he enshrined are also very interesting.

They are food, drinks and women's accessories.

Don’t ask where women’s accessories come from?

Thousands of people have different faces. When I traveled around, I had many women's vests. It is very reasonable and legal to always keep some women's products.

After all, I have a sacred object in hand.

The ceremony went very smoothly.

It was so smooth!

Klein's consciousness continues to rise.

Disappear, squirm.

All scenes in the world are dyed with ink and distorted.

In the haze, Klein saw a dark palace.

There is no light, black is the main theme here.

As far as the eye can see, everything is black, including the majestic god sitting on the throne in the center.

Like the Fool, Klein couldn't see Russell's specific face clearly. He could only vaguely feel that he had curly chestnut hair and a 1:1 replica mustache that resembled the old king of poker cards.

When a fellow villager meets a fellow villager, tears well up in his eyes!

Klein cleared his throat: "Praise, the great Russell Gustave."

Russell stared at Klein condescendingly.

He stared for a while and said nothing.

Klein felt slightly uneasy.

Old Huang, is this...humanity suppressed?

"Cline Moretti." Russell spoke slowly, his voice extremely majestic.


This word came to Klein's mind subconsciously.

Just like when you see the sun and think of light and heat, when you see snowflakes you think of cold and cold.

Just by the sound of his voice, he felt like he was facing an emperor who could control life and death with just a thought!

"It's hard to handle." Klein thought slightly.

Lao Huang and Russell are the same thing.

But Russell and the "Black Emperor" are not the same thing.

Unexpectedly, after calling Klein's name, the "Black Emperor" on the throne suddenly changed.


His expression didn't change.

His majestic tone did not change.

It’s the content of these words that is more or less out of tune.

"I said, what is your real name?"

Majestic, but very local.

For those who didn’t know, they thought Qin Shihuang was resurrected.

Klein was stunned for a moment and said truthfully: "Zhou Mingrui."

I haven't mentioned my real name for a long time.

Although the name is just a code name, it expresses the thoughts of the past.

"Zhou Mingrui...Zhou Mingrui...we are indeed fellow villagers." Russell still had the same look and tone, but he said some personal words.

A little awkward.

However, "Black Emperor" is very awkward, and Klein said that he can get used to it.

"I'm very happy, Xiao Zhou. Although my expression doesn't look happy, I'm really happy." Russell said slowly: "As you can see, my anchor point is still not very stable, even if

With nine mausoleums and no citizens singing my name, I will never be able to return to normal."

Klein didn't know how to answer this.

Unless Bernadette can found a country, otherwise...

Wait a moment.

Some thoughts flashed through my mind.

He suddenly thought of the demon wolf Antigonus and the Kingdom of Night.

Could it be?!

The power of gods is far beyond ordinary people's imagination. With just one thought, Russell understood Klein's thoughts. He nodded incomprehensibly and said: "It seems that we thought of going together, just think of it as doing me a favor.

Xiao Zhou, this is my formal request."

Klein thought for a moment and agreed.

He was just a little unsure and said: "The extraordinary ritual of the Secret Attendant can indeed help you solve the problem of no national belief, but is this really effective?"

"True and false, false and true, the power of a fool lies in confusing the false with the true, and my method is to turn the false into the true." Russell was quite sure: "This is a matter of mutual benefit. We both benefit from it.

Brothers, win-win!"

Sequence 0 and Sequence 3 are brothers, this scene is really rare.

However, neither Klein nor Russell felt anything was wrong.

After a series of events, the two of them have long been like grasshoppers tied on a rope, both prospering and losing.

"I can agree to this, but there is a problem now." Klein turned to talk about other things: "Do you know..."

"Xiao Zhou, I understand what you want to ask, but the answer to this question is not something you can bear now." Russell interrupted in time: "If you read my diary, you should understand that only the path of the Fool can

It is the most special. As for this specialness and what makes it special, you might as well think about it carefully and consider it carefully."

He is also not qualified enough to withstand extraordinary knowledge.

Klein sighed.

Now it seems that only by upgrading to Sequence 2 as soon as possible can you be qualified to unlock certain secrets.

Klein was seen a little depressed.

Russell thought for a while and said: "Don't be too discouraged. In fact, you are not facing difficulties alone from beginning to end. Jon...Mr. Jon has helped you solve countless problems in secret. You are in the real world."

It's the same reason why we can't find any trace of him."

Brother, I can't say something too straightforward, but the thigh you are hugging is really thick. We must have a good relationship. We can't say that our futures are all on others!

Lao Huang was secretly anxious, thinking that Xiao Zhou should have this understanding.

Klein really didn't expect that unreliable guy Jon to do so many things without his knowledge.

Yes, moved.

After gathering his thoughts, Klein said to Russell: "If I want to complete the requirements of the ritual, I must first advance to Sequence 2. The problem now is that I am not 100% sure to eliminate the danger in a certain place."

The nameless dark place is a mysterious seal suspected to be located in the Highland Kingdom.

The remnant soul of the original witch, the artificial god of death, and the mutated vegetable man.

There is also a mysterious coffin that looks like Doraemon’s 4-dimensional pocket.

Klein felt that his small body must be too much.

Russell listened and responded in a deep voice: "Maybe I can give you some help."

That's great!

This is what Klein wants.

Good brother, you help me and I will help you.

This is very reasonable.

And what Russell said next made Klein suddenly enlightened.

"In a sequence battle, you need more friends and fewer enemies. Sometimes whether you can accomplish something doesn't depend on how strong you are or what level of sealed artifacts you have in your hand, but on the connections you have.




If I’m not 100% sure that I can do it alone, I can form a team!

Not just a team.

You can also call for off-site assistance.

Klein's mind suddenly became alive.

This chapter has been completed!
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