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Chapter 705: First time entering Tuscat

"William Cullen?"

"Yes sir, this is William Cullen, from Lundberg."

At the first port of Tuscat Island, a priest wearing a dark blue robe held up a monocle and carefully checked the entry information of the person in front of him.

After flipping through a few pages, he raised his head and stared at the young man who called himself 'William Cullen', "The purpose of coming to Tuscat Island."

"Ocean research, Your Excellency, as you can see, I am a student at Lundborg University." Klein pointed to a badge on his collar: "I need to conduct field research here for three months.

Finish my thesis."

"Lundberg University...well..." the priest of the Church of Storms pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "Young man, do you have faith?"

"May knowledge be with you." Klein continued almost subconsciously.

Then he was suddenly stunned, pretending to be belatedly, and said with sincerity and fear: "Look at me, I am so rude to the believers of the storm."

"It doesn't matter."

Perhaps because of Klein's good appearance, the grumpy old pigeon rarely got angry.

After asking a few more questions, he stamped the island entry application with a stamp of lightning and storm intertwined.

"Well, welcome to Toscat, the Lord of Storms will protect you!"

The missionary areas of the Church of Storms are the Kingdom of Loen, East Balam, Rhoside Islands, Olavi Island, Tuscat Island, and Pasu Island, which is the base camp.

It can be said that in this vast sea, the Church of Storms is the absolute overlord!

After obtaining his legal status, Klein did not rush to cause trouble. Instead, he chose to start traveling around like a real college student and investigate the local customs on the spot.

Soon, he made a 'new friend'.

"Lundberg University? What a coincidence, I'm from Lundberg too! Hey, boss, what are you looking at? That's my distant cousin. Ask him for money. I'll leave first."

After saying that, without waiting for Klein, who had just walked into the tavern, to reply, the blond man with a young appearance and a medium build, wearing a white shirt and a black vest, ran away like the wind.


He's not stupid either.

He took a step back decisively, waved his hand and said, "Let me state in advance that I don't know that guy."

The tavern owner thought for a moment and snorted: "Come on! He said you are his cousin, so you have to pay the bill!"

Hearing this, Klein frowned slightly and murmured: "Compared to chasing that guy who is as fast as a rabbit, am I obviously easier to bully..."

Gentle and polite?

Perhaps you can gain a lot of respect in a place with a strong academic atmosphere like Lundborg.

But this is the place protected by the Storm Lord.

Roughness and brutality are the main theme!

It was obvious that he was being treated as a traitor.

Klein shrugged helplessly and deliberately took out his exquisite cowhide wallet: "I'm unlucky. Listen, I don't want to cause trouble, but don't go too far."

Shock flashed across the tavern owner's eyes.

Fat sheep~

"Fifty... no, one hundred golden horns!"

Perhaps because it is relatively close to the Fusac Empire, it uses Fusac's currency system.

When he heard the price of the bill, Klein laughed angrily, but didn't say anything. He just took out a Loen banknote with a denomination of twenty pounds and said, "That's it."

"Okay, let's just make friends." After all, this is the jurisdiction of the Church of Storms, not a pirate den, and the tavern owner doesn't dare to go too far.

Besides, twenty pounds is no longer a small sum.

After taking the banknote, he also gave Klein a glass of light beer for free, and said with a grin: "Boy, you are really unlucky. You were tricked by Anderson Hood. It will be very difficult to get revenge."

The tavern owner didn't have any good intentions and deliberately revealed all the information about the person who just escaped from the bill.

"Anderson Hood?" Klein thought about this name and felt like he had heard it somewhere.


He remembered.

When the 'White Wolf' was roaming the sea and Feysac Empire, he accidentally heard about this person from the mouth of a wanted criminal.

'The Strongest Hunter'

The name is really prestigious.

However, according to Anderson Hood himself, this 'strongest' must also include the premise of 'under a demigod'.

"Anderson Hood...Okay, I remember." Klein smiled softly.

At this time, several drunk men came up and said, "The storm is blowing, young man, do you need a bodyguard?"

"Yes, although this island is protected by the Lord of Storms, there are always some 'unexpected' dangers."

"One hundred gold pounds, our brothers are at your disposal!"

Backlund, the capital of Loen, has countless underground forces and ruffians, not to mention the vast overseas islands.

Klein just revealed his wealth, which naturally attracted many unscrupulous people.

He pretended to be alert and pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose: "Gentlemen, I don't need bodyguards. Please leave."

"Don't say that, we brothers are worth every penny." A gangster laughed and started to take out Klein's wallet.

The tavern owner finally remembered that this was his territory, slammed the bottle on the bar, and roared loudly: "Be honest with me!"

Blue light flashed in his eyes.

‘Sailor’ sequence, sequence 9, sailor.

Naturally, ordinary people cannot afford to offend extraordinary people.

The gangsters suddenly sobered up, laughed, and sat back down.

But judging from the looks in their eyes, they still haven't given up on making a fortune from Klein.

There are always poor people.

But fat sheep are not often found.

The Lord of Storms protects all the people of the sea, and it has nothing to do with the Lundborg boy.

Their brothers deserved this windfall!

"Lenburg...heh, you haven't traveled far before, right?" the tavern owner frightened the money-grubbing drinker and said to Klein in a sympathetic tone.

Klein was secretly amused.

But he nodded and explained himself like a novice: "I have been studying in a missionary school, and later entered Lundborg University for further study."

No wonder I have no social experience at all. It turns out I was stupid because of studying.

The owner of the tavern clicked his tongue, feeling a rare kindness, and said: "Boy, you are in big trouble. Don't talk nonsense later, don't move around, follow my instructions, I will let you leave through the back door, and then you can

If you can't escape this disaster, it depends on your own luck."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Klein blinked and said in disbelief: "How dare they where the 'Storm Lord' is looking!"

"But you are not a believer of the Lord of Storms." The tavern owner spread his hands and asked, "What is not understandable about this?"

Klein pondered for a moment and then said in annoyance: "I don't want to cause trouble, so I'll just do as you say."

Late at night.

The air in the alley seemed colder than outside.

Klein pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses and silently counted the time.

When he counted 'one' silently in his mind, several gangsters blocked his way forward and back as if they had made an appointment.

"Boss, what are the regulations?"

"Old rules."

"Hey, there's nothing better than killing a foreigner like this."

"Don't miss this rare fat sheep."

A few hooligans were laughing and joking, not taking Klein seriously at all.

And Klein didn't take them seriously.

A thought in my mind.

In just a moment, all sounds disappeared.

But then, the noisy noise started again.


This time it’s Klein performing the ‘puppet show’

——Those gangsters have all become his marionettes.

"Well, now that we have a little brother to do chores, it's time to deal with personal grudges." Klein murmured to himself, controlling the puppet to continue its activities according to the set procedures.

He himself changed his clothes slightly and began to divine the whereabouts of Anderson Hood.

the next day.

Anderson Hood walked down the hotel stairs refreshed.

Caught off guard, I suddenly saw a embarrassed figure.

He recalled something.

Blinking his eyes, he decided to show some concern, "Brother, how did you end up like this?"

Klein had been waiting for the other party for a long time, and immediately showed a sad and angry expression: "Is it you? You liar, you and I obviously don't know each other, why! Wow! My research funds are the money I borrowed from my mentor.


‘Mentor’ is really missed...

Anderson Hood scratched his eyebrows and said, "Sorry, sorry, I just said casually yesterday, hehe, I didn't expect to trick you so badly, brother."

"But." He changed the subject: "How do you know I live here?"

At the end of the day, murderous intent emerged and locked onto Klein.

Klein trembled, pretending to be confused and said: "Who cares where you live? This is the hotel I originally booked, and even my luggage is stored here. It's fine now. The key is missing and there's no one at the front desk. I

Can't even get into the house."

Although Anderson Hood was still skeptical, he glanced at Klein's polite face, which seemed to have little social experience, and still chose to believe this rhetoric.

He patted Klein on the shoulder and said very familiarly: "What happened yesterday, to be honest, I can't remember it clearly, but meeting is fate. Since you have met my brother, I will help you."


He asked: "By the way, which room do you live in?"

"402." Klein replied.

Anderson Hood nodded to express his understanding, and took out a piece of wire from nowhere, "Let's go, let me open the door for you first, and then we can make plans after we get the luggage."

Klein wanted to agree, but when he spoke, he pretended to be worried: "You, you won't trick me again."

"How is it possible? The people of Lunberg don't deceive the people of Lunberg." Anderson Hood patted his chest: "I am an outstanding graduate of the Knowledge Church School. If I were not forced to make a living, I would not choose to be an adventurer as my main job. You're welcome.

Frankly speaking, my grades back then were very high. If I continue to study, I might be able to further my studies at Lundborg University."

While grinning, he went upstairs.

The two came to room 402.

Anderson Hood is indeed an experienced traveler. Without any extraordinary means, he can just poke the keyhole open.

"Okay, let's go in..." Anderson Hood said, and his brain suddenly stopped thinking.

He felt like something invisible was wrapped around him!

I wanted to struggle, but found that I didn't even have the strength to speak.

But strangely, the body started to move on its own.

Klein walked into the room slowly and casually set up a spiritual wall, sealing off all exploration.

He hooked his fingers and manipulated Anderson Hood to come to him.

"What do you think would be a better way to deal with you?" He stared at this famous adventurer and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "How about hanging you here and letting you quietly feel the coming of death."

"No, no, no such thing!" Anderson Hood roared crazily in his heart.

At the same time, he finally realized what a stupid thing he had done.

The gentle, sheep-like guy in front of me is definitely a dangerous person!

It's unlucky to say the least.

He has always been cautious, always fighting if he can win, running if he can't, admitting his mistakes when he should, and never putting his face first.

Who would have thought that a random passerby he met would turn out to be a highly hidden high-sequence extraordinary person!

What he didn't know was that opposite him, Klein was also muttering secretly.

Can an extraordinary person who is not even a demigod bring him 'unexpected good luck'?

last night.

After doing the divination, Klein wanted to go directly to Anderson Hood and teach him a moderate lesson. Unexpectedly, Lynne, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly appeared and said that she smelled the aura of 'good luck' in Anderson.


Although Lynn's intuition is unreliable nine times out of ten, it is because of the influence of external factors after all.

Klein thought again and again.

Decide to respect the ‘god of luck’.

Thus, the current scene was formed——

The atmosphere of silence did not last long.

Klein relaxed his control on the spiritual thread, allowing Anderson Hood to temporarily obtain his body.

After this guy regained his freedom, his first reaction was to run.

But the strong desire to survive forced him to suppress his body's instinct, pursed his dry lips, and said: "Sir... sir, I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday. I don't know... if there's anything I can do

Whatever you do, just ask... No matter what, please spare my life!"

Asking for mercy is a kind of wisdom.

Klein stared at Anderson amusedly and said, "You can call me 'William'."

"Sir William, I, Anderson Hood, will go through fire and water without hesitation!" Anderson is not stupid.

On the contrary, he is very smart.

Since this William was able to control him easily without taking the next step, it shows that he still has a certain value.

In this case, we must take the road.

Rather than waiting for the other party to make demands, it is better to surrender proactively.

The more Klein looks at this guy, the more he looks like a loser. That's what is called gold on the outside but bad on the inside. He may have a good appearance, but when he talks and does things, he gives off an air of unreliability from the inside out.

"I'm glad you made the right choice." Klein said in a deep voice.

But to be honest, he didn't know what he had to tell Anderson Hood.

Simply, get to know the other person first.

"Tell me about yourself and introduce your life."

When Anderson Hood heard this, he was slightly startled, but he did not dare to neglect, and said truthfully: "My name is Anderson Hood. I was born in Sehgal. I later went to the church school in Lundberg, but because I failed the exam several times,

So I was fired..."

After working on it for a long time, it turned out that he was a scumbag.

Klein smiled contemptuously.

This chapter has been completed!
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