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Chapter 711 The arrival of Poseidon

Although this place is a bit remote, it is inevitable that no one will come here. Klein did not float on the sea for too long. He ducked to the shore and found a stone to sit down.

The sparkling waves on the sea surface late at night reveal a different kind of beauty.

He counted the time and his thoughts were empty for a while.

About 10 minutes later, Lynn suddenly flew out of the water like a tuna. Her six arms were gesticulating and she kept shouting at Klein: "There is a snake!"

Klein stood up, not understanding what the other party meant for a while.

Lynn quickly flew over and explained: "There are elven-style ruins down there, and there is a huge sea snake entangled in the deepest part, which is very scary!"

sea ​​snake……

Klein thought of the tattoos on the red-bearded father and his sons.

It seems——

His conjecture was very correct. The so-called 'Poseidon' was a beast that was lucky enough to swallow extraordinary characteristics and not die on the spot.

Although he is still alive, because there is no way to control the side effects of the potion, it is inevitable to lose control, and his nature becomes more and more violent. That is why he placed a curse on the defecting Redbeard family.

"I understand the situation, thank you for your hard work." Klein nodded and called for Lynn to come over.

Lynn kept talking there, chattering non-stop: "I don't know why the ruins appear here? But it is definitely the style of our elves, and from the murals on the outermost edge, we can know that this ruins must be related to the queen!


She was rarely so excited.

Perhaps it was the ethnic bond that spanned time appeared before her again, which made Lynn lose her sense of proportion.

Klein could only comfort you softly: "I understand your mood, don't worry, when the time is right, we will explore this ruins again."

The conversation changed: "By the way, how is the sea snake doing?"

Lynn: "Status? He's sleeping, and I don't feel good."

"It's not good, why is it not good?" Klein asked.

"That's right, I feel like he's going to turn into a monster...even though he's already a monster now..." Lynn's words were so inconsistent that it was confusing.

However, Klein vaguely understood that the sea snake was probably going to completely lose control.


In recent years, the Loen colonial army has further taken control of the Rhoside Islands and the capital Bayam. This so-called 'sea god' originally had some primitive believers, who used terror and violence as threats to force local residents to believe in him and act as their own anchor.


However, along with the arrival of the Loen colonial army came the Church of Storms.

The "Lord of Storms" is so high that other gods naturally don't dare to act presumptuously.

Nowadays, the Rhoside Islands have become the central mission of the Church of Storms. There are fewer and fewer natives who believe in the "Poseidon". If the anchor is unstable, it will naturally lose control and completely lose itself.

"If that's the case, I can make use of it." Klein touched his smooth chin and murmured to himself.

The unexpected experience let him know that Bayam still exists. If he can be incorporated into the plan, it will be much better than the arrangements of Toscat...

However, this matter requires further consideration.

Fortunately, Klein still has a lot of time.

The Church of Storms kept it in the dark.

Although tonight's 'lightning strike incident' was planned a bit hastily.

But it's not a big problem.

The old pigeons never thought that the instigator had moved back to Tuscat...

Thinking of this, Klein flashed and took Lynn with him to find Anderson Hood and Danitz.

In the Xiangshu Hotel, Daniz had fallen into a drowsy sleep.

——It’s too exhausting to survive being struck by lightning.

When Anderson Hood saw 'William Cullen' coming back, he subconsciously showed a respectful expression on his face.

Klein didn't speak, secretly marked a little on Daniz, and then looked at Anderson Hood with great calmness.

The 'Hunter's' intuition has always been very accurate.

Anderson Hood couldn't help but take a step back and laughed dryly: "No... I won't do it again..."

A smile appeared on Klein's lips, "Let's go, it's time for us to go back."

Early the next morning, Daniz suddenly opened his eyes.

After a moment, he realized something and quickly rolled out of bed.

Scanning the surrounding environment, Daniz scratched his head, feeling as if he had forgotten something important.

Suddenly, a piece of paper on the table caught his attention.

Daniz hurried over.

But I saw it clearly written in cursive characters:

"I have already paid the room fee. As for why you were cursed, brother, I don't know.

Maybe it has something to do with the 'Steel' gang?

I still have some things to do, so I’ll take a step forward. Lands and rivers meet each other, and we are destined to meet again - Anderson Hood."

Yes, I seemed to have been struck by lightning.

Daniz thought of what happened last night and subconsciously shrank his neck, fearing that another thunder would strike above his head.

Shivering, Daniz couldn't care less about anything, grabbed his cloak and ran outside.

"I'd better come back to the 'Red Theater' next time. I have to go back and report to the captain quickly!"

Not to mention Danitz who hurriedly returned to the Golden Dream, but Klein and Anderson Hood returned to Tuscat Island under the cover of night.


Naturally, the reserved items are big ones.

Let's put it this way, none of the good food and wine in the evening was wasted. Anderson Hood ate it as much as he could.

Although Klein has seen this scene more than once, he still found it funny when he saw it.

Then, he became alert.

"Are you afraid that you were subtly infected by the Starry Sky Evil God? I was not so disdainful before."

He coughed lightly and said: "Thank you for your hard work today. There will be no more arrangements in a short time. You can move freely. Also, you can't leave Tuscat, you know..."

As he spoke, Klein twitched his fingers.

Anderson Hood instantly felt that his body no longer belonged to him.

"You have my unique mark on your body, so don't try to play tricks, otherwise I will be very angry."

Anderson Hood was distraught.

He wanted to nod, but was completely powerless. He could only watch as 'William Cullen' did whatever he wanted with his body.

Klein didn't say anything more and restored the other party's freedom.

Then he turned around and walked towards the night.

Anderson Hood, as if a drowning man had regained the right to breathe, knelt on the ground and gasped for air.

At the same time, the nausea caused by long-distance teleportation made him want to vomit.

The feeling is unbearable.

The words of ‘William Cullen’ still have a certain degree of credibility…

Anderson Hood didn't dare to risk his life.

Next, the unlucky 'Strongest Hunter' enjoyed a peaceful life for a few days.

During this period, there were hundreds of rounds of war between heaven and man in his mind.

In the end, I didn't dare to give it a try.

After all, there is Daniz on this pirate ship now, and if he is obedient, there may be hope for survival.

By the way, the Red Beard family came over several times to express their gratitude to Anderson Hood.

Of course, from the searching eyes of the red-bearded father, Anderson Hood knew that there was someone else they really wanted to thank.

It doesn't matter——

After experiencing life and death disasters, Anderson Hood felt that he had taken everything lightly.

If you think about it carefully, no matter whether William Cullen is the chief sage of the Church of Knowledge, or he is a wild Extraordinary who has been wandering around for many years and is regarded as the biggest enemy by the major official churches.

There is nothing to call

The ‘strongest hunter’ calmed down and started to show off.

On this day, Anderson Hood walked into the bar as usual, intending to have a few drinks——

Yes, it was the bar where he first met William Cullen.

The bar owner looked at him curiously.

Anderson Hood frowned, "What?"

The bar owner laughed and said, "What's the matter? I just want to ask, how could a man like you be so kind and get involved with that out-of-town boy?"

"Ah?" Anderson Hood tilted his head, "Which out-of-town boy?"

"He's the guy who wears glasses, is polite, looks quite rich, and has good luck. He always runs to the beach when he has nothing to do." The bar owner chuckled, "In the past few days, he comes here every time for dinner. Several

Anyone who wants to take advantage of him will give up after hearing your name."

Upon hearing this, Anderson Hood felt bad in his heart.

Deep bondage, right?

This is to force you to be locked with him!

Remembering that 'William Cullen' was suspected of going to war with the Church of Storms, Anderson Hood felt that he would soon be unable to survive at sea.

What are you afraid of?

Just as the thought came into my mind, the evil star that had not been seen for several days suddenly appeared in my field of vision.

Klein was not surprised, because Anderson Hood had the thread of his spiritual body wrapped around him.

Of course, in front of outsiders, the persona still needs to be maintained.

Klein was stunned for a moment, then quickly approached and said hello very politely: "Mr. Hood, what a coincidence."

"Yes." Anderson Hood was about to cry.

When William Cullen doesn't appear, everything is fine, even the weather is fine.

Once William Cullen showed up, everything went wrong, even the wine became hard to swallow.

"The appearance of this guy means that the peaceful life is gone forever." Anderson lamented in his heart.

However, the fate that must be faced must always be faced.

Like a true warrior, he calmed down and forced himself to continue acting out the scene.

Klein can probably relate to Anderson Hood's helpless and powerless mood.

Because he has also sat in the other person's position.

With a chuckle, he ordered a refreshing light beer from the bar owner, deliberately spread out his full notebook, and said excitedly: "Thanks to you for taking care of me these days, my field research has gone very smoothly. I believe

These results will definitely be turned into a valuable paper when returned to Lundberg!"

Anderson Hood: Stop talking to me about Lundborg and your crappy thesis!

Big brother.



What on earth do you want to do? You have to let me die to understand.

Anderson wailed in his heart.

At this moment, there was a slight tremor under everyone's feet.

Anderson Hood reacted quickly and shouted: "There's an earthquake!"

The words fell and he walked out without thinking.

The houses on the beach are all made of wooden structures and can easily collapse. Although he is only one step away from becoming a demigod, no one wants to be disgraced by such a natural disaster.

After running two steps, Anderson Hood seemed to remember something, gritted his teeth, grabbed the sleeve of 'William Cullen' and ran out.

Klein pretended to be anxious and shouted: "My notebook, my notebook!"

"Don't worry about your notebook, it's important to escape!" As he spoke, Anderson Hood and a group of panicked drinkers came outside.

When I looked up, I happened to see the shadow of a giant snake.

Not only him, but almost everyone on the island saw the giant snake roaring and roaring above the clouds.

Anderson Hood subconsciously glanced at 'William Cullen' next to him, and found that the other person also had an expression of horror.

Are you still pretending?

Although there is no evidence, Anderson Hood is certain that this guy next to him is responsible.

Some things can exist, but they cannot be brought to light.

Extraordinary phenomena occurred in Tuscat Parish, and the punishers of the Church of Storms took action one after another. Perhaps because they did not have to rush, the old pigeons were rarely very punctual this time.

"How brave you are."

The old pigeon in the lead was wearing a loose blue priest's uniform, but the top of his head was bald, giving him the air of a strong man.

He looked at the sky, holding a double-headed musket in his hand, with faint flames coming out of the muzzle. It was obviously an extraordinary item.

"Archbishop Chris, now is not the time to talk about this. Protecting believers is what we should do." Suddenly, a punishment substitute spoke anxiously.

These extraordinary people from the Church of Storms are all short-tempered and have a relatively single way of thinking. They are not as reckless as the Church of God of War, but they are not far behind.

When Archbishop Chris heard this, his eyes widened: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

He snorted coldly, waved his hand, and sent half of his staff to evacuate the people.

Then he said: "No need to follow me, I'll go meet that guy!"

Pick up the gun and take a step forward.

In an instant, a strong wind blew up, sending his body flying into the sky.

"You bastard who blasphemed our Lord, I will kill you!" Archbishop Chris stared angrily.

The grumpy old pigeon is indeed the grumpy old pigeon, and he has no equal in his grumpiness.

The phantom of the giant snake in the sky faced the Archbishop of the Church of Storms without fear, and opened its mouth to spit out a bolt of lightning.

Seeing this, Archbishop Chris became even more angry.

The mentality can be simply summarized as: No matter what level you are, I will use the same extraordinary ability.

Without saying a word, he picked up the spray gun and fired two shots.

Under the holy flame of exorcism, everyone is equal.

Roaring tongues of fire rushed out of the gun's muzzle, and two fire dragons suddenly appeared.

When they met each other once, the giant snake exploded into pieces.

The victory has been decided!

The killing process went extremely smoothly, but Archbishop Chris did not see any joy on his face. Instead, he frowned deeply and murmured: "Something is wrong."

Of course something is wrong——

Because the giant snake that appeared over Tuscat Island was not the 'Poseidon' at all.

These days, Klein is not idle.

Under Lynn's leadership, he sneaked into Bayam's underwater ruins many times.

When we got to the door, we didn’t force our way in. We just watched the appearance of the sea snake from a distance.

When the connection between the two parties reached a level where historical projections could be fished out, Klein knew that the time had come.

Thus, the drama of "Poseidon" descending on Tuscat Island through the air was staged.

And this is just the prologue.

This chapter has been completed!
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