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Chapter 737 Birth within Birth

"My name is Jelica."

"He is a trainee paladin in Bast Prison, which belongs to the kingdom."

"More than ten days ago, the crime of greed broke out of prison with others and reduced the entire prison to ashes."

"I escaped a bullet because I was away on vacation..."

"After that, I missed the best opportunity to fight, was shamelessly attacked, and fell into coma."

"For some unknown reason, the prisoner who robbed the prison did not kill me and allowed me to survive."

"This is my personal luck, but it is the paladin's shame!"

After writing this, Jelica stopped the quill in her hand.

Under the firelight, her face looked a little pale.

Looking up and looking at the moon above her head, Jelica had complicated emotions in her eyes.

She remembered many people.

There are family and friends, teachers and classmates, and colleagues who once looked down on him but now have no word from him.

And those vicious and creepy prisoners...

Sighing slightly, she continued to focus on the diary in her palm and wrote down:

"The Seven Deadly Sins, the most vicious and evil knights in history."

"Every member is a sin-bearing, heinous person!"

"His Majesty, the merciful King, disregards past grudges and bestows them with glory."

"They repaid kindness with vengeance and secretly murdered the then Holy Knight Captain."

"If anyone can see this diary, be careful of those guys..."

"Getting back to the subject - according to rumors, the purpose of the 'Seven Deadly Sins' is to overthrow the rule of the kingdom and cause endless killings on the continent to satisfy their own selfish desires."

"Under the call of careerist Jon Joestar, the 'Seven Deadly Sins' who had disappeared for many years reunited."

"As a Holy Knight, I swear by the sword in my hand that I will stop the rebellion of the wicked!"

"But being alone, I accidentally encountered a wave of monsters and lost my way."

"At this point, I can't even confirm whether I am still in the Kingdom of Leonis, so there is no need to mention the matter of stopping the rebellion."

Speaking of which, Jelica is really unlucky.

After being knocked unconscious by Meliodas, she was supposed to return to the capital when she regained consciousness, but was unexpectedly swept away by a tide of beasts on the way.

I finally managed to escape with my life, but I lost all my belongings. Except for a pen, a portable diary, and a sword, nothing was left.

no way.

Jelica can only start wilderness survival mode.

Apprentice Paladin...

Talk about whether you are strong or not, talk about whether you are weak or not.

It has no problem dealing with ordinary beasts, but its claws will be numb when encountering slightly stronger ones.

What a coincidence.

She was carried by the herd to the border of Lyonis Kingdom.

This place is deserted and there are all kinds of monsters wandering around.

There are natural ones and artificially cultivated ones...

The 'artificial cultivation' here refers to the failed products of Hendrickson's experiment using the blood of the demon god. They could not be destroyed easily, so they were allowed to wander around the border.

Like raising poison, the strongest among them will be taken back to the capital by Hendrickson to continue his research.

The dead are naturally the survival of the fittest, natural selection.

At the beginning, Jelica's thoughts were all about expelling the "Seven Deadly Sins" and protecting the king.

However, reality slapped this girl hard.

She didn't eat for several days, which made her lose weight. Plus, the demon blood monster appeared from time to time.

Jelica was exhausted and felt that she was almost at the end, so she wrote a diary to record some of her things.

It’s not for anything else, I just hope that someone who is destined to pick it up will not be forgotten by the world.

"I'm very hungry. It's so desolate here that it's hard to find something to eat."

"I haven't drunk water for a few days... If I had known this, I should have used the helmet to collect more water as a backup when it rained a few days ago."

"Haha, speaking of which, I have hallucinations from time to time, and I can hardly tell the boundary between reality and illusion."

It is true that the Paladin is more powerful than ordinary people, but after all, he is a mortal body and is limited by various physiological factors.

Due to the extreme lack of water and hunger, Jelica was in a trance.

As she wrote, she stared blankly into the distance.

Inexplicably, I felt a black shadow appear in my sight.

"Here we go again." She murmured to herself, with a wry smile on her lips.

Was it last night or the night before? In a daze, she saw her brother who was an errand in the royal capital.

It was precisely because the family favored boys over girls that Jelica came up with the idea of ​​'becoming a paladin and competing with her brother'.

I didn't expect fate to play a trick on me.

I can't survive the day when Fengfengguangguang returns to his family...

"Damn it." Jelica bit her lip lightly, feeling unwilling to do so.

And the black shadow got closer and closer.

Soon, he arrived in front of her.

"Little sister, alone? Wait, I think you look familiar."

A voice sounded in my ears, revealing a relaxed and carefree voice, but also a bit unreliable.

Jelica couldn't react for a while.

After a full two or three minutes, she stood up suddenly, but because she was too anxious, her feet went weak unconsciously, and she sat down in a standard soil seat.

"No, no, no, no, this isn't the Chinese New Year. Why are you kowtowing to me? Let me tell you first, I don't have any New Year's money to give you."

Hearing this, three black lines appeared on Jelica's forehead.

She struggled to get up, but unexpectedly the person on the other side bent down and said: "Don't worry, don't worry, I think you are too hungry to walk. Come on, I have a Snickers bar here, eat it."

It will make you feel better."

Although she didn’t understand what a Snickers bar was, Jelica still accepted the black snack offered by the other party.

In this case, regardless of whether it was poisonous or not, Jelica tore open the outer packaging and wolfed it down, finishing it in two or three bites.

It's not until the food is eaten that the rich flavor blooms on the tip of the tongue.

Jelica was stunned, savoring the sweetness on her tongue, she had never been so happy.

"Thank you, thank you!" She burst into tears with excitement.

Survival from desperate situation.

This joy is difficult to describe in words.

Looking at the appearance of the visitor, Jelica couldn't help but blush.

He thought to himself: "So handsome!"

Understand, if a handsome guy with a Snickers appears in a desperate situation, no matter who he is, his heart will be moved...

This chapter is not over yet. Please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "As long as you are fine, let's continue the topic. I think you look familiar. What's your name?"

"My name is Jelica." Jelica took a deep breath and changed from kneeling on both knees to kneeling on one knee. "Thank you for your great kindness. In the name of the Holy Knight, I will definitely repay you.

A kindness!”

"Jelica? There seems to be some impression. Don't say anything yet and let me look for it." The black-haired young man stared at Jelica and tapped his temple lightly.

After a while, he said ‘oh’, “I remembered, it’s you!”

Jelica blinked, "Sir, have we met before?"

Jon didn't answer, but asked: "Why are you here? Theoretically, shouldn't you be in the royal capital?"

Jelica was stunned for a moment, becoming even more confused.

Thinking back carefully, she confirmed that this was indeed the first time the two parties had met.

Suppressing her thoughts, Jelica spoke truthfully: "On the way to the royal capital, I encountered a tide of beasts."

"The tide of beasts!" The black-haired young man seemed to be surprised, and then he thought of something and pointed in a certain direction, "It doesn't come from that place, does it?"

"Yes, yes, how do you know?" Jelica was extremely surprised.

The black-haired young man smiled sheepishly: "It's nothing."

So suspicious——

Although there is no evidence, Jelica feels that the inexplicable tide of beasts may be related to the man in front of her.

But soon, these unfounded speculations were deliberately forgotten by her, and she blamed in her heart: "Jelica, Jelica, how can you maliciously speculate on your benefactor? Speaking of which, the snack just now was so delicious, and

Sweet and fragrant, with nuts and peanuts in it..."

Thinking of this, the bitterness and sweetness left between the lips and teeth seem to be more obvious.

At the same time, her stomach growled unsatisfactorily.

"Sorry, sorry, I haven't eaten for a long time. It's deserted around here and there's almost nothing to eat." Jelica explained with a blush.

Paladins are not hunters.

Even if you have some ability to survive in the wild, you are not a professional after all.

There aren't even any hairs around, so I don't have the conditions to eat hair and drink blood.

Jelica felt miserable.

If he hadn't met the man in front of him, he might have become the first paladin in history to starve to death...

The black-haired young man expressed his understanding: "Eating and drinking are important things in life. I didn't eat at night. My friends were busy doing business and left me alone outside... So what, meeting each other is fate."

With a flash of inspiration, he raised a finger: "Hey, I'll give you a bowl of noodles, braised beef noodles, you can try it!"

beef noodles!

Just listen to this name

Jelica seemed to smell the aroma of hot noodle soup, and crystal saliva flowed from the corner of her mouth unconsciously.

But looking around, I couldn't find even a pinch of flour, let alone a cow.

How to make beef noodles?

The black-haired young man seemed to have read through Jelica's thoughts and comforted: "Don't worry, I told you to make beef noodles just right, and I will make sure you are full."

After he finished speaking, he lightly snapped his fingers.

Many magic circles instantly appeared around the two of them.

Jelica was shocked.

There was no time to react. Countless ingredients and cooking utensils were neatly placed.

"You are a magician!"

In this version where warriors are inferior to dogs and magicians walk sideways, magicians generally work in the courts of various countries and their status is very high.

Jelica's trainee paladins can only be considered contract workers, while magicians are the serious ones!

"That's right. Stop talking. Aren't you hungry? Save some energy and just watch carefully." The black-haired young man did not explain, but began to boil water and noodles in front of Jellica.

While busy, chatting.

He smiled and said, "I've been cooking a lot lately. I don't have to cook for a while, and I'm not used to it."

After a pause, he added: "You're here now. The noodles I make are not only the best in the world, they are also unique."

Jelica looked at the delicious-looking ingredients, and her stomach growled more and more.

She wanted to say, 'Stop it, just feed it to me like this', but the remaining dignity allowed Jelica to maintain her sanity as a civilized person.

But his eyes kept wandering back and forth on that piece of sauced beef.

"Forgot to ask, how did you end up in such a situation? Even if you encounter a tide of beasts and accidentally come here, you won't be in such a mess, right?"

Hearing this, Jelica lowered her head in embarrassment, "I wanted to go back the same way, but unexpectedly I encountered several monsters that were neither human nor ghosts on the way. Those monsters were so powerful that I couldn't defeat them. They fled randomly and were completely lost.

Only then..."

Prison escape, beast tide, monster.

If there was an award for the best bad luck, Jelica would at least get one nomination.

"Your luck is really bad." The black-haired young man replied casually.

"You...what about you, distinguished Lord Magician, why are you living here?" Jelica boldly asked in order to distract herself from the sauced beef.

"Just call me by my name, I'm Jon." The black-haired young man scratched his eyebrows: "As I said just now, I came here to do business with my friends, and then they went somewhere anxiously and took me

One person was left outside."

"Jon..." Upon hearing this name, Jellica's expression became a little unnatural.

But then I thought about it, how could the villains who gathered the "Seven Deadly Sins", killed Her Royal Highness, and attempted to subvert the rule of the kingdom appear in such a deserted place for no reason.

It must be the same name!

That's right.

Duplicate name!

Jelica used this reason to comfort herself and said, "Lord Jon, your friends have gone too far. How can they abandon you for no reason?"

"Actually, I didn't go there on my own initiative. There's nothing interesting in that place." Jon smiled.

Jelica suddenly didn't know what to say.

However, in order to keep the scene quiet, she still deliberately looked for a topic: "Come to think of it, your name is exactly the same as that of the most active villain in the kingdom."

"Evil person? Which evil person? Tell me." Jon asked knowingly.

Jelica's eyes turned cold: "The evil man's name is Jon Joestar. He is a bard who travels around the world and has been active in the Kingdom of Leonis in recent years.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Originally, he won the love of the people in the capital with his outstanding singing voice and unique stories, and even gained reputations such as 'Holy Voice Singing', but he did not expect this guy with a human face and an animal heart.

He secretly abducted and killed Princess Elizabeth."

"No way, you even dare to kill the princess!"

Jelica: "Not only that, he also summoned the 'Seven Deadly Sins' knights who had committed evil in the past, with the intention of subverting the rule of the kingdom."

"Is that too much?" Jon pretended to be shocked and said from the bottom of his heart: "That guy is really a beast."

These words spoke to Jelica's heart.

If it weren't for Jon Joestar, how could the Seven Deadly Sins break into Buster Prison? If Buster Prison was still intact, she wouldn't be in the situation she is in now.

Gritting her teeth hard, Jelica nodded in agreement: "Not only is he a beast, he is simply the best of beasts!"

"Ha, a beast among beasts." Jon repeated it deliberately, feeling a little amused.

"Sooner or later, I will chop off his head with the sword in my hand and restore peace to the kingdom!" Perhaps it was the desperate situation that gave Jelica courage again.

She drew her sword, her eyes burning.

Jon laughed, turned around, took down the bowl of noodles, and asked casually: "Do you want chopped green onions?"

"Uh... no need." Jelica declined kindly.

At this moment, many heavy footsteps came from far and near, seemingly attracted by the aroma of beef noodles.

"Oh no, it's those half-human, half-ghost monsters!" Jelica was horrified, and her newly raised ambitions were shattered in the face of reality.

Jon held the bowl of noodles with an expression as if he was watching a show: "Come on, Miss Jelica, I will cheer you up from behind."


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