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Chapter 807 Quartz ConferenceUnstoppable

Hello everyone, I am Squirtle.

I'm panicking a lot now.

Here's the thing.

Originally, I was staying well in the Poké Ball.

I was called out for no reason.

Just call it out.

And inexplicably, he had to fight against a Nidoking who looked like he had a genetic mutation.

Simply ridiculous!

All right……

be honest.

It's not inexplicable.

But I wasn't prepared at all.

Woo woo woo.

Mom, I’m going to become Guiling Gao!

Squirtle looks back.

Looked at Xiaozhi with big watery eyes.

Feeling Turtle's clear gaze, Xiaozhi immediately waved his fist: "You are also on fire, right! Squirtle, use the bubble light!"

Turtle: Your mother... is in good health.

Hehe, Aunt Hanako is here too, what a coincidence.

have to.

It seems that this battle is inevitable.

Turtle's eyes flashed: "Jenny!"

Boo hoo hoo——

Bubbles carrying grief, anger and memories condense into water-colored light.

Turtle thought, this might be the best scene of his turtle life.

Nidoking blinked, the little guy on the other side of the secret passage was having a lot of fun.

At this time, the trainer's voice came into my ears: "Get into the hole."

The hole is ready-made and there is no need to dig it again.

Nidoking plunged into the hole with agility that was not suited to his body shape.

The attack failed, and a big question mark appeared above Squirtle's head.

Taller than you, stronger than you and faster than you.

Can this be played?

Seeing Nidoking's performance, Xiaozhi also felt stressed.

At the same time, a hint of excitement arose in his heart.

Nidoking is Brother Qiaoqiao's ace Pokémon. Being able to fight Nidoking doesn't mean that Brother Qiaoqiao recognizes him as a challenger in his heart?

"Squirtle, please rain!"


The turtle closed its eyes, acted like a girl, coughed, and prayed.

Jon smiled, "You have a way of using the weather. It's very much like me in the past."


Whether it's the mastery of tactics or the use of weather.

Xiaozhi learned from Qiaoen.

Jon smiled slightly.

Still too tender.


Suddenly, the earth shook.

Nidoking jumped out of the ground and interrupted Turtle's 'pray for rain'.

Xiaozhi was waiting for this opportunity: "Water Tail!"

Virtual and real.

Lure the enemy into attacking.

Squirtle opened his eyes suddenly, "Squirtle!"

Turtles have short tails.

But just because it's short, doesn't mean it can't be used.

Don't you think it's short and concise?

But they saw Squirtle doing a backflip on the spot, head down, tail up, with a turbulent flow of water, hitting Nidoking hard.


The water bursts.

"Hit! Successful hit! Ash's plan to lure the enemy was very successful. The ground-type Nidoking withstood the blow head-on!"

The commentator became excited.

The surrounding audience was also excited.

Who doesn't like the drama of getting down and getting up?

Turtle has performed well enough.

At least, it's much better than that fire-breathing dragon that obviously has no abilities but only loses its temper.

But there was no joy on Squirtle's face.

Quite the opposite.

He wanted to cry.

Because Nidoking has captured him.

Slowly lower your head and look directly into your own eyes.

Nidoking opened his mouth wide and showed a kind smile.

‘Brother, you have skin’

The turtle was very scared.

Subconsciously, he shrank into his turtle shell.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi's eyes widened in disbelief: "How could it be!"

Water overcomes the ground.

This is the unchanging truth in Pokémon battles.

But why.

Nidoking looks uninjured?

"The physiques of Pokémon are different from Pokémon to Pokémon. My Nidoking is strong." Jon explained to Xiaozhi thoughtfully.

To put it bluntly, it is the embodiment of ‘individual value’ in the real world.

You don’t really think that Nidoking would be so tall and strong for nothing, do you?

Muscle density, bone density and other messy things bring Nidoking stronger strength and faster explosive power.

Just a "water tail", no pain or itching.

"Let Turtle rest, Nidoking." Jon said softly.

Nidoking's smile became brighter and brighter, and without using any moves, he gently threw the turtle into the sky. Under the influence of gravity, the turtle fell dizzy and lost the ability to fight.

On the big screen, the Poké Ball under Ash's portrait dimmed again.

"Sure enough, Nidoking." Xiaozhi put the turtle away distressedly, took a deep breath, and sent out the Big Bird.


Big Bird appeared and flew high into the sky immediately, showing excellent combat experience.

Xiaozhi calmed down and said, "Maximum power, blow away!"

Nidoking is really unsolvable.

At least now Xiaozhi can't think of a way to win.

In this case, let him be forced to die.

Nidoking opened his arms, intending to take the blow forcefully.

Unexpectedly, Jon actually took back Nidoking first.

"You also have to give the other brothers the opportunity to perform. Take a break for now... Gyarados, it's your turn."

Following Jon's words, the red Gyarados appeared boldly.

Brutal, cruel.

Scarlet eyes looked at everything.

The big bird in the sky trembled slightly.

‘Intimidation’ succeeded.

"Gyarados! Different-colored Gyarados! Player Jojo has sent out another different-colored Pokémon! Following Gengar and Nidoking, this is already the third different-colored Pokémon shown by player Jojo.


Pokémon of different colors are very precious and rare.

Many rich people even spend huge sums of money to acquire Pokémon of different colors as a means of showing off.


Everyone knows that Pokémon of different colors are no different from ordinary Pokémon.

But I can’t stand the color scheme, it’s really cool.

The body of the red Gyarados is like flowing fire, and its scales shine brightly in the sun, making it very gorgeous.

Xiaozhi raised his forehead and sighed.

He and Xiaoxia personally caught the heterochromatic Gyarados.

At that time, this guy was just the Carp King, who was silly and splashing around all day long...

"I seem to have seen the gap between us, but I won't give in easily." Xiaozhi pointed forward: "Come on, Dabi Bird, air slash!"

"Compare! Compare!"

The big bird looked up to the sky and screamed, its wings slashing out sharp vacuum waves.

Gyarados is too big and cannot be avoided, so he simply uses attack to attack, opens up, and shoots the blue beam into the sky.

"Freezing beam?! Dabi Bird, get out of the way!"

Ash had no doubt that if he were hit by Gyarados's 'Freezing Beam', Dabi Bird would probably lose the ability to fight on the spot.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The big bird flew sideways.

Narrowly dodging the 'freezing beam'.

Jon said 'normal'.

Who let him be the protagonist?

But you don’t have to say anything to avoid my moves. The flinching effect of ‘Air Slash’ can also appear?

It’s not Pokski who has the characteristics of ‘Tian En’, it’s too fake.

However, after being hit twice, Gyarados showed obvious hesitation in his movements and his expression was no longer as fierce as before.

When Xiaozhi saw it, his face lit up with joy: "Dabi Bird, continue the 'Air Slash'!"

"Compare! Compare!"

It's completely the opposite extreme from Charizard. Among Ash's Pokémon, Tabby should be considered the most reliable.

As he flew, he used his wings to create vacuum waves.

Gyarados suffered repeated injuries, and its blood volume dropped instantly.

Jon knew he couldn't continue like this, so he raised his tone slightly: "Cheer up, unlimited 'One Hundred Thousand Volts'!"

Damn it, don’t underestimate the bond between me and the model worker!

Gyarados has a fateful life.

He obviously has great power, but he keeps failing in various situations.

The same is true today.

If Jon didn't shout like this, Gyarados would probably be charged to death...

Hearing the trainer's voice, Gyarados' eyes regained clarity.

Head held high and roaring.

The scales all over his body gather countless thunder and lightning energy.

When Xiaozhi saw it, he realized that calling secretly was not good, so he quickly asked Dabi Bird to use 'Hold'.

An attack of this magnitude cannot be resolved by just saying "dodge quickly". Defensive moves must be used!

It is said that it is too late and that is too soon.

Countless electric currents burst out from Gyarados' body, almost covering the entire battlefield.

Fortunately, there are special protections around the trainer's location and the stands, otherwise, something serious would have happened.

Big Bird succeeded.

Didn't get called down.

But he also failed.

Because after the discharge of electricity, Gyarados chose to take the initiative.

In the blink of an eye, the distance between the two sides was less than five meters!

"Yes, Gyarados can fly..." A similar thought flashed through Xiaozhi's mind.

Gyarados opened its big mouth and bit the bird's wing.

There is nothing more to say next.

‘One hundred thousand volts’ at close range.

It was impossible for Bibi Bird to 'defend' continuously, and it was a pity that they lost.

"The third one."

Jon held up three fingers.

Xiaozhi gritted his teeth.

Charizard, Squirtle, and Dabi Bird have all lost their ability to fight.

The only Pokémon in his hand were Crab, the burned Bulbasaur, and Pikachu.

"No matter what, I have to kill one of Brother Qiaoqiao's Pokémon!" Ash pressed the brim of his hat, intending to send out the Giant Claw.

But suddenly, he changed his mind and chose the backup Pokémon: Stinky Mud.

"Freeze Beam."

Following Jon's command, Gyarados opened its mouth and spit out blue light.

Xiaozhi shouted: "Hold!"

This scene seems familiar.

The stinky mud bubbles up, and a wall of light appears on the body's surface to resolve the damage.

Jon smiled: "Xiaozhi, your taste has improved."

Xiaozhi just pretended not to hear the ridicule and continued to order: "Poisonous!"


The sense of déjà vu is so strong.

Jon seemed to understand what Xiaozhi wanted to do.

Sure enough, after using the 'poison', Xiangshou Ni immediately summoned a 'substitute'.

"Good guy, you're just playing 'poison guard' now, aren't you? Potter, how dare you use my tactics against me?"


Who is Porter?

Forget it.

That kind of thing is not important at all.

The important thing is that Gyarados has been poisoned.

As long as you operate it properly, you can wear down the opponent even if you use up hard work.

As expected, Gyarados was deflated.

Every time, he is either failing or on the way to failure.

It was as if luck had disappeared with the disappearance of the golden koi.

The feeling of being 'poisoned' was unpleasant, making Gyarados a little restless.

At this time, Jon ordered: "Attack the substitute."

Gyarados braced himself up, opened his big mouth and bit into pieces of Stinky Mud's substitute.

How could Xiaozhi give up this good opportunity: "Smelly mud, sludge bomb!"

"Hehehe." The smelly mud monster smiled and threw balls of dark purple sludge onto Gyarados.

Gyarados's blood volume dropped again, and he was about to die.

Jon ordered calmly: "Resurrect the dead."


Gyarados roared.

Completely! Crazy! Crazy!

Minion tail scale.

Wherever it could attack, Gyarados used it as a weapon.

Xiaozhi was shocked and said quickly: "Hold! Hold! Smelly mud, hold on!"

His biggest mistake was to use the "Sludge Bomb" when the avatar was broken, which further reduced Gyarados' health.

Moreover, Stinky Mud is just a backup Pokémon. It has received too little training in normal times. Now that it is used in battle, it only has a flash of inspiration, and the speed of "defending" is not timely.


The smelly mud was knocked away and flew directly out of the battle platform, eyes rolling in circles.

The whole place was silent.

After about three or four seconds, the voice of the commentary started.

"Gyarados... Gyarados's fatal blow is so powerful... Stinky Mud has lost the ability to fight, and the balance of victory is tipping towards contestant Qiao Qiao."

Xiaozhi scratched his head in frustration: "It still doesn't work?"

Although he was prepared to temporarily change his tactics and fail, Xiaozhi was still a little frustrated by the defeat of Xiuxianni.

"You are too greedy. If it were me, I would use the 'substitute' again after the substitute is crushed, or further reduce the opponent's status."

While Jon was putting away Gyarados, he also commented leisurely: "There is nothing wrong with imitating a cat or a tiger, but the execution of the tactics is too low. You have not fully utilized the potential of Pokémon like Smelly."

Xiaozhi nodded with deep understanding: "I'm not skilled in keeping poison, I'm just treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor."

Look at each other.

The two interrupted their conversation and summoned new Pokémon.

Eevee and Bulbasaur stand opposite each other.

A wry smile appeared on Xiaozhi's lips.

As soon as Ibrahimovic comes on the field, the first thing he has to guard against is the 'takeover tactic'.

If you really let Eevee stack up his status and 'take over' the baton to Fire Eevee, it will be extremely detrimental to your Pikachu.

Sister Ibrahimovic's mentality is very relaxed.

After experiencing several battles, she has a clear positioning for herself.

Anyway, she won’t be able to chew the hard bones~

"Bulbasaur, parasitic seed!"

"There was a flash of lightning."

The two of them gave the order almost at the same time.

Bulbasaur and Eevee's sister attack at the same time.

However, the priorities of moves are different.

Ibrahimovic knocked Bulbasaur away with his head.

Bulbasaur's 'parasitic seed' missed again.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi clenched his fists tightly: "Prejudgment?"

Reading first is especially important in battle.

He felt that his thoughts had been completely seen through by Jon.

Bulbasaur showed a pained expression.

Before the 'burn' was gone, she was hit hard by Ibrahimovic again. Her blood volume reached the red line, which was already very unhealthy.

Xiaozhi's mind moved slightly.

This moment is just like that moment...


Bulbasaur has not mastered the 'Resurrection' move.


She knows that trick.

"Bulbasaur! Hypnosis powder!"

Leave all your luck to this trick.

Xiaozhi prayed secretly in his heart.

Bulbasaur used his last strength to spray out the hypnotic pollen in the flower buds.

The distance between the two sides is too close.

Even though Ibrahimovic instinctively set up a wall of light, he still inhaled some hypnotic pollen.

The little head tilted and he began to fall asleep.

"Great! It's successful!" Xiaozhi jumped excitedly.

Bulbasaur, with only a trace of blood left, was relieved.

Opposite him, Jon couldn't help scratching his eyebrows.

Is this okay?

Fortunately, his skill library is rich.

Otherwise, Xiaozhi would really have stolen the chicken.

Clearing his throat, he calmly ordered:

"Ibrahimovic, talking in sleep."

This chapter has been completed!
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