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Chapter 826 Rushing to the Sacred Mountain

The city of Kaina is indeed prosperous.

Such a developed big city dazzled Xiaozhi who came out of "Shangougou".

The two girls chatted together and wandered around the various stalls at the port.

It's not a stereotype, Jon really feels that girls have three to four times better physical strength when shopping than usual...

Xiaogang also brought a lot of things. They were all kinds of tree fruits and precious materials that couldn't be bought elsewhere.

He had made up his mind to further his studies in the field of breeding, and asked Jon for many tips on how to make Pokémon dumplings.

From dawn to dusk, everyone was happy.

Tired, but also excited.

"Jojo Nissan, let's fight again tomorrow." Before parting, Xiaozhi said to Jon with full energy.

Jon laughed dryly, "Okay, okay, next time, next time."

Hearing this, the simple little boy from Zhenxin Town thought that Jon had agreed, and was immediately overjoyed.

He really enjoyed playing against Brother Qiaoqiao.

Every time it gives him new ideas, and from time to time he can steal some dirty tricks.

Let's put it this way.

Xiaozhi now completely regards Jon as the blame.

Brushing once gives you experience once.

A mature and steady elder brother?

Laoden with a lot of experience!

"Then it's settled." Xiaozhi waved his hand vigorously.

Xiaoyao also expressed his gratitude to Jon: "I really trouble you this time."

Making friends is a matter of skill and luck.

If it weren't for Qiaoen's help, Xiaoyao would probably have to travel alone for a long time before meeting a suitable partner.

"It's a trivial matter. Besides, it's also to compensate for the fact that you came all the way but failed to achieve results in the gorgeous contest." Jon scratched his eyebrows: "If you have a chance, you can compete with my Eevee by using your strength again.


"Okay~" Xiaoyao smiled sweetly.

After a few more pleasantries, the two parties formally parted.

Return to your hotel.

It was still early, so Jon wanted to talk to Dawu for a while.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the door of Dawu's room, the rich second-generation Fengyuan champion pushed out the door and bumped into Jon.

"You came just in time!" Dawu's eyes lit up, "Something happened, come with me quickly."

problem occurs?

A question mark appeared above Jon's head.

Dawu didn't have time to explain, so he grabbed Jon's sleeve and ran to the top of the building.

There, parked was a Devon helicopter.

After boarding the plane and fastening his seat belt, Dawu took a sip of water and finally told the whole story.

"I just received information that the Sacred Mountain was invaded by the Lava Group and the Water Fleet Group at the same time. The two organizations met and started fighting, taking many innocent trainers hostage."

Daigo said bitterly: "Last time, the lava group escaped in Chimney Mountain, along with the remnants of the water fleet group. This time, you two brothers and I will join forces and we must kill all those guys!"

It is better to rush early than to rush late.

With a ready-made high-end combat power like Jon, it would be useless if you don't use it.

The personal relationship between the two is already very good.

Moreover, Jon has the identity of an inspector of the International Pokémon Federation.

Both emotionally and rationally, one should come forward.

"Water Fleet Group? Okay... I understand." Qiao Wen pillowed his arms and said, "There seems to be an inextricable fate with these unlucky children. First they were cadres, then they were leaders, and now a group of remnants have jumped out. Hey, so are they.

Quite unlucky."

Beating a child on a rainy day is just idle time.

Shui Wutong wanted to attack the Shark Man directly at the beginning, and Qiao couldn't fight back no matter how hard he tried.

"I knew you wouldn't sit idly by." Dawu smiled knowingly.

Then, he calmed down his expression: "To be honest, Qiao Qiao, the reason why the lava group and the water fleet group are opposed is because their beliefs conflict with each other. Let me ask, what do you think about the three legendary beasts in the Fengyuan area?

Have you heard anything?"

Meet Dawu's eyes.

But I saw Mr. Champion looking like he wanted to tell a story.

Jon pondered for a moment and said vaguely: "I have heard about it, but I don't know much about it."

Hearing this, Daigo closed his eyes and then slowly opened them, "In our Fengyuan region, there are three extremely powerful beasts. They are in charge of the power of water, causing huge waves, Kyogre, the master of the sea; and in charge of the power of fire.

, causing countless volcanoes to erupt, Groudon, the ruler of the land.

According to legend, the two mythical beasts are tit for tat and have been fighting since ancient times.

While they were fighting each other, the Hoenn region experienced unimaginable disasters. Tsunamis continued, the earth shattered, and people were displaced.

At this moment, Rayquaza, the dragon who controls the power of wind, dominates thunder and lightning, and controls thousands of weather conditions, comes forward to mediate the conflict between Groudon and Kyogre, restores peace to the world, and ends the Feng

The chaos in the Yuan area for countless years.”

Jon applauded very cooperatively: "Wow~"

Dawu twitched the corner of his mouth: "Can your expression be any more fake?"

"I don't mean anything else. I just think Rayquaza is such a good beast. I also lament that the triangle is the most stable shape. There are three sacred birds and three sacred beasts in Kanto. You also have three sacred beasts in Hoenn. Hmm, that's interesting.


Daigo: "No, I have told you so much, but you have missed the point. The point is that the lava group and the water fleet group want to awaken Groudon and Kyogre. One side wants to expand the land, and the other side wants to expand.

The ocean and the opposition of ideas make the two sides incompatible."

"So what you're saying is that we have to act as Rayquaza to mediate conflicts." Jon asked with a smile.

"This is the truth, but we are not here to mediate conflicts." Daigo straightened his tie, "In fact, Rayquaza did not mediate the conflicts between Groudon and Kyogre as rumored, but relied on his powerful

Strength, forcing the two divine beasts, forcing them to stop and go back wherever they should."

After a pause, he added: "We two brothers also have to let the lava group and water fleet group go to where they should go, which is the alliance's holding room!"

It's rare to see such a vicious Dawu. I can only say that the two terrorist organizations causing trouble everywhere really pissed off this champion who has always had a good temper.

Jon had nothing to say and gave Dawu a thumbs up: "Everything else is superfluous. Let's see what happens."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Devon's helicopters have obviously been modified, and their speed and comfort are far beyond ordinary aerial tools.

Looking through the window from a distance, the sacred mountain comes into view.

Dawu gave Jon a look.

Jon nodded and chose a luxurious ball from his waist.

When Dawu saw it, he opened the hatch and jumped down, creating a thrilling scene.

However, as he fell into the air, a stream of light flashed by, and the Metagross lifted his body up and flew quickly towards the Sacred Mountain.

Jon followed suit, he also fell freely for a while, and then summoned Gyarados.

Two Pokémon with strong auras of different colors broke through the clouds one after another, falling from the sky like two shooting stars.

The sudden change almost scared the members of the water fleet group and the lava group in the melee to the point of peeing.

Someone with sharp eyes recognized Dawu and shouted: "Champion! The champion is here!"

The champion is the face and trump card of a region!

Dawu scanned the scene and found that many tombstones had been broken by members of the Water Fleet Group and the Lava Group, and he couldn't help but feel a frown on his eyebrows.

"It's too much. You guys have gone too far."

The Sacred Mountain is originally the resting place for dead Pokémon.

However, such a place that should not be disturbed was wreaked havoc by these fearless guys.

"Come on Metagross!" Dawu pointed forward.

Metagross immediately transformed into a steel chariot and ran straight over the ground.

Jon also patted the scales of the big red monster beside him and said softly: "Be careful, don't capsize in the ditch."

It's not that he's unconfident, it's that Gyarados has been a bit of a badass since he was a kid.

Even if you can win the game, you might get into some trouble.

Gyarados was a little unhappy, but had no reason to refute.

After thinking about it carefully, the trainer did not mean any harm, so he directed all his anger at the members of the Water Fleet Group and the Lava Group not far away.

There were only two Pokémon, but they showed a crushing situation.

Those minions of the Water Fleet Group and the Lava Group have never experienced this, being beaten by Metagross and Gyarados until they cried for their parents.

Of course, Dawu and Qiaoen had reservations and did not really go on a killing spree.

After all, he is a decent character, so he still has to draw a bottom line.

No matter what, if you open your mouth and say, "You have a way to die," it is too cruel.

The two of them went all the way up from the foot of the Sacred Mountain. As they passed, the members of the Water Fleet Group and the Lava Group fled away.

In the end, the two sides simply stopped fighting and even teamed up to prevent Daigo and Qiaoen from climbing.

It's a pity that it's the Mantis Authority after all——

To put it bluntly, two trainers with championship strength come together, let alone such a low-level villain organization. Even if a first-level god jumps out, the two brothers have to think about whether they have to fight against the opponent.


"Something's wrong."

Although the situation was great, Dawu frowned. "Qiaoqiao, have you noticed that there is not a single cadre?"

Jon silently speeded up, "Stop getting entangled with these little minions."

Daigo nodded and released his Cradle Lily, Armored Bird and other Pokémon.

Jon also left Gengar, Fire Eevee and Giant Claw Mantis behind, allowing them to play freely.

No more cleaning, the two of them went up the mountain much faster than before.

At the top of the Sendoff Mountain, they found an old couple.

The old man was hunched over and coughing violently.

The old lady patted the old grandfather on the back with a worried look.

Next to them, there was a severely injured and unconscious wind chime with its eyes spinning around.

Jon didn't even think about releasing the auspicious egg: "Help them with the healing wave."

"Geely, Geely." Geely Egg responded obediently.

Seeing Dawu and Qiaoen, the old man finally had some color on his face. He straightened up and said with tears in his eyes: "Is... Dawu the champion?"

"Old sir, don't get excited. I'm Dawu. What's going on here?" Dawu said softly.

"Great, the champion...the champion is here." The old lady breathed a sigh of relief, but looked sad and angry, and said sadly: "The bad guys in red and blue clothes broke into the sacred ancestral hall, they...they disturbed

The souls resting here have also robbed the orbs that have been enshrined for generations in the ancestral hall."


Dawu caught the key words and asked: "Are the orbs you mentioned one red and one blue? There are mysterious patterns engraved on them, and they also emit faint fluorescence at night."

"Champion Dawu, do you know about the vermilion orbs and the indigo orbs?" The old lady blamed herself and said with tears: "Since ancient times, the managers of the sacred mountains have been born with the responsibility of guarding the orbs, and we..."

"We failed in our duty." The old man shook his head in pain, "We failed to protect the two-color orb."

"Stop talking, this is not your fault." Dawu comforted patiently: "Don't worry, I will definitely recover the orb and return it to its original owner."

While talking, the lucky egg cured the wind chime.

When the old lady saw it, she clasped her hands to Jon gratefully and said, "Our Pokémon have all lost their ability to fight. At the critical moment, this little guy rushed out to block our attack."

"Oh?" After hearing this, Jon couldn't help but glance at the wind chime.

After thinking about it, he took out a medium-sized Pokémon dumpling from his fourth-dimensional pocket and said, "This is a reward for brave children."

"Ling Ling..." Feng Ling rolled up the Pokémon dumpling with a soft ribbon and took a bite out of curiosity.

This is amazing. Under the stimulation of delicious food, his eyes suddenly turned into the shape of love hearts.

Daigo finally laughed.

Then, he winked at Jon.

The two came to a quiet corner.

"I didn't expect that after all the hard work, it was still a step too late." Dawu's expression was extremely serious: "Qiaoqiao, I have to be honest with you, the current situation is not good. The two-color orb that was taken away was actually used to awaken Kyogre.

With Groudon's 'key', those guys... you can know their plans with just a few clicks of your toes. They definitely want to awaken their respective beliefs and make the previous tragedy happen again!"

"So our duty is to prevent tragedy from happening, right?" Jon patted Dawu on the shoulder, "Don't worry, it's not the end of the world yet. As the champion of Hoenn, you should know Kyogre and Gula

What a place to sleep."

"As for Groudon, he likes volcanoes the most. Maybe I should have gone deep into Chimney Mountain to search last time... As for Kyogre, I think he should be sleeping deep in the sea, which is not easy to find." Daigo frowned.

He said to Jon, "Wait a minute, I'll ask the Hoenn Alliance if they have discovered anything? Maybe they can capture the movement of the water fleet."

After saying that, he took out the Pokémon Navigator in front of Jon and made seven or eight calls in a row.

Not to mention, the Hoenn Alliance did capture the movements of the water fleet.

It's just that there are no specific coordinates, but a specific sea area is divided.

"That's enough." Jon was really easy to talk to. "It's enough to have a rough direction. Leave the rest to me."

"Qiao Qiao." Dawu stared at Qiao Qiao, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he swallowed his original words and changed his words: "I said I wanted to entertain you, but in the end I made you do so much work that is not yours.

,I am sorry."

"That's obvious, isn't it? As you said, I am the Alliance inspector after all, and fighting against evil forces is not part of my job?" Jon smiled, "When the matter is over, invite me to your hometown.

It’s just a few days of fun.”

"What are you saying? I asked my father to entertain you well, but you never went to Kanaz City." Dawu shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Then he looked solemn and said, "Without further ado, let's split up. You go and deal with the water fleet group, and I'll deal with the lava group. No matter what, we can't let them wake up the sleeping beast!"

This chapter has been completed!
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