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Chapter 839 Hunting (2)

What do we mean by choosing ourselves?

Several Pokémon hunters looked at each other.

Zhulan was also slightly startled.

Jon wondered: "Didn't I make it clear enough? One of you can leave here safely. What, you don't want to?"

"Yes, yes!"

"Of course I do."

The poachers reacted and nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

But here comes the problem.

Who will be the only ‘pardoner’…

"You have five minutes to think about it. If you can't choose after five minutes, everyone will go to jail."

After saying that, Jon gave Zhulan a wink.

Zhulan half understood, so she could only cooperate with Qiaoen's actions for the time being.

If there was camaraderie between poachers, Groudon would be able to fly.

Jon took Zhulan and stood a little further away, watching the development of the situation——

The atmosphere was briefly silent.

Immediately, several Pokémon hunters started fighting.

If you can’t beat the champion, you can’t beat the ‘companion’ who knows the basics?

"You still owe me money, let me out!"

"Go away, I am the one who can get out."

"Die, die to me!"

It has to be said that driven by the desire to survive, the poachers broke out with ten or even nine percent fighting capacity.

Don't ask, just ask the nine-to-ten ratio unique to villains.

Zhulan was stunned.

She looked at the crazy Pokémon hunters and couldn't help but said: "If they unite, I will feel very troubled in a short time. But why?"

"Because a mob is always a mob." Jon was not surprised: "They only dare to swing their swords at the weak, but they don't dare to challenge the strong."

Zhulan took a deep look at Jon and said in a subtle tone: "I feel... you don't look like a good person."

"Huh?" Jon turned around and met Zhulan's eyes.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "Whether a person is a so-called good person does not depend on his thoughts or what he says, but on what he does. Champion Zhulan, I am an inspector of the alliance with roots in Miaohong.

If it’s not conducive to unity, don’t say it again.”

Zhulan: "Oh~"

Five minutes is not a long time, and a short time is not a short time.

In the end, a female hunter won the battle.

Jon smiled, "I saw you were a bit courageous before, but I didn't expect you to actually stand at the end. Okay, as agreed, I'll let you go."

The female hunter gasped and stared at Gengar and other Pokémon warily.

Finding that there was no trap, she said very much against her will: "Thank you, thank you Mr. Qiaoqiao, thank you Champion Zhulan."

Zhulan wanted to speak but stopped.

But seeing Jon's calm expression, he still suppressed his doubts in his heart.

The huntress ran away like a storm.

Only the wounded were left.

Jon put his hands in his pockets, "Hey, are you still alive? Listen to me. The one who confesses to me first and gives me the information about the hunting group will be given priority in receiving treatment."

Zhulan: "You..."

"Stop talking, let me do it." Jon winked at Zhulan.

Clearing his throat, he added: "You have also seen that I am a person who keeps my promises. You only have one chance, so you won't wait until later."

"Me! I know the location of the hunting group headquarters!"

"Damn it, that's what I was about to say!"

"Help me...I'm going to die..."

Looking at the poachers who spoke enthusiastically, Zhulan suddenly understood Jon's intention.

This should be what grandma said about 'playing with people's hearts'.

very scary--

Jon didn't know that he had another label in Zhulan's heart.

He just listened quietly, extracting important information from the chatter, including but not limited to the location of the Pokémon hunting group headquarters, the Pokémon configuration of leader hunter J, and the location of other cadres with code names.

Area ''Sinnoh Black Market Distribution'' Backer of the Underground Pokémon Auction House...

"I have a headache." Jon pinched his eyebrows deliberately: "You say a lot, but it may not be right."

"Mr. Qiaoqiao, I absolutely did not lie!"

"Yes, we don't dare to hide evil intentions from you."

"Please help me, I'm really going to die..."

The seriously injured poachers were crying without tears.

Repeated physical and mental torture has brought them to the verge of collapse.

Zhulan could hardly stand it any longer and gently pulled the corner of Jon's clothes.

Jon pursed his lips and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, who can make me kind-hearted."


Zhulan was surprised and confused.

She didn't understand how Jon could say this without blushing or heart beating.

call out--

A flash of light.

Pink auspicious eggs appear.

Jon pointed to the wounded: "Just save them, don't worry too much."

Lucky Egg:……

Treatment must be done wholeheartedly!

But she couldn't disobey the trainer's order, so she could only put on a small 'healing wave'. It was like turning a faucet on and off quickly. As soon as she turned it on, she quickly turned it off for fear of too much water flowing.

"Yeah, you won't die this way." Jon was very satisfied when he saw this.

Then he pointed at the poacher who spoke first and said to the lucky egg: "He, please give me a good rescue."

Geely Egg is happy.

He jumped and ran over.

The poachers who were treated are grateful.

Jon waved his hand and said deliberately: "I am a man of my word. I mean what I say."

After a pause, he then spoke: "Then..."

The poachers, who had just regained their strength and regained their strength, responded positively.

Some raised their hands, some shouted, and some wanted to crawl to Jon's feet.

Zhulan was simply stunned.

Are these guys still the vicious and unruly Pokémon hunters she thought they were?

A skilled PUA.

The information on the poachers was completely drained.


Because they are just low-level members, the information may not be true, or in other words, it may not be completely true.

However, it is still quite rewarding.

"OK, the matter here is settled, let's return to the ground." Jon turned his head and said to Zhulan with a smile.

Zhulan asked: "What about them?"

"Oh, I almost forgot." Jon slapped his forehead and told Gengar: "Hypnosis, be careful."


Gengar couldn't wait any longer.

A dark shadow flashed.

Many poachers have been targeted one after another.

‘How can a mortal body withstand the hypnosis of Geng Gui, Jie Jie Jie!’ ​​After doing everything, Geng Gui shook his tongue and laughed wildly, just like the old monster from the demon sect in the fantasy world.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! When Jon saw it, he gave Gengar a slap in the face: "Stop yelling, go back and rest, I will call you during dinner."

‘Jie~’ Gengar quickly calmed down his expression and obediently slipped into Jon’s shadow.

After watching the interaction between Jon and Gengar, Zhulan couldn't help but sigh: "You have such a good relationship with Gengar. He doesn't even have a Poké Ball, but he actually trusts you so much."

"It's just a bond formed by chance." Jon said nothing more, and instead complimented: "Isn't it the same for you and Lucario?"

"Heh." Zhulan smiled, "We are obviously not talking about the same thing."

Jon deliberately pretended to be stupid: "How come it's not the same thing... let's go, the owner of Hyotai Hall is still waiting for us outside."

The owner of Hyotai Hall?


There is still one guarding outside.

Zhulan realized it later and asked with surprise in her eyes: "Is that why you let the female hunter run away on purpose?"

"Don't say that. I kept my promise and let her leave safely. As for who intercepted her on the way, what does it have to do with me?" Jon spread his hands innocently: "You can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense."


What a cunning man.


It's not annoying.

The master of Hyotai Hall lived up to expectations and captured the female hunter who escaped from the mine tunnel.

Seeing Qiao Qiao and Zhu Lan, he hurriedly greeted them: "Champion Zhu Lan, Mr. Qiao Qiao, what happened inside?"

"It's nothing, it's just a little farce, it's been resolved." Jon responded with a smile.

Zhulan pondered for a moment and then said to Hyota: "Master Hyota, please contact the alliance inspector to come over. There are several sleeping poachers and some illegally captured Pokémon."

"What? Okay, I understand, I'll do it right now." Huata was startled at first, then straightened up her expression and straightened her chest in a very reliable manner.

"By the way, this person seemed to be in a hurry. When he saw me, without saying a word, he attacked like a frightened bird and was knocked unconscious by me." Hideta seemed to have thought of something and pointed at the unconscious female hunter.

Jon clapped his hands: "Ah, a poacher actually escaped in the chaos, thanks to you, Master Hyotai."

After hearing this, Laotai grinned from the corners of his mouth to his ears.

Beside, Zhulan thought thoughtfully: "Well, this should be the "emotional intelligence" that grandma said."

Black Gold City, Black Gold Gym.

It is both a gym and a branch of the Pokémon League in Black Gold City.

Qiaoen and Zhulan changed back into their original clothes and took the time to take a shower.

Laotai was too busy dealing with poachers, so only the two of them came back.

"What should we do next?" Jon poured himself a drink without ceremony and sipped the specialty tea from Heijin City: "Report the information?"

"The process of reporting and waiting for instructions from the alliance is too long. Hunter J has already disappeared. I have absolute authority to deal with matters in the Sinnoh region. My idea is to immediately rush to the headquarters of the Pokémon Hunting Group and bring them to the headquarters of the Pokémon Hunting Group.

Its destroyed!"

Zhulan showed her resolute side.

She felt uncomfortable when she thought that those bad guys were still using Pokémon to make money unscrupulously.

"As I said before, are two people enough?" Jon looked at Zhulan: "If it's a job like destroying a secret base, it's not 'the better with fewer people', but 'the more the better'."

Zhulan was silent for a moment.

Jon shook his head, "Champion Bamboo Orchid, you may not like to hear this. Anyway, I think you are a bit too impatient, as if you are deliberately avoiding something.

I admit that you are very powerful, but some things cannot be solved by being ‘very powerful’. When it’s time to seek help from the alliance, you should seek help.”

As he spoke, he did not forget to give an example: "When A'Du attacked Team Rocket, he did not do it alone. He was followed by a large group of alliance inspectors."

Zhulan took a deep breath: "I'm sorry for letting you see my rude side.

The main reason is that this operation not only involves the Pokémon hunting team, but also the deeply lurking Team Rocket.

And we in Sinnoh also have local evil organizations... Over the years, Team Galaxy has been active everywhere, searching for and deciphering the history submerged in the dust.

I suspect that their ultimate goal is to control the legendary God of Time and God of Space and subvert the entire world."

Zhulan is under great pressure.

This pressure reached its peak after hearing that Team Rocket and the Pokémon Hunting Group were going to war in Sinnoh.

I wanted to nip the flames of war in the bud, so I acted a little too eagerly...

Jon understood very well: "I understand, I understand, the ultimate goal of evil organizations is to control divine beasts. Dawu was also too busy with the affairs of Kyogre and Groudon. After finally solving it, he encountered another problem.

What kind of 'Thousand-Year Meteor Shower' was there? It's really unlucky."

Hearing this, Zhulan smiled happily.

I feel much better when I hear that everyone is in the same bad condition as me.

"Don't worry, the sky won't fall." Jon comforted patiently: "Let's not mention Team Rocket and the Pokémon Hunting Team. Let's just talk about Team Galaxy. Taking a step back, they really found the God of Time and Space.

The gods really control them. They can't dominate the world. There is no shortage of mythical beasts in other areas. I happen to know a few of them. When the time comes, you can give me a call and I will shake them all over to see who is more powerful."

Zhulan: "No, no, no, that would be too dangerous."

She had seen the doomsday scene of destruction outside Shuijing City through internal channels.

I don’t want something similar to happen to Sinnoh.

"You are so cowardly." Jon said unceremoniously: "Just because you are afraid of this and that, the evil organization is so rampant."

Zhulan was a little unconvinced: "Protecting the people is the responsibility of the champion. This is not a coward, but an inevitable consideration."

"I have always believed that to fight evil, you have to be more evil than evil. Under normal circumstances, love and talk can't move anyone, unless you are the protagonist of destiny."

‘Destined Protagonist’

Zhulan didn't quite understand: "What do you mean?"

"That is, you can always maintain the appearance of a ten-year-old, be able to persuade the God of Creation with literature, and be able to shock the first-level God with force. If you do this, you will be the protagonist of destiny."

The more Zhulan listened, the more confused she became.

When Jon saw it, he quickly stopped and got back to business: "My suggestion is to gather people and raid the hunting group headquarters. Then vigorously crack down on the black market and eradicate the underground auction house."

He clasped his palms together and said, "Tiger needs to be beaten, flies need to be beaten, and the task of eradicating evil is over."

"Are you done with eradicating evil... Well, what you said makes sense." Zhulan thought for a while, nodded seriously and said, "I am indeed too impatient, and I even thought that I could solve everything by relying on myself and your strength."

"It's good if you can figure it out." Jon took a sip of tea, "Anyway, as the special inspector of the alliance, I have to fight evil."

Zhulan's eyes were filled with sparkles: "Me... me too."

Enter Sirona, the righteous man of Sinnoh!

"Yeah, it's very impressive." Jon said coaxingly.

Just then, his navigator rang.

"Sorry, let me take a call."

Zhulan: "It's okay, please help yourself."

Jon thought it was Dawu calling.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the connection was connected, it was an energetic but unfamiliar voice: "Hey, hey, hey! Can you hear me? Mr. Qiaoqiao? Hey, hey, hey! I am Dan Emperor! Hey, hey, hey!"

Jon listened for a few seconds and then hung up with a blank expression.

Zhulan asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

Jon clicked his tongue and said unhappily: "Maybe the number was leaked. The guy just said he was the champion, so he probably wanted to defraud me of my money."

He warned Zhulan: "Beware of telecommunications fraud, starting from you and me."

Zhulan: "Yes! I remember it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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