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Chapter 967 Winged Lion Unblocked 50%

Bird head.

It looks a little funny.

But no one could laugh.

Everyone has seen the power of the Phoenix.

There is no place to hide in this narrow room!

But what surprised them was that the phoenix that emerged from the chimney connected to the fireplace did not attack directly, but showed a fearful look.

It is hesitating...

What is it hesitating about?

At the critical moment, the greedy boy's mind was still racing and he shouted: "He can't destroy this room, nor can he destroy anything in this room. Hurry and hide behind Yaad and the others!"

What is a shield?

This is the arrow-blocking...bird-blocking sign.

It's pretty much the same anyway.

The Phoenix stared at everyone fiercely, but did not act rashly.

The same goes for Leos and others.

A monster with immortality is simply too foul.

At this moment, Jon suddenly said: "I remember that I once traveled to a world... area. I traveled to an area where the lord was a powerful mage who could dominate others with words, and he would change his destiny with the country he belonged to.

Forced binding, anyone approaching her with murderous or evil thoughts will not be able to cause her true death."

Are there still such people in the world?

Isn't it more difficult to deal with than those royal court elves?

Malusil said: "Finally, what happened to the evil lord?"

Jon didn't show off, and said openly: "In the end, the lord's knight... should be regarded as a knight, after all, he was a public servant. He cut his body into pieces with love and put them into special refrigerated magic items.

, and ate it bit by bit. Because it was done with love, it avoided the law of resurrection."

After a pause, he added: "Don't you think it is somewhat similar to our current situation?"

"Hey hey hey, how long has it been and you are still making such a joke! It's not funny at all!"

Obviously, the stupid elf didn't think the story of the 'immortal lord' and the 'cannibal knight' was true, and just thought that Jon was heartless and continued to joke at such a critical moment.

But these words reminded Sensi.

"Full of love? Immortal?"

He touched his beard: "Is there a possibility that if, I mean if, we eat the phoenix into our stomach, will it come back to life in our stomach?"

This question is very interesting.

The answer is also quite obvious.

"How is that possible! We have eaten so many monsters before and never seen them... Oh, I understand what you mean."

The greedy boy Leos suddenly widened his eyes, "As long as we eat the phoenix and digest it cleanly, we can break that guy's immortal state."

Who would have thought.

The legendary phoenix.

It actually has such a ‘fatal weakness’.

"bingo~" Jon snapped his fingers.

If he could think of this, it would be worthwhile for him to magically change Makima's story.

Then here comes the problem.

How to capture such a powerful monster.

After going through the battle just now.

No one will underestimate the strength of the Phoenix.

You know, the phoenix is ​​not only proficient in flame control, but also has extremely powerful physical properties.

It's so narrow here...

Really fight.

Whoever suffers will take advantage.

It’s really hard to say.

The atmosphere was silent for a moment.

Faline thought for a while and timidly said: "Well... although I feel sorry for Yaad and his family, if we use these unconscious bodies, can we do it?"

Sister baby.

My good sister!

Malusil was so excited.

If it weren't for the phoenix still watching eagerly from a distance, she would have taken action by now.

"Smart, she is indeed my sister. She is just as clever as your brother and me." Leos' eyes lit up.

While praising Faline, he quietly promoted himself.

"Just do it."

Sensi and Chirchak nodded repeatedly.

The cat had an indifferent expression.

Although but.

She is very wild.

But at the critical moment, this cow-cat, like the lock-picking master Qi, is particularly good at finding thighs.

Such as now.

Although he was hiding behind Yaad's family, he showed that he could move at any time.

In case of any emergency, you can immediately meet up with the most perverted and powerful guy...

Back to business.

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Laos didn't discuss it with others at all, so he used Ya'ad as a shield to protect him firmly.


Are you still a human being?

I wouldn't do that.


In one word, disgusting!

To be honest, Laos could clearly feel the disdain in the Phoenix's eyes.

But there is no way.

If you don't do this, you'll get scorched.

Ku Yi Ku Ya Ad.

Hello, I'm hello, everyone.

The Phoenix was in great trouble.

It was determined to kill the damn intruder with a claw or a breath of fire.

But he was afraid of Yaad who was forced to become a shield.

After much deliberation, he finally made no resistance and just stayed in front of the fireplace, trying to scare away the enemy with his eyes.

"It's really possible!" After waiting for a long time and no Phoenix attack came, Leos was ecstatic in his heart.

He drew his sword tentatively.

The phoenix just stared at this side and still did not move rashly.


All eyes were on me.

Look at me, look at me!

In full view of everyone, there was nothing to say. Leos had quick eyes and quick hands, so he drew his sword and slashed.

This sword.

Just say good night!


The bird's head was chopped off again, and little bits of flame shot out, almost burning a hole in Leos' leather boots.

"Now!" Leos greeted quickly.

Senxi couldn't wait any longer, so she jumped out like a furry bear and picked up the phoenix with its head missing.

The dwarf warrior breathed a sigh of relief: "This way, we can bleed cleanly."


Is that the point?

Forget it, forget it.


Laos shook the blood off his sword.

Although it was a bit despicable, at least the problem of the phoenix was solved.

At this moment, Senxi reminded again: "Take away the things on your body that are easy to catch fire as much as possible, and keep them away from the flames and the dripping blood with the fire element. Don't forget that it quietly resurrected before we started eating.


With that said, Senxi turned to look at the restaurant and sighed: "One more thing... Although I also want to start cooking as soon as possible, as you can see, this place is really messy."


It can be seen from the environment here that Hisl is indeed not mentally normal.

Broken mirrors, messy books, pots and pans with slight signs of use in the sink, and food residue.

If it weren't for the fact that this was the residence of a crazy magician, they would have thought they had entered the home of some otaku by mistake.

Sensi suggested: "Before we start cooking, we should try our best to tidy up this place."

"I have wanted to say this for a long time." Marushi responded positively.

She must have some mild mysophobia and it is really difficult for her to tolerate such a dirty and messy environment.

Others also agreed to Sensi's proposal.

Just do it.

The group took action.

They did not waste the plucked phoenix feathers and made them into feather dusters for cleaning...

While Malusil and the others were cleaning up other places, Sensi started cooking.

Different from previous cooking experience.

Always be careful when handling phoenixes.

The first is to prevent the opponent's resurrection.

Second, it is necessary to control the temperature.

Also, for added insurance, Yaad, who had made a guest appearance in the Shield not long ago, directly became Sensi's cloak this time...

It couldn't be roasted directly on the fire, so Sensi thought about it and decided to boil it or fry it directly.

Boiled birds always feel weird.

Then fry it.

Frying is also very particular.

Not only do you need to control the temperature, but you also need to maintain a certain distance.

So in Itsumi's view, Mori Ni keeps stepping forward and backing up, like dancing a poor ballet.

Been busy for a long time.

The fried phoenix was finally finished and the whole house was cleaned up.

The tired group sat around the dining table and prepared to eat.

Then, Malusil looked left and right, and the veins on her forehead twitched slightly.

"Speaking of which..." She suppressed her inner emotions and tried to speak in a calm tone: "Don't you think Yaad's family is a bit of a hindrance?"

Jon: "When it's useful, it's the strongest shield. When it's useless, you just hate others and get in the way. Elf, elf, this is your selfish and greedy nature!"

Chirchak: "Haha."

"Haha, your sister, haha!" Malusil was accurately broken.

Chirchak: "Haha."

Seeing this, Leos had to come out to smooth things over: "There's nothing we can do about it. After all, we can't be sure that there is only one monster here, the phoenix. What if other monsters rush in while we are eating happily?"

"Okay, okay, no need to explain anymore, that's what I said." Malusiel decisively shut up.

Faline smiled and said: "Eat quickly, and then look for the place where the two-winged lion is sealed."

Malushir waved his hands, seemingly wanting to say something.

But he rolled his eyes and gave up again.

It should be said, but after experiencing many outrageous things, Hanhan Elf's inner endurance is much stronger than before.

Even though there was a living dead sitting next to him, even though the characters in the moving portraits around them were staring at them intently, Malumalu still ate sweetly.

“Oh, this texture!”

"Oh! It also smells like this!"

"The phoenix tastes really good..."

Sensi’s fried phoenix gets everyone’s approval.

Fa Lin especially liked it and praised Senxi to the sky.

The man was quite a big man, and his face turned red visibly.

The food tastes great.

A whole phoenix was eaten clean.

As speculated before, the phoenix that became food has no resurrection ability at all.

Crisis resolved~

Malusiel wiped her mouth and took out a book with a complicated cover in front of everyone.

"Although Faline just said that she was going to find the Winged Lion elsewhere, I accidentally found this in the library before. You see, the cover of this book is exactly the same as the one in Sisl's hand. But it seems that it has been

It has been gathering dust for a long time. I think there must be some subtle connection between the two books."

As he said that, he looked at the crowd and said, "Maybe Hisl will seal the two-winged lion inside."

"Hey, hey, hey, why don't you talk about such an important thing before eating?" Chirchak said dissatisfied.

After a pause, he added: "There is a two-winged lion sealed in this book? Are you sure? Don't make the same mistake as before."

"What's the mistake? I'm sorry, I don't understand." Malusiel also knew that sometimes she was not so reliable. She was originally full of confidence, but now she gradually lost her confidence.

He coughed softly: "Whether it is yes or no, you won't know until you try it? Anyway, I'm just giving you a little reminder. If there is any danger later, ahem, you must protect me."

Malusiel, don't be afraid of death.

But I don’t want to die worthless.

Hearing this, Laos slapped the armor on his chest and affirmed: "Of course!"

Hear this.

Malusil felt relieved.

She tried to open the book, and then she found that the book was indeed difficult to open.

With her little strength, she couldn't open it at all.

I had no choice but to ask Sensi and Leos to help.

After a lot of effort, the three of them finally opened the strange book a little bit.

"Successful!" Malusiel said excitedly.

Just then, a lot of tentacle-like white mucus appeared in the book, which startled her.

Malusil screamed and subconsciously let go of her hand.

However, Sensi and Leos clung to the cover tightly, their faces red and necks thick from exhaustion.


"Sorry, sorry." Malusiel responded and apologized again and again.

Then she thought of something.

"Wait for me!"



After saying that, the silly elf picked up the staff beside him.

Explained to everyone: "If I think well..."

While speaking, he placed the staff on the cover of the book.

"The seal is also magic power, just suck all the magic power away!"

Laos: "Why...didn't you...didn't say it earlier..."

"Didn't I just remember it?" Malusiel quietly stuck out her tongue.

Then he took a deep breath and chanted a complicated mantra that no one could understand.

Blah blah blah...

Because the magic power was absorbed by Maluseel's staff, the seal of the magic book was officially broken.

The book floated into the air, flipping through the pages quickly.

Everyone was staring.

But I saw that there were more and more white 'mucus' before, gradually revealing its full appearance.

It turned out that those were not mucus, but liquid feathers - as the seal was lifted, the liquid disappeared and turned into distinct and pure white feathers.

The wind howled.

A pure white lion head appears on the book.

Laos and the white lion, who were closest, looked directly at each other.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

More than ten seconds passed before Leos scratched his head, looked at the two-winged lion with only a lion's head exposed and said: "Um, this is the first time we meet, are you the protector of the Golden Kingdom, the two-winged lion... sir?



This greedy boy is quite polite.

The two-winged lion hummed and said: "As you can see, this seal has only been partially unlocked, and the other half is in the hands of Sisir.

Also, I am indeed the protector of the Golden Kingdom, the two-winged lion.

Although I can’t help much in this state, I can at least have a conversation with you.”

It swept across the crowd, and when it saw Jon, an inexplicable look flashed through its drooping eyes.

But it was well concealed.

"I have a lot to say to you, and I think you also have a lot to ask me... But what I want to say is, since I can talk to you normally, it means that Hisl already knows that my seal has been released.


He is coming here at full speed now."

This chapter has been completed!
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