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Chapter 970 The Last Battle (2)

A lot of things are like this.

Speaking of which, there is no suspense.

Mithren wants to kill the lion head directly and kill this maze completely.

However, the lion head is not a vegetarian either.

Although His body was split into two halves.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't have any power.

In desperation, he didn't care to hide it. In the blink of an eye, the lion head suddenly appeared next to Hiser.

Sisl was still angry about the sudden appearance of the thieves.

The next second.

His body was penetrated by a lion's head.

"You...you guy..."

Lion head.


It should be said that the lion-headed demon Jie Jie smiles ferociously.

"I don't want this either." He said, "But now that someone knows the truth, you can't leave alive."

Endless desires.

Love is separation, anger, greed and delusion.

Xisier only felt that everything was moving away from him.

Whether it's memories, emotions, or even obsessions.

Everything no longer exists.

Devouring Hisl's power, the lion-headed demon grew stronger.

The maze is the pasture.

The master of the labyrinth is the animal.


In the end, they will all be 'eaten'.

In an instant, the two books merged into one, and the lion-headed devil was finally complete.

In the house transformed by Hisl, a white demon stands tall, with a lion's head and body, and several pairs of wings on its back, but its pupils are shaped like a goat, making it look very strange.

The Marusil people are stupid.

She never imagined that the legendary beast that protected the country could be a demon.

But in this way, all the previous weirdness has been explained.

As if he had seen through the inner thoughts of the silly elf, the lion-headed demon smiled and said: "The promise is still valid, Malusil, if you are willing to become the new master of the labyrinth, I will immediately become your possession.

Whether it's adjusting the upper age limit or reducing the difference between long-lived and short-lived species, everything can be done."

Should he say it or not, Marusil's heart moved when she heard these words.

But soon, reason regained the upper hand.

She held the wand in her hand, hid behind Leos and leaned out half of her body: "Stop using sweet words to deceive others, I won't be fooled."

The lion-headed demon shook his head slightly.

Turning to look at Maomao: "Itsuzumi, I can fulfill your wish. You want to become a normal human, right? To me, it's just a thought, as long as you become the master of the maze."


To be honest, she quite likes the demon who is also a feline.

Coupled with the natural neurotic nature of cow cats, she almost subconsciously said "agree".

It's a pity that Jon was already looking at her.

With quick hands and quick eyes, he pinched the cat's mouth.

"Kitten, you can't eat the cheeseburger."


Uh-huh, uh-huh.

Damn it, I can't get away.

Seeing this, the lion-headed demon narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is this really good? Jon Joestar?"

Jon turned his head: "Do you know my name?"

"You have forgotten, I can see through a person's heart. As early as the first time you stepped into this maze, I already knew everything about you." The lion-headed devil said in a very seductive tone:

"It was just a joke before. Instead of letting others take charge of the maze, it's better for you to do it yourself. Let's cooperate. I will become your exclusive assistant. No matter what you do, you can do it."

Jon: "Okay."

Lion-Headed Demon: "A strong man like you deserves everything in the world... Wait, what did you say?"

He thought he heard wrongly.

Not only the lion-headed demon, but others also set their sights on Jon.

Jon's expression remained normal: "I said, yes, I am willing to become the master of the labyrinth."



Deathly silence.

Laos opened his mouth wide and wanted to say something, but for a while he couldn't.

Kabul and Mislen were also dumbfounded.

Malusil, Chirchak and Sensi stared at Jon blankly, all they could think was 'fuck'.

Jon said generously: "Isn't it just desire? You can eat as much as you want. I don't have much else. I just have this much. I can't finish it in my lifetime."

Before the lion-headed demon could answer, Chirchak rushed over first: "Hey, hey, hey, are you still conscious?"

Others saw him and hurried forward.

You kept talking and I kept arguing, and the quarrel was endless.

The general meaning is that you cannot withstand temptation.

in other words.

Become the master of the labyrinth, and you have a way to die!

Jon explained: "That guy is now in full form. We mortals should be unable to defeat him. In this case, sacrifices must be made..."

Scanning the crowd: "And I am willing to make this sacrifice."



I burst into tears.

What kind of spirit of selfless dedication is this!


It's not like no one has thought about it.

Jon agreed to become the Master of the Labyrinth because of his own selfish desires.


After witnessing the horrors of Hisl...


What about Hisl?

Kabul seemed to have thought of something, and quickly searched for the whereabouts of the previous master of the maze.

But among the ruins, Sisir rolled his eyes and looked at the sky with a dull expression.

Seeing that no one cared about him, Kabul quickly stepped forward and helped Sisir up.

No one died.

But it's almost there.

To say it's The Walking Dead is a compliment.

The high-spirited lord of the labyrinth, the crazy magician who made people change their minds, has turned into a body that only knows how to breathe.

"It's so miserable." Kabul sighed from the bottom of his heart.

With the example of Hisl, he didn't believe that Mr. Jon couldn't see it.

In this case, why did you agree to become the master of the labyrinth?

On the field.

Jon ignored the concerned looks and said to the lion demon: "You haven't given me an answer yet, can I become the master of the labyrinth?"

The lion-headed demon smiled: "Yes, that's great!"

He couldn't see through Jon.

So I am full of curiosity about Jon.

But he was very confident that as long as that human picked up the magic book.

You will become your own slave.

Jon made an OK gesture: "Then it's settled, I will become the master of the maze."



As soon as he finished speaking, voices of opposition arose.

The lion-headed demon didn't care about that, and used his extremely powerful force to drive everyone away, leaving Jon alone.

"Very good, very good, I like you more and more."

Jon smiled: "What a coincidence, I also like you very much, devil——"

He deliberately emphasized the word 'devil'.

The lion-headed devil's smile became even brighter.

The magic book turned into a stream of light and fell in front of Jon.

Jon turned back and looked at Leos and others on the ground: "Thank you for accompanying me, but our adventure seems to have to end here..."

Just this expression and this tone of voice.

Who can believe that there are no unspeakable secrets?

In less than a second, everyone imagined a tragic drama.

And Jon reached out and held the grimoire.

A thought came into my mind.

Scene changes.

The first floor of the underground maze.

In the originally noisy cemetery, only a few teams still stayed here.

Leos and others have completed the transmission.

The scene in front of them was extremely strange.

"This is?"

Kabul covered his head and explained in due course: "Hisl released a large number of monsters here before, and for some unknown reason, the maze cleaners did not repair the damaged areas, so..."

Leos said "Oh".

Then he looked at his friends.

I wanted to say something.

Suddenly, Faline's appearance aroused his doubts.

"Where are your scales?"

After being reminded, Faline lowered her head and saw that the conspicuous dragon scales that were missing had disappeared, as well as the two wings that had returned to her ancestors.

Now she looks completely normal.

"Faline... I understand, I completely understand!" Laos' eyes were complicated: "Jon must have borrowed the power of the devil to restore you to your original state."

After hearing this, Faline was moved and regretful.

What was touching was that Mr. Jon could still think about his own affairs in that situation.

It's so gentle.

Unfortunately, she actually didn't reject this half-dragon body, but rather liked it.

Just thinking about it.

Several dragon scales suddenly emerged from the body surface.

Faline was delighted.

Leos was shocked.

After observing the specific situation, Malusil speculated: "It is not that the characteristics of the red dragon are eliminated, but that these characteristics are hidden, like a special transformation magic that can still be used at critical moments."

"In other words, has Mr. Jon even noticed my thoughts?" Faline murmured to herself.

At this moment, she seemed to have discovered something: "Everyone, look at Miss Itsumi."

At the same time, he turned his head.

But Itsumi turned into a slender black-haired beauty.

It's almost the same as before, but it doesn't have the characteristics of a cat.

Izumi was also confused.

The problem that had troubled her almost her entire life was easily solved without any warning?

Leos touched his smooth chin: "This must have been done by Jon... Everyone, take a look and see if there are any changes on your body."

There are changes, of course.

And there are many.

Faline and Maomao solved the problems that troubled them.

Chirchak received two large bags of gems.

It is no exaggeration to say that the money-obsessed halfling's eyes widened immediately.

After finishing this vote, I stopped. Who would have thought that this flag would come true!

Sensi got a set of mithril kitchenware.

Malusil is a mysterious and mysterious magic book.

As for Leos...

No changes have been noticed in him so far.

Looking at Kabul again, he got a sharp sword.

Both Misren and Hisl regained their emotions.

Especially Hisl.

From despair to regaining life, it only took half an hour.

This short half hour seemed as long as centuries to him. But fortunately, the nightmare was over and everything returned to normal.

Mislen looked at his hands, silently experiencing the emotion of being lost and found.

He didn't understand why the long man named Jon did this.

Although the contact was very brief.

But he could also feel that that guy was not some self-sacrificing virgin.

However, the situation was such that he couldn't help but not believe it.

Almost everyone except Jon himself has benefited.

Everyone fell silent.

They became the winners.

Although Laos doesn't understand what his own benefits are, he also believes that Jon will not forget him.

After all, they were good brothers who drank together and peed on the wall together.

He looked at his companions.

Suddenly he took a deep breath, "Do you want to retreat? Leave this maze and go to live a peaceful life anywhere in the world."

No one responded.

Laos smiled bitterly: "To be honest, I also think that Faline's problem has been solved. Knowing the truth about the maze, I can't continue to be an adventurer. I should join some caravan as a guard or simply return to my hometown to farm.


At this point, he changed the topic: "But I am very unwilling to do so. Everything we have is achieved with Jon's life. In other words, we are enjoying things that we should not get."

There was still deathly silence.

Human nature is too complex.

Especially after seeing great horror, everyone will change.

This journey is too long.

From the underground level to the deepest level.

There is no need to talk about the difficulties and obstacles.

Laos was not surprised by this. He just touched the sword at his waist: "No matter what you think, I will definitely not give up here. In other words, I don't want to just go home and farm. I want to find Qiao."

Well, help him kill the lion head and let him regain his freedom."

"But how to do it? You have also seen the power of the devil, but it is not comparable to normal people like us." Chirchak persuaded.

Perhaps even he himself didn't realize that his voice was so small that it was almost inaudible.

Laos shook his head: "I don't know what to do, just like before, just take it one step at a time."

Senxi glanced at the Mithril kitchen utensils and didn't touch anything. He just put his big pot on his back again: "I'm with you. I live in a maze. This is my home. If there is a problem at home, how can I be like an ostrich?

Just like turning a blind eye."

Malusil: "I..."

She glanced at the magic book in her hand, and she couldn't help but recall every detail of her time with Jon.

When she thought about how much she had gone too far, she had the urge to slap herself in the face.

I am really not a human being!

Faline raised her hand: "I...I'll go too."

Such a gentle Mr. Jon should not be manipulated by the devil.

This time, it's her turn to rescue innocent people!

Izumi suddenly became alert.


What do you mean?

One by one.

What's so good about that guy? I don't want to kill him.

That's what it says.

Cat's body is very honest.

Because after she became a normal person, she found that she was deaf and blind, and the world seemed to be shrouded in a gray fog, which made her look awkward.

Laos didn't expect that his willfulness would receive so much recognition, and a silly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Mislen stopped talking.

Suddenly, many people gathered around.

But it was the adventure team of Julang, Namali and Kabul.


The 'Canary', which is composed entirely of elves, is also among them.

The other side.

Jon, who had completely changed his attire, sat on the lion and said, "Xiaobai? Can I call you Xiaobai? I will take good care of you in the future."

The lion demon's face was full of horror: "No... don't... you go away... leave me quickly!"

Jon: "This is your fault. But you sincerely invited me to become the master of the labyrinth. How can you regret it now? I am the most elegant and easy-going person. If you say this, I will be angry."

This chapter has been completed!
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