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Chapter 1017 Huang Taiji's trump card


The Mongolian attacks in Mobei became more and more fierce. Not only that, the Qing army also appeared among them.

Although they suffered heavy casualties under the tenacious blocking of the North Korean First Division, the attack never stopped.

Seeing the Mongol warriors dying one after another, both Gunbu and Subadi felt heartbroken. The order to retreat came to their lips several times, but they did not dare to say it.

Right in the middle of the two of them, Babu Hai stood tall and proud, his hand holding the handle of the knife, and his threatening tone was clear.

"The eastern front is retreating. If we withdraw our troops, the Xia army will march eastward with all its strength, and Prince Rui and Prince Su will be in trouble. I have no choice but to ask Taiji Duoduo to consider the overall situation."

Babuhai's intention was very obvious, which was to use the sacrifice of Mobei Mongolia in exchange for the safety of the Qing army on the eastern front.

Gonbu and Subadi had troubles.

They responded to the call of the Qing Dynasty and ran to North Korea, thinking that they could drink soup along with them. However, they did not expect that they were beaten to the point of breaking their muscles and bones.

If I had known this, I should have learned Shuo Lei from the beginning and turned a deaf ear to the call of the Qing Dynasty.

If I want to regret it now, there is no other way.

They could only add troops to Pocheon's position one after another under Babu Hai's coercion.

The Qing army's ferocious attack also caused heavy losses to the Korean First Division.

"No one is allowed to retreat. What's the big deal if you die? Fix your bayonet and drive these Tatars out."

Qiao Feng was on the front line. When he saw the Mongols rushing forward, he shouted to stabilize the morale of the troops, picked up an iron rod as thick as his wrist, which was three meters long, and rushed forward to face the enemy.

Originally, the soldiers of the North Korean First Division were a little scared, but now they saw how ferocious their commander was, and their courage was inspired. They picked up their muskets with bayonets and launched a counterattack against the Mongols.

Qiao Feng was about two meters tall. At this moment, he was wielding an iron rod weighing more than a hundred kilograms in his hand. It could be said that the devil came to the world and was unstoppable.

As the saying goes, one effort can bring down ten.

At this point, he no longer needs to think about any moves in hand-to-hand combat. He just makes the iron rod round and kills whoever hits him, and cripples whoever hits him.

Amidst the howling wind, his surroundings were quickly swept to the ground, and no Mongolian could stand.

The descendants of Genghis Khan had never seen such a ferocious person before. They were all frightened and did not dare to approach him at all.

The Mongols hid in the distance and secretly fired arrows at Qiao Feng, hoping to kill this ferocious beast on earth.

Qiao Feng was so good at fighting that he didn't take the Mongols' secret arrow attack seriously at all.

If the arrow was aimed at a vital part, he would block it with his arm; if it was not a vital part, he would not even bother to deal with it.

In just half a stick of incense, at least a hundred arrows were inserted into his body, just like a hedgehog.

But this ferocious guy was not affected at all and continued to fight bravely.

It is unknown how many people died due to his ferocity.

The will of the Mongols completely collapsed. Even if the generals held on for dear life, it was of no use. They all turned around and ran away, receding like the tide.

The position was still in the hands of the North Korean 1st Division, and the surviving soldiers cheered excitedly.

Qiao Feng threw away the iron rod in his hand and pulled out the arrows one by one.

He was wearing cotton armor, and the arrow didn't penetrate at all. As for other parts, a few skin injuries would have no effect.

Looking at the mountains of arrows in front of Qiao Feng, the soldiers looked up to them one by one, as if they were looking at gods.

After repelling the Mongolian attack, Qiao Feng returned to the headquarters. When he saw Elder Li, he finally showed a worried look.

"Commander, the enemy's attack is too fierce. If we continue like this, we will definitely not be able to hold on. In my opinion, we should quickly ask for help from His Highness. If we don't mobilize the Second Marine Division, we may be in trouble."

Mr. Li Yuanlao slapped him in the face.

"That's what I meant."

The Xia army on the northern front had a reserve force.

The Second Marine Division never participated in the war and remained in Hanyang.

Now that the situation was urgent and Zuo Mengeng received requests for help from the front line, he sent the Second Marine Division over.

With the support of this new force, the Dongducheon and Pocheon lines were once again impregnable.

At the same time, the pursuit battle on the eastern front has entered a fierce state.

All the troops in the Fifth Division were like lunatics, running all the way without sleep or rest, without eating or drinking, just to eliminate more Qing troops.

In order to withdraw more troops, Dorgon and Hauge also went crazy.

They kept leaving troops and horses to block the retreat along the way, and were strictly ordered not to retreat.

At this time, the Qing army had strict military discipline, fought bravely, and was not afraid of life or death.

Only with their desperate blockade did the main force of the Qing army have enough time to retreat.

Even so, the tiger-like offensive of the Fifth Division still put great pressure on the Qing army.

On May 28, the 18th Regiment broke through the Qing army's defense and directly pursued Tieyuan.

They have seen the tail of the true white flag.

Max Hua and Jiang Xiuyuan were so happy that they started mobilizing for battle.

"We have traveled such a long way and suffered so much, for what? Just to destroy these Tatars. Please insist once again, we must not let the enemy escape."

The forward troops of the 18th Regiment had high morale. Even though there were only more than 800 people, they still had no fear and launched a charge towards the Qing army.

They knew that as long as the Qing army was entangled, subsequent large forces would soon come up.

However, just when the 18th Regiment began to attack, something unexpected happened.

Suddenly the sound of artillery on the mountain in the distance was like thunder, and it continued like waves, and then dozens of artillery shells smashed into the array.

Immediately, many soldiers were killed and wounded by artillery shells on the spot.

This caused the soldiers to panic and looked for a place to hide.

Maxihua and Jiang Xiuyuan were shocked.

They were all experienced officers, and they noticed something was wrong as soon as they saw the scene.

"Why can the Qing army's artillery shoot so far?"

While talking, the Qing army's second round of shelling also began.

Jiang Xiuyuan quickly blew the whistle and told the soldiers to withdraw.

"This rate of fire is definitely not what the Qing army's artillery can achieve."

Maxhua picked up the telescope and looked at the mountains in the distance.

But just one glance left him speechless.

"Damn it, it's our artillery, how could it fall into the hands of the Qing army?"

He saw through the telescope that the Qing army had set up a long artillery array on the mountain in the distance.

Every cannon on it is clearly visible, and it is a bronze cannon produced by Xia State.

Although this kind of artillery is far from comparable to that used by the Xia army, it is much superior to other artillery in the world.

In addition to being assembled for the North Korean army, militia and other second-line troops, this kind of bronze cannon is also sold in large quantities to the outside world.

But Maxihua couldn't remember when this kind of cannon was sold to the Qing army?

As a result, Xia Jun himself was hit on the head.

This made him so angry that he almost vomited blood.

With no choice but to order the troops to stop, they watched the Qing army retreat into the distance.

This chapter has been completed!
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