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Chapter 1027 Legal System

"Now that the matter has come to this, Mr. Jin, how else do you want to make excuses?"

The investigation led to the investigation of Jin Sangxian's butler Jin Zhang, which greatly excited everyone in Shen's department.

Shen Qiyuan jumped up, aggressively.

After listening to the whole incident, Kim Sang-hyun was hit hard and became a bit older.

He stood up tremblingly and bowed to Zuo Mengeng.

"Your Highness, I have acted openly and aboveboard throughout my life, and I have never dared to do anything out of line. I swear to God that I have no intention of assassinating Lord Haiping. If I tell a lie, the whole family of the Jin family will be cut off."

Underneath the astonishing oath was the disdainful laughter of everyone in the Shen family.

They are all political creatures, each one more cold-blooded than the other. Who would believe this?

Zuo Mengeng was relatively calm and did not even make a decision on the spot.

He looked at Huang Zonghui.

"General Prosecutor, how do the prosecutors judge this case?"

Huang Zonghui stood up.

"Based on the evidence we have so far, Mr. Kim Sang-hyun is quite suspicious. But it is just a suspicion and cannot be used as a conclusion. If we want to get to the bottom of the case, we need to conduct detailed interrogations."

His statement was extremely difficult for Shen Xi to accept.

"Master Huang, the facts of the case have become clear at this point. That Jin Zhang is just a humble servant. Without Jin Shangxian's instructions, how could he dare to do such a treasonous act?"

Shen Yan roared in grief.

He saw with his own eyes that Lord Haiping was killed in front of him. He had already accumulated a lot of anger and wanted to complete his revenge.

But opposite him, Huang Zonghui was extremely calm.

"Master Shen, you said that this case was committed by Master Kim Sang-heon. Where is the evidence?"

Shen Yan waved his sleeves and said matter-of-factly: "Before Jin Zhang died, he had already told the causes and consequences one by one. How could Mr. Huang not know?"

Huang Zonghui did not reply, but accused him on the spot.

"Shen Yan, you liaised with the false king Li Zhu and deliberately murdered loyal ministers in order to ruin my good situation. Can you plead guilty?"

Shen Yan was stunned and had no idea what was happening.

"Why did Mr. Huang say this? In broad daylight, the world is clear, and Shen is innocent, how can I allow you to spit on others!"

Huang Zonghui sneered.

"Can't what I said be used as evidence?"

Shen Qiyuan stood up for his nephew.

"You talk nonsense and want to put people to death. How can there be such a truth in the world?"

It was only then that Huang Zonghui had a sudden turn of events.

"Then what Jin Zhang said was not just empty talk?"

Everyone in the Shen department was stunned and speechless.

After convincing Shen Xi, Huang Zonghui expressed his opinion.

"Once a person bears the responsibility for a crime, it will be stained for life and he will never be able to hold his head up again. Therefore, if you want to convict someone, you must have conclusive evidence. All kinds of evidence, physical evidence comes first, because Physical evidence does not lie. Under the physical evidence is the witness. And the witness cannot be proved alone, it must be cross-corroborated before it can be established. Nowadays, there is only Jin Zhang’s deathbed confession, how can we convict someone?”

The momentum of the Shen system is gone.

Liu Lin asked: "Master Huang, what is cross-confirmation?"

Huang Zonghui explained.

"The so-called cross-corroboration means that the testimony of multiple witnesses needs to be able to verify each other in order to be sufficiently effective. Otherwise, it is easy for unjust, false and wrong cases to occur."

Everyone will understand what he says immediately.

Fraudulent accusations are commonplace in the officialdom. Of course, everyone knows that careless witness testimony will lead to endless consequences.

If the testimonies of multiple witnesses can be obtained and can be verified with each other, then the accuracy of the witnesses can be guaranteed.

Huang Zonghui rejected the proposal to convict Jin Sangxian for this matter, which was highly approved by Zuo Menggeng.

"What will the prosecutor do next?"

Huang Zonghui had already thought about it.

"We plan to interrogate all relevant personnel and find more clues. Only in this way can the truth of the case be revealed."

This statement is watertight and no one can question it.

"In that case, let's set up a court and have a public trial."

With Zuo Mengeng's support, the handling of the case has entered a new stage.

In order to ensure that the trial process could be recognized by everyone, Zuo Menggeng personally came to the scene to observe.

Because the court system has not yet taken root in North Korea, Huang Zonghui temporarily acted as a judge.

All the Koreans who were watching were very surprised when they saw the layout of the court. What puzzled them most was that there were no torture instruments here.

Doesn't that mean that the prisoners being interrogated will not suffer physical pain, so how can they be willing to tell the truth?

Amid everyone's doubts, the trial began.

The first person to be brought up was Jin Zhang's wife Park.

Ms. Park is in her early thirties and is wearing a white prison uniform. Although she does not wear any makeup, she has a charming look that I find pitiful.

But in Huang Zonghui's eyes, no matter how beautiful a woman is, she is just the subject of a case.

"Ms. Park, has your husband Jin Zhang done anything unusual recently?"

Park is in jail, her future is uncertain, and she is always in fear.

"My lord, I haven't seen anything unusual."

Huang Zonghui was calm and didn't seem to care about what she said.

"Have you ever heard Jin Zhang say anything strange?"

Park shook his head again.

Obviously, as an ignorant woman, Jin Zhang would not be able to tell her about such a major event as an assassination.

However, as Jin Zhang's pillow, Park must be the key target.

"As the steward of Jin Mansion, is there any conflict between Jin Zhang and his master?"

Park's breathing paused obviously, and then she shook her head quickly.

"The master and the young master have great trust in me and have never had any conflicts."

But the subtle changes in her expression were completely caught by Huang Zonghui. Moreover, her words made Huang Zonghui feel abnormal.

"Just step aside."

Huang Zonghui decided to put aside the interrogation of Pu for the time being.

"Bring Mr. Jin up."

The second person he interrogated was Kim Sang-heon's son, Jin Hu.

The situation when Xia Jun broke into the house that day really frightened this young man of the noble family.

When he was brought to court, he shrank a lot.

When I saw my father sitting beside me, I felt a little more at ease.

Huang Zonghui didn't care about his change and started asking questions directly.

"Master Jin, what Jin Zhang did was done by your father or you?"

Jin Hu was really startled and waved his hands repeatedly.

"My father never mentioned political matters to my family, so I know nothing about it. Moreover, my father has always taught me hard to teach me to behave in an upright and upright manner. I cannot even hear such evil deeds as murder."

Huang Zonghui asked: "Did that Jinzhang do anything out of the ordinary? Or does he have any grudge against you and his son?"

Jin Hu fell into deep thought.

Obviously he could hear that Huang Zonghui had the intention to pick out the father and son.

It's a matter of life and death, honor and disgrace, how dare Jinhu neglect it?

"My lord, Jin Zhang has always been cautious and cautious when he was in the mansion. He was very effective in doing things and gained the trust of my father. Even his subordinates also rely on him quite a lot and have never abused or humiliated him."

Huang Zonghui still trusted this answer.

Because there are so many people in the Jin Mansion, as long as more questions are asked, Jin Hu will definitely not be able to hide it.

If he dares to lie about this matter, he is really asking for his own death.

Huang Zonghui had finished all the questions he needed to ask, and while letting Jinhu go down, he seemed to say something casually.

"It seems that Jin Zhang must have done the assassination on his own initiative. In this case, his family will not be able to escape the crime."

Mr. Pu, who was standing aside, suddenly raised his head, his bare face extremely pale.

"Master, help me!"

Jin Hu had a gloomy look on his face, and at this moment he wished he could cut off his relationship with Jin Zhang. He just pretended not to hear, and walked out a little faster.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Park yelled heartbreakingly.

"Master, even if you don't care about the life and death of the slave family, how can you not care about your own child? That is your son!"

This chapter has been completed!
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