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Chapter 1030 Agreement

Gwanghaejun's restoration represents the return of North Korea's political situation to stability.

Although half of the country in the north still has the regime of the puppet king Li Zhu. But the Korean people finally have a backbone, and many national policies can start to get on the right track.

However, Gwanghae-kun's reset is just the beginning, and there are many things that need to be dealt with carefully later.

Among them, the two biggest problems need to be solved most urgently.

One is the political system of North Korea.

The previous political system of North Korea was modeled after the Ming Dynasty, and was modified according to North Korea's national conditions. Now that North Korea has become a vassal state of Xia, does the political system need to be changed?

The second is the relationship between North Korea and Xia.

This relationship is not just a simple subjection. It is a connection in all aspects from the country to society to the people.

Following Zuo Menggeng's order, on the second day after Lord Guanghai succeeded to the throne, Hou Xun, Li Banghua and others began to negotiate with North Korea on behalf of the Xia Kingdom Central Committee.

"What His Highness means is that although North Korea has its own national conditions, the old political system can no longer keep up with the development of the times. The best choice is to adapt to the times."

Hou Xun put forward his opinion not too tactfully.

Like the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the Xia Kingdom also wanted to eliminate the traces of the Ming Dynasty in Korea.

Li Hui sat in the middle, with senior officials from the Xia Kingdom on his right, and officials from North Korea on his left.

However, on such an occasion, he could not always follow his words and follow his instructions.

It is always the people of the Xia Kingdom who dominate the situation.

However, Shen Qiyuan, Song Shilie and others did not have any opinions on political reform.

During this period, they had personally experienced and seen a lot of how Xia's political system worked.

From the perspective of ministers alone, it is obvious that Xia's political system is more in line with their wishes.

Because under such a political system, ministers and officials have greater initiative and can express their ambitions more freely.

"We have long engraved in our hearts the power of your country. It is our honor to be able to follow your country and forge ahead and innovate."

Shen Qiyuan's speech was recognized by everyone. Li Hui saw it and could only nod.

"What Shen Aiqing said is absolutely true."

This problem was solved, and Hou Xun immediately came up with the charter.

"Then the North Korean cabinet will be formed from now on, and the King will temporarily serve as the prime minister of the cabinet. For the remaining cabinet ministers, please consult with His Highness and all the wise men."

People in North Korea know the Ming Dynasty's cabinet very well. But Xia's cabinet is completely different. Therefore, a knowledgeable person is needed to temporarily control it in order for the new system to be implemented smoothly in North Korea.

Regarding the issue of North Korea's political system, Xia Guo only interfered with the cabinet, and the various departments and local governments below did not get involved.

However, the top-to-bottom reform of the political system has been finalized and will be fully rolled out once North Korea has enough qualified officials.

In addition to the political system, Liu Yiyuan also proposed strategies on behalf of the military.

"Previously, in compliance with the imperial order of His Highness King Xia, the Joint Operations Headquarters was established. In order to unify the operational needs in the future, all the troops in North Korea will be under the management of the Joint Operations Headquarters. You will be responsible for 30% of the corresponding military expenditures.


When they heard that the Xia army would not just withdraw, but would deal with it to the end, the Korean monarchs and ministers all heaved a sigh of relief.

As for the fact that all military power fell into the hands of the Xia State, the monarchs and ministers of North Korea did not show any resistance.

Although they also know that military power is very important and can even determine life and death. However, under such a good situation before, the Xia Kingdom did not have any suspicion of North Korea, and naturally they will not do so in the future.

In this case, the question of whether there is military power or not is not a big issue.

Especially for Shen Qiyuan and others, it is better for military power to be in the hands of Xia State than in the hands of Li Hui.

Even though the new king has sworn an oath that he will not settle the events of the past. But everyone is an old politician, so how can they really care about the so-called oath?

As long as the military power is in the hands of the Xia Kingdom, the king Li Hui cannot act arbitrarily, which is conducive to the stability of the situation.

Seeing that North Korea had no objection, Liu Yiyuan read out Xia Guo's decision on the spot.

"General Xia Guo's headquarters ordered that all troops in North Korea be reorganized into the Eastern Group Army, which is under the jurisdiction of the Joint Operations Headquarters. The commander-in-chief of the Joint Operations Headquarters is General Bai Qi."

Bai Xiaoqi was also present. Hearing this, he immediately stood up and saluted everyone.

But his appointment is not over yet.

"In addition, General Bai Qi will serve as the governor of North Korea and handle all affairs between Xia and North Korea."

At this moment, everyone looked at young Bai Xiaoqi cautiously.

Everyone knows that this appointment alone makes Bai Xiaoqi a top figure in North Korea who can keep pace with Li Hui.

It may even be that in many cases, Bai Xiaoqi is far more influential than the king Li Hui.

Bai Xiaoqi pursed her lips tightly and looked serious. She looked as cold as ice and as hard as iron, but in fact she was panicking inside.

Although he had long known from Zuo Menggeng that he would serve as the governor of North Korea, he was still young and inexperienced, so he didn't know whether he could do a good job.

The military and political affairs must be handled well, and the relationship between Xia and North Korea is the top priority.

Li Banghua came forward.

"Although our two countries are subordinates, we have experienced tests. It can be said that blood is thicker than water and we are as close as one family. Your Highness has said that in this case, of course our two countries should open their arms to each other. This is the right way. From now on, the two countries will How about lifting restrictions on the people of our country traveling to and from each other?"

As soon as this proposal came out, everyone in North Korea was pleasantly surprised.

Jin Yu even praised him repeatedly.

"My superior country treats me with such sincerity, what else can I ask for in Korea? How can I not obey?"

Are Koreans willing to go to Xia Kingdom?

That's not nonsense.

Of course people want to go to better places and enjoy a better life.

In addition, North Korea has a large population, a small area, and poor resources, so it is impossible to feed such a large population.

However, the surrounding forces are getting stronger and stronger, resulting in North Korean people having nowhere to go even if they want to go out.

Because of this, every time North Korea sends a mission to the country, it is regarded as a huge mistake.

Everyone fights for it and is unwilling to be left behind.

As the saying goes, when I went to China as an envoy, I gained 20 pounds, and after a month after I returned, I was back to my original shape.

It’s hard to describe in words how wonderful it is to go to China!

The Ming Dynasty was also aware of the virtues of these vassals, so it imposed very strict restrictions on their envoys. They were afraid that these people would come over to eat and drink, and would not go back.

Now Xia State has completely opened its restrictions to North Korea, which means that from now on North Koreans can come and go freely like Xia people.

For North Koreans, this is beyond their wildest dreams!

Although Xia people could enter and leave North Korea without restrictions and live there, the North Korean monarchs and ministers did not care.

The proposal of mutual all-round liberalization received a strong response from North Korea, but the next issue made everyone in Xia Kingdom wary.

They were a little doubtful that as soon as this issue was raised, would these North Koreans explode on the spot?

This chapter has been completed!
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