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Chapter 1051 Policy

"The government will give land to anyone who goes to Jilin Province. Do you know how much they will give?"

Pan Xiaona stretched out three fingers.

"Three hundred acres, three hundred acres for each person. In addition, no matter how much is cultivated, it will belong to his name."

The scene was quiet for a while, except for the cicada's cries that made the villagers uneasy.

It's not that they don't want to talk, it's that they have fallen into chaos.

Could it be...


Or is this young county magistrate suffering from hysteria?

The villagers looked at me and I looked at you, and they all saw two words in each other's eyes.

Do not believe!

I can't believe it!

Three hundred acres of land, what is that concept?

There are thousands of people in their village, and their total land is only 150 acres.

To give one person three hundred acres of land is something I would never dare to dream of.

Not getting any response made Pan Xiaona blush.

"Why don't you believe it? This is all true. I will use the head on my neck as a guarantee. As long as people pass by, the land will be distributed immediately."

A man curled his lips.

"Will the government be so kind? Give us so much land? Why don't those landlords and non-members go?"

Only then did Pan Xiaona understand.

It turned out that the number was too large, which frightened these simple people.

"You don't know that the purpose of immigrating to Jilin Province this time is to solve the problem of insufficient arable land and lack of food for everyone. Those landowners and members of the Communist Party of China are all living well, so who would want to go? But you are different. You are watching.

They are all going to starve to death. If I give you land to plant, will you plant it?"

The words were crude but not crude, but they made the villagers a little doubtful.

"Does the government really allocate so much land?"

Pan Xiaona simply took out a map and drew a circle within Jilin Province.

"Take a good look, how big is this place? It's more than five times larger than our Huaihe Province. But in such a big place, there are no people everywhere, it's all wasteland. Let alone three hundred acres for each of you, it's three thousand

We can’t even divide the acres.”

Someone is getting greedy again.

"Then give us three thousand acres. We don't think it's too much."

Pan Xiaona laughed angrily.

"If each of you is given three hundred acres, you won't be able to grow it. What's the difference between being given three thousand acres and not being given any?"

Everyone couldn't help but nodded after hearing this.

They are all good hands in the crop field. Everyone knows how much land one person can cultivate.

In fact, even if there are 300 acres of land, one person cannot cultivate it even if he works hard.

The thought of owning so much land makes many people's minds come alive.

But when I looked at the map again, I couldn't help but hesitate.

"How can we get to such a far away place?"

The Xia government has obviously made a comprehensive plan.

"Go by boat. The government has prepared everything. The government will provide you with food, clothing, and clothing along the way. You won't have to spend a penny, and you will never go hungry."

The knowledgeable villagers raised another worrying issue.

"There are Tatars in that place, right? I heard that the Tatars kill without blinking an eye. They won't kill us all, right?"

Pan Xiaona laughed loudly and marked the Manchu Qing's sphere of influence on the map.

"Look, the Tatars' territory is here. It's thousands of miles away from our Jilin Province, and there's no way we can get there. Besides, there are 100,000 troops stationed in Jilin Province. Even if the Tatars attack, they won't be our opponent.


Ordinary villagers obviously have little information, and his words cannot reassure everyone.

"The Tatars are so powerful, can the army defeat them?"

Pan Xiaona has been practicing at the grassroots level for a long time and has already mastered enough patience.

"Don't you know? In the first half of this year, our army and the Tatars actually fought several battles in North Korea, and we won them all. The Tatars are not our opponents at all."

The villagers came up curiously and found the location of North Korea, and they started talking about it for a while.

In fact, they had no idea how powerful the Manchu Qing Dynasty was, they just heard people talk about it.

As for whether the Xia army was more powerful than the Manchus, they didn't care.

They are all about to starve to death anyway, so how to survive is their biggest concern.

Shi Sandang was a person who came from the old society and never had much trust in the government.

"The government has allocated so much land to us. If we can't plant it, what can the government say?"

Pan Xiaona explained the policy to everyone in detail.

"The government allocates so much land to everyone because there is too much wasteland there and people need to cultivate it. As for how much we can plant, everyone does their best and the government does not force them. By the way, seeds, farm tools, etc.

The government will prepare livestock for everyone. With livestock, we can plant a lot of land, right?"

The villagers could no longer sit still.

Each person can be allocated three hundred acres of land, which is already very attractive. The government also provides seeds, farm tools and livestock, which is even more unthinkable.

"If I had livestock, I could farm three hundred acres by myself."

Pan Xiaona was not an indifferent official, so he knew that the man was bragging.

Even if you give him five cows, he can't farm 300 acres by himself.

Apart from anything else, just watering him would tire him to death.

But it took a lot of effort to raise everyone's spirits, and naturally it was impossible to extinguish them at this time.

"Brother, I can see that he is a good farmer. When we get there, we will work hard and earn a share of the family business for our grandchildren, right?"

As soon as this was said, the villagers loved to hear it.

Many people have begun to secretly wonder if they really want to move there?

"I heard that it gets colder as you go north. I'm afraid someone in Jilin Province will freeze to death."

For a major event like immigration, no matter how careful the people are, they have taken every problem into account.

In their eyes, the county magistrate Pan Xiaona was very stable.

"It's freezing cold there for most of the year, and it doesn't open up until April, so you can farm. Before the frost, you have to have a good harvest. Although it can only be harvested once a year, because of the land

It’s fertile and the yield is much higher than here. And one person can’t eat all the food produced with 300 acres of land. You can also sell the excess to the government in exchange for some money and other things. No matter what

Even so, it’s better than staying here and living side by side!”

I said it over and over again and said it carefully, and I have said it thoroughly.

The villagers already understood all the benefits of immigration. However, they did not express their opinions immediately. On the contrary, they were hesitant one by one.

"My Healing Game"

Regarding their performance, Pan Xiaona was very knowledgeable.

It's not that these villagers don't know the benefits of immigrating to Jilin Province, but that they are worried...

Is the government lying to people?

After all, the credibility of the Ming government over the years can be said to have been completely bankrupt.

Although the policies and officials of the Xia Kingdom have been very friendly to the people since the establishment of the Xia Kingdom. However, once they were bitten by a snake and feared for ten years, the people's hearts were still unable to completely move closer to the new regime.

In this case, there is only one way.

"To be on the safe side, each of your families can go there a few times. Those who have settled there will not be allowed to come back. If anyone misses his hometown then, just come back and have a look. Living your own life can also make your ancestors happy, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the villagers' last doubts disappeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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