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Chapter 1062 Contradictions

Ever since Zheng chose to side with Japan, the conflict between the two sides has been obvious.

And irreconcilable.

Relying on the geographical convenience, the Zheng family monopolized the trade from Southeast Asia to Japan and made a lot of money.

But in fact, most of Zheng's interests actually come from the local area.

After all, China in this era is the world's largest commodity production base and source of export sales.

The Zheng family relied on selling domestic products through various official and smuggling channels and collecting tolls, which enabled it to grow and prosper.

But now, Zheng's business model has been severely impacted by the Xia Kingdom.

Among the commodities exported by China, in addition to porcelain, textiles occupy an important position.

In addition to silk, the number of cotton products among textiles is even more astonishing.

But now Shandong, the largest cotton planting base, is in the hands of the Xia State, and Songjiang Prefecture, the largest cotton spinning center, is also in the hands of the Xia State.

This is equivalent to Xia's complete monopoly on the export of cotton textiles.

If the Xia State did not have the ability to trade across oceans, then the two sides could still live in peace.

The Xia State could only rely on the Zheng family's trade channels to sell products to foreign countries and endure the Zheng family's exploitation.

But now Xia's ocean-going capabilities have developed and become stronger and stronger.

In addition, the route from the north of Songjiang Prefecture to Japan is not under the control of the Zheng family, which allows the Xia Kingdom to dump products to Japan without passing through the Zheng family's territory.

The market is so big, if Xia Guo takes more, Zheng will lose more.

With one ebb and flow going on, how could Mrs. Zheng endure this situation?

In addition, the Tokugawa shogunate was also dissatisfied with the status quo.

As a feudal regime, what the Tokugawa shogunate wanted most was to close itself off to the outside world. Then it would keep Nagasaki as a window to the outside world and still control it in its own hands.

In this way, it is tantamount to seizing most of the benefits of foreign trade. Not only can it strengthen itself, it can also weaken other daimyo and consolidate its own rule.

As a result, the Xia Kingdom used force to open the door. With the influx of massive goods, the prestige of the Tokugawa shogunate suffered a huge impact.

Nowadays, doubts about the Tokugawa shogunate are rising in Japan.

Those daimyo who were unwilling to do so were even more eager to try and could jump out at any time to challenge the rule of the Tokugawa shogunate.

The Tokugawa shogunate desperately wanted to return to the previous situation, so it had no choice but to unite with the Zheng family and look for opportunities at all times to drive the Xia Kingdom out of Japan.

From Xia Guo's perspective, he also doesn't like the current situation.

The Xia Kingdom was founded on commerce, and commercial trade was the largest source of wealth for the country.

Although trade channels between North Korea and Japan have now been opened, if you want to participate in global competition, you must go to Nanyang.

However, the passage to Nanyang was in the hands of the Zheng family. Every ship from Xia passing through this route had to pay a toll of two thousand taels of silver every year.

With such a heavy cost burden, everyone in the Xia Kingdom has long been complaining.

It can be said that even if Zuo Mengeng does not make any plans, the interests of the upper and lower levels will inevitably make Xia Guo take action.

"Zheng is going too far now. They have raised the tolls for us Dutch to 2,500 taels of silver per year, which has greatly increased our costs. Now our trade profits with Japan are getting smaller and smaller.

If this continues, the only way out is bankruptcy."

When he learned of Shen Tingyang's arrival, Skrtel came to his door and complained as soon as he met.

Taking advantage of Xia's victory over Japan, the Netherlands reaped enough benefits. Because of his outstanding performance, Skrtel was appointed as the general representative in Japan by the Dutch East India Company.

The East India Company had already given him instructions to work closely with Xia officials to maintain consistent interests.

The biggest headache for the Dutch people now is that Zheng has raised tolls.

However, due to the previous failure in the Battle of Liaoluo Bay, the Dutch had no choice but to endure such high pressure on the Zheng family.

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

Dutch businessmen complained a lot and urged the East India Company to take measures to protect their interests.

Unable to form a strong force, the Dutch had no choice but to turn to the Xia Kingdom for help.

This was a new situation, and Shen Tingyang suddenly became cautious.

"Trade in the East must be guaranteed. Zheng's price increase is harmful to everyone's interests. I will convey it to the country. I believe that the interests of our Xia Kingdom and the Netherlands are consistent with this."

Zheng increased the Dutch's tolls, but will it increase the Xia's tolls?

Shen Tianyang felt that this situation was very likely to happen.

In order to ensure hegemony in trade, Zheng will definitely suppress other competitors.

Moreover, Zheng's methods may not be limited to this, and there may be even more intense conspiracies.

With the support of Xia Guo, Skrtel breathed a sigh of relief.

He reported a situation to Shen Tingyang.

"The goods transported by the merchants rescued earlier were all religious items, and they were originally intended to be sold to believers in the Hizen area. According to the agreement, the Tokugawa shogunate was not allowed to harm these believers of God. We doubt the actions of the Nagasaki practice office.

I’m afraid there is an ulterior motive.”

After the war, the peace agreement signed between Xia and Japan clearly stipulated that the Tokugawa shogunate must not prevent the Japanese people from practicing Catholicism.

However, the Tokugawa shogunate was extremely hostile to Catholicism and obviously would not offend so easily.

In Japan, they have plenty of ways to deal with unarmed believers.

But since the Xia Kingdom has learned about this matter, it cannot turn a blind eye.

After sending Skrtel away, Shen Tingyang immediately ordered Guo Zheng: "Send someone to investigate the situation in Hihou Country."

Guo Zheng went immediately.

Although he is Shen Tingyang's secretary, he actually comes from the Intelligence Department.

Upright and upright are the names of the four brothers of the Guo family.

Guo is the eldest brother, and his third brother Guo Ting is the director of the Korean Department of the Ministry of Intelligence.

The second oldest, Guo Zhi, serves in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the fourth oldest, Guo Xiu, is a local official.

The four Guo brothers are all very talented and have a bright future.


Zheng Zhilong received a summons from Chen Zhong, which made him look gloomy and in a very bad mood.

"Xia Guo really doesn't know how high the sky is. Does he really think that I, Mrs. Zheng, are easy to talk to?"

Zheng Zhibao, however, had a bad temper and started shouting loudly.

Everyone present in the civil and military circles of the Zheng family was indignant and could not accept the loss of profits at all.

"The official must take action, otherwise Xia Guo will make further progress. If things continue like this, who will take me, the Zheng family, in their eyes?"

"We must let Xia Guo understand who has the final say over this sea."

Amid the clamor for war, Zheng Zhilong gradually solidified his idea.

As the overlord of the East, he felt that everyone should understand what he, Zheng Zhilong, meant.

This chapter has been completed!
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