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Chapter 1066

The Shimabara Peninsula in Kyushu is the territory of the Karatsu Domain of Hizen Province.

The feudal lord, Matsukura Katsuie, can definitely be called a devil.

Since his father, Matsukura Shigemasa, the Karatsu clan has tried its best to exploit the people.

Due to the tightening of foreign policy by the Tokugawa shogunate, most areas of Kyushu were unable to engage in foreign trade, resulting in an economic downturn in many territories of Kyushu.

In order to relieve financial pressure, Matsukura Shigemasa cleverly made a name for himself and re-explored the land in his territory.

The Karatsu clan originally had only 40,000 shi, but he suddenly changed it into 100,000 shi out of thin air.

These more than doubled names have all become a heavy burden on the people's heads.

At the same time, in order to build Shimabara Castle, Matsukura Shigemasa conscripted a large number of laborers.

The people were already burdened with a heavy annual payment, but now the fields were barren due to labor, and they could not even eat.

But the people of Japan are also very patient.

They struggled to survive in such a difficult environment, and their only spiritual sustenance was Catholicism.

The poor people relied on each other and obtained a little spiritual comfort through learning Catholic doctrine.

But even so, the cruel daimyo cut off their last hope.

Matsukura Shigemasa resolutely carried out the Tokugawa Shogunate's order to suppress Catholics.

The Karatsu Domain was originally the territory of the Kirikidan daimyo (a daimyo who believed in Catholicism) Arima Harunobu, so most of the people believed in Catholicism and were very devout.

Matsukura Shigemasa's suppression of Catholicism was tantamount to suppressing all the people in the territory.

Matsukura Katsuie was even more cruel than his father.

Unluckily, the economy of Karatsu Domain completely collapsed due to the continuous drought.

Even under such circumstances, Matsukura Katsuie not only did not reduce taxes for the people, but also established various titles such as head tax and housing tax. It can be said that he was squeezing the people's bones and extracting their marrow.

The common people, who could no longer survive, began to accumulate anger and were on the verge of exploding.

At this time, some strange shadows began to circulate around Shimabara, constantly lobbying and instigating.

These people are the former ministers of the Konishi family and the Arima family.

These people are now reduced to wandering warriors, and what they want most is to restore their former glory.

They saw the subtlety of the situation and began to actively operate.

Matsukura Katsuie didn't realize that he was already sitting on the crater. He still used brutal methods to squeeze the people in the territory.

Finally the breaking point came.

Koujin Village is an ordinary village in Karatsu Domain.

Like other places, under the oppression of the feudal lord and natural disasters, it has reached the edge of life and death.

But the people in the domain didn't care about their situation at all and plundered the wealth wantonly.

Soya (the village chief) and Zaemon were knocked to the ground, unable to struggle.

But his wife, who was pregnant with Liujia, was dragged away by people from the feudal clan.

"Sir, my wife is about to give birth. Please, please let us go!"


The Daikan slapped Yozaemon hard on the head with the scabbard.

"You have ten days to pay the annual payment. If you dare to miss a grain of grain, your wife will be killed."

Yozaemon cried and howled bitterly, but he had no choice but to watch his wife being taken away.

The people in Koujin Village learned about the situation and came running one after another.

However, what they faced were only dark clouds that could not be resolved.

"Is there really no food? If we don't pay the annual tribute, the wife of the village will die."

"I heard that Mrs. Zhuangya was imprisoned in a water prison. She is pregnant and will definitely not be able to survive."

Amid the garbled words of the villagers, Yozaemon felt extremely desperate.

He felt the kindness of the villagers, but he knew even more that Koujin Village really could not produce a single grain of food now.

How to save his wife?

Little did he know that at this moment his wife was on the verge of life and death.

In the feudal water prison, Yozaemon's wife was stripped naked and imprisoned in a narrow cage.

The cold water soaked her completely, making her shiver with cold.

The people in the domain stood around, pointing at her body and laughing wildly.

Yozaemon's wife only felt the endless cold surrounding herself, and her teeth could not be closed at all.

"Sir, please let me go, I'm about to give birth."

The acting officials are like wild beasts.

"Then you're ready to give birth. We haven't seen how women give birth."

Yozaemon's wife kept begging, but the beasts were indifferent.

Her frail body began to swing violently in the water, and then let out a desperate roar, and then stood still.

When he saw a scarlet patch emerging from the water, the Daiguan's laughter stopped abruptly.

"It was really unlucky to drag her out and bury her."

Yozaemon's wife died.

The villagers of Koujin Village finally despaired.

Everyone knew that the feudal lord didn't care about their life or death at all. If this continued, they would all be dead.

Yozaemon wiped away his tears and took out the treasured sword collected by his ancestors.

"My wife is dead! My child is also dead! Many of our fellow villagers are also dead! Maybe we will die too soon!"

He suddenly became filial.

"Are we going to die?"

The villagers, whose anger broke out, finally took the last step.

They took out sickles, poles, and forks from their respective homes.

“Kill all the cannibalistic feudal lords and avenge the dead!


The people of Kuchizu Village, led by Yozaemon, attacked the domain like a flood.

Those officials who usually take pleasure in wreaking havoc on the people had no idea that the people who completely broke out would be so terrifying.

They were scared.

They want to escape.

They can't escape at all.

He was chased by angry villagers, knocked to the ground, and then hit by countless sticks and kicks, gradually turning into a puddle of mud.

No coincidence.

In Arima Village, another part of the Shimabara Domain, people's resistance also began.

The feudal official Hayashiemon led the soldiers into Arima Village under the guidance of a wretched guy.

"Sir, those cultists are in this courtyard."

The wretched guy looked flattering and stretched out his hands, as if asking for something.

Hayashiemon nodded and smiled.

"I already know your loyalty, and I will give you the benefits that belong to you now."

The sword flashed and the wretched guy flew up onto his head in the air. Only a pair of shocked eyes could not figure out why.

However, Hayashiemon seemed to have done something insignificant.

He raised his foot and kicked open the courtyard door in front of him.

"Come in and arrest all these heretics."

The feudal soldiers rushed into the courtyard shouting.

But when they saw the situation inside clearly, everyone couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

I saw that the wide courtyard was full of people, and all the people looked over angrily.

I don't know who suddenly let out an angry shout.

"Obey God's will and kill all these evil officials!"

The battle was one-sided from the start.

Hayashiemon thought he was going to make a great contribution, but he was beaten into pieces by the angry villagers.

None of the people he brought escaped, and he became the best target for the people to vent their anger.

After the killing, blood flowed, and the calm people finally remembered what they had done.

Everyone was frightened and panicked.

I don’t know, what should I do next?

Someone still gave guidance.

"Go and ask Tendo to take action! Under Tendo's guidance, we will surely win."

This chapter has been completed!
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