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#1127 East China Sea battle (7)

The battle lasted almost a day from morning to night, and seven to eighty warships were lost, but the East China Sea Fleet was still unable to do anything.

Now six more third-level battleships have joined the battlefield, immediately turning the entire battle situation upside down.

E Hongluo stood upright on the command platform of the flagship, carefully arranging his general's uniform.

"Boys, this is the last battle in my life. Do you have the confidence to let me retire gloriously? Let me smile happily when I think of this moment before I die?"

His speech inspired the fighting spirit of all officers and soldiers.

"General, please rest assured. It is our duty to build the glory of Xia Kingdom's navy!"

After the Battle of Tsushima, E Honglue planned to retire.

He was born in a village near the sea in Portugal.

Because the village is rich in shipbuilding craftsmen and sailors, when he grew up, he naturally walked into the ocean and began wandering around for half his life.

The Portuguese were filled with anger because they were annexed by Spain.

They think about restoring their country all the time.

However, Portugal's power was too weak, and all resistance was eliminated by the Spanish.

In desperation, the Portuguese had no choice but to travel around the world, hoping to find a way to get rid of Spanish rule.

E Honglue spent the first half of his life in poverty. If nothing unexpected happened, he would have been silently lost in the long river of history.

Later, Sun Yuanhua planned to build firearms in Dengzhou to fight against Hou Jin. With the dream of getting rich, he followed the other Portuguese to the Ming Dynasty.

Although his life had gotten better, the Wuqiao Mutiny pushed him to the edge of life and death again.

Fortunately, Zuo Mengeng's intervention saved his life.

Since then, E Honglue's life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

He never thought that one day he would be able to become a general with outstanding achievements in war, even though he was penniless.

It can be said that his current life has made him extremely satisfied.

He desperately wanted to settle down and enjoy the rest of his time.

He was even more grateful to Zuo Mengeng and treated him like a god.

Therefore, when Zuo Mengeng asked him to fight on the battlefield for the last time and lead six brand new battleships into battle, he agreed without hesitation.

This is a battle without any suspense.

Victory will definitely belong to Xia Kingdom.

There is no doubt that it would be wonderful to end one's military career with such a battle.

At this time, Zheng Zhifeng's command was already in a fight with the East China Sea Fleet, and the order was already in chaos. Even if the danger at the rear was discovered, it was too late to reorganize the formation.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly!"

Zheng Zhifeng was filled with despair and yelled crazily, hoping to seize the chance.

But it is a pity that the sloppy Zheng pirates can hardly use their hands like an arm. And the backward information transmission technology makes his response efficiency even worse.

E Honglue was not going to give him a chance to sort things out calmly.

"Order Xu Jianzhong to lead the Qingzhou, Dongchang to outflank from the left wing, and the remaining warships to follow me."

The six newly arrived battleships were divided into two parts.

Two of them formed a separate group and moved toward the northeast of Zheng Zhifeng's headquarters.

E Honglue personally led the remaining four warships to circle back from the other side.

Obviously, this was not intended to give Zheng Zhifeng any way to survive.

On the wide sea, the covered steamer with full sails was moving at lightning speed and quickly reached the attack position.

At this moment, the Zheng's warship, which was at the rear, had not yet completed its turn.

The overwhelming cannonballs tilted over, covering them all.

On the spot, seven warships were hit and disintegrated.

Three other warships collided with each other due to the surging waves, causing water to enter the bottom tank and gradually began to tilt.

Zheng's fleet was immediately in chaos and completely lost command.

Everyone desperately wanted to avoid the attack and began to blindly flee on the sea.

As a result, mutual obstructions occurred frequently, and collisions with each other were endless.

Zheng Zhifeng was so anxious that he was sweating profusely.

"Go up and stop them."

His flagship is the new warship bought from Xia Kingdom, and it is also the most powerful ship of the Zheng family.

With no other choice, Zheng Zhifeng could only use himself as a shield, hoping to give his subordinates a chance to relax.

Seeing the identical battleship rushing towards him, E Hong shook his head and sighed.

"It's such a waste that such a good ship falls into the hands of these pirates. Look, they can't even do basic operations. Guys, teach them what a real ocean knight is."

E Honglue's ship Yanzhou and another battleship Huai'an rushed towards Zheng Zhifeng.

Although they are the same battleship, and Xia Guo did not play any tricks in the construction, the artillery of both sides is not at the same level.

Five hundred meters away, the Yanzhou and Huai'an began bombing wildly.

Although Zheng Zhifeng ordered to fight back, the accuracy and power of the bronze artillery were far behind.

Occasionally, a few cannonballs hit the Xia army's warships, only to splash some sawdust. But once the Xia army's artillery shells hit, there was an immediate strong explosion.

In just one stick of incense, Zheng Zhifeng's ship was hit by six cannonballs.

The entire bow of the ship was blown to pieces, and the rope holding the sail broke, causing the sail to lose control and swing wildly in the sea breeze.

The speed of the warship stagnated, and even turning became difficult.

Zheng Zhifeng became even more desperate, resisting like a wounded beast.

"If you fire a cannon, you won't lose if you kill one, but you will gain if you kill two."

At this moment, a Xia Army heavy artillery shell hit the middle of the warship. The warhead not only penetrated the side, but also detonated the gunpowder in the cabin.

In an instant, a large ball of black and red flames accompanied by a strong shock wave caused the seawater within a few hundred meters to boil.

Zheng Zhifeng only felt that she had turned into a piece of paper in the strong wind, and flew out involuntarily. She flipped in the air for a long time, and then fell heavily into the water, completely losing consciousness.

The remaining Zheng pirates saw that their flagship was completely destroyed and completely lost their will to fight.

They began to run away, trying to get away from this terrible area.

But it is a pity that the encirclement network of the East China Sea Fleet has been completely formed. There are ten third-level battleships with more than 600 artillery pieces of various types.

Moreover, the third-level battleships are faster and can catch up with them easily.

Any Zheng warship that wanted to break out of the encirclement was baptized by artillery fire and then destroyed.

After fighting like this for half an hour, less than one-tenth of the Zheng family's warships escaped.

Seeing that there was no hope of escape and fearing death, the others had no choice but to raise white flags and gave up resistance.

The ambush that Zheng Zhilong had painstakingly laid was completely destroyed.

This chapter has been completed!
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