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Chapter 1144 Bigger Layout

In Shandong at the end of August, it is still extremely hot.

At this time, hiking to escape the heat is the best choice.

Qilu is still young, what about Dai Zongfu?

Mount Tai, which is so close to Chichi, has become a favorite place for people nearby.

Zuo Mengeng, dressed in plain clothes, slowly climbed up the stone steps. While admiring the beautiful scenery, he discussed important matters with Anthony Van Diemen.

After the Zheng clan was eliminated, the division of power on the Eastern Sea was crucial.

After seeing the power of Xia's navy, Anthony Van Diemen was very worried that the Netherlands would become Xia's next target.

"There is no absolute conflict of interest between Xia Guo and the Netherlands. I always believe that our two countries can work together to create a more brilliant future."

Zuo Mengeng had a clear attitude and also gave Anthony van Diemen a reassurance.

But this also made him a little confused.

It is clear that the Xia Kingdom's actions against the Zheng family and Japan demonstrated a strong expansionist nature.

Why can we tolerate the Netherlands' divided maritime interests?

"Europe is thousands of miles away, and no matter how powerful the Xia Kingdom is, it will be difficult to have an impact. In today's world, only China and Europa can be in charge. The Xia Kingdom really hopes to have a sincere friend in Europa. I believe this

, it is very important to both the Xia Kingdom and the Netherlands."

Anthony van Diemen got it.

Zuo Mengeng obviously felt the power of vigorous development in Europe and knew that European countries will definitely shine on the world stage in the near future.

The rise of Europe will inevitably conflict with Xia's interests.

But Europe is too far away, and Xia Guo has no way to change anything with its own strength.

At this time, having a firm ally among the European countries can gain a lot of benefits.

And the staunch ally he considered was the Netherlands.

"Based on the relationship between us, I think it is better to be open and honest. Taiwan has always been China's inherent territory. You Dutch people establishing a stronghold on it is actually infringing on our Chinese interests. I sincerely hope that the Dutch

We can withdraw from Taiwan and maintain the friendship between us."

Zuo Menggeng made it clear from the moment he came up that he wanted control of Taiwan.

This approach made Anthony Van Diemen a little dissatisfied.

"There has never been any documentation that Taiwan is China's territory. Dear His Royal Highness, King Xia, I think we can jointly develop Taiwan."

The dispute over interests is obviously not easy to calm down.

"How can you allow others to sleep soundly beside the bed?"

Zuo Mengeng showed his sharp edge and went straight to the core.

Taiwan is on the side of the mainland and serves as a barrier to the mainland. The Dutch established a foothold on it, leaving Xia Guo sleepless.

This contradiction is irreconcilable.

He said it so bluntly that even Anthony Van Diemen hesitated.

From a fundamental point of view, the development of business and trade with the Xia Kingdom over the years has allowed the East India Company to earn a huge amount of wealth. If the Xia and the Netherlands turned hostile, the losses would be immeasurable.

However, it was difficult for the Netherlands to gain a foothold in Taiwan. If it were to give up easily, it would have no way to explain to the shareholders of the East India Company.

What Zuo Menggen said was true.

He really felt that he could become a deep ally with the Netherlands and did not want to go to war with the Netherlands.

But only he himself understands the profound meaning of each.

Although the Netherlands is now the world's leading maritime power, and Dutch sailing ships travel all over the world. But generally speaking, the Netherlands' national strength is limited and it cannot make any big waves.

At least compared to those later great powers, the Netherlands was undoubtedly much more moderate.

This country focuses more on business and has little interest in colonization and war.

In this way, conflicts with the Xia Kingdom were greatly avoided.

In addition, as Zuo Menggeng said, Xia Guo needs a friend in Europe who can help Xia Guo get deeply involved in Europe and interfere in the historical process there.

Among European countries, the Netherlands is undoubtedly the most suitable.

Without interrupting the rise of European powers, history cannot be changed and China's interests cannot be safeguarded.

Starting from this larger pattern, it is very necessary to choose to maintain friendly relations with the Netherlands.

The biggest point of conflict between Xia and the Netherlands right now is Taiwan.

Here, Zuo Mengeng will not give in under any circumstances.

The withdrawal of the Dutch from Taiwan was the starting point for Xia and the Netherlands to maintain their interests.

He didn't want to choose the means of war, so he could only put forward suitable conditions.

"The Netherlands can serve as a mediator in the war between Xia and Japan. No matter what agreement is finally reached between Xia and Japan, the Netherlands can treat it equally."

As soon as this condition was proposed, Anthony Van Diemen's heart could not help but beat fast.

Regarding the dispute between Xia Kingdom and Japan, the East India Company has already made predictions internally.

In view of Japan's lack of maritime power, everyone believed that Japan would eventually have to surrender.

At that time, the Xia Kingdom's series of harsh conditions will inevitably translate into astonishing wealth.

Now Xia Kingdom allows the Netherlands to join it, which shows its sincerity.

Anthony van Diemen began to think hard about whether such an exchange would be appropriate.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Mengeng's second condition for showing his goodwill came.

"From now on, Dutch merchant ships can travel within the territory of Xia Kingdom without restrictions, and all ports of Xia Kingdom are open to the Netherlands. Dutch ships passing through the Taiwan Strait will enjoy the same treatment as Xia Kingdom merchant ships, and no tolls will be charged."

This condition is equivalent to lifting all restrictions on the entire Eastern Sea at once.

From now on, Dutch merchants can swim freely in the sea.

Judging from these two conditions alone, it seems that withdrawing from Taiwan is not impossible.

But Zuo Menggeng always likes to use his power to overwhelm others when doing things. Either he doesn't do it, or he must do it if he wants to.

The third condition he proposed finally led to the complete surrender of the Dutch.

"I plan to send a national-level mission to the Netherlands within one year. I will submit the credentials for the establishment of diplomatic relations to your country's government. At the same time, I will set up an embassy in Amsterdam and send an ambassador. I also ask Mr. Diemen to inform the country in advance."

Anthony Van Diemen was trembling all over. Even though he was used to wind and rain, he could not hide the surprise on his face at this moment.

What kind of Taiwan, what kind of stronghold, what kind of land, in the face of these conditions, they are nothing!

Why did Zuo Mengeng’s proposal to formally establish diplomatic relations make Anthony Van Diemen so happy?

This also starts with the situation the Netherlands is facing today.

Since the Dutch Revolution, the Netherlands has become independent from Spanish rule.

But the problem is that this de facto independence does not receive corresponding legal treatment.

Because of Spain's relationship with the Holy Roman Empire, the Netherlands was not recognized by other countries on the European continent.

This brought great trouble to the independence of the Netherlands.

The Dutch believe in Protestantism, which is considered heretical by most countries on the European continent.

No matter how powerful the Dutch were at sea, they were still hampered without the corresponding legal status.

If China, recognized as the top power in the world, recognizes the independent status of the Netherlands, then all the shackles currently placed on the Netherlands will be completely shattered.

This is Zuo Mengeng’s sincerity.

In the face of this sincerity, it is obviously completely worthwhile to withdraw from Taiwan and maintain good relations with Xia State.
This chapter has been completed!
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