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Chapter 114 Conspiracy

Zuo Menggeng and others retreated all the way to Mi Shen Mountain in the south of the city before finally coming to a halt.

The accident occurred suddenly, and no one expected that many people were injured in a hurry. In addition to the five people who died at the hands of the Tatars, half of the trip to Dengzhou was damaged this time.

Everyone was exhausted from running, and when they stopped, they only had the strength to breathe.

But after a while, there was a slight sound of sobbing again.

Zuo Mengeng was standing on the edge of the hillside at this time, watching the Dongjiang soldiers wreaking havoc on Dengzhou with blazing eyes. When he heard the cry, he immediately became furious.

"Why are you crying?"

Everyone was frightened and did not dare to look at him.

Zuo Mengeng was like a tiger, his tone was extremely stern.

"Since you come to be a soldier, you will go to the battlefield. There will be casualties on the battlefield. Either they die or you die. What is there to cry about?"

When the crying disappeared, Zuo Mengeng's voice became more and more deafening.

"They died in the battle with the Tatars. Such sacrifices were well deserved. Think about the people who were massacred by the Tatars. If they have the opportunity to avenge them, even if they die, they can hold their heads high and be respected by the world. Who is such a person?

They are indomitable heroes. We should admire and be happy for their achievements and contributions, but the last thing we need is sadness, let alone fear."

Everyone listened silently, and every word entered their hearts.

Apart from being recruits, these people are no different from the simple civilians of this era.

Even though ideological education has been carried out in the back camp, human growth requires a process.

To be blunt, they are still a long way from becoming real warriors.

Today's encounter with the Tatars was also the first time they faced the most powerful warrior in the world.

It is tragic that all five against two died, but what makes Zuo Menggeng most gratified is that none of the five soldiers flinched or ran away.

Maybe they didn't have time to feel scared during the fight, but they certainly deserved any praise for fighting to the death.

"Qianzao, are all the Tatars so powerful?"

A soldier had the courage to ask, but then quickly shrank his head for fear of being lectured by Zuo Mengeng.

This soldier is called Li Erzhu, a soldier who trains very hard.

"Although these two Tatars are very powerful, they are definitely not the most powerful. In the future, when you go to the battlefield, you will definitely see more powerful and cruel enemies."

Zuo Menggeng's matter-of-fact words made the soldiers involuntarily show frightened expressions.

This reaction made Zuo Mengeng very dissatisfied.

"What? Are you afraid? When a strong warrior hears that the enemy is very powerful, he should not have any fear. Because only by defeating the most powerful enemy can we prove that we are stronger."

Another soldier murmured: "It is said that Jurchens are invincible if they are not worth ten thousand people..."

Zuo Mengeng asked back: "Didn't Yue Wumu fight the Jurchens at the beginning? Why did he win? Yue Wumu didn't have as good weapons as we do."

Real examples are the most convincing.

As soon as these words came out, everyone who was originally in low morale immediately became different.

Zuo Mengeng's words also reached everyone's ears at this time.

"This time we haven't fought five against two. It's not because the opponent is strong, but because we are not strong enough. What do we have to do? Sweat more in peacetime, and bleed less in war. As long as we pay ten times, a hundred times

If you train hard, there is no enemy you can't defeat."

The general is the soul of the army!

Zuo Menggeng's confident words and his bravery in killing two Tatars just now completely changed the soldiers' concepts.

For many armies, fear is the biggest reason for failure.

When an army is fearless, many incredible victories will become a matter of course.

While we were doing ideological education here, the situation under Dengzhou City had undergone new changes.

The garrison in the city finally reacted. Soldiers went up to the wall, the city gates were closed, and they were heavily guarded.

At the same time, boats from Shuicheng were dispatched to force the fleet from Dongjiang Town away. After the confrontation between the two sides, the situation finally stabilized.

Not long after, a group of people came out of the city and hurried into the military camp in Dongjiang Town.

"What should we do?"

Mao Wenlong plundered Denglai and completely broke the established plan here.

Now that Dengzhou City cannot be entered, it is certainly impossible to continue to pursue the news about Xu Yaqing. Moreover, two Tatars were killed. I believe that Xu Yaqing will definitely learn about this matter soon.

Xu Yaqing could not have been unprepared when she was alerted.

But Zuo Mengeng felt that this might not be an opportunity.

"A person like Xu Yaqing is a threat only if she always hides in the dark. Once exposed to the sun, she will be meat on the chopping board. If she learns that two Tatars were killed, she will definitely not be able to sit still. According to my guess,

She is most likely to escape."

This analysis has been recognized by everyone.

Even though Xu Yaqing is now under the protection of Denglai Governor Wang Tingshi, once the news spreads that she is the leader of the Wenxiang Cult, not even her, not even Wang Tingshi will be able to escape death penalty.

Therefore, the most important thing Xu Yaqing should do after realizing that she might be exposed is to run away.

"Then after Dongjiang Town retreats, we will guard the four gates of Dengzhou and wait for her to come out."

The discussion was settled, and everyone was no longer in a hurry. They found a place to rest and wait for Dongjiang Town to withdraw its troops.

Liu Yiyuan could not calm down, so he walked to Zuo Mengeng and asked a worried question.

"Tell me, where did those two Tatars come from? Why did they leave by boat?"

Zuo Mengeng knew what he was worried about.

"Do you think these two Tatars came from Dongjiang Town?"

The Tatars are far away in Liaodong. If they want to reach Denglai, besides traveling by land via western Liaoning, Shanhaiguan, Jifu, and Shandong, it is faster to take the sea route.

But Houjin didn't have any advantage at sea, and Liaoxi and Dongjiang Town wouldn't let them pass, so they would never be able to get through.

This time, when the two Tatars were about to leave, Dongjiang Town came to plunder again. It is hard to believe that it was a coincidence.

Zuo Mengeng knew some historical information, so he understood what was going on.

"Mao Wenlong has never stopped communicating with Donglu. It is normal for people from Donglu to come from his defense area."

Liu Yiyuan was shocked.

"Are you saying that Mao Wenlong collaborates with the enemy?"

Zuo Mengeng explained: "It's not collaborating with the enemy, but negotiating peace with the Donglu."

Liu Yiyuan did not calm down, but became even more difficult to understand.

"He is crazy. Aren't you afraid of being reviled by everyone in the world?"

Zuo Mengeng said some secrets.

"Not only him, Governor Yuan is also negotiating peace with Donglu."

Afraid that he would continue to ask questions, Zuo Mengeng added.

"The court knows."

Liu Yiyuan almost doubted the world.

"When the Governor Yuan was summoned, he boasted that the Liao Dynasty would be peaceful in five years, but he dared to negotiate peace. This...isn't this a breach of trust in the world and the loss of the country's prestige outside the territory? This is a way to die!"

Zuo Mengeng was calm and asked: "So what if we can't defeat the Donglu? Also, who told you that the peace of Liaodong in five years is the peace of Liaodong? If Liaodong is calm, isn't it peace?"

Liu Yiyuan was stunned.

"Can I still make this annotation?"

Mao Wenlong withdrew his troops that day and returned to Dongjiang overnight.

But the impact of this incident was very large.

There was a lot of controversy in later generations as to whether Mao Wenlong actually committed the robbery of Denglai.

Not to mention that Zuo Mengeng has now personally experienced it, so he naturally knows that it is true. An incident that happened immediately is enough to confirm this matter.

Chongzhen angrily issued an order to dismiss Wang Tingxuan, the governor of Denglai, from office and remove him from office for the people.

If Mao Wenlong had never plundered Denglai, why did Chongzhen dismiss Wang Tingxiao from office and serve the people?

And in the end of the Chongzhen dynasty, there was no further imperial examination.

In the Chongzhen Dynasty, except for those officials who were convicted and executed, many other people basically experienced ups and downs countless times.

Wang Tingshi was dismissed from office at this time and was never reinstated, which is enough to prove that Mao Wenlong's robbery of Denglai was true.

From the time Mao Wenlong plundered Denglai to Wang Tingzhen was deposed, more than ten days passed.

Zuo Mengeng was always lurking outside Dengzhou City, waiting for Xu Yaqing to escape.

In the end, what we waited for was the team where Wang Tingzhan sadly resigned.

On the hillside outside the west gate of Dengzhou, Liu Yiyuan felt a little numb as he watched the motorcade winding out of the city.

"What should I do? Do you want to take action?"

Hou Qingchun grinned.

"How to do this?"

Even though Wang Tingshi was dismissed from office, he was still a high official in the imperial court.

If something unexpected happened just after leaving the job and leaving the city, the court would definitely investigate.

Zuo Mengeng didn't have a good idea, so he could only say: "Follow me for the time being and act with camera."

So, everyone followed the convoy quietly for many days.

Zuo Mengeng didn't know that Xu Yaqing had already discovered his traces.

Xu Yaqing learned the news about the killing of the two Tatars on the third day after Mao Wenlong plundered Denglai.

After all, the Jurchens have a peculiar appearance and are very easy to recognize, so this matter spread a lot in the city.

Although Xu Yaqing didn't know who did it, she also understood that she had been exposed.

Originally, as Zuo Mengeng thought, she was prepared to escape quickly.

She never thought that she was not ready yet. The imperial decree came and Wang Tingshi lost his official position for the people and lost all his power.

There was a lot of commotion in the house for a while, and Xu Yaqing couldn't find a chance to leave. She had to get into Wang Tingzhan's car and follow him out of the city.

Xu Yaqing was not an ordinary person after all. Although she didn't know who was targeting her, she quickly made arrangements.

The convoy traveled westward for three days and arrived near Jiaohe River in Laizhou. While resting in Haicang County, the maid finally took a chance on Wang Tingzhen's absence and came to Xu Yaqing's side.

"There are more than ten riders following us all the time. They should be the ones targeting us."

Xu Yaqing squinted her eyes, revealing her murderous intent.

"Let Xue Ji take action. Even if he cannot kill this group of people, he must still hold them back."

The maid is more concerned about Xu Yaqing's situation.

"How do you get away?"

Xu Yaqing's expression became even colder.

"What's the difficulty? Wang Tingxuan lost his official position, and a phoenix with no feathers is worse than a chicken. Do I still have to accompany him back to his hometown?"

The maid was a little worried.

"Will it cause trouble?"

Xu Yaqing laughed when she heard this.

"We have done such a big trouble as the rebellion, so what else is there to be afraid of?"

This chapter has been completed!
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