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Chapter 1158 The Treaty of Nagasaki

"General Da'ao governs Japan with authority. If his authority is lost, what else can he say? Therefore, he went to the Xia Kingdom to ask for surrender, hoping that Haihan would do so."

Among the various conditions previously proposed by the Natsu Kingdom, the one that was least acceptable to the shogunate was the need for Tokugawa Iemitsu to personally rush to the Natsu Kingdom to surrender.

Not to mention whether the Xia Congress will cause harm, Tokugawa Iemitsu is detained. Just because Tokugawa Iemitsu leaves the country, whether he can come back is a question.

If those foreign daimyo who were already plotting evil took advantage of Tokugawa Iemitsu's absence to start an uprising, how would the shogunate respond?

Not to mention, this kind of behavior was a great shame and humiliation for Tokugawa Iemitsu.

Once this is done, the shogunate will collapse.

"Terms of exchange."

Xia Guo obviously also knew that this was the bottom line of the shogunate and would never agree to it.

But the price is sky-high, and now the shogunate needs to come up with something sufficient in exchange.

Doi Toshi was particularly excited to see that there was something to talk about.

"Please give me your instructions."

Wang Yun has already mastered various preparations.

"The Five Islands were ceded to the Xia State. From now on, the exchanges between Japan and North Korea must be managed by the Xia State."

Cede land?

Doi Risheng was instinctively unwilling and quickly discussed with Lin Luoshan and Yin Damasamune.

Unlike him, Lin Luoshan and Yin Da Zhengzong felt that this exchange was nothing.

"The Five Islands Islands are located to the west of Kyushu. After they are ceded to the Xia Kingdom, the Xia Kingdom will definitely deploy troops here. Kyushu will bear the brunt of the military attack. From my perspective, the Xia Kingdom may not have good intentions towards those famous names."

Lin Luoshan's analysis is very clear.

Although it is humiliating to cede territory, the Goto Islands are far away in the Tsushima Strait to the west of Kyushu and have never been under the control of the shogunate. Loss or not, it has no impact on the shogunate.

Since the Xia Kingdom excluded the Kyushu daimyo from the peace talks, it obviously did not want to completely break with the shogunate.

In this case, ceding a useless island, causing some trouble for the Kyushu daimyo, and increasing the discord between the Kyushu daimyo and the Xia Kingdom would kill two birds with one stone.

Doi Toshikatsu was successfully persuaded.

Back at the negotiating table, this article was passed smoothly.

During the peace talks on the second day, another sensitive issue was involved.

"The title of General Ooku is the life of the shogunate. It must never be abolished. I hope it can be changed a little or two."

The "title" issue that Toi Toshikatsu mentioned was the abolition of Tokugawa Ieyasu's title that Xia Guo mentioned before.

As the founder of the shogunate, Tokugawa Ieyasu was also the founder of the shogunate's legal authority.

If the title of Tokugawa Ieyasu is abolished, it will be tantamount to denying the legitimacy of the Tokugawa shogunate and completely shaking the foundation of the shogunate.

How could the shogunate agree to this?

However, with the previous negotiation as a reference, Wang Yun made the move very happily.

"Any Xia merchants in Nagasaki, Osaka, Edo and other places involved in trade, criminal, or civil affairs disputes should be handled by the consuls dispatched by the Xia Kingdom, and Japan has no right to interfere."

Xia Guo offered consular jurisdiction in exchange.

In the last peace talks, Xia Guo wanted to obtain the jurisdiction of Nagasaki, but failed, but it laid the groundwork.

Shen Tingyang played the role of foreshadowing very well and provided a lot of help for the subsequent Japanese strategy.

However, this time the shogunate was completely defeated, and the foreshadowing had to be replaced by real benefits.

Being on the soil of their own country, but having no power to handle legal matters, was of course an unforgettable humiliation for the Tokugawa shogunate.

But it is a pity that in the face of survival, no matter how great the humiliation is, you have to endure it.

Doi Toshiki decided to give it a try.

"If the Xia Kingdom will no longer support those rebellious daimyo from now on, this condition... we can accept."

Wang Yun straightened his chest and made a loud noise.

"The Xia Kingdom will not interfere in the internal affairs of Japan. The disputes between the shogunate and the foreign daimyo are all resolved by you."

This guarantee really made Toi Toshi elated.

"Won't the Xia Kingdom subsidize firearms for foreign daimyo?"

Lou Fu smiled slightly, like a cunning fox.

"If the shogunate wants to engage in arms trade with the Xia Kingdom, we wholeheartedly welcome it. In addition, as long as the shogunate's price is reasonable, we, the Xia Kingdom, can also help the shogunate reform the army."

Doi Toshiki and the others' hearts were filled with dark clouds.

How could they not understand that the Xia Kingdom was fighting from both sides, forcing the shogunate and the foreign daimyo to kill each other?

But can they refuse?

Today, the shogunate and the daimyō are already prisoners in a difficult situation. If they want to survive, they can only do it by stepping on each other's corpse.

The only reason is that they were all deceived by ambition and reached a point where the cracks could no longer be repaired.

Even if they knew what Xia Guo's conspiracy was, they couldn't stop it.

Doi Toshiki was really depressed.

"As for the purchase of firearms and the training of the army, we will contact Xia Guo after we have discussed it properly."

At this point, the two sides finally reached an agreement on the ceasefire negotiations.

Although the conditions proposed by Xia State were greatly reduced, Xia State's gains were still extremely rich.

At the same time, the seeds of civil war were sown in Japan, which could reap greater benefits in the future.

After a tragic defeat, the Tokugawa shogunate paid a heavy price, but managed to retain its vitality and still had some advantages against the foreign daimyo.

Both parties passed back the negotiated terms, and the atmosphere was completely different.

"Hahaha, the goal of controlling Japan is not far away."

Zuo Mengeng flicked a piece of paper to celebrate, and his happy look left many people scratching their heads.

I don’t understand why this leader attaches so much importance to Japan.

How could they know that all the souls of future generations are eager to crush that island country into ashes?

Although Zuo Menggeng always warned himself not to act like a beast or a devil, he was of course very happy to be able to breathe out evil for the Chinese nation.

Tokugawa Ieyasu held the negotiated agreement in his hands, his whole body trembling.

He couldn't even imagine how he would see his grandfather and father after death.

The glory that the Tokugawa family had worked so hard to build was all reduced to nothing in his hands.

He also had to sign the agreement.

After all, only by signing a treaty can the shogunate continue to exist and can talk about other things.

Otherwise, his ending may not be any better than Toyotomi Hideyori.

Finally, they got the agreement signed and sealed by both parties and returned to Nagasaki together, with Wang Yun and Doi Toshikatsu as representatives for the exchange.

"I hope that the shogunate will understand that the heavenly power of our country is mighty and its blessings are precious, and that it will abide by its duty as a vassal state. I very much do not hope that our two countries will ever meet with swordsmanship again."

Doi bent down heavily in victory.

"The shogunate will be the most loyal ministers of the Kingdom from now on. He will definitely learn the noble ways of the Kingdom with all his heart and will not dare to do it again."

Wang Yun confiscated the text of the treaty, Tokugawa Iemitsu's surrender document, the document ceding the Goto Islands, and the document recognizing Ryukyu as a vassal state of China, and left with a great victory.

And this incident had an immeasurable impact on the domestic situation in Japan.

Later generations of historians identified the Treaty of Nagasaki as an important event that changed the history of East Asia.

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