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Chapter 1168

"Everyone, please see, this is the map of the world, drawn by Europeans who traveled around the world. Although there are many errors and omissions, the entire world is included in it."

In the reception room of Prince Xia's Mansion, Zuo Mengeng was talking eloquently.

On the wall in the middle of the living room, there is a huge map of the world.

The guests present were amazed and shocked while listening to his words.

After the Zheng brothers, Chen Ding and other Fujian businessmen also came to visit.

Taking this opportunity, Zuo Mengeng began to promote his ideas.

The world map in front of you is based on the complete map of Kunyu and Ten Thousand Kingdoms, combined with the development and survey of Xia Kingdom over the years.

Some places are very detailed and realistic, and are extremely close to the maps of later generations.

And more places are very abstract.

That is an area that Xia Kingdom has not yet explored.

Even so, when such a map was seen by Fujian businessmen such as the Zheng brothers and Chen Ding, they were still shocked.

"I have always heard Westerners say that the earth under our feet is a sphere. I was doubtful at first, but now it seems that it is really the case."

Although today's Ming Dynasty is very closed, it is not completely ignorant of information from the outside world.

Especially pirates like Zheng Zhilong, who were Catholics and had close contacts with Europeans, acquired a lot of advanced knowledge and insights of this era.

It's just that due to limitations, he is skeptical about many of them.

Now that I have seen the whole world with my own eyes, I suddenly realize that I have missed a lot of things.

"From this point of view, Fujian and Dajuan are indeed uniquely endowed and must be fought over by military strategists."

Although Chen Ding is a businessman, he has a good strategic vision. Through the map, he finally realized why the Xia Kingdom came into conflict with the Zheng family.

Zuo Mengeng admired his vision very much.

"The Taiwan Strait connects China, North Korea, Japan and Ryukyu to the north, and connects Luzon, Batavia and Annan to the south. It also leads to the Western Ocean. It can be said that wherever there is water flowing on this waterway, it is clearly gold."

The Zheng brothers used to make a lot of money here, and they were even more impressed by this.

"From now on, according to this important road, the Xia Kingdom's national strength will surely flourish."

Zheng Zhilong complimented.

Zuo Mengeng did not accept it.

"The map I show you today is not limited to the Taiwan Strait."

The Taiwan Strait is of course very important and a strategic location. But compared with the overall situation, it is nothing.

Zuo Mengeng's finger points to the American continent.

"Please see, this vast land, which the Europeans call America, was discovered more than a hundred years ago. The Europeans at that time mistakenly thought this was Tianzhu, so they called it the wrong name."

Everyone listened with interest when he told him about the history of European development.

I never imagined that such a huge landmass would be isolated from the rest of the world a hundred years ago.

"On that American continent, there were only some primitive indigenous people living there. They lived a life of slash-and-burn farming, just like our ancestors in China. After the Europeans arrived, they were defeated with their muskets and artillery.

, slowly occupying large tracts of land."

Zheng Zhilong and others were all jealous as they watched Zuo Mengeng draw territory after territory on the American continent with his pen.

Zuo Mengeng's language is even more confusing.

"The land here is very rich, with countless gold, iron ore, timber, furs, etc. When you do business with Westerners, the money they buy comes from here."

"What price did the Europeans pay for occupying such a large area of ​​land?"


"It only takes one hundred and eighty people to build a boat and cross the sea, and you can become the king of the American continent."

"As for the Francois, you see, the mainland here is just a small area, less than half the size of Fujian. However, the land they occupy in America is wider than the Ming Dynasty."

"This is the situation in the world today!"

"Europeans are attacking from all sides and taking over many unclaimed lands in the world as their own. Then they seize the wealth above and quickly become stronger."

"Yiguan, do you understand my urgent mood?"

Zheng Zhilong sat in a daze, feeling really overwhelmed in his heart.

Zuo Mengeng's thoughts were not told to him at the beginning.

But at that time, he had unlimited fame and lack of knowledge, so how could he be trusted?

He only thought that Zuo Mengeng wanted to compete with him for hegemony on the Eastern Sea.

But now I understand that Zuo Mengeng actually has such a big blueprint in his heart.

"Your Highness, do you also want to join in and bring these unclaimed lands into the territory?"

Zuo Mengeng sighed, rarely opening his heart.

"Our Chinese nation has been cultivating the land under our feet meticulously for thousands of years. Although it is enough to support thousands of people, except for a few people who are rich, the rest are extremely poor. The worst thing is that gold

The production of silver, copper and iron is too poor and of poor quality, which limits my wish to prosper China. Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. Since there are so many unclaimed lands in the world, there are countless treasures

The unknown wealth can help China prosper, why not take it?"

After everyone heard this, they couldn't help but feel excited, and they were even more impressed by his knowledge.

There are many heroes in the world, but they all only focus on the ground beneath their feet. He is the only one who transcends the five elements and has a far-sighted vision.

"Europeans can seize huge amounts of wealth with just a small boat and dozens of guns, so why can't the Chinese do the same?"

"Although our brothers have gone astray in the past, if His Highness wants to fight for the world, we are willing to do your best."

Zheng Zhilong was finally convinced and expressed his willingness to be loyal.

Zuo Mengeng shook his head.

"It's not service, it's cooperation."

Seeing that Zheng Zhilong didn't understand, Zuo Mengeng sat down and began to explain the difference.

"For thousands of years, there is no emperor who dislikes the expansion of territory. But there is a saying that you naturally know that no matter how big a country is, if it is warlike, it will perish."

Chen Ding and others couldn't help but smile.

They are both businessmen and Confucian scholars, so they naturally believe in Confucian thought.

Seeing that Zuo Mengeng could realize this made them feel more appropriate.

But what Zuo Mengeng said next was beyond their understanding.

"No matter how big a country is, it is true that if it is warlike, it will perish. Therefore, if you use the power of the country to expand its territory, no matter how powerful it is, sooner or later the country's vitality will be exhausted. So what if you don't use the power of the country?


Everyone was a little confused and couldn't turn around.

Zuo Menggeng began to take the situation in Europe as an example.

"Although the countries in Europe have continued to develop, it is the private forces that act as the vanguard. The kings and governments there greatly praise and encourage the pioneering behavior of the private sector, so the folk adventure is very popular.

Prosperous. Those European adventurers traveled all over the world, and whenever they discovered something, they would share the benefits with the country. In this way, the country earned land and resources, and the adventurers earned wealth. It can be said that they killed two birds with one stone. They had nothing to do with national affairs.

Isn’t the impact wonderful?”

Zheng Zhilong and others understood.

But precisely because they understood it, they became even more excited.

Originally, I wanted to completely surrender to the Xia Kingdom and obey orders.

If Zuo Mengeng's idea is to change investment efficiency to cooperation, then they can still have a certain degree of autonomy on the ocean.

On the contrary, the situation is very similar to before.

Although you have to stay away from the offshore, the situation you face is more dangerous.

But the sea is so big and the world is so big. As a good man, how can I not go and take a look?

This chapter has been completed!
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