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Chapter 1176 Cavalry Tactical Trend

"Boy, how many enemies have you killed?"

After the great battle, there was only one chance of death. The appearance of Zuo Mengeng made the whole cavalry division burst into joy.

On the hospital bed, the soldier's face was flushed with excitement.

"I'm reporting to Your Highness that my martial arts skills are not good and I only killed one enemy. If it hadn't been blocked by the arm armor, my entire arm would have been gone."

Zuo Menggen laughed loudly and said with relief: "It's great to kill an enemy. Your opponents are the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty. You must know that the Jurchens are less than ten thousand, and they are invincible. The Eight Banners of the Manchu Qing Dynasty have swept the world in these years.

But I have never met any opponent. If you can kill an Eight Banners Cavalry, you are the most amazing hero."

His words made the soldier feel warm all over his body, and he raised his head proudly again.

Looking at these lovely warriors, Zuo Mengeng was very proud of their bravery.

"Had you not discovered the enemy's situation in time and attacked the enemy, I don't know how many people would have lost their families and died. You have done your best as a soldier, protecting your family and country. On behalf of the headquarters, I would like to express my sincere heart to you.


Facing Zuo Menggeng's tribute, all the soldiers of the cavalry division burst into tears.

Being able to receive such courtesy makes them satisfied, even if they die in battle, it is worth it.

"It's just a small injury, is it worth making a fuss about? If people see it, they'll think I'm so squeamish."

If anyone in the entire cavalry division was most dissatisfied with Zuo Mengeng's arrival, it was definitely Wang Siyi.

She was only hit by a few arrows, but Zuo Mengeng came running over and treated her like a child.

"The hurt is on your body, and the pain is on my heart. If I don't see it with my own eyes, I won't even be able to sleep well."

Damn love words.

Wang Siyi is a strong woman, when has she ever tasted this?

Immediately, my whole body was terrified, and my hands and feet were curled up into a ball.

"If you dare to say such weird things again, I'll kill you!"

Looking at this tiger girl, Zuo Mengeng grinned bitterly.

Why is the gap between people so big?

By the same token, if you talk to Xu Ruolin, you are guaranteed to be moved to the point of ecstasy. But when you get to Wang Siyi, you almost get beaten.

But seeing that Wang Siyi was indeed slightly injured, Zuo Mengeng finally felt relieved.

After private matters, there are official matters.

Generals at the cavalry division level and above gathered together and began to conduct post-war summaries.

"There are serious problems with our organization and playing style."

As soon as she returned to her job, Wang Siyi immediately became extremely shrewd and wise.

When Zuo Mengeng looked over, she expressed her feelings.

"Our cavalry division is a bit different now. Although it is said that it can launch a mass charge, it does not have enough fixed coordination, and the arms are too single. The mass charge is obviously a matter of heavy cavalry, but our fighting style is like light cavalry.

.Another one, when heavy cavalry charges in groups, both wings need to be covered by light cavalry, and we don’t have the relevant configuration.”

Zuo Mengeng had never been to the battlefield and did not know the conditions of the battle.

"But you defeated the Eight Banners Cavalry."

In his opinion, the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty were the most powerful cavalry in the world.

Since the cavalry division can win in battle, isn't it even better?

Regarding this point, not to mention Wang Siyi, Zuo Shi also has an opinion.

"The Eight Banners cavalry this time are also just light cavalry. If the Eight Banners' heavy cavalry also appears on the battlefield, we will definitely not be able to handle it."

Both sides were light cavalry, and neither of them wanted to charge in groups. So they kept moving around on the battlefield. As a result, the cavalry division gained the upper hand with its superior organizational skills.

However, after discussion, several generals agreed that if they encountered the Eight Banners' heavy cavalry, the cavalry division would have only one way to escape.

These are the feelings of the parties involved, and Zuo Mengeng attaches great importance to them.

He began to recall some military writings he had read.

To be honest, he has little experience in the application of modern cavalry.

After all, in the world of the future, even the torrent of steel will be a bit outdated. It will be a world of informatization, electronic warfare, and unmanned weapons.

Many of his impressions of cavalry combat come from movies and TV series.

But he knew that the content shown in movies and TV dramas was completely inconsistent with the reality of the battlefield.

The only things that could provide him with reference were modern European military writings on cavalry.

For a long time to come, the cavalry will still be the king on the battlefield.

The mass charge of heavy cavalry is also an indispensable part of a major battle.

Note, this is a big battle.

A war scene with all types of troops coordinating with each other.

This kind of place is where heavy cavalry comes into play.

The overwhelming charge of the heavy cavalry has unparalleled destructive capabilities. It is a powerful weapon to break the enemy's defense line and push the enemy's formation flat.

But heavy cavalry must not be used alone.

Because the heavy cavalry is too bulky, it must be properly covered, cooperate with the infantry phalanx, and be covered by light cavalry on the left and right wings. In this way, the heavy cavalry can be invincible.

On the contrary, if the heavy cavalry is left alone, it will become the plaything of the light cavalry.

This is the relationship between the French Cuirassiers and the Cossacks.

Once the French cuirassiers are coordinated by the infantry phalanx, the Cossacks will not even be able to go on the battlefield.

If the cuirassiers act alone, they will be constantly harassed and divided by the Cossacks, and eventually collapse.

This is the problem currently encountered by the cavalry division.

The division of arms is not clear enough and the combat functions are too vague.

This time it was a coincidence that they encountered Manchu light cavalry, so they had a slight upper hand.

However, in the future battlefield, once a large-scale cluster battle is entered, without matching cavalry units, one will definitely suffer a big loss.

Wang Siyi also mentioned something worth noting.

"Actually, this battle did not need to be so hasty. If we had a musketry cavalry and quickly rushed to the battlefield to complete the formation and occupy the key points, the Qing army would have no choice. But we do not have such a unit, so we have to fight with

Qing troops engaged in close combat."

Zuo Mengeng understood it as soon as he heard it.

Wang Siyi planned to increase the presence of dragoons among the cavalry.

Regarding the advantages and disadvantages of dragoons, later writings have actually made it very clear.

The biggest advantage of the dragoons is that they have faster movement capabilities compared to large-scale legions.

This allows one of our own forces to quickly occupy strategic points faster than the enemy, thereby seizing the initiative on the battlefield.

Because the weapons equipped by dragoons are muskets and artillery.

When fighting, they get off their horses and form an array, becoming a real infantry.

As for using dragoons to fight real cavalry, that is simply lighting a lamp in the toilet - looking for shit (death).

I had a sudden idea in Lao Wang's book next door.

The dragoons rush in front of the opponent's cavalry, jump off their horses, fire, then get on their horses and run away. This process is repeated and exhausted, and eventually the enemy's cavalry is beaten to collapse.

This is pure amateurism.

Apart from anything else, the range of the musket is only about a hundred meters in total.

The dragoon ran to the spot, reined in his horse, stopped, jumped off his horse, raised his gun and fired, then mounted his horse and ran away.

How long does the entire process take just to transition a war horse from standing to running at full speed?

I'm afraid that the dragoons will be overwhelmed by the enemy's cavalry before they can remount their horses.

But no matter what, dragoons will definitely be an indispensable part of future wars.

Xia Jun is also starting to make preparations.

This chapter has been completed!
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