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Chapter 1180 Targeted plan

Because of the Dutch concession, Xia's march to Taiwan was uneventful and without any changes.

After Zuo Hua left a small number of troops on the Penghu Islands, the large army crossed the last sea area and finally arrived at the city of Prominja.

This place has another name that is even more famous in later history.

That is Chikan Tower.

This was also the center of Zheng's rule in Taiwan, located in Tainan City in later generations.

The Dutch people here had already received the notice, packed their luggage one after another, and waited dejectedly to move out.

Putmans was the governor of Taiwan at this time. He, Gong Duan and Zuo Hua completed the handover of power under the witness of Lu Guangzhai and Anthony van Diemen.

Everything went smoothly and both parties were very satisfied.

The government began to perform its duties and expressed goodwill to the Dutch from the very beginning.

"Mr. Diemen, General Putmans, although your country has returned Taiwan to us, based on the relationship between you and us, if there are Dutch people who are willing to continue to settle here, we wholeheartedly welcome them. As long as they are like the Xia people

Just the same, just abide by the law."

Anthony van Diemen and Putmans were very pleased with this goodwill and hurriedly went to spread the word among the Dutch.

Sure enough, many Dutch people chose to stay.

These people risked crossing the ocean to come here and worked hard for a long time to save some family property. Once they leave, all their previous efforts will be in vain.

Since you can keep your wealth by staying and there is no danger, you naturally don't want to leave.

The public goodwill paid off.

Putmans explained to him in detail the Dutch governance in Taiwan.

Although it has been more than ten years since the Netherlands landed in Taiwan, the real conquest began in the eighth year of Chongzhen.

The Dutch used strong force to force the local aborigines to sign the Madou Treaty.

If Zuo Mengeng knew this, he would definitely scold him...

This agreement is not serious!

But the Entente helped the Dutch stabilize their rule in southern Taiwan.

According to the treaty, the Dutch were the lords and the aborigines were the vassals.

The Dutch maintained relations between the two parties by holding regular local meetings. They also appointed indigenous chiefs to establish the formal leaders of the indigenous society to assist the Dutch in implementing administrative orders.

Over the past few years, the relationship between the two parties has become increasingly close.

Now the Dutch regime is withdrawing from Taiwan and handing the system over to Xia Guo.

Representatives of indigenous people from all over the country came to the city of Prominja and met the new lord with fear.

But when I saw that it was Han Chinese, I felt a little more at ease.

After all, the Han people have immigrated to Taiwan for a long time, and there are many exchanges between the aboriginal people on the island and the Han people. Knowing that the Han people have a relatively gentle temperament, there is no need to worry about being annihilated.

"How you got along with the Dutch in the past, your relationship will remain the same in the future. Of course, the trade market here will be completely open to you. You can come here if you want to sell anything. The officials here will also help

You set the price to avoid being deceived by profiteers. If you have difficulty living in the mountains, you can also settle on the plains. If you want to farm, the government will send people to teach you. Your children can also go to schools in the city.

Don’t worry, just like Han Chinese children, there are no fees.”

Gong Duan spoke a lot eloquently, which surprised and delighted the aborigines.

Happily, the ruling relationship they have adapted to has not changed. In this way, there will be no unrest and everyone can live in peace and contentment.

Surprisingly, the new lord was thousands of times better than the Dutch.

In the past, when the Dutch ruled here, they often forced the indigenous people to perform various labors, including building the city of Plominja. In addition, they also levied heavy taxes on the indigenous people and forcibly purchased the furs and food from the indigenous people at low prices.

As a result, the new lord completely changed these.

They even allowed their children to read and write.

The aborigines are just a little behind in productivity and a little narrow-minded, but that doesn't mean they are stupid.

Especially since I have met so many outsiders and seen many new and powerful things, I certainly know what is good.

However, those who came here in the past, whether they were Han Chinese or Dutch, despised them very much and only regarded them as objects of slavery.

The slightest dissatisfaction and resistance from the indigenous people will be brutally suppressed.

Some indigenous people who could not bear the oppression had no choice but to move to the mountains. Their lives became increasingly difficult and they were further and further away from civilized society.

Xia Guo's tolerance gave them hope of living a good life.

After these aboriginal representatives returned, they immediately carried out extensive publicity.

All the aborigines were doubtful, fearing that there might be some conspiracy. Finally, after discussion, they decided to send a small group of people to Prominja City to test it out.

As a result, the furs, medicinal materials and other goods they carried were sold to merchants from Fujian at very reasonable prices under the supervision of Xia officials under the city.

Not only that, when these aboriginal people expressed the hope that the money they earned could be exchanged for salt, cloth and other supplies necessary for daily life, Xia officials also set a reasonable price.

The aborigines used the same money to buy more things than before. They were really happy and had a personal experience of the new regime.

With a good start, the indigenous people gradually began to accept the existence of Xia Kingdom.

They have done a great job in taking over territory and stabilizing the indigenous people.

Xia Guo established a firm foothold in southern Taiwan from the beginning.

It was only then that Zuo Hua sent people to find the Zheng family on Taiwan Island and convey his intention to appease them.

He Bin, who served as an interpreter for the Dutch, took the initiative to take on this task.

He Bin had a very close relationship with the Zheng family, and because he was with the Dutch, he knew the whole process of the war between the Xia Kingdom and the Zheng family.

He has a clear understanding of the power of the Xia Kingdom.

He was afraid that the Zheng family's power on the island of Taiwan would not discriminate between good and evil, so he chose to carry it out forcefully and suffer disaster.

The leader of the Zheng family on Taiwan Island is named Guo Huaiyi.

This person is not only an aborigine on the island of Taiwan, but also one of the Eighteen Zhi.

It's just that unlike other leaders who traveled across the sea and made a living as pirates, Guo Huaiyi mainly moved on land, leading the Han immigrants to cultivate and manage, and had already occupied a huge territory.

"This is a letter from an official to you. The Xia army has now landed in Taiwan and will be coming soon. The Xia Kingdom is very tolerant and treats the people well, and will not steal your wealth. As long as you surrender sincerely, you will be able to do so from now on.

Continue to live and work in peace and contentment here.”

He Bin handed Zheng Zhilong's letter to Guo Huaiyi.

The leaders of the island gathered together and began to discuss intensely.

This chapter has been completed!
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