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Chapter 1186 Housework

It was the Spring Festival, and the Xia King was getting married. In addition, the Qing army's harassment was successfully repelled. The people were in a peaceful mood, and the whole Jinan was more lively than before.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a paradise on earth.

"In the past, when we got married, we were busy up and down, inside and outside, without a moment of leisure. I don't know what's wrong now, I don't know what to do."

Huang's nagging made everyone laugh.

Her feelings are also the feelings of everyone.

It stands to reason that the wedding of Zuo Mengeng and Wang Siyi will be extremely grand and gorgeous, and there will be a huge amount of things that need to be arranged.

But what everyone feels now is that it seems very dull, no different from everyday life.

"Who says it's not? Marriage is a major event in life, how can it be careless? I am just a girl, so I should be grand and grand. Who would have thought? When I said it, the girl refused to agree. Alas!"

Wang Siyi is about to get married, and of course Wang Shizhong cannot stay out of it.

This old gentleman was even more kind-hearted, and even boasted that he would spend one million taels of silver to arrange the wedding.

As soon as Wang Siyi heard this, she called him back on the spot.

Even though Wang Shizhong was his father, he couldn't be strong in front of Wang Siyi and could only feel aggrieved.

When the in-laws met today, hearing Huang's nagging helped him find his backbone.

Wang Siyi's wedding was not grand enough because Wang Shizhong was shameless.

This embarrassing thing made him unable to hold his head up.

"I am a soldier and a princess. Of course I must set an example and be respectful. How can I ruin the morale of the entire army because of my actions?"

Wang Siyi sat beside him and expressed his thoughts.

The couple had already discussed how to hold the wedding.

You must not be extravagant and extravagant. Otherwise, it will only lead to the spread of extravagance, which will more easily corrode the spirit of the army.

Only Xu Ruolin was a little worried.

"I'm afraid that the wedding will be a shabby one, and if people gossip outside then, they will think that I am treating you harshly."

Xu Ruolin walked in first, and in the eyes of the outside world she was a big lady.

Moreover, the wedding between her and Zuo Mengeng was widely rumored, and it was known to the whole world and had a great impact.

If Wang Siyi's wedding was even half as bad as it is now, it would easily be gossiped about by people all over the world.

Wang Siyi, on the other hand, was calm and calm, and she was even in the mood to tease Zuo Xuanyan.

She picked up the candy beside her and stuffed it into Zuo Xuanyan's mouth.

"The wedding didn't cost much, but it was by no means shabby. In terms of beauty, my sister may not be as good as me."

When she said this, Xu Ruolin couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Xu Ruolin was the person who took the most care of the wedding of Zuo Menggeng and Wang Siyi, and of course she understood all the details.

Zuo Mengeng made it very clear when planning.

A military wedding has military regulations, so it may not be any weaker than the previous one.

Now that she saw Wang Siyi accepting it calmly, she no longer worried.

Looking back, I saw Zuo Xuanyan chewing sweets in her mouth, and she immediately became angry.

"Oh, damn girl, don't give your child so much candy, her teeth haven't even grown yet."

The mother protecting the calf is the tiger.

Xu Ruolin hugged Zuo Xuanyan and began to pick out the candy in the child's mouth.

How could a child put it in his mouth when he ate something sweet? He immediately started struggling and cried loudly at the same time.

"Er Niang, help... help! Mom... Mom, she doesn't love me anymore."

Xu Ruolin became even more angry.

"You little bastard, it's in vain that your mother almost lost half her life because of you."

Wang Siyi clapped her hands and laughed.

"My daughter is better off with me. You are jealous."

Xu Ruolin was furious.

"If you like the child, just give birth to it yourself. What's the point of robbing me?"

Wang Shizhong and Mr. Huang sat aside, seeing that the two women were getting along harmoniously, and they were all in a good mood.

Such a family really has a lot less worries.

"Instructor, how are you? Is there anything wrong?"

Amakusa Tokisada carefully arranged the military uniform on her body and cherished it very much.

His current appearance is guaranteed to be unrecognizable to his Japanese companions.

His hair has been shaved off, and he no longer has the pot-top hair he once had, but has a shiny forehead.

The Japanese warrior uniform on his body has long disappeared. On the contrary, the decent Xia Army uniform makes him even more heroic.

After the Spring Festival, Amakusa Tokisada will go to the military academy to study.

The power of Xia Jun has long fascinated him, and he is extremely eager to go inside and learn more knowledge, so that he can lead the Shimabara Rebel Army to become stronger.

He had already felt it.

Although the foreign daimyo on Kyushu Island are now on good terms with the Shimabara rebels, they will definitely fall out sooner or later.

The specific reason, in Yuan Shengsheng's words, is that the Shimabara Rebel Army was formed entirely by civilians and should naturally protect the interests of civilians.

However, those daimyo were feudal lords and naturally relied on exploiting the common people as their basis for survival.

The contradiction between the two parties is irreconcilable.

Now that the Xia Kingdom is controlling it and there is a life-and-death enemy like the Tokugawa Shogunate, both sides are in peace.

But sooner or later, conflicts will break out, and there may be a bloody battle.

Amakusa Tokisada can only learn more skills as soon as possible and strengthen himself to cope with future crises.

But at the moment, he and Yuan Shengsheng had to accept Zuo Xianmei's orders, and they were as busy as dogs.

"Oh, look carefully, it's all crooked."

"Really, this big man is so clumsy that he can't even put up Spring Festival couplets."

Amidst Zuo Xianmei's chirping complaints, the two men who were stirring up trouble in Japan were sweating profusely, and at the same time they were very curious about the work they were doing.

"Sister, it's so interesting. It looks really festive."

Amakusa Tokisada is quite gifted in languages, and within a short period of time she was able to communicate with everyone in Chinese.

Zuo Xianmei picked up the handkerchief and helped him wipe away his sweat.

"The Spring Festival is the biggest festival for us Han people. As the saying goes, the plan for a year lies in spring. Only by celebrating the Spring Festival well can we live a good year. The same goes for you. I wish you all the best in the new year."

Amakusa Shizhi's heart feels warm.

He lost his parents when he was a child and was brought up by a group of warriors. Although he learned a lot of skills, he rarely felt the warmth of his family.

After arriving at Prince Xia's Mansion, everyone in the mansion was very kind to him, and he finally regained some of the nature that a young man should have.

Zuo Xianmei's face as bright as the bright moon and her warm voice made him unable to extricate himself.

There is another big event approaching the Spring Festival, which requires many big shots to come together.

Just on the north side of Daming Lake, a tall, majestic and extraordinary church was officially completed.

This was funded and built by the Xia government as a gift to all Catholics.

When Deng Yuhan and others came to Shandong, they had already built a church. However, the conditions were simple and the church was not perfect at that time.

Later, the Xia Kingdom grew stronger and richer, and with the arrival of Galileo and his daughter, the construction of a symbolic church was put on the agenda.

Today, the church is finally completed.

Zuo Menggeng accompanied Xu Ruolin, Wang Siyi, and even Huang to attend the inauguration ceremony of the church.

The Catholics in Shandong were all happy and gathered together.

Even Tokisada Amakusa, a Japanese Catholic, integrated into it with piety.
This chapter has been completed!
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