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Chapter 1188 Divorce Case

"When I left Europa, I knew that I might never be able to go back in my life. When I was in a hurry, I had to bring some of my favorite fruit seeds. After I came here, I planted them. This year they finally blossomed and bore fruit, so I thought about giving them some seeds.

Your Highness gave it a try, but I didn’t expect to disturb everyone.”

Under Zuo Rong's soft words of comfort, Cheslett finally recovered and explained the reason.

Qian Qianyi picked up a piece of pizza and put it in his mouth. After tasting it carefully, he smiled and nodded.

"It's very similar to Ringo, refreshing and sweet, unique."

Everyone around him also breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the storm had completely dissipated.

But in Zuo Mengeng's mind, this matter was very big.

"Do you still have the seeds of this fruit?"

Cheslett blinked, wondering why Zuo Mengeng cared so much about it when it was just a kind of fruit.

"I also carefully collected the fallen seeds. I plan to wait until spring when the flowers bloom before planting them again."

"Hahaha, great! It's really great!"

Zuo Mengeng felt relaxed and very happy.

Xu Ruolin didn't know why.

"You're not a glutton, so why do you value this thing so much?"

Zuo Mengeng carefully gathered the fruits on the pizza together and said solemnly: "The yield of this fruit is very considerable, and it tastes delicious. It is also of great benefit to the human body. If it can be widely planted in China, not only can it

Enriching people's daily diet can also help many people in poor areas become rich."

The fruit that he valued so much was the apple that would become ubiquitous in later generations.

Although there has already been a similar apple variety called Ringo in China, it cannot be compared with apples in any case.

The real apples were not introduced until the Daoguang period in the 19th century.

Zuo Mengeng didn't expect that because Cheslett liked to eat apples, he brought apple seeds with him when he came to China.

Chester didn't know the significance of this either.

After she settled down here, she planted apples in the yard of her residence by herself. She did all the breeding information silently, so the outside world didn't know about it at all.

If the apples hadn't matured today and Cheslett had taken them out and made them into pizza toppings, I'm afraid this matter would have continued to be delayed.

Zuo Mengeng asked Chester to get some intact apples.

"You see, this kind of thing is as big as a fist and has plump flesh. A single tree can produce a lot of them. Just selling it for money is a big income. And this kind of tree can be cultivated in hills and mountains.

During this period, we can restore the vegetation on the mountainous areas without competing for land with fertile farmland. It can be said that it kills multiple birds with one stone."

Thanks to Zuo Mengeng's efforts and persistence, Xia Guo already had a preliminary concept of environmental protection.

Gold and silver mountains are not as good as green waters and green mountains, and they are also remembered by many people.

Especially in the Yimeng Mountain area, years of vegetation restoration work have made people clearly feel the changes in the environment.

On the one hand, planting apple trees can produce something, and on the other hand, it can enrich the vegetation in the mountains like other trees. Indeed, as Zuo Mengeng said, it is a good thing that achieves multiple things with one stone.

"Where's Chen Zilong? Call him over immediately."

Now that apples have appeared in China, Zuo Menggeng decided to immediately start research and cultivation, and vigorously promote them.

And to do this, the best person in charge is Chen Zilong, who is in charge of agriculture.

However, Fu Xinyuan left in a hurry and came back in a hurry, with a very strange expression on his face.

"Your Highness, Chen Zilong is in trouble."

Zuo Mengeng's face turned cold.

"What's going on?"

Although Chen Zilong has been busy with agricultural work in recent years and has lost his literary talent in his previous life. But after all, he is a senior official of the Xia Kingdom. Who dares to cause trouble for him?

But when Fu Xinyuan talked about the reason, everyone's expressions were very exciting.

"Minister Chen's first wife rushed over from Songjiang Mansion, making a fuss, and even blocked Director Liu's door. Now this matter has made such a fuss that Director Liu can't hold his head up. Minister Chen can't bear it anymore.

He simply submitted a divorce petition to the Supreme Court. But his first wife refused to agree, cried, made a fuss, and hanged herself. The situation was beyond control."

Zuo Mengeng listened carefully and tried to hold back a smile, but he couldn't hold it back.

Chen Zilong, Chen Zilong, even if time and space change, you have to go through the same thing again.

The emotional scandal between Chen Zilong and Liu Rushi is also a highlight in history books.

Although it was a pity that the two finally parted ways, it became a famous gossip.

When Chen Zilong was young, his father decided to marry the daughter of Shaoyang County Magistrate Zhang Guiduan.

But this kind of fate from his parents was obviously not what Chen Zilong wanted. Therefore, after marriage, the relationship between him and his wife had always been indifferent.

When Chen Zilong was young, he loved traveling around, making friends and interviewing people. On the surface, he looked cool and bold, but secretly he was not satisfied with his married life.

It was while traveling around that he met Liu Rushi.

When this literary young man met a literary young woman, it was natural that the dry wood touched the fire and burned quickly.

The two of them fought fiercely and were like glue, and they swore an oath to each other and wished they could become one person.

But their affairs were found out by the original wife Zhang.

Mrs. Zhang is also a fierce person, running to the south building and causing trouble like a tigress.

Chen Zilong's family elders were also very dissatisfied and put pressure on him.

In the end, Chen Zilong could only break up with Liu Rushi with great sadness and anger, and he would only focus on literature, politics and other fields for the rest of his life.

But in this life, Chen Zilong was enlightened by Zuo Mengeng, and he got out of the stage of retreat early and became a man of practical work.

But the clever thing is that because Liu Rushi also came to Shandong, the two still met.

Fate is something that really cannot be described.

Maybe there was something attracted to each other between them, so they came together again.

Although different from the previous life, the relationship between the two of them now is quite rational and calm. But no matter what, Chen Zilong still has a family.

The existing marriage has become the biggest obstacle between him and Liu Rushi.

The incident broke out when Chen Zilong returned home.

Just last year, Chen Zilong's father passed away due to illness, and he rushed back to Songjiang to handle the funeral arrangements.

Because the rules and regulations of the Xia Kingdom did not allow official Ding You to live for three years. Therefore, after Chen Zilong settled the funeral affairs, he wanted to return to Shandong and return to work.

Mrs. Zhang was extremely happy in her heart about his return home.

After all, she and her husband have not seen each other for many years, and she is almost a widow at home.

But when she saw Chen Zilong hurrying back and leaving again, becoming a stranger to her, Zhang completely exploded.

The two had a big quarrel and broke up.

Seeing this, Chen Zilong simply proposed a divorce.

This marriage was not what he wanted anyway, but because of his father's face, he had to bear it.

Now, he feels that he needs to strive for happiness for himself.
This chapter has been completed!
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